This site has become a pessimistic pit. Good Lord. It’s the NCAA tournament, the games are supposed to be tough. But they’re an 8 and we’re a 1 for a reason. Have a little faith. Jeez!

Best posts made by ZIG
RE: Seton Hall
RE: The beginning of the End?
Great post!
Don’t forget ESPN throwing their lot in with Bruce/ Caitlyn Jenner this year at the ESPY’s. This was obviously done to appease their liberal agenda and resonate with the LGBT community, which is fine, but I think it will backfire on them. More and more people are getting sick and tired of having that lifestyle shoved down our throats by the media. And now we have to stomach it in our sports too!!! Ridiculous. And I don’t think twice about turning the channel when ESPN is on, unless there is something in the world of sports that I want to see the results of when college bball season isn’t on. ESPN is simply getting too big for it’s own good, and when that happens, usually a fall in predictable. We may be, indeed, witnessing the beginning of the end for ESPN. Let’s all hope.
RE: Miracle In The Fieldhouse
I’m not going to lie, I had my finger on the “off” button of the remote. But I heard Dukie V ragging on the KU fans who were leaving. I thought he was right, I’m going to watch the end of this train wreck if it gives me an ulcer or not. You cannot explain that ending. That is some serious juju/ mystique going on there. The Phog is real! Plus, we have Bill Self. That man is a genius is in late game situations. He is an expert at extending the game. Not taking anything away from the players, though. They made the plays at the end. All the credit to them.
@HighEliteMajor I see what you are saying about forcing the action inside when we clearly are more of a threat from the outside. But I think you underestimate Coach. I think he knows we win that game going away if we play as we did against UT. I really think a lot of it is Self not wanting to show his hand. I think there is more at play, psychologicly, than you give him credit for. He wants out team to be proficient and feared in more than 1 aspect of the game.
RE: Unreal - The Power of Self.
@HighEliteMajor Where is the real HEM, and who the hell are you?!.. Great observation on the toughness of Coach and how he IMPOSES that on his teams. This team lacks a lot of things, but I has an abundance of toughness. A quality that is essential in competition
RE: Wiggins Rookie of the Year, but not this way.
The only reason that it’s perceived that Wiggins is playing better than expected, is because of the East coast pundits that tried their best to convince us that Wiggins was inferior to Parker. We who saw his talents on full display last year for 35 games, knew he was destined for super stardom.
RE: KU Played Bad, OSU Played Worse; Predicted--KU +10, Actual--KU +10
Lucas might not have had a TO in the box score, but he muffed a pass from Graham that was an easy dunk. Fumbled it right out of bounds. You know, the same thing Perry does every time he has the ball in traffic. I’ll bet if you shake Perry’s hand, it is one of the weakest, limp-wristed handshakes ever. Grab ahold of it tight Perry! Frustrating!
RE: And the winner for Hustle play of the year goes to Jamari Traylor
@wrwlumpy Look who’s creeping in the background btwn Self and BDavis
RE: TGIF in Hell
@KUSTEVE Yes, he’s quite skilled at keeping conflict going. He’s like a child who has to get the last word every time. The shame is that he actually does have some intelligent takes, they just tend to be overly pessimistic and he can’t handle and sort of challenges to that pessimism. I learned my lesson long ago to not engage him, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue w fools, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.”
RE: Cliff staying or going?
@icthawkfan316 I hate to disagree w you, but I think that Embiid played at a very high level as a frosh. I also believe that he was as high ranked as #9 by ESPN when it was all said and done.
RE: Give up 20+ offensive rebounds then don't expect to win...
@nuleafjhawk Dude, this team maybe a little stupid and careless at times, but they most certainly have heart. And a lot of it. You don’t fight back as many times as they have this year if u don’t have heart. I know it was a tough loss, but don’t make such outlandish statements.
RE: KU Finds Itself: Welcome to Bad Ball
@jaybate-1.0 I don’t know jaybate, I think you’re being overly harsh, to make your point. We weren’t lucky to win this game. We gutted out an ugly game.
We out rebounded UT and had 10 (!) blocks… Without Cliff. That signifies a motivated from front court.
We were as hungry, in the Reb dept, as we’ve been in a while. Texas didn’t give us that. That, we earned.
RE: Do we really want Zim?
@JhawkAlum I totally agree. I want nothing to do w this type of a kid. I know OADs are a necessary evil right now, but I say stay away from ones like these. Go play for Kentucky where they promote the me first, selfie generation. I prefer the humble types like Wiggins and Oubre.
RE: Diallo a Jayhawk
@Shanghai_RCJH It’s crazy! A few idiots have hijacked that site and it’s a non-stop bitch fest. They can’t even revel in a little good news from time to time. There was seriously a contingent that was trying to spin this signing as meaningless. And that Self simply lucked out by signing Diallo. I tired of posting responses to that kind of drivel long ago. Now I just stop by to read the articles. The train wreck that ensues in the comment section, is enough to drive you to drink.
RE: 2017 - #1 and the streak ends!
@autohawk Stoolwater… I have to admit, I had a chuckle at that
RE: ISU game Saturday just became even more dangerous
@jayballer54 Baylor did us a HUGE favor. ISU was going to be pumped for this game regardless. It might have been the reason they lost tonight. But now, a loss at ISU doesn’t hurt us nearly as bad. Because we were likely to lose Saturdays game anyway, now it means less if we do. And if we win, we widen our lead that much more. So yeah, Baylor helped us out big time tonight
@icthawkfan316 " “How would either of the last two KU squads have finished the year with this kind of PG play?”
What a great question! And the implication that the last 2 KU teams would have thrived with this years PG play, is spot on.
RE: So you love the high low?
@DoubleDD And every three we took was horrible. I think the last one by Selden that rimmed out was the only good one we took all game. Frank Mason looked liked he didn’t know how to shoot tonight AT ALL. He was like a golfer w the yips… Meanwhile, KState hits every single meaningful shot.
RE: So you love the high low?
@VailHawk Yes we did. By Bruce F ing Weber. This ones on Self. Him and every player that doesn’t take care of the ball. How many f ing turnovers do we think we can spot a team? Newsflash! You guys aren’t good enough to spot other teams TOs, but ,alas, we do
RE: The Myth Of Three Point Defense And Ellis Success
@HighEliteMajor Did you ever think that Self is protecting the long ball strategy for when he needs it most? The postseason?
I think Self knows how to win Big12 games and championships. He knows that he can impose his will on the rest of the league and tough out championship. He knows that hi/ lo wins confrence games. I mean, he has the statistical data to back it up.
But if he goes out every game now and runs an outside in gameplan, then he is “showing his hand”, so to speak. Why give tournament teams a wealth of video to study up on you and scheme to stop? Why not forcibly make this team good or efficient at the hi/ lo, so that when a team goes to shut that down, our 3 ballers will make it rain.Coach knows his team, I think you should give him a little bit of credit for being crafty here. I think he’s shaping this team to be the ultimate conundrum come March. He has a bit of sneaky devil in him, as we saw in the 2012 tournament with the junk defenses.
It’s hard to argue w your logic, I would just tell you that, maybe, his plan is a bit more than surface deep. RCJH
RE: Apocalypse Now!: The death of Platoon.
@DoubleDD Interesting angle… I like where your going w it. Big time corporations think, think and re-think the multitude of variables out there. And you bring up a good point that, they would have to consider.
@wrwlumpy I love Forte’s face in that pic. He looks to be in some serious pain. Like he just ran into a brick wall… Or has a bad case of the runs
@ParisHawk They’re all the same. This is a war on the West by ISLAMIC RADICALS. It doesn’t matter if u live in the US, France, Britain, Germany, etc. They want us all dead. And in the midst of it all, our IDIOT in charge say this was an attack on “all humanity” and "universal values ". What the F@$k does that even mean! Since no one with any balls will call these mf’s out and bring the fight to them, they will continue to think we are all weak and continue to terrorize us… May God bless Paris this day.
RE: Wasting Another Good Trey Balling Game on a Cupcake...Random or Indicative of Something Significant
@justanotherfan said:
This could be remedied if KU starts attacking the basket off the dribble.
Touching paint. This is exactly what this team needs. Whether it be Frank, Perry, Wayne or Graham (all capable), we need someone driving and dishing. Duke and UK are excellent at this and are very successful as a result. The last time we had such a player so capable AND so willing was Tyshawn Taylor. Nowadays, everytime someone drives, they think they need to put up a contested shot or try to draw a foul. When will they figure out that dishing out to the open man is a near unstoppable play? You are playing on the other team’s natural instinct to collapse and help when an opposing player has broken down the defense. This doesn’t guarantee the shot will be made, but I’d rather take a chance with an open 3 with our crop of shooter, then to see Perry try to muscle (yeah right) it up against 2 or 3 defenders. Or to see Wayne flail in trying to draw a foul.
RE: a Little Christmas humor? jolly
@jayballer54 I’m guessing a Kentucky board is the birthplace of this factually wrong drivel.
Kevin Durant and Texas lost to KU in 07 ( I believe) at AFH (I know bc I was there), His only regular season meeting w the Jayhawks. They met again in the Big12 championship, which they lost again. Both epic games. That team had Julian Wright on it so it was the year before the 08 championship team.
RE: How did we win that game?? At the line
@hawkmoon2020 He sure did! And I was cursing him all game wondering where the hell he had disappeared to this season. But he re-emerged at just the right time! Hopefully this gets him going, because w/out him, our team is basically Frank, Josh and Lucas.
RE: Miracle In The Fieldhouse
@jayballer54 Good point. But he needs to sustain that level of play, consistently, in order to maximize his draft potential. I think he’s disappeared at times this season… But tonight, who cares?! He was the man when we needed him most!..
and I’m sorry to do this, but I’m so hyped right now. I’m going to steal your tag line… ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY!!! Apologies if I messed it up or offended you -
RE: Marcus Garrett SR Highlights
Love a lot about this kid, especially his length. I’m a little worried about his low release point on his jumper though. Fast closing, athletic defenders will block that. He does have a quick release, and his height will negate that to some degree. Either way, this kid has me excited. Senior year Tyshawn made me fall in love with tall guards who can drive the ball!!!
RE: Josh really irritated the celtics.
Great point. They wouldn’t have thought twice about canceling on a player, but when it happened to them, it has to be a story? Lighten up Ainge, it’s a business remember?
RE: Time for a Defensive philosophy change
It just seemed, to me, that Jay Wright and company, had a plan and worked that plan. On the other hand, we looked like our plan was to hope they missed shots. Self even said after the game that they knew V was going to have to miss shots in order for us to win. OOOPS! We have 6 days to prepare and that’s the strategy we come up with? Could we have at least put some pressure on the shooters? Practically all of their looks were WIDE open.
All frustration aside, we did overachieve this year, and we have a ton to be proud of/ thankful for. Making the FF is a huge accomplishment. It just looked like we ( Bill Self’s staff primarily) were content with being there, while Jay Wright and company were there to do work. Props to them.
RE: Alexander/Oubre vs. Other Top 15 Players
Oubre has very obvious talent. Once he learns a couple of the basic principles that Self is trying to drill into him, he’ll get the minutes. He’s too talented not to.
RE: Oubre Mystery: NO MYSTERY AT ALL
Great post. Spot on analysis of why he isn’t playing. The eye test tells you he belongs out on the court, so it’s probably a matter of not being good enough defensively or not knowing the offense well enough. But it’s just a matter of time before it clicks and he busts out of his shell, ala Perry Ellis 2/3 the way into his Frosh year. Hang in there young fella!
RE: Unexpected KU Precedents Continue Against Kent State
@HEM, Kentucky is winning the national title this year. I know that we’re supposed to expect National titles every year, but not this year. Everyone is playing for 2nd. And that is ok.
This year we should expect, and hope for, progress. If they win the BIG 12, I’ll be estatic. And when our Defensive intensity is up, we’ll be a hard out come March. Which would be a significant stepping stone for next season. With the depth of this year’s draft, KUs team could be the same next year. As long as this team figures out what Bill is preaching, and they continue to make progress (there’s that word again), we should be happy Jayhawk fans this year. Because, don’t forget, we’re all playing for 2nd this year.
RE: The Genius Forges an Inside Out/Outside In Team/Yes, KU Barring Injury, Will Win Conference with One Loss
@jaybate-1.0 said:
" The steel tempered before our eyes the last four minutes and a team was born. "
Great line
RE: How's this season going to end?
@DoubleDD I’d say Kentucky in 2012 was the wire to wire favorite and they came through.
RE: TGIF in Hell
@ParisHawk Such a good point! The did away w anonymity to curtail the personal attacks. Now they go after each other even more. LMFAO! When the good posters left, that just created a vacuum for others to fill. Unfortunately, those posters have nothing intelligent to add to the conversation, so they personally attack to get attention. Smh
RE: Change In Zone Offense - Odd vs. Even Man Front
@HighEliteMajor Thanks for that. Something I never would’ve caught watching it in real time. I appreciate the quick XO lesson. Keep it up
RE: Give up 20+ offensive rebounds then don't expect to win...
@nuleafjhawk You’re good man. You are a great contributor on this site and the “other” one in your former life. Rock Chalk!.. However, giving up 20+ O Rebs is unacceptable.
RE: Ignominous Infamy Awaits...
@nuleafjhawk I really don’t know. I think he’s stubborn as all get out, a quality that has helped him get to the point where he is now. But also a quality that is his undoing right now. Maybe losing to confrence champ streak is what he needs to regain some desire. I guess that even the best can get complacent from time to time.
RE: It seems??
@DoubleDD I’m with you, I bet it’s contact w an agent or the family taking some money from one.
RE: Time for a little rest.
@jayballer54 I don’t agree. I say play them like the whole season is on the line. Coach them like you were Rick Barnes andyour job depended on it. And don’t let up until the final buzzer… Of course this is only because I’m going to the game with my whole family.
It’s funny, after last Monday s game vs KSU, I was sure the OU game would be meaningless and I was going down there to watch the Jayhawks be throttled in their way to giving up the streak. On 1 week has passed and the game is still meaningless, however, it’s on the total opposite side of the spectrum! Gotta love college hoops. No sport is as unpredictable and, to me, more enjoyable. Which gets me thinking, if you’re a gambler and try to make your nut on college hoops, you’re probably not winning much money.
@JayHawkFanToo What im simply saying is what HEM says well just above. That if Perry is healthy, he should play. He shouldn’t be held out because we think we can win w/out him, or to use it as a chance to get our bench more playing time. Coach Self says yesterday that’s hes 100% and that he’ll play. Yet today there going to sit him. Presumably to get an extra day of rest. I don’t agree w that. That’s how you lose games that you normally should win. And I don’t buy the argument that this is a meaningless tourney. BS. This tourney is a perfect tuneup for the next one and we should want to win them all. I don’t remember our 2008 team mailing in the conference tournament. We should have a burning desire to win EVERY game on our schedule. Not just the "important " ones.
Cool BIO on the Morris twins
Since I’m a tech idiot, just google search: “the evolution of the morris twins sbnation”.
Loved Joe Dooley’s comment about their 1st practice.
RE: If a KU team plays an exhibition game and there is 0 coverage,
I agree that the value isn’t in the publicity, but for Christ’s sake, can an American team that is competing against the world in a very popular sport, get SOME recognition? ESPN showed highlights, last year, of Kentucky competing in that Bahama tourney. Why is that?.. But i do think that it will play to our advantage in the long run. When we are in mid-season form in November and Dec, no one will know that its because we’ve been playing together since June.
RE: KU vs. Russia
Have you ever had a “Ceasar”? It’s the Canadian version of a Bloody Mary. Very tasty
. They use Clamato instead of straight tomato juice.