This site has become a pessimistic pit. Good Lord. It’s the NCAA tournament, the games are supposed to be tough. But they’re an 8 and we’re a 1 for a reason. Have a little faith. Jeez!

Best posts made by ZIG
RE: Seton Hall
RE: The beginning of the End?
Great post!
Don’t forget ESPN throwing their lot in with Bruce/ Caitlyn Jenner this year at the ESPY’s. This was obviously done to appease their liberal agenda and resonate with the LGBT community, which is fine, but I think it will backfire on them. More and more people are getting sick and tired of having that lifestyle shoved down our throats by the media. And now we have to stomach it in our sports too!!! Ridiculous. And I don’t think twice about turning the channel when ESPN is on, unless there is something in the world of sports that I want to see the results of when college bball season isn’t on. ESPN is simply getting too big for it’s own good, and when that happens, usually a fall in predictable. We may be, indeed, witnessing the beginning of the end for ESPN. Let’s all hope.
RE: Miracle In The Fieldhouse
I’m not going to lie, I had my finger on the “off” button of the remote. But I heard Dukie V ragging on the KU fans who were leaving. I thought he was right, I’m going to watch the end of this train wreck if it gives me an ulcer or not. You cannot explain that ending. That is some serious juju/ mystique going on there. The Phog is real! Plus, we have Bill Self. That man is a genius is in late game situations. He is an expert at extending the game. Not taking anything away from the players, though. They made the plays at the end. All the credit to them.
@HighEliteMajor I see what you are saying about forcing the action inside when we clearly are more of a threat from the outside. But I think you underestimate Coach. I think he knows we win that game going away if we play as we did against UT. I really think a lot of it is Self not wanting to show his hand. I think there is more at play, psychologicly, than you give him credit for. He wants out team to be proficient and feared in more than 1 aspect of the game.
RE: Unreal - The Power of Self.
@HighEliteMajor Where is the real HEM, and who the hell are you?!.. Great observation on the toughness of Coach and how he IMPOSES that on his teams. This team lacks a lot of things, but I has an abundance of toughness. A quality that is essential in competition
RE: Wiggins Rookie of the Year, but not this way.
The only reason that it’s perceived that Wiggins is playing better than expected, is because of the East coast pundits that tried their best to convince us that Wiggins was inferior to Parker. We who saw his talents on full display last year for 35 games, knew he was destined for super stardom.
RE: KU Played Bad, OSU Played Worse; Predicted--KU +10, Actual--KU +10
Lucas might not have had a TO in the box score, but he muffed a pass from Graham that was an easy dunk. Fumbled it right out of bounds. You know, the same thing Perry does every time he has the ball in traffic. I’ll bet if you shake Perry’s hand, it is one of the weakest, limp-wristed handshakes ever. Grab ahold of it tight Perry! Frustrating!
RE: And the winner for Hustle play of the year goes to Jamari Traylor
@wrwlumpy Look who’s creeping in the background btwn Self and BDavis
RE: TGIF in Hell
@KUSTEVE Yes, he’s quite skilled at keeping conflict going. He’s like a child who has to get the last word every time. The shame is that he actually does have some intelligent takes, they just tend to be overly pessimistic and he can’t handle and sort of challenges to that pessimism. I learned my lesson long ago to not engage him, as Mark Twain once said, “Never argue w fools, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.”
RE: Cliff staying or going?
@icthawkfan316 I hate to disagree w you, but I think that Embiid played at a very high level as a frosh. I also believe that he was as high ranked as #9 by ESPN when it was all said and done.
Latest posts made by ZIG
RE: Charlie Moore transferring
Jahvon Quinnerly (probably totally butchered that spelling) is transferring from Nova. Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t KU one of his final options? If so, do you think Self goes after him, ala M. Newman?
RE: Self vs Shaka III: Blood Feud
@DanR I’ve been saying this same thing. Unless he becomes a freak about nutrition, I don’t see how he does plump up majorly
RE: Doke
@Statmachine Embiid has never been a 1 dimensional player. At least not since he was at KU. Dude has been dripping with talent in multiple phases of the game since his Frosh year.
RE: Time for a Defensive philosophy change
It just seemed, to me, that Jay Wright and company, had a plan and worked that plan. On the other hand, we looked like our plan was to hope they missed shots. Self even said after the game that they knew V was going to have to miss shots in order for us to win. OOOPS! We have 6 days to prepare and that’s the strategy we come up with? Could we have at least put some pressure on the shooters? Practically all of their looks were WIDE open.
All frustration aside, we did overachieve this year, and we have a ton to be proud of/ thankful for. Making the FF is a huge accomplishment. It just looked like we ( Bill Self’s staff primarily) were content with being there, while Jay Wright and company were there to do work. Props to them.
Jesse Newell player profiles
If any of you haven’t seen them yet, J. Newell has 2 great reads on Malik and Svi, recently. I’m not tech-savvy enough to link them here, but if you Google, they should be pretty easy to find.
RE: Seton Hall
@kjayhawks No one said you didn’t have a right to your opinion. You most certainly do. It’s just a pessimism vs. optimism thing. The chances that KU plays EXACTLY like they did yesterday, are slim. But if they do, they’ll probably get beat. Oh well. I choose to believe that they’ll rise to the challenge and play like the better team that they are. That’s not to say I won’t need a roll of TUMS next to me during the game though!
RE: Seton Hall
This site has become a pessimistic pit. Good Lord. It’s the NCAA tournament, the games are supposed to be tough. But they’re an 8 and we’re a 1 for a reason. Have a little faith. Jeez!
RE: Bracket Construction - MW
@Crimsonorblue22 Marsha’s incessant whining is causing him to get bad bracket positions as well. BTW, we might end up playing New Mexico St, who is coached by former WSU drunken, ass grabbing asst. Chris Jans. My question to you is…if Jans went out with Marsha, and Mrs Marsha, which drunken lush would grab ass the first…Jans or Mrs. Marsha?
This is so good. LOL… I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to grab Mrs. Marsha’s ass, btw. She might turn the tables on you real quick and start grabbing back!
RE: Kansas State Wildcats - 6 pm - ESPN (HI-YO SILVIO!)
@BShark Can you confirm that the Watch ESPN app isn’t working? I’m hopeful that it isn’t just particular to my house…
BTW, I waited to watch game until my wife got home from shopping. Just found out the DVR didn’t record for some reason. Shoulda just watched it when she was gone