You can read the full GQ article on Andrew Wiggins on their website here (though it’s kind of weird that they superimposed my body on his head during the photo shoot).

Best posts made by slaterman
GQ Article on Andrew Wiggins
RE: How do Favourites and Reputation Work?
"Favourite"ing posts that you like is just like the “thumbs up” on the KUSports website. It just shows that you thought the post was a good comment or funny or whatever. You can also go to your profile page and click on the “Favourites” button to see all the posts you have favorited in the past.
When you see the number next to your reputation, it shows you how many people have favorited your posts. So, if someone has a huge reputation, it means that, in general, people like what they say on the site.
As far as being British, maybe @approxinfinity thinks it makes us classier than KUSports
RE: Local (to you) Digs to watch KU
Oh, and you’re wife would love the fact that Stoney’s is also an Oklahoma bar. They have flags of the team and watch parties there too, I think (although they’re not the Jayhawks so who really cares
RE: Kansas vs Duke...anybody going...predictions??
I’m thinking Wiggins shows up in a big way for this game. The knock on him has been his motor. Some say that’s because he takes it easy against weak opponents, so I would think he should do well in this game at least.
RE: Moderator rights for all!
I think this would be a good idea as long as you are able to maintain some sort of veto/reinstatement power. Seeing as you’re the creator of the site, I think that only sounds fair. Also, I noticed that you can favorite your own posts, so if you want to go by reputation, we would need to remove that function otherwise everyone would be able to manage threads.