and I can’t wait to see them play again this summer. I miss the team already!

Best posts made by RockChalkChamps
I love KU basketball
RE: Post-game Roundup: Kansas vs SDSU
Well, as a team, we didn’t play well today and lost by just four points to a fellow top 25 team. It’s not as if we lost to a TCU - caliber team. We’ll be fine.
With that said, I don’t like losing. Ha. And I cringe when we shoot three pointers now. It doesn’t matter who is shooting the trey, I grit my teeth. I know you have to shoot them to make them, but do we have to shoot so many?
RE: Frank Mason hmmmmm?
I’m intrigued by what appears to be a Brannen Green mustache.
Who's excited KU basketball games start tonight?
Babies Mangino and Reid are excited!