Regardless of political affiliation or passionate dogma, this visit was an honor to our hoops program, a chance meeting which fired up our student-athletes. What better site for the most prominent leader in the world to make a public show than the University of Kansas, which represents a big chunk of the origin of the game we so well cherish? Bill Self and minions were very appreciative and energized. A dandy tribute to Jayhawk Basketball. Rock Chalk!

Best posts made by REHawk
RE: Some Things President Obama May Have Kidded with Bill and His Staff About
RE: Bragg
Red Rooster, I note that you are very active this sunny but frigid Midwest New Years Day a.m. Here’s hoping all is well at your residence, and the best of health and happiness to you and yours, 2018.
RE: Jamari arrested early this morning.
This incident occurred at an especially explosive moment, as the country has been reeling from innercity mayhem involving police and black citizens. Jamari grew up on the streets (literally) in the heart of innercity Chicago. Although he has forged an almost ideal life for himself in the world of USA competitive basketball, his experiences and natural inclinations might yet draw him toward jeopardy involving late-night policing situations. Whatever happened, I wish for him the very best. I would hope that Lawrence, KS, has become a fairly safe comfortable home. It appears that members of our coaching staff have served as important role models and parent figures. Time now for him to do a bit of soul searching and reflection, adjust his offcourt friendships and activities, return quickly to the avenues which will lead him toward future security. This incident does not reek of Goofy Giddins’ latenight fiasco, or of Little’s latenight violence at his girlfriend’s quarters, or of Brady M’s reckless DUI. I hope that Self and Co. can quickly unravel details, mete out whatever punishment might be called for, and get Jamari back on track. We really have needed a more focused JamBam in our lineup. Also, as an afterthought, if the Lawrence police force or whatever law enforcement service might possibly have over-reacted, I would hope that the handling is addressed and re-evaluated accordingly. Sensitive times right now most everywhere on the dark streets of America…
Graham's assist to turnovers
In current stats, league play only, Graham: 13 assists, 0 turnovers! Mason: 16/8.
RE: Border War to start back up??
Any team but Mizzou. Invite Wichita State to AFH or Sprint Center, why not. Mizzou turned its back on a 100 year old rivalry. Shun them forever!
RE: So you don't like Mitch?
Seems as though every season my wife and I pick a Jayhawk favorite player. This season, Mitch is our guy. I really derive chuckles, referring to him as Lightfeet. The kid is blessed with “B” level topflight Div. 1 skill and “A++” enthusiasm. We hope he is around for 5 seasons. This program needs a Mitch Lightfoot.
RE: When the eff are we getting Billy?!?!
@chriz Billy can’t depart. No transportation. His Dodge is still nestled outside The Palace with a blown tire hanging off a front wheel.
RE: Coach Self shuts out Shaka...again.
The way I recall it (and I do admit that my recall has begun to fade) when Shaka took the Longhorn job, moving up from VCU, he was asked how he thought he might be able to compete against the likes of perennial league champion Kansas and Coach Bill Self. I think he might have committed the grievous cheeky error of referring to his previous win over Self in an NCAA Tournament. If that did indeed occur (and I am rather certain it did), Mr. Smart might live to regret his bold slip of tongue. It appears that humility might have been a better avenue to establishing himself and his program as respectable contenders.
RE: Frank continues to be Frank
@jayballer54 The kid is a class act…one of the best persons to appear in a Jayhawk uniform in the past 30 years or so. Bill Self has provided the KU fan base with some top quality recruits, and Frank is among the finest. As recent past citizens of the KU campus Frank Mason and Perry Ellis are about as good as it is ever going to be. Those two certainly help cancel out a bevy of former miscreants and mischief makers.
RE: Sometimes Your Real Opponent Is the Schedule
@jaybate-1.0 Now, jb, don’t be a’backin’ up on your recent prediction, even before the Austin trip, that our Jayhawks are destined to win out! HA! Surely, that assessment was posted tongue-in-cheek. That said, here’s my take on the upcoming 6-day/3-game schedule. We win at TCU because of talent mismatch, and because of two giant warnings: the huge upset down there a couple of years ago and TCU taking WVU to overtime Saturday. Self can squeeze by w/o the big amp Wed. night. The BIG AMP comes Saturday vs. Purple Invaders at AFH. Self himself is worth a couple of points, the field house is worth a couple, and the AMP seals the advantage. Weber crawls home to Manhattan dragging drooping dobber. Greatest threat is the quick turnabout game Monday night vs. ISU. Jayhawks dig deep into cache of PRIDE to pull out that victory. 10:45 p.m. Monday night, KU 8-1 in the league. Your earlier prognostication right on target! Ammo exhausted, but guns and manpower intact.
RE: LaVar , LaVar , LaVar - - Damn
@DoubleDD Hate? Showing my HATE? Aw, come on now, you’re sounding like one of my indigent welfare neighbors, guys who turned on me with that HATER label after I pointed out that the government was set to annihilate their medicaid benefits. Shucks, the only thing I ever absolutely hated was liver and onions, back when I was barely a teen. And hominy. Got burned with a leather belt one time for refusing to eat my mother’s cooking. Probably because of the belt; but I HATED those food items. Now have outgrown those emotions, and actually find liver and onions somewhat delectable. I don’t feel hate for our president, his family, inner circle or unwavering dumb supporters. What I have felt is a sense of surprise, shock, indignation and mirth. To bring my discourse back to the subject of this thread, I am getting a huge kick out of the current feud: TRUMP vs. BALL. The patriarch of some young American hoops stars denigrates the powerful leader of the Free World for not really doing much to help free his wayward son from Chinese captivity. Trump, iin a twist of furious irony, then declares that LaVar Ball is a “fool!” That stuff is more humorous than any of the Sunday comics. If the president would avoid speech and actions involving foreign relations or public morality, items of which he is either ignorant or out of 21st century tune, and stick with personal insults and braying about his omnipotence, then all of us could sit back in relief, chuckle with delight. Dagwood vs. Blondie! And heck, it looks as though Ivanka is standing tall vs. her audacious daddy in the Roy Moore debacle. Maybe Mr. Ball will find a foothold to squeeze his voice into that brouhaha. Not hate stuff, but MIRTH. Dontcha think?
@wrwlumpy Your recent string of photos has been absolutely FANTASTIC!!! Please keep up the good work.
RE: How did we miss out on this guy a nine iron from the campus?
Interesting to me that Cal chose the twins and WCS to sit at the press table with him, esp. knowing, as he must have, that those three had avoided the handshake line. I’ve come to cool my criticism of his coaching these past two seasons, but I still see him as an in-your-face personality whose natural bent borders on classless. He seems to fit well with UK basketball.
RE: KU and Self Lay Down Gauntlet vs. NCAA Eligibility Review
I am very pleased to note that Zenger and the university are pressing the issue, standing firmly behind Bill and his recruit in this case. In praising KU one of the LJW posters suggested that unless cleared to play, Cheick Diallo and the University will present a dynamic infomercial throughout the Maui Tournament, esp. if Jay Bilas is in the broadcast booth. If this situation is not quickly resolved, and in Cheick’s favor, I expect to see all hell burst forth.
Waco Tribune News
Scott drew has now announced new goals, saying that he and team would really prefer a Final Four or National Championship to a league title. New and revised goals on the Bear horizons.
RE: Juiston
What I like especially about this kid: He did not fold during the National JC Championship. Produced like a Frank Mason right to the very end of his eligibility.
Looks to be a quality addition to the squad, a kid whose mind and determination have always been in the right place concerning KU Basketball and playing for Bill Self. Another fine addition to our practice squad for next season, what with Moore and the Lawsons sitting out all year. As someone pointed out, our non-eligible practice squad and a few quality others will compose a team which could probably win most games before league play. Starters will be challenged daily in practices. Bill Self and staff are on a fine roll!
RE: More bad news
LJW article today quotes Self in praise of Marcus Garrett, especially accentuating his selfless play in willingness to fill positions 1-4, blending in well with the old timers, making them better. Self appears to be sending a direct message to newcomers who have chosen more selfish play. Dedric must have really rustled some coaching feathers. If his transgression can be transformed to an immediate turnaround this punishment might be a momentous occurrence for his own future in basketball…and for this current squad as well. If not, he will sit or quit. There exists 18 months of time for that in-house adjustment to take effect; which is a good thing unless a slow painful adjustment should become an ongoing program distraction or a threat to teammates.
Okay, Okay, I plead DUMB!
Well, it is past time for apologies to Bill Self and staff for my merciless criticisms after that collapse in Norman. Now I hear that starters pled with Self to leave Udoka on the court, regardless of his free throw shooting woes. It turns out that Doke got to work pronto to improve such weaknesses. Team unity soon improved to the point that it now is hailed as a well regarded strength of this team. Since that loss to the Sooners, Self evidently has done some really fine work with Vick and Newman. Once again, HOF coaching genius discreetly but effectively at work.
RE: Say it aint so, Bo :(
I really enjoyed watching Bo and his squad in the Tournament this season. What a fine job he did with Dekker and Kaminski. 40 years of coaching…WOW!
RE: New Tax Legislation
Wife and I represent low end of middle class U.S. citizenry. We are definitely opposed. In the past 3 years my generation has stepped into voting booths wearing blinders, ethnically angry and eager to tilt the stability of the greatest nation ever to serve as a dreamsite for the world. “Make America Great Again!” Bull hockey!
RE: Jamari arrested early this morning.
@KUSTEVE Steve, in my 73 years I have witnessed many examples of police overkill in dealing with black citizens. For 30 years I lived near and worked in a South KC residential community where, during the 1960s and 70s, if a black motorist was pulled over a second patrol car immediately joined the ticketing or warning or search process. Now I am an Ozark hillbilly who on two occasions observed the tasering of unco-operative lowlife white neighbors. I am well aware of the tough job facing law enforcement, esp. in latenight situations involving bar closings. But I also know that sometimes there exists a law enforcement inclination toward the overuse of force and command. The “protect and serve” rules get trampled sometimes during the process. For all I know, Jamari might have gotten off easy with the charge brought against him Sunday morning. But, yeah, I buy into the proposition that black citizens still sometimes face undue indignities by those who have been employed to protect and serve. And I am also aware that right now, in America, racial tensions have accelerated. Sad for the Jayhawks Hoops Community that Jamari was in the wrong place at the wrong time. I hope he does not remain bent over the incident. No doubt, Self and Co. will get his attention in a firm way. This team NEEDS him to be as focused and essential as he was alongside Tarick last season. Jamari has come along way too far from the streets of Chicago to allow for a personal backslide.
RE: ISU and the Risk of More Inside Out
@jaybate-1.0 I tend to frame most of my Jayhawk Hoops Thinking and Posting only along lines of Big 12 play. Especially at this stage of a Div. 1 hoops season, I wear blinders regarding post-league play. That was my approach to coaching, and that is the way I succeeded…and lost! I never lost a conference title, but, admittedly, ill-prepared my kids for state championship competition. My feeling was: Win the league; anything beyond is gravy. I still tend to feel that way, although I recognize that such thinking is diametrically opposed to that of most posters on this site, esp. High Elite Major. I do take pride and feel a sense of glory in post-season wins, but tend to see the big tournament as a crapshoot. I’d rather win the league title, then lose in 2nd round of the Tournament, than lose the Big 12 cup and advance to the Final Four. Heresy? HA! I think you might have touched deep truth regarding Bill’s thinking regarding the eventual outcomes for his current squad. I see him already thinking ahead. And, yeah, as much as I am opposed to the accumulation and loading of One-and Doners, he probably has decided to buy into the Kentucky/Duke flow. Sad, I feel. But must be done in order to compete successfully with such programs. Maybe a few Perry Ellises and Jeff Witheys can be offered and retained; but much more emphasis on fetching talent from among best 15 Rivals players to set foot on the planet annually. Kids already pencilled in to future lotteries. Stack em up at least five or six deep. But, Man O Man, how does Bill Self adjust his coaching to so many superathletes who will barely find time to read beyond page 10 of his playbook before they fly off and away? Can Bill adjust to frenetic life without a supporting bundle of third and fourth year knowledgeable and experienced players??? Can he continue to win…at his current 83+% pace? Does the Jayhawk Nation really give much of a damn, so long as KU advances yearly to the Final Four? Well, I ramble. Enough…for now.
RE: The Selden Factor
@icthawkfan316 Your post represents very much the essence of this entire site. We debate, argue, swing to and fro on the Selden/Greene pluses and minuses, then KABOOM!, a thoughtful commentator breaks in with GRAHAM! Lawrence Journal World Sports lost a veritable goldmine of daily attention when it blew off the folk who have moved along to this and other significant sites. I’d much rather read the daily Buckets entries than stay tuned in to LJW and KC Star professional sports reports.
RE: Bill Self and the Law of Averages: The difference between making waves and riding them
I’m striving to envision precisely how BIll Self might respond to this particular thread. In all due respect to the spectacular depth of hypotheses presented by very serious thoughtprovoking fans, I hear him declaring, “Bullcrap! Situation: 6 days, 3 games. First game, TCU, one of 2 current Big 12 bottomfeeders. Send my 'hawks out to play, no specific hype, just a stern warning regarding huge upset loss in Fort Worth a couple of years ago. Gotta start a freshman with the flu, baby another freshman with a throbbing sternum, cope with a junior starter who can’t get away with early multiple fouling, then manage apoplexy over a harum-scarum sophomore gunner who can’t find a means to get himself open. Toss into that mix another cold shooting night from my 2 guard, and HELL, what can people expect, at least on the offensive side of the charts? Call a few timely time-outs and DEMAND that remaining active troops at least play standard 21st century Jayhawk Defense. Bite down the bile over having to ride the dominance of my starting point guard for another 35 minutes, then pray for the best. We limp from the court with a win, carve another notch, then rev the engines for Saturday invasion of that gapingmouth undertaker at AFH! Ya SATISFIED???”
RE: A Juicy New Rumor About Cliff
I’m willing to wager that the equipment folks were told to pack a bag marked “CLIFF” for the trip to Omaha…just in case.
RE: Round of 32, Wichita State (29-4, 17-1 MVC), RPI 17
Shockers so hungry for this match-up, their front row fans will be peeing their pants.
RE: Cliff to Draft, But Whither Snacks?
If Snacks should happen to move on, I would hope that Self can unearth and unleash a wizard with a great mind for offense.
Oubre Hanging Tough
Oubre still listed somewhere between 8 and 12 in most of the updated NBA mock draft boards. Alexander, late First Round/early Second.
RE: Cheick Trivia
Aw, cheicks, awm jist a country boy from Mali. Lookin’ to play this game for cheickels and dimes.
RE: Random Stuff
This Diallo Eligibility Issue once again calls to account the crass manner in which the governing body deals with pawns on its chessboard. In this case an aspiring student athlete comes to the USA, is somehow funneled to an institution under investigation, spends 3 years of upwardly mobile effort, then is left dangling in the wind by the “system.” So now, this kid might have to pay a heavy price for the shortcomings of his school? And the subjective longwinded decision making of a high dollar organization which, historically, turns a blind eye to iniquities perpetrated by some of its toplevel member institutions of sport and higher learning? Diallo is a teenager who evidently was lured down a thorny path, and now finds himself dangling for months over a steep precipice.
Aw, come now, guys, you think that man ain’t toying with us???
@wissoxfan83 If Bragg or Diallo can manage to jump completely astride or over this guy, Bill Self will have to start him until midApril!!!
RE: I'm feeling Reality
I’m certainly not arguing with or taking a contrary approach to any fan or poster who wishes to see more minutes for Bragg and Diallo. Their game experience and development is essential to our going all the way this season. Outside of a few adjustments in past game minutes, I think BIll Self is protecting wins as well as the progress of those two in a steady forward fashion. The one huge factor in such development: the 2 freshman recruits are getting to practice with and against the C-3, a trio of experienced teammates who have accumulated 14 collegiate seasons among them. In terms of topflight Division 1 programs or future NBA drafts, our 3 experienced bigs might rank as only “B” class players; but they possess a world of savvy and know how. We are blessed with a C-5 who, at this juncture, appear to be injury free and on the incline. For another 30 days I see no way that the coaching staff can reduce the lineup to 8 primary players, except for game-to-game matchups and situations. There are 11 essential players on this current squad…not counting Vick.
RE: Where is @Red_Rooster?
Fascinating thing, discoveries of the real life travails of persons behind these Buckets monikers. For a long spell, I had thought of this person red rooster as someone I could tell, “Hey, after every Jayhawk loss I recommend devouring a batch of cow turds on hamburger buns”…and red rooster would give me a thumbs up! After today’s reading I find a human behind that moniker, and am moved to sympathize with his family plight. His THUMBS UP are much more meaningful and dear. Now I wait and hope to hear from High Elite Major and some of the other posters who have disappeared from our beloved site.
RE: Ten Random thoughts on Siena
I suspect that Bill is taking on his alignments 2 steps at a time, trying to uplift Bragg and Lucas first, then dealing with Doke’s current and future play. The one thing that Coach won’t allow is lack of effort. Udoka, if smart and determined, will grow from the benching and lack of minutes. No way will potential like his go unrewarded as the season moves forward. That kid is the best big man to come to Lawrence since JoJo. (emphasis on KID)
RE: here you go/ - -Bragg/Lucas no starts
Noteworthy action statement by our coach tonight, starting Udoka and Vick. Worked marvelously against a weak opponent, and appears to be a timely adjustment to the lineup. Whether injured or just not capable of adjusting to the revised rules in the paint, Lucas isn’t cutting it. Bragg is more of a puzzle. I recall a late spring or early summer comment by our brazen new behemoth, 7’, 295 and 16 years of age, proclaiming to amused Jayhawk followers that he, indeed, would become a starter on this current squad. Game #6, and Doke has arrived! At least for the moment. Perhaps for the duration if he is determined to clutch the brass ring and progress in the way of Joel Embiid. Bill Self has made a very timely and ballsy move tonight. Plenty of new drama and new hope in store for team and fandom, merrily awaiting the next stage in The Experiment.
RE: New Plan: Rebound with Guards, Score with Doke, Shorten the Game with Bragg and Big Luke, Bring on the Mothers
@KUSTEVE YES! And Mr. Mitch the Rebounder Lightfoot adds 12 pounds above his Light Feet!
RE: Carlton Bragg to Arizona State
I’m thinking that under the optimum situation Carlton can resurrect a promising career, end up in the professional ranks. Change of setting, different teammates and coaches. He left Lawrence w/o a messy exit, nor a whimper. I am pulling for him.
RE: Bill Self's "Big Ego," prohibits the Border War.
HA! If Self’s stance is “ego,” then kudos for ego! Mizzou athletics shot itself in the foot when bolting from a century-old league association…and that miserable institution was careless about the possibility of bringing the entire league down to the gutter with them. The Tiger hoops program has crashed and burned for several seasons. Yeah, yeah, they are said to be at verge of sudden upswing this year. I’m a Missouri taxpayer who awaits the next negative Mizzou sports debacle. How long before Cuonzo and Co. go up in flames?
SAYS COACH, of his 260 lb. newest walk-on:
“…maybe he can go out there and foul the heck out of somebody really hard.” “He’s a nice young man.” “He’ll hit you.” YO HO! Welcome to Jayhawk Basketball, Mr. Sosinski!
Looks to me as though Big Mitch has developed and attracted a mighty solid following among the buckets fan base. To date, he has persevered through much fan criticism; but now is earning his true due. These photos posted by wrlumpy are fantastic portrayals of the Mitch Lightfoot we are coming to know and respect. Mitch represents topflight Division 1 Basketball at its very best. Josh Jackson and Wiggins were a season of joy to host in this storied program. But guys like Mitch and Frank and Devonte and Tyrel, the 4 year developers and keepers, are like family. I know this sounds like a stretch, listing Mitch, at this stage, alongside those stat blazers; but I believe he is an essential representative to the health and future wellbeing of collegiate sport. That is why I hope that he can pull down a red shirt, perhaps next season. So that he can continue to grow and develop, returning to game action with a body and polished skills more conducive to personal and team success. Like Travis and Conner and Brady, his 5-year predecessors.
RE: Dok's back...
I tell you what, folks, we lose Doke for the long haul and we might as well start thinking about next season…as well as the end of The Streak. Bamba was quite impressive yesterday, but Doke also recorded some huge numbers. If he was entering that game with a “tweaked” back, there is cause for concern, esp. after he took the big fall. Doke is progressing nicely.
RE: Oklahoma Whiz Kid Revisited
I am deriving a fine set of chuckles from reading these Trae Young posts. I am quite old now, and, to be honest, have grown bored with most college basketball, other than, of course, gametime for the Jayhawks. But this Oklahoma kid is something else. A very rare treat for tired eyes. I watch him every time my tv offers the opportunity. Back in my teen years I got a huge kick out of the Harlem Globetrotters. This kid provides much of the same amazing play…and he is FOR REAL! I hope that I don’t disgruntle too many fellow posters with my worshipful zeal for a non-Jayhawk. I promise faithfully to cheer for his demise when once again we lace 'em up to encounter him. And by gum, I hope that Self and Doke are alert and ready! Lightfoot, too.
RE: NBA World game
Before JoJo is allowed back on the African continent he’ll probably have to notarize a commitment not to obliterate the lion population; wear shoes and restrain his activities to heavily populated areas and civilized sports facilities.
RE: Why Big Lies Work in Propaganda
When Mueller was appointed it was said that this investigation could take well over a year, maybe 18 months before conclusion. Dispiriting as it is that the Russia Issue seems to have curtailed the agendas of Congress and the Senate, much of the public focus would recede if the president would back off from his ceaseless attacks on the media and truth. The guy is a showman who chooses to dominate the limelight and to try to dominate his sphere. As for the health care agenda, does anyone doubt that he knows very little about the current details considered by the legislature? He just wants a victory. If that is too difficult or far reaching, then he would prefer to engage any and all opponents in weekly attention gaining battles of his own personal creations and psychological urgings. The guy is not designed for his current position and brazenly disregards the work and maneuverings necessary to move our nation forward. I would assume that his faithful fan base, for the most part, are the same folk who got swept up in his amusing hire 'em/fire 'em TV spectacle. Mr. Mueller and team appear to be moving forward with focus upon FOLLOWING THE DOLLAR.
Skilled, Willful, Arrogant and...
Obnoxious. The 80% Marcus Smart who plays winning, intuitively highly skilled collegiate basketball is a competitive force to be reckoned with. The 20% posturing flim-flam in-your-face performer is a private and public detriment, the eventual cost of which will torment any NBA franchise brave enough to gamble on the positive returns for a shaky investment. Last night Marcus Smart presented a testament to the mercurial person and player he really is. No escaping the juxtaposition of a marvelously shining yet disappointingly tarnished gifted athlete. Even while willing his team to victory he cannot avoid the tawdry gametime maneuverings and glib verbal taunts which illuminate his inherent psychological makeup. As a total package Marcus appears to be on track to become a sleepless nightmare for the coach and general manager who must pay the boundless cost of his controversial and challenging grandstanding. One thing for certain: the franchise which inherits him should now know full well the ups and downsides of the player being drafted.
RE: Balls twisted up by dad
That old man keeps braying, his talented son might drop out of top 3 draftees. Lookin’ good for our guy JJ!
RE: Why Big Lies Work in Propaganda
All this ceaseless and sustained boot licking of Mr. T in the presence of Mr. P., it has been suggested that their might exist unsightly videos or snapshots of Mr. T capering around in some backstage dressing room or Moscow bordello, nickers dropped to his bony ankles, backalong during Mr. T’s Moscow beauty pageant. How about that for a colorful scenario and plausible explanation for the current presidential kowtowing to the sly individuals currently perched in persuasive Soviet power?