I watched the last 6:54 of the game and didn’t post even ONE snide/snarky remark.
Anything is possible
I watched the last 6:54 of the game and didn’t post even ONE snide/snarky remark.
Anything is possible
@rockchalkjayhawk not real sure what you’re so worked up about. I LIKE napping to golf. The announcers speak in hushed monotone voices and its conducive to good naps. Sorry my nap routine is so upsetting ro you.
@rockchalkjayhawk . Some people actually have a sense of humor. Mute away
Who’s this Trump person people are talking about?
Do they mean President Ass-Face?
@bskeet i’ve been dreaming of football season since the November
I want Wilt to come back. In his current state he’s better than most of this team.
@bskeet I could only “like” your post one time, unfortunately.
@BeddieKU23 said in Lets take the lead into the first TV timeout!:
“I don’t have an answer for why 23-24 year old adults continue to make the same careless unforced mistakes.”
My opinion is that why shouldn’t they? They get paid whether they’re mistake free or not. They only have to show up and go through the motions. Nobody on this team (I guess) bleeds Crimson and Blue. There is no one playing currently that will ever write a book titled “Floor Burns”.
Same reason that people at my place of employment come in 20 minutes late, take days off that they don’t have PTO for, do a lackluster job on the rare occasions they are here. There are no consequences. Doing top-notch work and doing almost no work pay the same.
@approxinfinity But will it pass? Is this the end of the Kansas dynasty? Will we ever win a conference championship again? How many seasons will we stay out of the top 25? Sixteen years from now will Mizzou have as many Final Four appearances as us? Will we be K-State’s bitches from now on? Will we trade Basketball Championships for Livestock Judging Championships?
So many questions.
@approxinfinity Says every K-State fan everywhere. Not a slam against you. Just not something KU Basketball fans are used to hearing.
@kjayhawks Ol Roy didn’t give a shit about UNC either. Until he left us for them.
@approxinfinity Maybe the next game we should shoot for “Let’s not be behind at Tipoff!”
@drgnslayr It’s better to have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy. So I hear.
@kjayhawks Yeah - no crazy expectations. A good bowl game would be a great step in the right direction.
@dylans different strokes… I mean, for years I felt that way too. But since LL has been here, there’s a glimmer of hope. If you’re a KU fan, even a mediocre (not talking about you) fan - you were excited for football last year for the first time in a WHILE. It didn’t pan out like we wanted, but it still was good to have some anticipation. I feel that way about this coming season. Basketball - I’m used to total domination and being a meh team has no interest to me at all.
Is there any chance you could rename this site “KU Endzone” since many of us are now more interested in the oval ball than the round one?
@dylans another concept is that he sit on another team’s bench
@wissox Same. I’m old school enough that it’s important to me to "get to know "the players. Danny Manning was the epitome of that. He could easily have gone pro in his sophomore or junior year, but he came back for his Senior year and brought a NC home.
Those guys you mentioned , and others, mean nothing to me. So they were in Lawrence for a few months. Big whoop. Embid? (Did I even spell it right? ) He’s a great pro, I guess. Big deal for KU. He may as well have played for the Oklahoma School of Horseshoeing.
We’ll never see high caliber 4 year players again. Which is why I care less about college sports every day.
@drgnslayr So, if we can BE Houston, we can beat Houston?
@drgnslayr I’ll make a prediction - no matter if we win or lose, some people will be pissed. Take it to the bank.
@Crimsonorblue22 Just because you stay up late doesn’t make you a true fan. I’m guessing you’re retired, or don’t have to work early?
@benshawks08 I won’t know until tomorrow morning. There’s no way in H.E. Double Hockeysticks I’m staying up past midnight to find out.
Welp. Is everyone back on board? Does Billy still have a job?
@kjayhawks I haven’t watched a lot of TV when KU is playing
@kjayhawks I have a little crush on her. I don’t remember a movie or show of hers that I haven’t liked. Have you seen the show " The Equalizer"?
Is it just me or is Queen Latifah getting prettier as she gets older?
Is it just me or is a “Family Size” bag of chips the same size as a single serving bag you get in a vending machine?
Is it just me or does every single Hallmark movie have the same plot with different actors?
Is it just me or should the Farmer’s Almanac company be sued? "Warmer and drier winter than usual ". My ass.
@approxinfinity I was hiking through Yellowstone a couple of years ago and some random dude wearing a Michigan sweatshirt says to me " You’re going to like Dickinison". ??? OH - he’s referring to my KU sweatshirt.
Well, dumbass random hiker dude - wherever you are - you can have him back.
@SlimShaddy54 Whoever dreamed up this NIL/PORTAL garbage should be hung up by the kahonas in the town square. Then lit on fire. But with diesel, so it’s a slow burn.
It’s ruined college sports. I know I’ve ranted about it too much, but it’s because i USED to love college sports. Now I’d rather watch a movie, go fishing, go antiquing, pickup trash on the side of the road, organize fallen leaves by size & color - anything. I’m not wasting my time on this garbage anymore. ( I will, but not as much time as I used to…old habits die hard).
From an old fart’s point of view - college sports should be college sports. They should not be paid. They’re already getting a free education. And that’s fantastic, because nearly every single one of them will not be a professional athlete. They’re going to need that free degree in the real world. That’s enough. They don’t need a salary. They don’t need anything but to want to play sports for free.
@approxinfinity He’d probably just fish from shore with a cane pole while the rest of us are out trolling.
Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga
Ooga-Chaka Ooga-Ooga
I can’t stop this feeling
Deep inside of me
Bill, you just don’t realize
What you do to me
When you hold players
In your arms so tight
I just want to know
That everything’s alright
I’m hooked on a feeling
I’m high on believing
That you will set us free.
Man. I don’t know whether to admire those of you who watched the whole horror show last night or mock you. Are you great, die hard fans who never give up hope? Or just twisted sickos who like watching train wrecks?
I quit watching the 2022 NC game when we were behind 15 at halftime. I shouldn’t have, but I did. That was a different team. Capable of making a comeback. This team is not. We get down 15 now, it’s turn out the lights, the party’s over.
@SlimShaddy54 they’re going to get beat. It’s a fact. Turn the channel. Watch a good comedy. Or game show. Or a TV evangelist. Something not KU. Lol
@SlimShaddy54 remember your post the other day about stepping back? Just don’t stress yourself out, friend
@dylans I quit drinking a long time ago, but watching these guys feels just like a hangover. A bad hangover.
@wissox sorry. That was in response to your question of what will Bill say at halftime
@Crimsonorblue22 why should they care? They don’t have to make the roster. They’re getting a paycheck. No need for floor burns
Lord have mercy. I’ve got to find something else to watch. Y’all have a good night.
@kjayhawks True. And we all do process things differently.
@wissox honestly, I’d much rather be 23-2 and ranked Top 5. All the comments would look different.
@wissox different strokes for different folks.
Some of us handle these things with anger. Some sarcasm. Some apathy. Some encouragement. I’m in the sarcasm group (mostly)
I’m not really watching this crap now. But I’m having lots of fun with you folks