Whew!!! You yelled that just in the nick of time. I was about to whip out a recipe for a killer German Chocolate Cake.
Whew!!! You yelled that just in the nick of time. I was about to whip out a recipe for a killer German Chocolate Cake.
You’d drink too if you realized you just left KU for Wichita State !
Hope there’s not already another thread about this guy…
This guy is a BEAST. I am always comfortable when Frank and/or Devonte have the ball in their hands. I am always STOKED when Josh has it. What’s this guy gonna do next? One hand stuff from the free throw line? Crazy pass from the top of the key that no one else can make? Float in from halfcourt and finish with a two hand jam from Frank or Devonte? Make free throws in the clutch when everyone says he can’t shoot free throws? Block a shot? Play great defense?
This kid is amazing. Way better than…previous OAD’s and way, way, way better than what I expected at the beginning of the season.
I’d give up 3 years of football bowl eligibility to keep him here another 3 years.
I crack myself up.
I’ll go to early church and thank God that the sun came up. I could do it at home, but the church has really good music…
After church, I’ll go to late breakfast with my great brother in law and his incredible wife.
After that I’ll go visit my sister-in-law who has stage IV pancreatic and liver cancer.
Sometime tomorrow afternoon, I’ll call my 81 year old dad in Texas and see how he’s feeling after having a cancerous kidney removed on Monday.
Then I’ll call my two incredible kids in Kansas City and see how their week was.
I’ll prepare myself for the onslaught of BS at work on Monday. And you know what?
It won’t bother me one bit.
Rock Chalk
What made Frank (not even his season) is that he’s a Man. Not a punk. Does his job. Doesn’t complain when the calls go against him, doesn’t take credit when he puts the whole team on his shoulders (as he did many times in his career). He’s humble, determined (to the point of obsessed during the games), and smart. Can we PLEASE get the NCAA to allow him 3 or 4 more years of eligibility? If nothing else, just to be an example of what a college basketball player should be.
@Kip_McSmithers Going to Texas would give him the opportunity to lose to KU every year…
@drgnslayr I was talking with a friend this morning and said we’ve had this same conversation about a hundred players over the years.
Where are we going to find the next Aaron Miles? Jacque Vaughn? Danny Manning? Nick Collison? Raef LaFrentz? Sherron Collins? I mean this list could literally go on for hours.
But they do it. The coaches are out there constantly finding/making great talented kids who become Jayhawk legends. I am already stoked to see who the next one will be after Frank. (I wish he could stay another 4 years also!)
I think most people on here know how I feel about Josh Jackson - I think he is by far, without question the best OAD that we’ve ever had, and maybe ever will have. I love when he has the ball in his hands. But he will never in a million years occupy the space in my heart that Frank Mason or many, many other 4 year guys will have. Losing Frank is almost like a death in the family. I hope that doesn’t offend anyone who has recently lost a loved one, and i know i tend to exaggerate, but it’s kind of similar. There’s a grieving process to go through.
Hopefully the National Championship this year will relieve some of the grief.
A game at Allen Fieldhouse is really something spectacular - even if you’re not a KU fan. Here’s what I mean: Many years ago (2011- I googled it) I had two tickets to KU v Ohio State. We were ranked #13 and Ohio State was #2. My wife and I were friends with a gal whose husband was a big Buckeye fan. For some reason I still can’t fathom, I asked him to go to the game. I pick him up at his house and he’s decked out head to toe in Red/Gray. He didn’t even have the car door shut and he was running his mouth about how bad they were going to kick our butts.
So, I endured the 2 1/2 hour drive to Lawrence and we got there 2-3 hours early. We toured the whole place, saw everything there was to see- all the trophies, etc. Then we get into the fieldhouse and there’s the usual pre-game festivities. The chants, the videos, all the hoopla. I’d noticed for some time that he was getting quieter and running his mouth less. Just before tip-off he told me " This place is unbelievable - I have goose bumps - Ohio State doesn’t have ANYTHING like this ".
We could have gone home right then and I would have been happy. Fortunately we won.
It seems like this post went from Bill Self having heart issues to him being a staggering drunk. Unless he publicly says “Hey - I’m a staggering drunk”, everyone should probably quit talking about it. So he gains a few extra pounds. At 60 years old. I know a lot of heavy 60 year olds. And 20/30/40/50…you get the idea. He can afford good food now. He doesn’t have to eat beanie-weenies and kraft mac & cheese any more. He probably doesn’t like diet soda.
It would be like seeing your buddy’s wife wearing a short skirt and saying " I knew it. She’s a prostitute. For real. One of the main symptoms of being a prostitute is wearing a short skirt."
Grow up people. As far as I know, this is still a country where people are innocent until proven guilty. I’ll drink to that.
Section 3, paragraph 9: If a review will remotely, in any way shape or form benefit the University of Kansas, either now or a 100 years from now it is strictly forbidden.
To stay up and actually watch the games. It sucks getting up at 4:00 am every day…
To not whine about Self when he doesn’t do the right thing, which means doing it my way.
To read ALL of @jaybate-1.0 's posts (resolutions are never easy)
To not do my happy dance at work any time K-State loses. (my boss and practically everyone else who works here are purple)
To tell my wife that I’m having an online affair so she doesn’t get mad that I spend all my time with YOU guys and gals.
This late in the season, Is there a fix for bad free throw shooting?
I can go out in my driveway and shoot free throws RIGHT NOW and if i do it consistently I will improve. I could probably improve my FT % by 40% (or more) by shooting for two hours.
Although, it would help if i had a basketball goal in my driveway.
All due respect to “Mama P” - I don’t care if her son (if he ever does play for us) averages 50 pts, 50 rebounds & 50 assists per game - he will not be the next coming of Jesus Christ to me.
A “match up” zone is where all the uniforms of a given team match up. None of this one guy wearing pink Converse and the next guy wearing lavender Nikes. All the jerseys, shorts, shoes and socks have to match. Then they’re in the zone. You’re welcome.
I absolutely love beating a good team by 16 points and feeling like we lost.
Only a KU fan would complain about being 10-0 and ranked #1, right?
Here’s my beef - Act like you’re a good team. Heads up. Shoulders back. Do NOT get out-rebounded. Out-HUSTLED.
Walk on the court with your hands on your hips - stare, no GLARE at the opponent until you see their knees quiver just a little. Defy them to stay on the court with you.
For the ones stupid enough to actually stay on the court and attempt to play the game - Run. Them. Into. The. Ground.
You can do it - we’ve seen it multiple times 15, 20, 25 point runs. Do it from the start.
@drgnslayr might say play with a chip on your shoulder. Or show some SWAG. Just quit coming out looking like a high school team that’s playing their first away game.
@approxinfinity I honestly meant nothing by it, just - she’s gone, let’s move on. Remember when Ol’ Roy left? Good grief, some people STILL hate him for that. Personally, I was really ticked for about 5 years then I thought " Hey, he did a great job for KU, kind of re-ignited a passion for a lot of people that had slacked off on KU Basketball." I got over it and now I root for him whenever they’re not playing us.
And maybe because I’m a homer, I will never understand people who leave KU - - BASKETBALL - - to go somewhere else. Makes no sense to me.
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the fact that we’re ranked #2 in the nation and we’re tearing our hair out over how terrible we are. Terrible defense, terrible free-throw shooting, terrible this, terrible that.
Man, it’s GOOD to be a Jayhawk fan!
Maybe they could all go down south and work on Mr Trumps project.
They could call themselves
Balls to the wall.
My top ten list of big, fat lies:
Any boss anywhere: " Our people are our greatest resource. "
Johnson’s: " No tears shampoo. "
8 ) 50%(+) people who marry: " …for better, for worse. For richer for poorer…"
LJW: " Google questions will change nothing about our site."
Any weatherperson: " Looks like we should get a trace to 1" of snow."
Bill Clinton: " I did NOT have sexual relations with that woman. "
Richard M Nixon: " I am NOT a crook. "
nuleafjhawk: " I always root for other Big 12 teams when they’re not playing KU"
Roy Williams: " I don’t give a SH*T about North Carolina."
The Mayor/Citizen Kane: " It’s a horrible sprain, there’s no way he / I can play against Kansas."
Happy Mother’s Day to all you lady Bucketeers who happen to be Mothers. Whether you’re brand new moms or have been at it for a while, you have the most important and rewarding job imaginable. Enjoy your kids today and every day!
@wissoxfan83 “Most fans if they’d admit it would say they’re jealous of KU.”
A story I like to tell:
Several years ago ( I don’t remember exactly and I don’t feel like looking it up ) I had tickets to Kansas vs Ohio State in Lawrence. If memory serves, both teams were pretty highly ranked. My wife couldn’t make it, so I invited a guy (acquaintance, let’s say) who happened to be an Ohio State fan. Big Ohio State fan. Obnoxious Ohio State fan. You get the idea.
Anyway, we make the 3 hour drive to Lawrence. He’s all decked out in Ohio State garbage, head to toe. He KNOWS they are going to beat us on our home court. We get there early and once we get in we spend a lot of time looking around. You can smell the history. You can FEEL the history.
So we finally get to our seats and all the pre-game hoopla begins. By the time the game got started, he was practically pale.
He says: " I hate to admit this, but I have goosebumps! Ohio State doesn’t have anything that can compare to this".
Oh yeah. We won.
@KUinLA said:
How’d that work out for *** you ***against Kentucky? (bold and italics added)
Hmmm. I think most posters on here would have said " us ".
I’m pretty sure that just about everyone on this site are not huge Iowa State fans, but I know that everyone here will be keeping Fred and his family in their thoughts and/or prayers.
Get well soon Fred !!
Ditto! I really enjoy this site, all the banter and education and fun! Thanks @approxinfinity and to all the others who have contributed to make this the great site it is.
Everyone enjoy your family, friends and food for the next few days.
Merry Christmas !!
“Texas loses at home by 11 to UT Arlington”
There is a perfectly good explanation for this: Texas sucks.
I love it, but not up there with Christmas. Christmas rarely disappoints the living crap out of me every year but two in my lifetime.
FOURTEEN years ago -
The beginning of a mildly successful new company called Facebook
Janet Jackson had a Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction
The Final episodes of Frasier and Friends took place
The last Oldsmobile rolled off the assembly line
Ronald Reagan passed away
A basketball team in a place called Kansas started a new fad called Winning The Big 12 Regular Season Championship every single year until the end of time
(please add to the list!)
It seems to me that you (people) can’t talk to anyone without fear of some sort of retribution. People have lost their minds. We can’t talk about race, politics, religion. We can’t talk to or about the opposite sex. We can’t talk about handicapped people, athletes, military. We can’t talk about anything or anyone without someone throwing out the “Oh boo hoo, I’m offended, you’re trying to belittle me” card.
I am so ready to buy my own private island (am currently taking donations…) and be apart from all the crazies.
My only requirements are A/C and television. And a nice comfy mattress. Kind of like an upscale versison of Naked and Afraid. I hope that doesn’t offend anyone.
I hope we win 114 - 36 with the last play of the game being a 50’ lob to Doke for a two handed jam that shatters the backboard. Then Doke goes to the other end of the court and hangs on the rim.
Hey - let’s get a convoy to the game this weekend:
Well, we rolled up Interstate 70 Like a rocket sled on rails.
We tore up all of our stat sheets,
And left ‘em settin’ on the scales.
By the time we hit ManCrappy town,
Them bears was a-gettin’ smart:
They’d brought up some reinforcements
From the Kansas National Guard.
There’s armored cars, and tanks, and jeeps,
And rigs of ev’ry size.
Yeah, them chicken coops was full’a bears
And choppers filled the skies.
Well, we shot the line and we went for broke
With a thousand screamin’ trucks
An’ eleven long-haired Friends of Jesus
In a crimson and blue micro-bus.
Well, we laid a strip for the Bramlage shore
And prepared to cross the line
I could see the court was lined with cats
But I didn’t have a dog-goned dime.
I says, "dylans, this here’s nuleafjhawk . “We just ain’t a-gonna pay no toll.”
So we crashed the gate doing ninety-eight
I says “Let them truckers roll, 10-4.”
@kuballin10 I was telling my dad (who’s lived in Austin, TX in for the past 40 years) about the displeasure of KU fans with Bill Self.
He said "send the sonofabitch down here. We could stand to win a few Conference and National Championships.
There’s probably a lot of teams that feel that way. Coaches need to coach, but players need to play too.
Fair Weather Fan
I would imagine that’s how some folks react when I talk about doing other things besides watching KU Basketball. I wasn’t always this way. You know, having peace and normal blood pressure…
From childhood I’ve had an extreme case of Crimson and Blue Fever. The only antidote is getting older (and more cowbell). I recorded every game (yep - VHS) and watched each one multiple times. I missed birthday parties and many other social activities to stay home and watch KU Basketball. My house looked like a Shrine to all things KU.
As I’ve been getting older, it just makes sense to me to make good use of my time. To have fun or be productive. My TV is still still set to record the games, but once I’ve seen that we lost. I don’t need to watch. I’ll still watch a little bit on a Tuesday night or whatever, but I’ve taken back my Saturdays - and I love it!
You younger guys and gals that are so passionate about KU - I 100% get it. Been there, done that. But the portal, the NIL and the frequent losses have ruined it for me.
I’m no longer entertaining offers on this place. I’ve decided to just tough it out and stay here.
I’d work for next to nothing if my boss was actually human. Nothing like working for an unappreciative d-bag who NEVER (no hyperbole) thanks or compliments any employee. Yes, I’m looking…
I’m ashamed to admit that, generally speaking I’ve been a bit of a scrooge at Christmas over the years. I have no reason, I’m very blessed. But I’ve really made an effort the past few years to be more upbeat and positive.
One thing that has helped is actively looking for good things. I would love to hear your Christmas story. What’s the best present you’ve ever given /received? Maybe a Christmas reunion with family or friends? A travel story that turned out well.
I’m SUPER excited to give one gift this year. My son, who is very musically inclined, just started playing guitar this year.
Three years ago my wife and I saw Carlos Santana in concert at the House of Blues in Las Vegas. A few days later a friend of mine showed up with an envelope. She has a relative who works at the House of Blues and had asked her to grab a little souvenir for me because she knows I have a thing for Santana.
It was a guitar pic that he used the night we were there! (I know, but it’s a big deal to me)
My son and I saw Santana the next year in KC and he loved them too.
I always address my presents in a silly way, like "from Donald Trump " or something absurd. This year I have it signed "from Carlos Santana ". And it is!!
@Lulufulu “** I am not in Kansas any more.”**
For the love of God - please go to any basketball game in Vermont and hold up a sign that says that.
@BShark I wouldn’t want to go to KU if I were him. Their fans have crazy high expectations!
For some time now, at least once during every single game we play, one of the announcers will comment about how Bill Self has more Conference Championships than home losses.
I thought I’d become desensitized to that talk until I actually started thinking about it.
That is one CRAZY statistic!! It would be crazy no matter if it were TWO conference championships with one home loss, or 500 conference championships with 499 home losses. No matter how you crunch the numbers, having more conference championships than home losses is insane.
Keep up the insanity Bill !!
@kuballin10 20 Conference Championships. 9 Conference Tournament Championships. 2 National Championships. Hall of Fame.
It’s difficult to fire a guy with that resume. Every coach, every program goes through slack times. I think we need to be a little more patient.
@Crimsonorblue22 Lol - you threw me under the bus, but I laid REAL flat and it went right over me!
The only comment I’ll make is this - if Self left KU for Okie St, then he’s WAY too dumb to be KU’s coach.
@drgnslayr with branch offices in Columbia, Mo and Lexington, Ky.
Please don’t take this wrong, I’m as excited about CD as anyone and I think he’s going to go great things for this team. Probably not program, but team.
BUT - just to put things in perspective.
Wilt’s first varsity game as a Jayhawk - 52 pts, 31 rebounds.
I certainly hope they don’t feel disrespected after tomorrow night.
I hope they feel humiliated !!
@justanotherfan said:
Whichever team wins that UCLA-UK game tonight is a scary, scary team.
Honestly, I’m usually pretty humble when it comes to KU. But if I’m being objective, Frank Mason would scare the living S**T out of me if I am any of the remaining teams. I’ve followed college ball closely for the last…50 years and I’ve never seen anyone like him. The guy seems dang near possessed. And I love it!
@Crimsonorblue22 If Josh Jackson stays one more year - I will wear a diaper to work.
I just tell people at work that I have bad allergies…
I’m very concerned. I can already see us taking our foot off the gas pedal. We won two consecutive games by 43 and now against Toledo we barely scrape by with a 38 point margin of victory.