Whew!!! You yelled that just in the nick of time. I was about to whip out a recipe for a killer German Chocolate Cake.
Whew!!! You yelled that just in the nick of time. I was about to whip out a recipe for a killer German Chocolate Cake.
You’d drink too if you realized you just left KU for Wichita State !
Hope there’s not already another thread about this guy…
This guy is a BEAST. I am always comfortable when Frank and/or Devonte have the ball in their hands. I am always STOKED when Josh has it. What’s this guy gonna do next? One hand stuff from the free throw line? Crazy pass from the top of the key that no one else can make? Float in from halfcourt and finish with a two hand jam from Frank or Devonte? Make free throws in the clutch when everyone says he can’t shoot free throws? Block a shot? Play great defense?
This kid is amazing. Way better than…previous OAD’s and way, way, way better than what I expected at the beginning of the season.
I’d give up 3 years of football bowl eligibility to keep him here another 3 years.
I crack myself up.
I’ll go to early church and thank God that the sun came up. I could do it at home, but the church has really good music…
After church, I’ll go to late breakfast with my great brother in law and his incredible wife.
After that I’ll go visit my sister-in-law who has stage IV pancreatic and liver cancer.
Sometime tomorrow afternoon, I’ll call my 81 year old dad in Texas and see how he’s feeling after having a cancerous kidney removed on Monday.
Then I’ll call my two incredible kids in Kansas City and see how their week was.
I’ll prepare myself for the onslaught of BS at work on Monday. And you know what?
It won’t bother me one bit.
Rock Chalk
What made Frank (not even his season) is that he’s a Man. Not a punk. Does his job. Doesn’t complain when the calls go against him, doesn’t take credit when he puts the whole team on his shoulders (as he did many times in his career). He’s humble, determined (to the point of obsessed during the games), and smart. Can we PLEASE get the NCAA to allow him 3 or 4 more years of eligibility? If nothing else, just to be an example of what a college basketball player should be.
@Kip_McSmithers Going to Texas would give him the opportunity to lose to KU every year…
@drgnslayr I was talking with a friend this morning and said we’ve had this same conversation about a hundred players over the years.
Where are we going to find the next Aaron Miles? Jacque Vaughn? Danny Manning? Nick Collison? Raef LaFrentz? Sherron Collins? I mean this list could literally go on for hours.
But they do it. The coaches are out there constantly finding/making great talented kids who become Jayhawk legends. I am already stoked to see who the next one will be after Frank. (I wish he could stay another 4 years also!)
I think most people on here know how I feel about Josh Jackson - I think he is by far, without question the best OAD that we’ve ever had, and maybe ever will have. I love when he has the ball in his hands. But he will never in a million years occupy the space in my heart that Frank Mason or many, many other 4 year guys will have. Losing Frank is almost like a death in the family. I hope that doesn’t offend anyone who has recently lost a loved one, and i know i tend to exaggerate, but it’s kind of similar. There’s a grieving process to go through.
Hopefully the National Championship this year will relieve some of the grief.
A game at Allen Fieldhouse is really something spectacular - even if you’re not a KU fan. Here’s what I mean: Many years ago (2011- I googled it) I had two tickets to KU v Ohio State. We were ranked #13 and Ohio State was #2. My wife and I were friends with a gal whose husband was a big Buckeye fan. For some reason I still can’t fathom, I asked him to go to the game. I pick him up at his house and he’s decked out head to toe in Red/Gray. He didn’t even have the car door shut and he was running his mouth about how bad they were going to kick our butts.
So, I endured the 2 1/2 hour drive to Lawrence and we got there 2-3 hours early. We toured the whole place, saw everything there was to see- all the trophies, etc. Then we get into the fieldhouse and there’s the usual pre-game festivities. The chants, the videos, all the hoopla. I’d noticed for some time that he was getting quieter and running his mouth less. Just before tip-off he told me " This place is unbelievable - I have goose bumps - Ohio State doesn’t have ANYTHING like this ".
We could have gone home right then and I would have been happy. Fortunately we won.
It seems like this post went from Bill Self having heart issues to him being a staggering drunk. Unless he publicly says “Hey - I’m a staggering drunk”, everyone should probably quit talking about it. So he gains a few extra pounds. At 60 years old. I know a lot of heavy 60 year olds. And 20/30/40/50…you get the idea. He can afford good food now. He doesn’t have to eat beanie-weenies and kraft mac & cheese any more. He probably doesn’t like diet soda.
It would be like seeing your buddy’s wife wearing a short skirt and saying " I knew it. She’s a prostitute. For real. One of the main symptoms of being a prostitute is wearing a short skirt."
Grow up people. As far as I know, this is still a country where people are innocent until proven guilty. I’ll drink to that.
Section 3, paragraph 9: If a review will remotely, in any way shape or form benefit the University of Kansas, either now or a 100 years from now it is strictly forbidden.
@rockchalkjayhawk not real sure what you’re so worked up about. I LIKE napping to golf. The announcers speak in hushed monotone voices and its conducive to good naps. Sorry my nap routine is so upsetting ro you.
@rockchalkjayhawk . Some people actually have a sense of humor. Mute away
Who’s this Trump person people are talking about?
Do they mean President Ass-Face?
@bskeet i’ve been dreaming of football season since the November
I want Wilt to come back. In his current state he’s better than most of this team.
@bskeet I could only “like” your post one time, unfortunately.
@BeddieKU23 said in Lets take the lead into the first TV timeout!:
“I don’t have an answer for why 23-24 year old adults continue to make the same careless unforced mistakes.”
My opinion is that why shouldn’t they? They get paid whether they’re mistake free or not. They only have to show up and go through the motions. Nobody on this team (I guess) bleeds Crimson and Blue. There is no one playing currently that will ever write a book titled “Floor Burns”.
Same reason that people at my place of employment come in 20 minutes late, take days off that they don’t have PTO for, do a lackluster job on the rare occasions they are here. There are no consequences. Doing top-notch work and doing almost no work pay the same.
@approxinfinity But will it pass? Is this the end of the Kansas dynasty? Will we ever win a conference championship again? How many seasons will we stay out of the top 25? Sixteen years from now will Mizzou have as many Final Four appearances as us? Will we be K-State’s bitches from now on? Will we trade Basketball Championships for Livestock Judging Championships?
So many questions.
@approxinfinity Says every K-State fan everywhere. Not a slam against you. Just not something KU Basketball fans are used to hearing.