I think losing vs Arizona and early in the B12 tourney pushes us to a 8-9 seed. Win this weekend and at least 1 big 12 game and we are a 6-7 seed. Currently sit at a 6.8 seed rating on bracket matrix and that is always pretty close to accurate.
Posts made by MR11
RE: The rest of the season
RE: The rest of the season
Generally agree, even though we lost the last two games, we were in it to the end and weren’t embarrassed. It is the games that came earlier in the season that has everyone so down on them, so if they can keep this up and even improve a little they can make some noise.
Counterpoint is that when things aren’t going your way so often, it might be more than that they are unlucky. They also haven’t given us a real reason to think they won’t just as easily go back to giving the same level of effort seen in the BYU.
I am optimistic that maybe the team can make the 2nd weekend if we get matched up teams without bigs that can shoot, but I would be shocked by anything more than that at this point.
RE: Other games 2024-2025
Hey now, we are nothing like KState. They only had a 2 week stretch of good play where we are a coinflip every night.
RE: So this , becomes the question . What do you think ?
Agreed that not all of it falls on Hunter. Honestly my bigger complaint with him is how much his energy level can vary from game to game. When you know the level a player can get to, it becomes more glaring when they fall short of that.
And yeah idk why we aren’t running some of the post plays we used to. While limited overall as an offensive player, Landen was at least above average at getting post positions and clearing lanes for Frank to get to the basket. Maybe we don’t run these plays because we don’t have any natural drivers on this team that can take advantage of that? Part of it could also be that the team doesn’t seem to excel at passing into the post or it is too crowded with KJ playing. I haven’t been watching games as closely as I usually do to be able to say.
RE: Other games 2024-2025
K-state won their national championship beating us at home and have packed the season in
RE: So this , becomes the question . What do you think ?
Hunter has been rightfully criticized for his play this season. He has been good on offense this season and he needs to be great to make up for his defense. Like you mentioned he often has played too far away from the basket and settled for jumpers instead of fighting in the post. It shows in our offensive rebounding numbers (unless Flory is out there with him) and in our FT rate.
Last few games he has been much better so hoping he can keep that up.
RE: Man is KU is really going to stomp Colorado tonight!
28 FTs on the road is a great sign. That has to be at or close the most trips to the line that we have had this season. Need to keep that up for games where the outside shot isn’t falling.
Also impressed with Rylan making an impact on the game even when his shot wasn’t falling. We weren’t seeing that earlier in the season and he was probably the best of our guards last night. Not there yet but some signs to be optimistic moving forward so hopefully the team stays locked in.
RE: Hunter Dickinson, :speak-no-evil_monkey:
TBH I remember a lot people being at least close to neutral about it once the Udeh and Zuby transfers played out. I would have counted myself as in that camp.
Maybe Bill is trying to hide Bidunga cause he is already punting on this season and doesn’t want him to get NBA buzz and be tempted to leave??
RE: Interesting Rumor/Note
I can understand why Pitino rubs people the wrong way but college basketball is definitely more entertaining with him in it.
Self is at a min staying through next year, so realistically we are talking about Pitino at 74 being hired. Boeheim made it to 78 which I could see Rick passing but probably best case getting 5-6 years out of him. Could honestly only see KU considering him as a fallback option.
Oats and Wade are both options I would be OK with, but I’m not pushing Self out the door for them.
RE: Wait, KU is playing?
Yeah unless there are major rumblings about a player being unhappy, I’m not going to put too much stock in speculation of who is gone and who is back. Every comment here over the offseason was that Jamari was going to be gone and he is still with the team.
RE: Interesting Rumor/Note
Oats has to be at or near the top of ideal replacement candidates.
I would stop watching if they go with Beard. Hiring someone who has chocked their fiancé is a line not worth crossing. Think player sexual assault allegations is a bad look for the university, try imagining headlines where the coach has killed his spouse. No thank you.
Pearl is older than Self, so not a great option either. He also always struck me as being more of a kstate culture fit.
Bill Self likes winning though. If we make a splash in the tournament and have a good next year, I wouldn’t be surprised if stays around longer than expected.
RE: If Bill’s roster falls apart…
There is a lot of talk here focused on lineups, NIL, and transfers, but everyone is missing the one common factor in all of Self’s F4 teams. What we need to turn around the KU basketball skid is another Teahan.
RE: Elmarko Healthcheck
Bill was willing to keep him around and him returning seems to have at least played a part in scaring off Philon, so those are both points in the column that he was moving in the right direction this offseason. He may be missing a year of skill development, but I assume he has still been around the team learning how Self wants to play and gaining basketball knowledge.
I didn’t get to watch the team as much last year, but he reminded me a bit of Tyshawn when I did catch games (in some good ways and some bad lol).
RE: KU Mad, Central Florida next on schedule, part 2.
TBH hate both sides of that play. Hate when players try to anticipate the foul and that fouling up 3 is rewarded.
Feel like both these could be removed from the game if NCAA put a rule in place where the fouled team can choose to take the ball out instead of FTs. If that doesn’t go far enough, could also let the fouled team choose to have a 5-10 sec clock runout/reset when the game is under 1-2 mins.
RE: Coach Self walking on thin ice
Idk what the comments were, but probably shouldn’t have removed the student seating that they did if fan environment/energy was the priority
RE: My crisis of faith in Bill
Feel like with a Jaun/Shak/KJ/FB/HD lineup no one scores on either end
RE: Mythbusters: Bill Self, minutes, and March
@benshawks08 “there is a reason Hunter has averaged a double double his entire career and never won any game of significance.” I want to note Hunter has gone to the E8 with Michigan and won the B10 regular season that year. Not a world beating achievement, but I think it qualifies as wins with some significance.
Not that I disagree with the spirit of your assessment, but just don’t want to see the hate go too far.
RE: Mythbusters: Bill Self, minutes, and March
@BShark I don’t mind Storr taking shots from players if he is getting to the rim and getting fouled. We are missing someone who can do that consistently. Juan/Zeke can drive somewhat but rely on floaters most of the time and do not draw fouls.
RE: KState game thread
Yeah Hunter is one of the most boring players to watch in basketball for me. Great at what he does and I’m not complaining about the production, but Udeh is definitely a more exciting player.
RE: My crisis of faith in Bill
@dylans man Greene definitely on my top 5 what could have been KU players list. Had the stroke and height to be one of the greatest spot up 3pt shooters of all time but couldn’t do anything else even to an average level to stay on the court.
RE: Looking back at Hilton
@BShark guards drawing fouls doesn’t bode well for Flory high minutes, hopefully KJ brings it today if that is the case
RE: WKRP in Cincinnatti
@wissox COTY trophies in most sports tend to be an award for which coach most exceeded their season’s expectations. The actual COTY is always going to be the Naismith trophy
RE: The 9 Man Rotation
@FarmerJayhawk Hunter’s steal rate is way up this year to go with decent block rate and great rebounding numbers. He’s turned into a solid defensive center, just still can’t slide for shit so he can be exploited in P&R in the wrong matchup. Ideally, we just need to avoid teams with stretch fives that can punish drop coverage.
RE: Arizona St
@wissox yeah true me saying he wasn’t thriving probably goes too far. But as good as he was even there, he was mostly just elite at getting to the basket and still had a lot of room for improvement in the rest of his game. Would Greg have been able to get more improvement out of him this year if he had stayed? I definitely can’t imagine his season would have gone worse than how he is playing at KU so far, but agreed the season isn’t done and we could see it all click still. Going to keep rooting for him as long as he wants to be here.
RE: Arizona St
@Kcmatt7 Can we really say Storr was thriving before though? Like he was good scoring at Wisconsin but he needed to bring more to the table than that if he wants to get drafted. Some times you need a kick in the ass to get there.
Just realized does saying that means I may officially be old.
@rockchalkjayhawk yeah rationally I don’t think it is good for the team if Diggy is getting a lot of minutes, but he sure is entertaining to watch
RE: Central Flaw rid unh-uh
@kuballin10 Dude I have been nothing but straightforward, how is me summarizing my original post as thinking “compete at the highest level” twisting of words? Is a number 1 seed not qualifying as playing high level college basketball? I’ll even post it below so you dont have to scroll back to see it. You don’t need to start every message with a snarky comeback, I’m not trying to attack you here just answering your questions.
“Yes? Auburn look good but who else are you really scared of that makes you think they can’t? KU’s biggest opponent is themselves and there is no reason that they can’t improve to the point where they are competing for a 1 seed. Not going to say it is a lock to happen, but there is definitely a “real chance”.”
RE: Central Flaw rid unh-uh
@kuballin10 If you are taking a post where I said they have a chance to compete at the highest level and taking it to mean that I fully think they are the best team in the country and going to win the B12 already down a game, that is on you man.
I was responding to a post where you implied KU didn’t have a real chance to compete for a F4/national title and I 100% disagree with that statement.
RE: Central Flaw rid unh-uh
Kind of a leap to get that from what I said, we already dropped a home game and Houston doesn’t have to play at ISU, so winning the regular season B12 is not likely no. But I also don’t think it would be a massive upset if they did (~10% chance based on betting odds does seem about right).
I didn’t even say they will for sure be good enough to compete for a F4, just that is won’t take miracle for this team to improve to that level. They have shown they can hit that level of play in spurts, but do need some improvements in execution/consistency.
Honestly the main thing I worry about with this team is facing a team that can exploit Hunter on defense, because that is always going to be there.
RE: Central Flaw rid unh-uh
Because our best player isn’t injured forcing us to start a failed transfer and two freshmen that aren’t quite ready. I also think it is reasonable to expect the team to continue to gel and improve through B12 play.
RE: Central Flaw rid unh-uh
Yes? Auburn look good but who else are you really scared of that makes you think they can’t? KU’s biggest opponent is themselves and there is no reason that they can’t improve to the point where they are competing for a 1 seed. Not going to say it is a lock to happen, but there is definitely a “real chance”.
RE: So ya, we think our guys get stagnant , sluggish & poor play some times - -WEll don't look now lol
I like hating on K-State as much as the next guy but specifically looking to K-State to feel better that says a bit about how we feel about KU right now haha.
It is a good thing they are bad though because losing to them and MU in the same season would be depressing (*knock on wood)
RE: Bryson Tiller
He also likely gets more NIL money as a redshirt player vs recruit
RE: Cretins From Craytin Game Thread
@kjayhawks Agreed, and honestly am ready to forget the loss if it means the team is more motivated this weekend and hangs an extra 30 pts on them
RE: Cretins From Craytin Game Thread
Jaun it is kind of understandable, he doesn’t have the size/strength to bump a defender and still stay on balance to reliably finish his shot. Agreed it might help him a bit but I don’t know that we want to rely on those plays for offense.
KJ/Storr though, 100% need to be driving and getting to the line more though.
First road test of the season, looked a bit rough. Just have to see if the team can learn from it since we’ll have a lot tougher road games in conference play.
RE: Dukeperbole
@BShark too many regular season NBA games to be a good product is the main problem. Players take off games since playoff seeding can be a crap shoot, so really just playing for home court advantage which isn’t as important as players being healthy.
I generally agree with your sentiment but we have to check our biases with this. A neutral observer could watch a random NBA game vs a random college basketball game and I bet most would say the NBA game is more entertaining. College ball just has better intangibles and better tourney format which puts it over the top for me, but we are also usually watching a top 10 team play. I don’t know that I would say the same thing if I grew up in Boston a Celtics fan who went to a non basketball power college.
RE: KU vs Duke Game Thread
Yeah KJ has his offensive deficiencies, but man does he make up for them with the rest of his game. Also nice to see Griffen step up a bit in the 2nd half after really struggling in the 1st.
Only negative from the game was that Hunter, even outside of the ejection, was playing a sloppy. I know he was getting hacked, but can’t let that seep into your decision making. I remember one specific possession where he got swiped at at the top of the 3 pt line and you could tell he was rattled from it because he immediately tried to drive and back down his man which isn’t his game at all. When that didn’t work he settled for a 15 ft fade away contested jumper with probably 15 sec left on the shot clock. Freshman level play there.
RE: Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis
@Texas-Hawk-10 yeah that sums it up well for Storr, he has the measurables to be in the NBA so if he was already a plus player that can positively contribute to a championship level roster in college, he would have been a 1st rd pick last year. Just letting him play free has been done before and it didn’t get him there. There can be things to knock Self on with his coaching, but his treatment of Storr/Remy is not it.
KU vs Duke Game Thread
An update to @Texas-Hawk-10 old post on the history of the matchup:
Kansas and Duke have played 14 times all time. Duke leads the all time series with Kansas 8-6 with 12 of the 14 games being played on a neutral and each time only visiting the other once apiece. Kansas and Duke are tied 3-3 against each other in the NCAA Tournament and Kansas leads Duke 3-1 in the Champions Classic. Self is 4-2 vs Duke while at Kansas.
Dec. 1, 1985- Preseason NIT in New York: (3)Duke 92, (5)Kansas 86 (1-0 Duke)
Mar. 29, 1986- Final Four in Dallas: (1) Duke 71, (2) Kansas 67 (2-0 Duke)
Feb. 20, 1988- Allen Fieldhouse: (6) Duke 74, Kansas 70 OT (3-0 Duke)
Apr. 2, 1988- Final Four in Kansas City: Kansas 66, (5) Duke 59 (3-1 Duke)
Feb. 18, 1989- Cameron Indoor: (11) Duke 102, Kansas 77 (4-1 Duke)
Apr. 1, 1991- National Championship in Indianapolis: (6) Duke 72, (12) Kansas 65 (5-1 Duke)
Mar. 19, 2000- NCAA Tournament 2nd Round in Winston-Salem: (1) Duke 69, Kansas 64 (6-1 Duke)
Mar. 27, 2003- NCAA Tournament Sweet 16 in Anaheim: (6) Kansas 69, (7)Duke 65 (6-2 Duke)
Nov. 23, 2011- Maui Invitational Finals: (6)Duke 68, (14) Kansas 61 (7-2 Duke)
Nov. 12, 2013- Champions Classic in Chicago: (5)Kansas 94, (4)Duke 83 (7-3 Duke)
Nov. 15, 2016- Champions Classic in New York: (7)Kansas 77, (1) Duke 75 (7-4 Duke)
Mar. 25, 2018- NCAA Tournament Elite 8 in Omaha: (4)Kansas 85, (9)Duke 81 OT (7-5 Duke)
Nov. 6, 2019- Champions Classic in New York: (4)Duke 68, (3) Kansas 66 (8-5 Duke)
Nov. 15, 2022- Champions Classic in Indianapolis: (6) Kansas 69, (7) Duke 64 (8-6 Duke)
Based on predictive sites, the line for the game should be around Duke -2/-3. Will be KU’s first game of the season where they aren’t favored, so excited to see how the team reacts.
RE: Early season feedback on kuballin’s off season analysis
Counter argument to this: if Bill lets the players get away with mistakes/sloppy play, he is telling both that player and the rest of the team that there aren’t consequences for bad plays. You also want to give the players feedback on these mistakes so that they don’t become habits. Typically the sooner you get this feedback, the more impactful it is from a learning standpoint. Maybe letting the play a little more free flow helps in the short term, but it is always going to be better if you do so with proper muscle memory/habits built up. Maybe that means some players take longer to gel, but seems like trading short term gains for long term growth to me.
RE: Beat Izzy Beat Sparty
@nuleafjhawk Flagg is almost 100% gone, he already is showing he won’t be a bust in college so would take a decent injury/regression to keep him out of being the #1 pick and even then should be a lock for top 5. I can’t remember the last time someone projected to go that high came back to school. Maybe marcus smart? But even he was a few tiers lower of a prospect compared to flagg.
RE: UNC Game Thread
A note about the defense, it feels like Self generally sticks to a simple man scheme early in the season. As the team gels, I would expect him to add in different looks especially on ball screen coverage. If Hunter is getting seriously cooked, I could even see Flory closing out some games as soon as Bill starts to trust him. Potentially even offense/defense substitution situations late in games.
RE: Basketball Season
@kjayhawks that’s putting a lot of stock into exhibition games with partial rosters to be making such surefire predictions. Lots of ball to be played still so lets enjoy the ride a little before putting this team in a box.
RE: Basketball Season
Know it was Washburn and they are undersized, but the rebounding percentages were pretty good. Not going to say that rebounding is a strength based off that, but also don’t see any cause for concern there yet.
Also would take it in a heartbeat if KJ is averaging 6 rebounds per 24 mins. That is roughly double his rate last season.
RE: Washburn
Yeah know it is just Washburn, but doesn’t look like the offense is going to be an issue this year at least. I only caught a portion of the game but seemed like anytime we could get KJ driving, good things happened. Wouldn’t be surprised if he averaged close to 5 assists this year
RE: Basketball Season
Those comments on Storr aren’t the end of the world, everyone knew that him taking bad shots and playing bad defense wasn’t going to improve the team. This confirms that Self is trying to improve his decision making and holding him accountable. Now its a toss up whether that will work or not, but is better to try and fully actualize his talent.
RE: Basketball Season
@drgnslayr yeah we don’t have McCullar on defense, but he really didn’t play healthy outside of the first half of the season (and we looked pretty good when he did).
My PTSD from last season is watching games at the end of the season when he didn’t play. It would be nice for the newcomers to get near McCullar’s level of defense, but we really just need them to be better than Timberlake/Furphy.
RE: Early Hearings TM
Feels like outside of that interview there has been nothing coming out about how the early practices are going this year, and that was basically just the Zeke was impressing and Storr needs to buy in. Anyone heard anything they care to share about how the other new pieces are looking?
RE: Old heads
Agreed with the consensus here, there is probably a negative trump lean but you don’t have to be a liberal to not like the guy. Even that is fairly isolated in the pol channel which you can mute if you want.
I don’t post much but have been around since the beginning and it feels mostly the same outside of jaybate who honestly was hit and miss for me anyway. HEM is another notable missing but he became quite antagonistic on his own so it wasn’t sad to see him go in the end.
RE: Transfer Rumblings
Can definitely understand it for Ballo, his game is not likely to stick in the NBA and so wants to maximize his earning now. Similar to Hunter leaving Michigan, though Ballo didn’t have the same level of offers from contenders
RE: Shakeel Moore with a broken foot.
@Texas-Hawk-10 while definitely not on his level, Griffen generally gets the “good” defender designation. We also won’t be playing Furphy/Timby/Elmarko at the 2/3 for 40 mins a game like we were at the end of the season, so even Storr should even be an improvement there.