I caught the last one here in Vietnam. I was at the gym about 7:00am or 6:00pm CST running on the treadmill and found Halk Talk using Tunein radio app on my phone. 1320Talk radio. Made the run easier and brought me “closer to home” (Kansas) while listening.

Posts made by Mr Miyagi
RE: Hawk Talk with Bill Self - Dates
RE: Nov 18 Headlines: KU moves to #2 in AP poll
I feel the same as @jayHawkFanToo I like to be under the radar. It seems Self does his best at keeping the team hungry and motivated as the underdog. However, under the radar is not going to happen with the attention this team is getting this year because of our recruiting class.
I think #2 is too high. We have had ONE good game. In that game we did see our potential is great. It will be interesting to see in this next game if we play well. I am afraid and I hope this is not the case, that we play UP or DOWN to our competition.
IMO I think UL should be ranked ahead of us for sure. Anyway, we have the #2 ranking so let’s hope we can handle the pressure and keep it or move up by playing complete games.
RE: Pro Jayhawks update
Here is a pro update…
Check out Trob killing the “M” twins…
RE: Champion's Classic Renewed for Another 3 Years
I think this is great. It will keep Kansas in the spot light and of course be good for recruiting to play in this tourney. Hopefully we can approve upon our record beginning THIS year.
Here is a link to the ESPN official Champions Classic page for this year.
RE: Okafor and Alexander - Who do you want?
Okafor will be at the KU/Duke game. Do you think the outcome of the game will have any bearing on his decision?
RE: KU Sports -- Stories on KU vs Fort Hays State.
@hayshawk Yes, Tyler is on the team and is in fact Wiggin’s roommate. Tyler is injured and will be out a while.
RE: KU Sports -- Stories on KU vs Fort Hays State.
Here are some game highlights and post game press conf. for your viewing pleasure. I know everything looks good when only watching the highlights but the passing/assists look good.
Post game press conf. Players
Post game press conf. Coach Self
RE: Okafor and Alexander - Who do you want?
I know Alexander had his official not too long ago for us, but looks like he will be back on campus this weekend to watch his girlfriend’s game. That has to be good news and help our chances I would think.
RE: KUAthletics: KU vs. Fort Hays State
Thanks for the updates guys. Exhibition games are always hard to read. Hopefully on Friday we will get a real look of our starting point and see how far we need to go. To me it sounds like playing D, and coming together as a team that has a clear identity is what we need to improve, which is always the case this time of year.
RE: KUAthletics: KU vs. Fort Hays State
So what is everyone’s reaction to the second exhibition game? I wasn’t able to watch it. Did out D still look bad? How was Mason at running the show? Were the freshmen nervous still? Any thoughts on red shirts?
RE: Nov 4 - Wiggins named to AP pre-season all-America team
Another article here about it also. I like how this one also mentioned that Wayne Selden has been added to the Wayman Tisdale Award Preseason Watch List along with Wiggins.
RE: Okafor and KU
Just to add some more to this. Not much new said here in this article. Just shows how NO ONE knows how it will turn out. But their point of view is that Okafor and Alexander don’t want to play with eac other.
Also some videos of the two playing.
[Rockchalktalk.com: Jahlil Okafor v. Cliff Alexander: Who Does Kansas Want?] (http://www.rockchalktalk.com/2013/11/4/5065350/jahlil-okafor-v-cliff-alexander-who-does-kansas-want)
RE: Wichita Eagle: Andrew Wiggins begins career with the world watching
If you are a 4 year player, and want to play for a high caliber program you have to accept the role as a development player and focus on that rather than playing time, at least in the beginning. These OAD or TAD (two and done) players WILL come in and play in front of you. No way around it, you have to accept that. If you want to play then go to a lower tier team where you can be a starter.
We know Self values experience of the upperclassmen. So if you can bide your time, improve yourself in your weak areas and don’t make mistakes you will find playing time eventually.
RE: Wichita Eagle: Andrew Wiggins begins career with the world watching
I really disagree with this whole we should not fill out the full roster with lesser talent. Scholarships are given on a yearly basis and if a lesser talented guy comes in he knows what lies ahead of him. Hard work, making the team better, improving himself and MAYBE a chance to get playing time in the future on a blue blood program. Without these guys filling out the empty spots on the roster who the hell is our team going to practice against? Walkons? Why not let the starters practice against some decent competition that will push them to their full potential. This is why Self will bring in a less talented guy and gives him a spot on the team. It makes the WHOLE team better.
RE: Wichita Eagle: Andrew Wiggins begins career with the world watching
So you are saying there is no risk in having a new team of OADs every year? I think it is risky as hell.
Also the team Kensucky had last year was not the same team that won the NC. It was a new team full of new players.
Sure a team that just won a NC that has the same players come back and play the next year might have some motivation issues of winning again since they just did it. But a NEW team of players should NOT lack motivation.
A new team a players lack the experience and knowledge of the system, environment, and effort it takes to get to the NC. That is why it is useful to have experienced player to lead the team and mix in some of these superstars. Not just replace the whole damn team with these diaper wearing freshmen.
RE: Okafor and KU
@truehawk93 I like how you used Mista. It kinda gives me an updated image and not so old school, maybe some street cred. err uh something like that. LOL
RE: Okafor and KU
Early signing period is only 9 days way. So we wont have to wait long. I do hope we hear a verbal from someone before then though!
RE: Okafor and KU
This could play out a number of different ways. However it turns out though, it seems KU will be someone’s choice. So that is good for us!!
I think it will go one of two ways.
Alexander to KU and Okafor & Jones to Duke or Okafor to KU, Jones to Duke, Alexander to Illinois
However the hell it goes I wish someone would hurry up and make a move!
KUAthletics: KU vs. Fort Hays State
“Historically, this is the eighth time in the 11-year Bill Self era that Kansas enters the season ranked seventh or higher in the Associated Press preseason poll and the No. 5 ranking marks the 16th time since the 1992-93 season that Kansas will enter the season seventh or higher.”
That stat is just amazing to think about. We are all so spoiled to have our Jayhawks be so successful and consistent. Rock Chalk!
RE: Wichita Eagle: Andrew Wiggins begins career with the world watching
@Careful_you I agree with the melding the team together. These classes with a lot of OAD players is definitely a high risk high reward scenario. With so may of these guys coming in together I get nervous.
We saw what happened at Kensucky. That high risk turned into a total failure. It could happen anywhere really when trying to get so many new guys to play together in a new system.
I liked how Self was doing in the past, where he brought in one top guy and blended him in with a veteran team. I believe the risk of failure is lower. We all know Self likes consistency and it will be hard to have that year in and year out with high turnover from these OAD.
However, on the flip side of that is the high reward. You get a group of phenoms coming in together and they perform TEAM basketball at a high level, watch out because they can be scary good! Of course this is what everyone is after but it wont happen on a consistent level in my opinion,
RE: KU Sports - Nov 3 : Ted Owen's Autobiography
@globaljaybird I think everyone is pretty good about not posting full stories here from other sites. We just post the links directing them to the original source. No copyright issues to worry about. Also I don’t think we bash kusports too much here, or not as bad as others do on some other forums I have visited. Everyone here is pretty civil and just enjoys talking about or beloved Jayhawks in a relaxed environment that is not so strictly controlled.
Wichita Eagle: Andrew Wiggins begins career with the world watching
Here is a rather lengthy article in the Wichita Eagle about Wiggins and expectations. Everything we have all read before. Comparisons to Chamberlain etc…
I like reading about that stats Self looks at and how he expects his teams to play. I thought the reference to Keith Langford and Aaron Miles was funny. Brought back memories how that team HATED to work hard for Self when he first arrived at KU.
Wichita Eagle: Andrew Wiggins begins career with the world watching
RE: KUSports - Nov 2nd : ESPN on KU schedule and Wiggins
@Wissoxfan83 to reply to a person by their name put the @ sign in front of their user name.
RE: US Today Sports - Toughest non-con schedule
@wissoxfan83 I hear what you’re saying. I think it would be awesome to have the Champion Classic tourney setup as a home and home series. The games, fan support, and atmosphere would be awesome. When I think of this a 150 point game comes to mind.
US Today Sports - Toughest non-con schedule
As most of us already know, KU has the toughest non-con schedule this year. I like how the article points out the Self isn’t scared to take the team on the road. Take that Dukies errrr I mean Douche! We’ll see how it works out for us and prepares this young team for battle in the tourney.
RE: ESPN - Power Rankings 5-1
Yeah most definitely has to do with that. No way we should be 3 and ahead of some of those teams at this point. I think it is all to build hype for that tourneyment.
ESPN - Power Rankings 5-1
First Power Rankings out for the year. KU #3. There is a small video about each team in the power rankings.
Here is the link for teams 5-1.
RE: ESPN - Update: Andrew Wiggins featured in ESPN Magazine
In the Jay Bilas interview, Wiggens said how he hoped to meet his brother in the NCAA tourney. That got me thinking. We all know how the NCAA likes to create drama in the tourney with match ups even though they say they never plan them. (i.e. KU vs. UNC). I could see them matching up KU vs. WSU to create some hype. 2 schools from the same state that do not schedule games against each other, and now 2 Wiggens brothers matched up against each other. Would make for an interesting story line.
RE: Numerical Roster
@dylans yeah my bad. Your right double 0. I Just remember big 0.
RE: Numerical Roster
Number 0 started so BIG but keeps getting smaller and smaller with each person that wears it.
Shiver - Post game player press conference
I think Andrew White is going to have a great year. Listening to him speak in this press conf. just shows he has the right attitude, knows what Self wants and what he has to do to be successful. GO HARD EVERY PLAY! Play DEFENSE!
There is always one player each year who comes out of no where and steps up, makes the most progress and surprises. I think he is this years surprise!
RE: KU Sports - Congrats Morris twins
I’m sure they are taking good care of their mom, Angel. She lucked out having not one but TWO millionaire sons. She deserves it though.
Tonight's exhibition game - 3 things to look for
Anyone here going to the game tonight? Those that aren’t how/where will you be watching the game?
Those that will be watching, what are 3 things you will be watching for in this game?
For me it would be…
Do we play any defense yet and how is the new hand checking rule going to change the game.
Is there any team chemistry yet. Do we work together as a team or just individuals taking their shots.
What lineups Self will be trying out and how effective they are.
KU Sports - Congrats Morris twins
Big congrats to Marcus and Markieff for getting paid. Sun’s picked up their options for 2014-2015. They must have had a great off season and ready to bring it on this year.
“Twins hit jackpot: The Phoenix Suns have picked up the 2014-15 team options on the rookie contracts of former KU players Markieff and Marcus Morris, according to valleyofthesuns.com. Markieff will make $2,989,239 and Marcus $2,943,221 next season. Markieff makes 2,091,840 and Marcus $1,987,320 this season.”
RE: Local (to you) Digs to watch KU
Miyagi is in Asia but come to Denver to live soon. Miyagi hope Stoney’s has sake. Sake and KU makes Miyagi happy.
RE: 10/11/2013 - ESPN Kelly Oubre phone interview.
It’s pronounced “Ewww Bray” son
RE: KUSports: Kansas hoops recruiting on a roll
Miyagi says hats are for heads, not for choices. Alexander son needs to close eyes, wipe mind clean, everything but KU. Nothing exists, whole world…only KU. Open eyes and remember ONLY KU!
RE: Huge crowd for scrimmage; Wiggins scores 21.
I think that Tharpe will be better than EJ just for the fact the there is less pressure on Tharpe to be “the guy.” This year we have so many scoring options that Tharpe will not be pressured as much to score and be the go to guy as EJ was. He just has to run the offense, limit turn overs and distribute the ball. I think he will do a great job at that.
As for Frank…well, he will surely have his turn overs being a freshman. However, if he just focuses on running the offense and distributing the ball so that offense doesn’t stick…I think he will be successful too.