I took my 78 year old mother to get her first shot last week, no ill effects. Just wanted to put that out there for an FYI.

Best posts made by Marco
RE: This commentator's view of last night's ending makes everything even stranger.
@wissox You are important to this site, and contribute alot. Don’t sign off.
RE: Oh fella's - -Fella's - -listened to Big 12 media days
I am a Braun guy, he’s a solid player and good dude. I like Harris too, he stays at Braun’s home when they’re not on campus. I want both to succeed.
RE: St Johns Game Thread
What a couple of recruiting steals, huh? Agbaji and Braun.
RE: Max Falkenstien - Rest In Peace
The guy was great… I have fond memories of being overseas eagerly awaiting VHS tapes being sent my way once basketball season started - everytime I got one it felt like Christmas.
RE: Goodbye Enaruna
With all of the hardworking wings at our disposal he just couldn’t find the court, but he has talent and seems to be a team player. Hope he finds a good landing spot.
Agbaji and Braun
I have been an Agbaji fan since his freshman year, haven’t wavered on that. Thought he would not come back for his senior year though or that he even should, just didn’t think he would be able to improve his draft stock. Happy to report that damn was I ever wrong! What’s he averaging now, 21 ppg?
Been a Christian backer too, what 18 a game? Think how far that guy has come since his freshman year. He and Agbaji’s games are perfectly suited to compliment one another, and there is no doubt that this is their team.
Everyone talks about Devonte and Frank when it comes to recruiting steals and deservedly so, but what about Agbaji and Braun? This team led by those two has a chance to do something special, and both will playing pro ball (in the NBA, I think). What are your thoughts?
RE: 2021 Transfer Talk/List
I am glad that I was once again wrong. Good to see Agbaji back in the fold.
RE: Trouble?
@drgnslayr Agreed. The guy is as rotten as they come, but it is now all but guaranteed that the charade is over. There is no way, unless they want to appear to be totally paid off - and they very well may be - that the NCAA will not now look into Nike and their schools.
Saw the Sportscenter bottom line the other day. “But no evidence of improprieties regarding Zion Williamson or his family in regard to Duke University,” said the NCAA as soon as the story broke. Lol!
RE: Devon
drgnslayr said:
I liked the video, but would have preferred the less-stylized version… without slo-mo… and choppy cuts. I’ve been claiming for quite some time that Devon would be a completely different player this year. His first year was about playing cautious, trying not to mess up. This year it is all-out ballin’!
Looks like he is a bit stronger, and he’ll have to be if he wants a decent draft spot next summer. Strengthening is all about now. Once the season starts guys usually lose a bit of it because they aren’t pushing heavy weights and they run off some of their mass.
Devon has a lightning fast crossover. Something I always look for in a guard. Can he blast by any defender? In this case… YES he can! Then… will he drive past all defenders? I believe he will. It’s one thing to have the ability to drive. It’s another thing to have the drive to drive. My money says Devon has both and we are in for a rocket season!
We are all worried about trey scoring. I’m not. I hope we have a few guys who bust a good percentage. But I’m fine if we have a PG who will drive it to the rim every other play and score or feed one of our dunk monsters.
Trey shooting will always fail eventually. The only time the drive fails (from the right setup) is if the defense has a monster blocker. Not sure who is out there in D1 this year to fill that title. But if he’s out there… let’s hope that is the night we smack down some treys to offset.
I’m having fun dreaming about Devon out-driving all those who came before him… Devonte… Frank… Tyshawn… Sherron…
That’s a mighty tall order, but Devon has the tools and a razor-sharp mind. I just hope he stays focused on playing with all-out aggression!
I think he sometimes deferred to Grimes last year. I think, in some sense, they all did trying to get him involved. That won’t be the case this year.
RE: Welcome Bryce Thompson
BShark said:
@Marco I think his potential is fantastic. I would bet on him starting to play as a RS SO then possibly starting the year after.
I’m pretty excited about our frontcourt future, no doubt. I like Braun, Enaruna and Muscadin alot, their ability (Enaruna is only going to get better) to run and handle, stretch the floor. It is all good in Bill Land. A damn shame about Wilson, it will be interesting to see what his role might be come next year.
RE: Christian
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Thanks for sharing that. I too saved someone’s life, though it was on a train platform in another country. I didn’t do it to be a hero or because I wanted to feel good - I did it because I should.
RE: Pistols Out of Ammo Game Thread
Hell, shoot me, but Braun might already be better than Svi.
Jesus Christ, can we please push the reset button on 2020?
Man, is anyone other than myself ready for this nation and world to get back to some version - even just a smidge - of normal? That the world will never be the same I no longer have a doubt, but it seems that our government - both Parties - along with the media do not seem to understand that by their constant bickering and partisanship they only serve to exacerbate problems. What is our new normal going to be, I wonder?
RE: What we all knew was happening at Duke with Zion is finally hitting the fan.
@approxinfinity said in What we all knew was happening at Duke with Zion is finally hitting the fan.:
ESPN has a Zion documentary about his one year at Duke entitled “Earn Everything”. Is this where they make the case that college athletes should be allowed to earn money for attending college?
You got it, and therein lies the bias. All that ESPN and other media outlets have been doing for two years now is slamming KU, but Coach K and Duke will get a pass. Sorry, but I am not a fan of the media (sports or otherwise) in this nation - far too slanted for my taste.
Coach Self isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, nor do I want him to. But seeings how some brought it up not too long ago and that he eventually will I have a candidate for you (though I realize that as of now he doesn’t have hardly any experience), how about Jacque Vaughn? Smart and sharper than a whip - can easily learn the ins and outs of the NCAA - who bleeds KU and is a flat out winner. Roy Williams had no headcoaching experience.
RE: Coach K to retire after 21-22 season
@mayjay Chalmers made “the shot” but Collins won the game… Once it went to O.T. you could tell by the Memphis faces, they didn’t went any.
RE: Michigan State Game Thread
P.S. - glad we signed Pettiford and not Ty Ty.
RE: Post Tournament Thoughts
Hell, an argument could be made - and he played great! - that CB cost us the game when he flushed it, then taunted drawing the T. We were up by 15, then came the free throws and possession and they just chipped away. It changed the flow of the entire game, no doubt.
RE: St Johns Game Thread
I’d definitely like to see more of Clemence and less of Wilson tonight
RE: Border War Game Thread
@approxinfinity said in Border War Game Thread:
Tool was one of the 4 or 5 best bands of the 90s. They were known for weird and complicated time signatures, and Maynard has a set of pipes. They rocked hard but were very very technically good. Aenima was triple platinum for a reason.
I liked STP, personally. With Scott Weiland, not the shit they’re releasing now.
RE: You remember these guys / Special.
@jayballer67 I remember that game. Pitino got so pissed after the beatdown that he said he wouldn’t schedule home and away games with KU anymore.
RE: 2019 Recruiting
I think that we’ll have to fill six scolarships, and will nab Nnaji a 5, JRE a 4, Hurt a 3 and some 4, and - call me high - Stanley, a 2 who can play some 3. McBride and Braun waiting their turn, as they undoubtedly already know. Thought, anyone (and don’t call me high Lol)?
RE: KU announces deal with Adidas
Prediction… With the mega-deal being signed watch - hocus pocus! - as, once again, the recruits begin to magically appear.
Stephen A. Smith
Is there anyone - I mean, for real - on television more grandstanding and fake, vain and patronizing than Stephen A. Smith? If there is, please let me know who and on what channel so that I can make sure to not tune in.
RE: The '19-'20 Season and Beyond (previously titled To Infinity and Beyond)
I’m telling you, I am more excited about '19-'20 than I was about '18-'19. Dok on a mission, a hungry Silvio wrecking havoc on the boards, and Enaruna bringing bigtime versatility. Hopefully Dotson (if he comes back, which I am now saying that he will) will be improved in all facets as will Agbaji - that is a great starting lineup. And what is wrong with a bench of McCormack, Mitch, Braun (bigtime shooter), Garrett (bigtime defender and distributor) and McBride (bigtime shooter)? How many teams in America would like to have those ten players? And how many teams have done more with less? I’ll say it again, Coach Self was very smart in signing Enaruna, Braun and McBride. The question now is, who should we pursue in '20?
RE: Some misc things guys : RJ/Devon/ Silvio
@BShark Yeah, unlike most people I was pretty pumped about the signing of Braun and McBride. They coupled with Garrett and Dave will allow us to build depth.
RE: 2022 Recruiting Thread
@Kcmatt7 I’m one hundred percent with you. Dick is a guy that we must sign. I can envision the scene in AFH now, a bunch of young women holding up signs that read, ‘We Love Dick!’
RE: We've been here before, but after last year, it feels different.
@KUSTEVE I agree, and people are saying that defenses are going to pack it in. Pack it in with who and against whom? Our frontcourt is made of men and deep, and we will have shooters waiting outside.
RE: 2022 Recruiting Thread
@FarmerJayhawk no doubt. And Dick is still young, he is going to get even bigger. He can penetrate at will, and even go ball deep at the rim. His ball skills are more than good, and he will get longer the more that he plays.
RE: Expected (and unexpected), Harris Signs Up for the Deep Run!
@drgnslayr I’m happy the way it’s going now. i think we’ll get multi year benefits from this latest crop.
I’m onboard @KUSTEVE ! And having White verbal - and there will be others - verifies that we will still get a few big fish while having plenty of depth. Go Mo-Kan, go!!!
RE: 2021 Transfer Talk/List
I am going to say it everyone, so go ahead and crucify me. I - and I respect him as a player - don’t want Marcus to return. Don’t think it would be beneficial for him or the team.
RE: Putting the NCAA on Notice!
@drgnslayr Maybe minorities do hurt themselves quite often by overplaying the race card. That being said, though, the Rich Paul Rule (and that is what it was) was dumb and elitest, to say the least. To say that you need a four-year degree to be an agent is like saying that you need to go to college in order to sale Avon… Please…
RE: 2021 Transfer Talk/List
This was a bigtime get. Maybe the biggest transfer out there that there was. Spring Bill @BShark ?
RE: Offense Coming Around....
I hear that we are recruiting Dennis Rodman, Jr. Lol. But serious, that guy could flat out rebound (Sr. that is) - T-Rob was our worm. Interesting that as big as Doke is he doesn’t rebound better.
It’s certainly not because he is too weak or short, or for that matter not being quick enough. Too bad, if he were a Great - and I do mean Great - rebounder (bad free throw percentage and injuries aside) he would be a surefire first round pick.
RE: Signing Day
@FarmerJayhawk Maybe, but Doke had to get into shape, then learn how to have a motor. Udeh is already both of those. Not sure about the T-Rob comparison either, Zuby seems to be more skilled coming in. What I like about both? In shape, and they don’t stop!
RE: Iowa State Cyclones - 7pm - Wednesday - ESPN+ $
Nice… A Big Monday game on ESPN+. I am hoping that atleast two or three potential recruits might get the chance to watch KU play this year.
RE: Adams
@BeddieKU23 the way that Dave and Wilson are playing, what would it hurt right? From what I’ve seen, he brings a needed energy when he comes in. How many other teams out there would love to have an Adams in their lineup? I’d hate to see the guy transfer due to misplaced loyalties.
RE: Roy losing the locker room?
BShark said:
Roy has gone Bruce. Oh no.
I hear you… “But it’s not my fault…!”
RE: Dok Dok Dok Dok Dok
I think the guy is in great shape for a thirty-five year old.
RE: More than we can BEARS...
@jayballer73 I’m with you, man. Baylor is a very good team and Drew can coach. He’s thus far probably the top candidate for National Coach of the Year. I don’t subscribe to the Baylor is going to choke as usual theory, but do subscribe to the “we are going to beat them this game, though” one - but we’re certainly going to have to earn it. They are at home, and aren’t going to lay down.
RE: More than we can BEARS...
@nuleafjhawk I’d take Drew over Weber any day of the week.
RE: Other Games
@jayballer73 said in Other Games:
I stayed up and watched the Gonzaga game last night against BYU. I think I could think of some other teams I’d rather play in the tourney then BYU.
We beat them early in the Maui tourney 71-56 however they didn’t have Childs then. - -He went off last night for 28-10 - -they shoot 43 % from the 3 Haws is a pretty decent player, would rather play them late. - -Sure I think the way we are playing we could win - but if I had my choice let’s hold off till later on that - -really good 3 point shooting teams always make me cringe. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Yeah, BYU in the tourney would be a tough draw. I think that they’re a Sweet 16 team
Marcodamus here!
Man, remember like it was yesterday (was it?). I was and still am very excited about this team. We can do this! It would have been interesting to see how McBride and Wilson would have fit in.