@DinarHawk I don’t think the NBA is thinking about him. I haven’t heard his name mentioned about an NBA job in 4 or 5 years.

Posts made by KUinLA
RE: "Fool's Gold" makes its debut
RE: "Fool's Gold" makes its debut
Another thing that reappeared last night was Bill’s “I got nuthin” face from the second half of the Wichita State game.
@ralster I honestly haven’t had much time to watch many games, but I have faith in Alford as a coach. It’s just a matter of getting the recruits. Once he starts getting the players, I believe he’ll turn them into perennial top 15 team. I think USC is going to start to be a team to watch also.
RE: The Perceived Death of Kansas Basketball
Looks like Bill’s getting a handle on what his line up should be.
RE: The Easy Button
@JayHawkFanToo Greene’s driven the basket in a couple games this year–he’s definitely added that to his game. And his D is definitely better than last year also–not great, but better. He’s definitely improved his game. I even seen him dribble the ball more than 3 times without turning it over a couple times, lol
RE: The Easy Button
Like I said before, this team need to be shooting 25 threes a game.
RE: Dubya court side for SMU game
@Texas-Hawk-10 & @jaybate-1.0 Well, as I said, I didn’t see too many of the games. From what I did see, I was unimpressed. But I’ll take your word for it if you watched a lot of the action.
RE: Dubya court side for SMU game
@jaybate-1.0 I dunno about the Nic Moore spec–from the games I watched this summer (just a couple) it didn’t really look like he belonged on the same floor as Kansas players. I got the impression that Bill was really doing Larry a favor.
RE: KU's current ranking?
We actually dropped a place in the coach’s poll after winning both our games last week. Hmmm
RE: We Just Got Schooled By Harvard
@nuleafjhawk Schooled by another coach from the K Tree. Hmmm
@wrwlumpy This Alexander fella must be a MONSTER!!! Bill better scheme the whole game plan to stop him. That’s our only chance.
RE: We Just Got Schooled By Harvard
@KUSTEVE said:
@KUinLA OMG …what shall we do?
Well, if this game is any indication, we shall probably watch another magnificent flameout in March, lol.
RE: We Just Got Schooled By Harvard
@KUSTEVE Yes, a horrible win indeed. Does this win really inspire much confidence? Does anyone feel that, as someone posted on another thread, Bill has “righted the ship” since the Michigan State loss?
RE: We Just Got Schooled By Harvard
@HighEliteMajor #7–this team needs to be shooting 25 three pointers a game.
RE: Hypothesis: some aliases mostly post after KU losses, or misfortune...hmmm
Some of us don’t have as much time as others to devote to this site and team and prefer to vent here mainly when their hackles are raised. Fair enough? Or are you taking attendance, lol?
RE: Can You Handle The Truth? Self's Traylor Comment A Targeted Farce
Traylor is this year’s Brady. Jamari Morningstar
RE: The Word is Out
@KUSTEVE I agree that we have a chance to be a special team this year. And I wasn’t trying to pile on–the point I was trying to make with this thread is that it’s not just a matter of a few discontents on this board anymore. Other media outlets are beginning to comment on Kansas’ shortcomings. Hence, 'the word is out. ’ But I could definitely see this team making a Final Four run.
RE: The Word is Out
@KUSTEVE yeah, I saw that too. Didn’t want to post it lest I incur the wrath of jaybate, lol.
RE: Wasting Another Good Trey Balling Game on a Cupcake...Random or Indicative of Something Significant
Bovaird said ‘our goal was to try to take away scoring from two, three feet from the basket and hope that they get cold outside’
Izzo, on the other hand, defended the 3pt line close enough to man up when the ball went out. Brannen didn’t get a shot off.
I expect UCLA to defend the 3 better today, especially against Svi. If you have to ‘pick your poison’ against Kansas, well, 50% of a 2pt shot (which is about what Perry shoots under the best of circumstances) is still only one point. 50% of a 3pt shot is, uh lemme see…
@Crimsonorblue22 I would think Indiana or Vandy if we meet up, but I don’t think any 2nd/3rd round game would be a cakewalk.
@HighEliteMajor We should definitely get to 8-1. A loss to any of the teams in Hawaii would be problematic.
@jaybate-1.0 Certainly seems to have gotten your goat, hasn’t it?
Don’t destabilize the site! Don’t destabilize the site!
@AsadZ I share your frustrations w/ Bill as much as anyone, but it’s WAY too early to be calling for his head. Although I’ve posted that it wouldn’t bother me too much if he moved on, I’d be more happy to see him change and adapt his game.
Sacking Bill for anything less than a total collapse this year (like a losing record, or a majority player revolt, a la BG, or some type of scandal) would only serve to make the University look bad.
@jaybate-1.0 said:
Site Destabilization 101
So it’s destabilization that’s bothering you? Making the site a little uncomfortable for you? Getting that queasy feeling in your stomach? Sorry to rock the boat. I, for one, enjoy the differing viewpoints on this board. Maybe you should try some dramamine, lol.
@jaybate-1.0 As usual, you dodge the point of the post. Fine. Go ahead and wave your pictures. I’m sure you’d also wave them in the face of WSU, Stanford, Michigan, VCU, UNI, etc. And they’d reply, ‘Good for you! Enjoy those pics while you reminisce on your summer vacation. But you’ll excuse us now–we have work to do. We have another game to play.’
Hold that close and treasure it. It will give you solace in March when Bill’s team bows out to a less talented team.
sidenote: If you wish to mock my post and have a valid argument against it, then take it on head on. The point of the article is in March. Taking a sideswipe and saying ‘He’s .821’ or ‘He won 11 straight Big 12 titles’ is irrelevant to the article and to my (and quite a few other posters’) problem with Bill Self.
If .821 and 11 straight satisfies you, then fine, good for you. Maybe you’re a Cubs fan too. But I’m sorry you can’t simply accept the fact that not everyone shares your attitude and you feel the need to mock them.
My disappointment lies in repeated losses to less talented teams in the tournament. Losses that have become such a trend that multiple posters here recognize it and post ideas to solve the problem. And now it’s so obvious that we’re beginning to see commentary in other media outlets on the issue. Which is the whole point of my post. The Word is Out.
RE: The Word is Out
And why does it not surprise me that, once again, @jaybate-1.0 resorts to name-calling and ad hominem?
The Word is Out
Well, it looks like the word is out and it’s becoming a matter of common knowledge. How long til we start seeing more like this in other media outlets? Probably only online and in print, though. Television analysts don’t seem to be allowed to say anything negative. Unless we get Bob Knight calling one of our games. He doesn’t mince words. And he knew what to do with a good three point shooter, didn’t he?
RE: A Pure Embarrassment
It looks to me like the key to beating this Kansas team (or lineup, anyway) is to defend the three point line. With zero looks for our two best shooters, we look just average. Unfortunately, Bill makes it very easy to defend the 3 because he runs no 3pt offense. You just have to stay within 5 ft. of a stationary man when the ball’s on this side of the court. I don’t doubt that that was part of Izzo’s game plan and I’ll bet we’ll see more of it throughout the season.
RE: A Pure Embarrassment
Izzo sees Greene go 6/6 and says ‘Don’t let him get open.’ Rather than draw up plays to get him open, Self says Óh well, he’s not getting open this game’ and pulls him. Result? 0/0
After seeing Hunter against N. CO. I thought 'how do you keep this guy off the floor?'I guess Bill found a way.
And Bill insists on trying to beat Michigan St. inside, even thought he’s only got one reliable big man scorer. And even though M State is always well stocked with capable big bodies.
I wonder if Hunter wishes he’d chosen M State.
RE: Chiefs Blow So Others Can Learn....
The game was lost on first half play-calling.
1st down from the 2 yd line–3 pass plays behind the line of scrimmage. The whole defense is within 10 yds of the line of scrimmage, so everyone can close quickly on a completed pass. No advantage for the offense. Minimum of 3 pt giveaway.
End of 1st half after Denver score-- First play should have been a run. If you get stuffed, you go to the 2min warning and then run out the clock after it. If you get a first down, or close to it, you can try to operate downfield and look to get another score. Instead, 7pt giveaway.
Should have been up 2 scores all through the 2nd half. Instead, give away a game that should have been put away. Not ready for prime time.
RE: The Sporting News 2015-16 college basketball preview has ranked Kansas University No. 1 in its preseason Top 10
@HighEliteMajor WHAAATTT?!?!?!
How can you even suggest that?!?!?!
Everyone knows that Bill Self’s system is INFALLIBLE!!! And the only reason we could (or ever) fail to advance in the tournament is the players’ failure to execute the BS Infallible System properly.
RE: Pot and Its Impact on BB IQ?
@HighEliteMajor said:
our society, our lives, everything else, would be much better without pot or alcohol.
Wine is a sacrament in my religion. And Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine.
“alcohol is one of the scourges of society. It has destroyed millions of lives. It has exacted a tremendous toll.”
I would posit that it is not alcohol, but the abuse of alcohol, that is one of the scourges of society…and has destroyed millions of lives. And has exacted a tremendous toll.Do you really think alcohol is the demon, or is the demon within the individual? Do you think banning alcohol would solve the problems? We tried that and it didn’t work. In fact, it spawned even worse problems.
If a man plays Russian Roulette and loses, do you blame the gun?
Yeah, he sure didn’t look like that against Stanford, did he, Bill? Oh yeah, we decided to run our offense through Tarik Black that day.
RE: Bill Self to OKC!
@FarSideHawk Probably no more than I miss Roy. In fact, I think I even miss Roy more every time I see Bill’s team blow a fast break opportunity, lol.
RE: Bill Self to OKC!
@FarSideHawk I honestly don’t think I’d be happy or sad if Bill left Kansas. I’m just not that emotionally invested anymore. But Kansas Basketball is bigger than any one coach and I have no doubt the coaching position could be filled by any of several candidates who could maintain the program at near current levels.
And to copy and paste from an earlier post:
As to specific names that I think would do well at Kansas-- Mark Few, Steve Alford, Mark Turgeon, Brad Stevens, Gregg Marshall, Larry Krystkowiak, Mike Brey, Billy Donovan, Sean Miller–and there are probably plenty more. Heck why not throw in Tom Izzo? And Rick Pitino even became available during Bill’s tenure also. -
RE: Bill Self to OKC!
@nuleafjhawk I say that because so far there’s being absolutely zero (that I’ve heard) mention of Bill Self as a possible candidate.
And his overall winning % is actually about 75%. If winning percentage the most important factor in choice of coach, why no mention of the dozen or so active college coaches with a 70+ winning percentage? Probably because coaching philosophy and ‘fit’ with the team are also factors. I don’t see how Bill’s philosophy (which he has thus far refused to deviate from) fits in with a team built around Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook. I might worry more about him going to a team like San Antonio.
RE: Bill Self to OKC!
Don’t worry–OKC has NO interest in Bill Self. And neither do Durant or Westbrook.
Thanks for the chuckle, though.
RE: Brandon Ingram Decision
@drgnslayr How about we go with “BAD BALL.” Kansas should be branded as the team that plays BAD BALL and that this is the wave of the future. Tell all the recruits (and encourage other recruiters to tell them) that Bill Self will make you play BAD BALL! The top tier recruits will beat a path to our doorstep–Bank on it!
RE: Let's talk Summer Korea World Games- B. Greene Surgery Impact
@dylans Okay, maybe I’m just arguing with your choice of words. Hyperbole means an exaggeration for the point of emphasis. Phrases like “he weighed a ton,” "I’ve got a million things on my mind,’ “he was grinning from ear to ear” are examples of hyperbole. Saying Coach K may be the greatest basketball coach ever is certainly not an exaggeration, as one could make a legitimate argument that he is as good or better than Wooden, given the differences of the state of the game in their respective coaching eras.
As for who I’d like to see coaching, I’m of the opinion that there are a good handful of coaches out there who could do as well as Bill at Kansas. Granted, Bill is a great recruiter, but I think the name Kansas does a good bit of recruiting on its own. Kansas Basketball is bigger than any one coach. And if jaybate’s Shoe Company theory holds water, which seems entirely plausible to me, there are plenty of coaches out there who could recruit well to Kansas.
As to specific names that I think would do well at Kansas-- Mark Few, Steve Alford, Mark Turgeon, Brad Stevens, Gregg Marshall, Larry Krystkowiak, Mike Brey, Billy Donovan, Sean Miller–and there are probably plenty more. Heck why not throw in Tom Izzo? And Rick Pitino even became available during Bill’s tenure also.
I’m not saying fire Bill. I’d rather see him adapt his coaching style and continue to improve. But desperately clutching on to the same old thing simply out of fear of nothing else better being available (like the hi-lo post, lol) is no way to grow.
Heck I remember being upset when they fired Ted Owens, thinking “Well who else are they gonna get?” That turned out okay.