SO… a guy walks into a bar with a frog on his head. The bartender asks, “What’s that?” The frog replies, “I don’t know. It started out as a bump on my ass.”

Posts made by JReyn
RE: Bad Joke Friday
RE: The Word is Out
@MoonwalkMafia Never EVER re-watch the last 2 minutes of the Michigan game. What the hell you thinking? Watch the @Iowa State game from that year or something.
RE: Sad news
@Hawk8086 I was staying in a little town north of Calgary & everyone had a hunting rifle or shotgun… It could very well be that a bigger percentage of people actually owned A GUN than in the US, but not as many guns per person in the US. Hell, my brother in law has about 40, a nd he’s sure not the biggest gun nut in Tennessee.
Funny about handguns being hard to get in canada. My roommate had a Glock that he claimed he could sell in canada for $2500 or something rediculous. Late 1990s. Probably full of sh*t, but I always wondered if the black market prices really were that much higher.
RE: Sad news
@drgnslayr said:
All the gun violence in this country worries me. But is it the gun or the people pulling the trigger? In Canada I believe they have more guns per person, but very little violent crime.
Wrong0 on the “more guns in Canada” thing. Lived in Alberta for a couple years. Been 15 years, but the gun laws (they have them, LOL) were a lot different.
RE: Interesting, sad Cliff read
@wissoxfan83 who was the '04 player from Tennessee? I know Scotty Hopson was ranked 5th in the class of '08 and didn’t get drafted after his junior year, but I can’t think of anyone who flamed out spectacularly before that. LOL Actually, plenty of NBA-promising Vols flamed out after that – like Tyler Smith with his gun and weed busted a few days before the UT walk-ons beat KU in 2010
RE: Interesting, sad Cliff read
Oh, come on. Kcmatt7 has a valid point. Comparing Kaminksy to Alexander…why bother?
They both play basketball, and neither was drafted after his freshman year. The end.
Other than that, it’d be hard to find two more unrelated players for comparison than unranked high school prospect, 4-year college player, Kaminsky, and top five HS prospect, 1-year college BUST, cliff alexander.
RE: Which Coach Other Than Self Could Have Gone .500, or Better, Down the Stretch with the Team Self Had Left Last Season?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a Marshall fan. I just think 3/5 of KU’s subs were better than WSU’s starters.
There is a level of hubris that transcends reality once you get outside of Kansas regarding Kansas Basketball. Listing Coach K, Cal, Froiberg, Pitino, and a couple nutpicks of Martin and Jones who might have failed to achieve what Self did last year is ridiculous. Plenty of coaches did a lot more with less talent than Lucas and Traylor playing significant minutes.
If you want to blame it on injuries, I’d say Self was kind of willingly blind in that regard too. Greene OBVIOUSLY shouldn’t have been playing. He contributed jack squat down the stretch, and Self never once pulled him aside and said, “Hey, dude, your shot is crap and you can’t slide to the left or right. Something hurting?” Would another coach have noticed that and played Svi more? Who knows.
RE: Which Coach Other Than Self Could Have Gone .500, or Better, Down the Stretch with the Team Self Had Left Last Season?
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m not talking about the head to head matchup. Could Marshall have done as much with the KU roster Self had down the stretch? Hell yes. (He did more with less of a team)
RE: Which Coach Other Than Self Could Have Gone .500, or Better, Down the Stretch with the Team Self Had Left Last Season?
@Crimsonorblue22 Of course I’m serious. Do you think WSU had a better team talent-wise than KU down the stretch?
RE: Maybe someone can give our friend a poke
I put in a plug for kubuckets. We’ll see if it stays up. LOL . The facebook policy is idiotic. I’m tempted to set up a few burn gmail/facebook accounts just to be able to lob a few turds at a couple annoying commentrs once in a while, but I’d feel kinda bad for Jesse Newell who I guess has to police the place.
Liking the discussion here though…keep it up! … back to lurker mode.
RE: Thanks to aprox for setting this up!
Just registered… was wondering where everyone went! I used to post as JHawkinTN a while back. mostly just lurked lately. Site works great…easy for big fingers on an ipad too. thanks for setting it up.