Just a friendly healthcare reminder: If you do take the blue pill, and your rationalization lasts more than 4 hours, please notify me or your nearest healthcare provider.

Posts made by JayDocMD
RE: Red Pill or Blue Pill?
RE: Big day today
“I’m very pleased with this recruiting class,” Weis said via press release. “Our staff had to show good patience, and, through hard work, we filled almost every pressing need.”
I’m almost pleased with this class. It’s comparable to last years class ratings-wise. Less JUCO-heavy. But this quote bothers me and is a glimpse into what I think it lacking in our class this year.
Coach Weis says the word “almost.”… not real reassuring. He didn’t say “we almost filled every want.” He didn’t even say “we almost filled every need.” He said " we almost filled every pressing need." As in there’s a or some pressing need(s) that went unfilled. I’ll speculate here and say it’s the OL that still has some pressing needs that went unfilled. This, of course, is a huge concern. You can have the best QB, RB’s and WR’s in the world, but if you can’t block none of that matters. I guess that’s why I’m almost happy with this recruiting class.
RE: Picking the Elite 8
@wissoxfan83 didn’t mean to step on toes. Just couldn’t remember the last time the Badgers went beyond a sweet 16 and recent memory for me was of an underachieving program in the big dance.
RE: Picking the Elite 8
@brooksmd sorry. Brain freeze. Of course it’s Dallas.
RE: Picking the Elite 8
OK I just noticed Iowa was in the AP top 10. So I’d have to pick WSU over Iowa - but OkSt is 11th and I would pick them over WSU.
RE: Conquering Turnovers
@Crimsonorblue22 That’s a great point. I’ve specifically noticed Wiggins just dropping the ball or letting it slip out of his hands unprovoked at least 1-2 times every game. Usually his heads up planning his next move and he’s not looking the ball into his hands. Michigan last year showed us it can be one possession at the end of the game and something as simple as that that can knock you out the tourney.
RE: Picking the Elite 8
@drgnslayr I agree with everything you said. I certainly wouldn’t want to see them on our side of the bracket - they will be a tough out. That said, if you take the rest of the AP top 10 and have them play WSU on a neutral floor right now, is WSU a favorite for any of those games? Maybe. I wouldn’t pick them. Granted, that may be my heart speaking more than my head. I’ve had enough of their whiny coach and fans.
RE: Picking the Elite 8
Arizona = best team on paper, although not being tested much in PAC12 may hurt their tournament toughness. (Side note: I would love to have Embiid give Tarczewski an up close look at what could have been in the championship game.)
San Diego St = Their only loss is to Arizona. I don’t think their win at the Phog was a fluke. Sure we couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn that game, but a lot of that was their excellent defense. I think they have the tools to make an elite 8 run.
OK St = I hesitated to include them, but I think the Big 12 is too strong not to put 2 teams in the final 8. Ultimately I think they will be the second best tourney team in the Big 12.
Mich St = even with injuries, don’t bet against Izzo to advance in the tourney
Florida = another team battling injury (and eligibility) issues. They are deep and talented and seem to be clearly one of the best 8 teams in the country.
Kentucky = They could flame out first round, but they have the talent to make a run as well. I think they make it to the elite 8 and lose.
Memphis = my “darkhorse”, although it’s not that big of a stretch. They have a lot of talent, size, and athleticism and a few veteran leaders. But then again, they have Pastner. A nice guy but someone who seems in over his head in the big games.
KU = if they continue on their current trajectory, would be the best team heading into the tourney. Tested by a rigorous schedule, they could easily cut down the nets in New Orleans. I worry, however, about their youth and turnover problems showing on any given night and an early exit against a pressing team (VCU?) is a real possibility.
My omissions:
Wisconsin = come on, they’re Wisconsin. They always under perform in the tourney.
Louisville = too many injuries/suspensions, but they will be a dangerous out and wouldn’t want to see them on our side of the bracket as a 3 or 4 seed.
Syracuse = They’re not battle-tested and I’m not a believer.
Wichita St = not enough solid competition through the year to really be a tourney-tough team. I mean they’re barely squeeking by some of these MVC teams.
Villanova = would have included them until that beatdown by Creighton. Granted it was an epic shooting display, but still it was a 30 point loss at home. Elite Eight teams don’t do that
RE: Odds of Embiid Staying?
A quick update on this Embiid staying topic with kusports.com link and pertinent quote below. Adds further hope to those of us thinking his odds of staying are higher than one might think:
"Due diligence: KU’s Joel Embiid, who is projected by some to be No. 1 pick in the NBA Draft, told ESPN.com he’s been researching the careers of some great NBA centers and noticed they stayed in college more than one year. Tim Duncan stayed four at Wake Forest, Hakeem Olajuwon three at Houston and Shaquille O’Neal two at LSU before turning pro.
“I was curious because I want to be great, I want to be the best at my position one day,” he told ESPN.com. “I’m trying to learn everything and what other people did. All of the great big men went to college at least two or three years. I think it’s a big factor. I don’t know if it will always work, but I think it’s the best choice.”
Of the NBA, he told ESPN: “I don’t know. I think it would be too overwhelming for me right now. I’m not sure I’m ready.”
Earlier in the season, he told the Journal-World: “I am not thinking about the NBA right now. I just want to get better and play and reach something this year. If I get the chance and think I’m ready, I might do that (go pro). I don’t really think about that. When I signed for Kansas, I didn’t have any idea I’d go NBA. In my mind, I always thought four years, getting my degree. My parents want me to get my degree. Luc (Luc Richard Mbah a Moute, NBA player who advises Embiid) does,” added Embiid, who said he was planning on majoring in something business related.
Self recently said on his Hawk Talk radio show Embiid has yet to learn how to drive a car. Embiid told ESPN that was still the case."
RE: Jan 20 Game Day: KU vs Baylor; Embiid is a basketball savant
Hey @approxinfinity (or anyone else who knows) - why is this thread not showing up on the Home page?
RE: Jan 20 Game Day: KU vs Baylor; Embiid is a basketball savant
Please forgive this speculative and tangential post. This may interest only me, but as I perused Twitter today I noted a tweet from Rob Dauster that “Billy Donovan says Florida freshman Chris Walker still hasn’t been cleared for game-action by NCAA.”
That made me think: Where would KU be today if we had signed Chris Walker? Maybe we weren’t all that close to getting him, but I remember thinking we had a chance and was disappointed when he chose UF. Some of the posters who keep closer tabs on recruiting may have to help me with all the details - including the timeline. If I remember correctly Walker committed to Florida fairly early (summer 2012.) I know Embiid didn’t commit until November 2012, and I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have come if Walker was coming.
So if we had Walker sitting on our bench in street clothes and no Embiid, and a hot and cold Tarik Black (mostly cold) still starting, I’m thinking we’re not all having the Final Four thoughts that currently seem pretty realistic. Maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Landon Lucas would’ve then had the opportunity to shine. But even on his best day, he’s not half of Embiid on his best day. And that’s not meant to be a knock on Lucas - I’m real optimistic about his future at KU. But who could have known what we have in Embiid this year. But it might not have ever been, if Chris Walker had picked KU.
RE: Jan 18 Post Game Roundup: KU vs OSU
Good win - I’ll take it. But I’ll also take home many of the same points brought up by @highelitemajor. I’m with you HEM on the troubling inability to handle pressure. Until that’s fixed, no lead is safe. And that’s a scary habit to bring along into the NCAA Tourney.
Also agree with the puzzling and ongoing lack of play for the player we will from here on out call Connor Greene III. He’s really sort of chameleon. He was White at first. Then he became a balding blonde *Side note: what is it with that Wichita water? Fluoride? Chemicals from airplane manufacturing? Whatever it is, I’m looking at you too Perry. *Anyway… Most recently the Chameleon has turned Greene. And sure enough that’s who showed up today. And he did pretty well.
So… why not give Greene any floor time in the 2nd half? He was effective in the now typical 3-5 minute 1st half audition Self gives to our Chameleon. Surely he would have been an improvement over Selden for any of that 5-10 minute period where Wayne committed turnover after sloppy turnover and almost single-handedly let OSU back into the game. I like Wayne but it wasn’t his day (Selden with 5 2nd half TO’s) - I was screaming at the TV for a change. IMO, Self waited entirely too long to pull Selden. Once he put Mason in with Tharpe, the hemorrhaging slowed. (Mason with 1 total TO.)
Like I said. Good win. I’ll take it. But still some areas of concern to tighten up if we want to be a legit NC contender.
RE: Another win for the football team
KUsports.com: Big recruiting weekend looms for Kansas University football
[http://www2.kusports.com/news/2014/jan/17/big-recruiting-weekend-looms-kansas-university-foo/](link url)
RE: "If I were them, I wouldn't want to play us either." Gregg Marshall
I guess I’m the opposite @nuleafjhawk. The more Marsha talks the more I think I feel sorry for her. That poor homely gal just can’t get a date. She’s basically just standing in the obscurity that is the MIZZERY Valley Conference and jumping up and down yelling “Look at me! Look at me!”
Regents give approval to proposed apartments near Allen Fieldhouse
Regents give approval to proposed apartments near Allen Fieldhouse
Keeping up with the Joneses…
or the Wildcats?
[http://larrybrownsports.com/college-basketball/kentuckys-housing-chef-flat-screens/153247](link url)
(Here’s video)
RE: Joel Embiid vs. Karviar Shepherd - You Choose
@HighEliteMajor I understand what you mean HEM, but is hoping that each OAD is legit rolling the dice any more than hoping TRob develops as much as he did? Or the Morii and Withey making as much progress as they did. A lot of folks (myself included) would say they turned out much better than anticipated.
RE: Jan 13: Post-game Roundup -- KU vs Iowa State
Great win. Loved everyone’s attitude. Hoping this young team uses this as our launching point and not the pinnacle. I’m sure we’re good - there’s no way the basketball gods would allow Naadir to be the star of our Zenith, right?
I appreciate your remarks @drgnslayr and your initial comments are deleted from my memory as well.
Ok. Clearly you weren’t being sarcastic. I love your contributions to this site @drgnslayr but that’s just an awful take. I love to hate on a fan base as much as the next guy, but to broaden such unsubstantiated misgivings to an entire state? Way, WAY out there.
“A deranged public … that is common in that state” - Really?
Again - I like your contributions here. Just not that one.
I know I was bragging on my sarcasm font detection the other day, but I’m gonna have to ask for help on this post @drgnslayr. Perhaps it’s the elaborate Gacy details throwing me. Perhaps I need more coffee…
RE: Liberace Gets Candelabra Handed to Him On a Platter
No. Not that pic. I like to mix it up. I’m thinking this was one of the ones I put on the other site (here’s your warning…)
RE: Jan 11: Post-game Roundup: KU vs K State
@CaptnMo He was in there - shot some FT’s. Didn’t see AW3 in there though. Was really surprised Coach Self didn’t sub out some of the guys a little sooner to get those benchwarmers a few more minutes.
RE: Liberace Gets Candelabra Handed to Him On a Platter
This is as good a time as any to restart the tradition of posting a Weberace pic that I begun at kusports.com …
RE: Odds of Embiid Staying?
I also don’t necessarily believe we need Turner.
True, IF Embiid stays. If he goes, Turner would be much more of a necessity.
RE: Odds of Embiid Staying?
Ok. I’m an idiot. I just realized the percentage odds I quoted in my initial post were intended to be odds he would** leave **. Not stay. I corrected it but wanted to own up to it for those who already read it and posted on it.
RE: OU Reset: Questions
The issue I take with Wiggins is that the ONLY time he is aggressive is when he is driving to the rack.
I mostly agree with you @Blown - but I would say even when he drives he’s not finishing aggressively. Off-balanced circus shots where he tries to finish with his opposite hand… yada, yada, yada.
Dunk. The. Ball. Or at least* try* to. You’re more likely to see a dodo bird than a charge call this year, so even if he misses he’ll be shooting FT’s.
Odds of Embiid Staying?
Perhaps higher than we all think. Recent history and common sense would dictate 95% plus confidence in Joel leaving. And he very well might. As Jay Bilas was talking during the OU game about his opinion that Joel should stay another year (or two I think he actually said) I sarcastically laughed and said “yeah, right.” But something he said after that caught my attention. I believe he said that Joel has been gathering the opinion of professional big men who he respects and they’ve been suggesting too that he stay a little longer. Bilas’ take is that Embiid is “the real deal.” He doesn’t have to strike while the iron is hot; or fool anybody with a stat-inflated flash-in-the-pan year. He will get the benefit of the doubt from GM’s even next year if he stalls out and is not showing progress because he has all the physical tools he needs to succeed.
Other factors include his culture as well as his personal/family situation. He is not in a position where his family is in financial dire straits and need him to be the bread winner. In fact his father, The Colonel, whom we can infer values structure and discipline, may very well approach his development looking at the big picture and realize that a year of getting bigger and stronger won’t necessarily improve his draft stock, but will better prepare him for the NBA.
Look. I’m under no illusion that he’s staying. I don’t think it’s probable. I don’t think it’s likely. Chad Ford reported last night that in something like 13 out of 14 scenarios Embiid would be the first pick overall. With injuries to consider, I would not blame him one bit for going. Shoot, I’d go. I guess the point of this post is to suggest its not a done deal and he may actually be considering staying more than I thought he would. What are the odds of Embiid leaving? After consideration of these points, my heart says 50%. My head says 94%.
RE: Jan 9: JaQuan Lyle visiting KU this weekend.
Well he must have read my post and been insulted. His visit this weekend is off per Jayhawk Slant via Eric Bossi.
RE: Jan 9: Post-game Roundup: KU vs OU
I miss his energy and invisible cereal bowl on the bench this year.
Just for you @FarSideHawk
RE: Does KU win the Big 12
Who are we worried about - Longhorns, Baylor, please.
As of right now, ISU is number one contender to unseat us. Hoiberg can flat out coach and they’re playing some of the best ball in the country. And don’t count out OSU just yet. If we don’t win our next three home games (including OSU) we will spend the rest of the conference season playing from behind and hoping for someone else to lose.
RE: Conner Frankamp Hyperbole
I’ll go with 3
CF plays 2 or so minutes and gets yanked for turnover or mistake.
RE: Jan 9: Post-game Roundup: KU vs OU
Great minds think alike. It was disconcerting and I posted almost the exact same thing on another thread earlier this AM:
“With the multiple replays they showed of Selden diving for that ball in front of the KU bench, I found myself watching the bench players reaction. I wish I had a clip of that to post for everyone to watch as it was very telling. As I recall Black, Traylor, Niko, and Tyler were all very animated and fired up as the team assembled at the bench. Wesley, Lucas, Greene, AW3, and if memory doesn’t fail me Mason (surprisingly) sat there like they were at a funeral. That was pretty disappointing - and to me seems to be an indicator of where these guys heart and head are.”
Now to be fair, I only definitely remember Green and Mason sitting there like bumps on a log.
RE: OU Reset: Questions
I’m pleased with the victory. Especially the effort from several of the guys, including Selden and Frankamp who had that breakout game they sorely needed.
I’m still concerned about our ball handling down the stretch, our defense and blocking out (allowed 7 off rebounds.) My biggest concern after last night? What is wrong with Andrew Wiggins? Others have mentioned it. He seems off. Disengaged. Is he lazy? Overwhelmed? At this point it’s clear: even those of us that started the year with tempered expectations may have been expecting too much. This isn’t that Alpha Dog we were promised. He’s stepping out of bounds, bumbling and fumbling the ball and turning it over - seemingly even more so with the game in the balance.
He’s continues to make questionable decisions. Case in point: With a little more than 2 minutes left in the game and KU up 2 possessions, he drives the lane with 30 seconds left on the shot clock and turns it over. Just not high IQ basketball. That same play also showed another of his deficiencies: he doesn’t finish strong. He’s always trying some off balance spin move or scoop shot. Jay Bilas touched on this. Andrew. Dude. You’re 6’8 and can jump out of the gym. Just once try to posterize somebody. I don’t care if it goes in or not. Lay off of the 3’s. Drive the lane. And finish. Strong.
I’m still rooting for the kid and I know we can’t accomplish our goals this year without him. I just want to see some heart. Some passion. Shoot, I’ll take a Beta Dog at this point.
RE: Jan 9: JaQuan Lyle visiting KU this weekend.
You’re right @KirkIsMyHinrich, and I appreciate you posting the info on here. I have previously voiced my concern about his academics and possible behavioral red flags. I’ve also stated my desire to use and develop the perimeter players we have. Then again, Selden could go pro and AW3 and Greene could both transfer and I could change my tune.
RE: I've got a crush on Tarik Black
I noticed the same thing you did @iowajayhawk2005. With the multiple replays they showed of Selden diving for that ball in front of the KU bench, I found myself watching the bench players reaction. I wish I had a clip of that to post for everyone to watch as it was very telling. As I recall Black, Traylor, Niko, and Tyler were all very animated and fired up as the team assembled at the bench. Wesley, Lucas, Greene, AW3, and if memory doesn’t fail me Mason (surprisingly) sat there like they were at a funeral. That was pretty disappointing - and to me seems to be an indicator of where these guys heart and head are.
RE: Jan 8: The journey begins for Title 10 of 10... and the search for joy.
I read sarcasm font just fine thank you very much. On a related note, when was your last prostate exam @JayHawkFanToo?
RE: Jan 8: The journey begins for Title 10 of 10... and the search for joy.
see - now we’re all being uncivil and it’s HILARIOUS.
uncivil? No
immature/gross/hilarious? Yes
DISCLAIMER: no prostates were harmed in the production of these postings
RE: Jan 8: The journey begins for Title 10 of 10... and the search for joy.
only if you promise to check our prostate simultaneously.
You do know that my prostate exams aren’t done with both hands on your shoulders, right?
RE: Jan 8: The journey begins for Title 10 of 10... and the search for joy.
I am the best poster on this site bar none. I have yet to see a single post that is even in the same realm of my intelligence. Everyone else’s posts are almost as boring as watching andrew wiggins stand at the free throw line extended while he watches other players run around.
quote from @iowajayhawk2005 re: his opinion of everyone
RE: Can 'Snacks' Do More Than Recruit?
I am the best poster on this site bar none. I have yet to see a single post that is even in the same realm of my intelligence. Everyone else’s posts are almost as boring …
Submitted without further comment.
RE: Can 'Snacks' Do More Than Recruit?
@iowajayhawk2005 @KUSTEVE I’m really mostly wondering about his opponent scouting for upcoming games and X’s and O’s ability. I don’t think any of us really know if that is a strength of his or not. As I mentioned, I would love to know which asst. coach was assigned which game to scout. It might answer some questions. Who knows - he may be the best schematic coach since Wooden. My point is, the assistant coach turnover is a variable that should be considered in this team which has struggled to progress at the rate expected by Coach Self. He himself said we aren’t where he thought we would be.
Player development falls under the asst. coach responsibilities, so I added that as an area to watch as well. As far as Embiid, Traylor and Lucas - correct me if I’m wrong - but Howard doesn’t focus on “bigs” as a position coach. I believe he helps out with the guards. The player development I’m specifically looking at is Wiggins, Selden, and Tharpe.
BTW @iowajayhawk2005 … No need to call names - I’ve noticed you’ve done that elsewhere in responses on other threads. If you were to ever have a good point to make it would be lost in the name calling.
RE: Team Twitter accounts
Anyone feel free to add your own twitter handle - I’ll give you a follow.
Can 'Snacks' Do More Than Recruit?
I’m concerned. I’m not concerned about 4 losses. That’s about what I had projected pre-season. I’m concerned about what appears to me to be a lack of player development. I’m concerned about an apparent lack of game preparation - specifically game-planning. I’m concerned about our in-game adjustments (or lack thereof.) In short, I’m concerned about our assistant coaching and support staff.
Over the last several years we’ve lost Dooley, Hinson and Manning (and I guess you could even include Sadler.) Some of these guys were great player developers. Some were great game-planners. Seems like we’ve replaced them with guys more known for being great recruiters - specifically Jerrance “Snacks” Howard. Mind you, he’s already payed dividends on that front with Cliff Alexander. But what kind of player developer is he? How well does he scout another team and help Coach Self with game planning? How well does he help Coach Self make in-game and halftime adjustments? I have no idea. But I’m starting to wonder - I’m very curious to know which assistant was assigned which game for scouting.
Norm Roberts has more coaching chops and perhaps I shouldn’t lump him in with 'Snacks." I just really am seeing a questionable job in the areas of player prep, development, game-planning and in-game adjustments. I mean, when SDSU were doubling our bigs, why weren’t there wing players cutting to the basket? Is that all on Self? I would say mostly - but it’s also the assistant’s jobs to point these things out for him. It does make me wonder. How much was Dooley and the other now-gone assistants helping make those observations and preparations? It also makes me wonder: Can “Snacks” do more than recruit?
RE: Team Twitter accounts
Fellow Board Folk:
@HighEliteMajor @jessenewell
KU Staff:
@CoachBillSelf @CoachTownsend @Coachjhoward @A_Hudy
@22Wiggins @SharpeTharpe @jojo_embiid @WayneSeldenJr @T_Self11 @evan_manning5 @Ntharpe1 @AndrewWhite03 @CFrankamp_23 @LandonLucas33 @J_mari31 @b_greene14 @N_Roberts20 @PElliz @TarikBlack25
Kelly Oubre: @K_Ctmd22 Cliff Alexander: @humblekid11
Myles Turner: @Original_Turner Stephen Zimmerman: @BIGG_ZIMM Rashad Vaughn: @ShowtimeMr JaQuan Lyle: @JMamba5 @Diamond_Stone33
RE: Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (And here's to # 10 and 6)
Merry Christmas all! I’m thankful for our little yet ever-expanding KU community here on kubuckets and look forward to a New Year of discussing our beloved Jayhawks with all if you.