Thought you might get a little hee , hee out of this. - -a little tid bit: - the amount of wins Mitch Lightfoot has against K-State in his KU Career - -( 10 ) The Number of Wins K-State has against KU in their last 32 Seasons ? - - ( 8 ) - that’s truly a Kodak moment . ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

Best posts made by jayballer67
Thought you might get a chuckle
Congratulations Jalen - -well deserved
Was good to see Jalen won the Julius Irving award , which goes to the top voted small forward. - -Great Job buddy
Just throwing this out for the Holiday
Just a pinch early guys - -BUT just wishing a very Merry Christmas to all my KU Comrads - I know not everyone can celebrate the Holiday like they want , being able to connect with family - - I’m sorry I know has to stink , BUT just be safe and take care of yourself and get to feeling better our Jayhawks need each and everyone of you.
Get yourself healthy and get back in the game big days ahead. - Soooo MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY and we will see you on the other side. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
This is what being spoiled gets you
Have to say and all know I really get wrapped up in games , I cuss the guys call some names I didn’t even realize I had in my vocabulary lol.
THEN after a cooling off period I realize I’m probably to hard on the kids. Just not use to losing, they have spoiled me - -spoiled us all. I mean 13 Straight yrs of Conference Championships , how many straight weeks in the top 25 ? - How many straight NCAA appearances ? - the last two references holds the record for longest in Nation - - that’s how you get spoiled.
So we have this year , guys just aren’t as good , not as Athletic however were not alone by any means. Here is a little something the other bluebloods suck this yr also, were actually better then some of them. Duke 7-6 and just showed tonight Duke 0-3 against Quad 1 Competition - - o-3 against Quad 2 Competition and has like a 20.5 % chance of even making the Tourney.
This Saturday will mark the 1st time since 1960 that when Duke & North Carolina play one another - - -neither will be ranked.
Look at Kentucky like 6-10 - -they are not making the tourney unless they just go insane - - - Hell Michigan State suck this year too , Michigan St scores 37 points can’t shoot worth a dam - - 37 points against Rutgers - - Tonight the newly ranked # 9 Oklahoma had 18 points at Half against # 10 TT ugly ugly game.
Jerry Palm made a good point on CBS sports , talked about WHY KU was still in the rankings with 6 losses and how they are dropping in the Bracketology but dropping slowly , STILL in their latest bracketology KU is a # FIVE SEED 11-6 on the season and STILL a 5 seed. The Reason ?
KU is 4-5 against Quad 1 opponents big difference. - -just boils down to we are so use to all these wins , some blowouts - -good shooting then we have ONE year of a bad team not super bad but far from what we have had in past and we just can’t seem to comprehend why it feels - looks so bad. The Reason - - Because were just not use to losing, of having this type of season - -just are not use to seeing the guys struggle. It comes from being spoiled - - were KU that just doesn’t happen SPOILED - I know I have realized I have - - I know I’m not the only one here that hasn’t been. – Better times coming - -stay strong my friends, we will get through this. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BAB Y
Happy Thanksgiving
Just wanted to jump on here before the game today 10 O’Clock geez lol. Anyways wanting to wish all my fellow KU friends a HAPPY THANKSGIVING and enjoy all the yummies Turkey or whatever it is , just enjoy your day enjoy family but more importantly - -see you on the other side , be safe everyone watch out for the idiots on the roads if you travel - we need you to help pull for the Hawks. Have a GREAT DAY. - -ROCK CHALK MY FRIENDS
RE: St Johns Game Thread
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in St Johns Game Thread:
Christian Braun: 31 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists, 3 steals, 1 block, 10-16 from the field
All I can say is MERCY - Christan has played really well all year so far, became rally aggressive , I like this Christan ALOT better
RE: Miami Hurricanes Game Thread
@BShark said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
@BShark they can bite me. Mcgusty from 1st half to 2nd half? Yeah.
Best half we have played all year.
That defensive intensity at the start of the 2nd half - - MERCY
RE: Jay Wrong Game Thread
I know this may sound weird BUT we NEED Dave back in the game — Villanova had no answer for him - -NONE, gotta stay out of foul trouble
RE: Zuby Ejiofor
@BShark said in Zuby Ejiofor:
27 and 24 today dragging his team to a big win. 24 rebounds is insane lol.
And added 4 blocks to go along with that just for giggles & laughs
Well Guys this buckets guy glad to be alive tonight/blessed
Well guys, still kinda shook , just thanking GOD giving praise that I’m still here - -still alive. – I was at mu house in my back yard with my dog-- I was sitting on the ground cleaning some steps from all the excess dirt and such for spring when gun fire popped off REALLY CLOSE & i DO MEAN CLOSE the gun shots were so close I actually heard the whizzing of a bullet fly by my head - -dead serious it was that close. I hit the ground laid flat as flat could be and then I heard a shot hit a house. So after they stopped I hollered at my next door Neighbour and elderly lady to see if she had heard them and if she was all right.
She said a round had actually hit her TV in the house , the police was called and they came and investigated found out where the bullet hit and went through the house and hit her TV. she was really lucky as if she had been sitting in her recliner she would of been shot. Police talked to us for awhile and I told them where I thought the shots came from - like 6-7 house down from me on same side of the street.
They said they was going to talk to them , so they did and I looked down and noticed one of the Cruisers was parked Diagonal across our street blocking the street with it’s red and blues on - plus two other units well after awhile they came back to talk more to us and said they had found 19 shell casings - -NINETEEN said they had to come from an AR Assault rifle. they asked if we wanted to press charges and my neighbor and I both said we were afraid of retaliation. they said they understood and didn’t have to decide right now. - -They came back and got my Neighbors TV for evidence going to get the bullet out of the TV Said they had pretty good evidence and something I had no idea they said they could get DNA from the casings - -saying they had to have their fingers on the rounds to load the rifle.
Then I said I was going to check the truck to make sure it was locked up and the wife said to check and make sure our truck hadn’t got hit - - walked around on the passenger side of the truck and sure enough the truck did ge hit, and then there was a round that hit our house too. they said we got lucky that the ruck must of deflected the round up into the top of the house cause if it wouldn’t have it would of went right through the wall and would of hit my wife where she was sitting on the couch - GOD is watching ove us - -very scary just thanking GOD for protecting my wife and me both - I’m am not lying I’m still shook
RE: Calamari Game Thread
Good god --you guys see that state - -Jalen 21 points in the 2nd half - -the rest of the team 15
RE: Courtney Ramey
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Courtney Ramey:
@jayballer67 soooo, where you been? Or not our business?
No , not at all your not butting into mu business. I’ve been laid up my friend. Had surgery on my back - -again pretty Major 4th time it was on my L-2 - -L -3 had to phuse some mor - -added some titanium screws , was suppose to be a 3 hour surgery - -BUT they got in and found a lot more then they had counted on sooo turned into a 6 1/2 hour surgery. - The Doc said my L-1 was really loose and coul not leave it so had to fix it also. - Said thinks I had a cracked spine. - -So I’ve spent a week in the Hospital - - and then just got out today after another week of Re-hab - - -thanks for checking on me - - just really good to be back among friends
Giving some props to our Ladies
Our Ladies Volleyball team picked to Win the Big twelve this year. After going 24-6 last Season & 14-4 in Conference good for 2nd–Texas is gone and KU should take over. Have made I think they said three straight now NCAA appearances and we are loaded this year coming back.
KU is ranked thirteenth in the initial poll in the Nation this year- - e have the pre Season Freshman player of the year (Burgess )- -4 time State Champion and 6 A -MVP on the squad - -lot of experience back . -We have three pre Season All Big twelve picks-- --Elnady - -Turner - -& Davis -think it’s going to be a HUGE SEASON for the Ladies- plus Bien is also back, pretty da good line up-- time to pull for the Ladies—let’s do this
RE: Non-KU Games Thread
Duke loses to GT now 11-10 on the year Don’t think anyway in hell they now make the tourney unless they win the ACC Tourney - - that’s to bad
RE: Will weather be a factor tomorrow /predictions
@KirkIsMyHinrich said in Will weather be a factor tomorrow /predictions:
I don’t know what to do with all of my energy now except to randomly pick up and set down furniture.
What a huge win though. Homcoming, a ton of recruits visiting including Andrew Babalola. Huge for the program.
Huge Statement game for KU. --I hope people realize just how much this win can do for us. in recruiting, for the process of our turnaround , for our boosters , everything - -we got us a Coach - -we got us a team. - - Nice to have a back up like jason
RE: When Remy makes it back...
Joe is quick - I mean greased lightning quick when he gets out and heads down the floor - - -it’s on. True there are some times little wild but guys - - Joe is coming - -I mean Joe is coming. You can see him getting more and more comfortable with his role with this team , he is flowing better and man can that kid scoot. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
RE: KU Buckets Bracket Challenge 2022!
One thing I think people should realize is Ku should be really well prepared for very tough defenses. I just don’t think we will run across a lot of harder defense’s then what we faced in Big 12 play - -Tech , Baylor -T-Een Texas to a degree - should be ready to play against tough denses coming at us in our journey
RE: Texas Southern Game Thread
@DanR said in Texas Southern Game Thread:
Can’t score if they don’t take a shot
Christan has GOT to start shooting the Dam ball turning down way to many shots. Did the same thing last year
RE: NCAA Day 2 of The Greatest Tournament in Sports
The Big 12 is now - - 5-0 in the 1st round - - -TCu is the lone one left to play. Go Frogs let’s make this a clean Sweep
RE: Miami Hurricanes Game Thread
@FarmerJayhawk said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
@BShark said in Miami Hurricanes Game Thread:
Not sure how we got to the FF with Juan and 44. Was told they would hold us back.
Don’t worry about the mules. Just load the wagon.
Let the slobberfest begin
So here we are the week of the final four in New Orleans. Should be plenty of hype about the teams reaching the final four.
So wake up this morning and turn on ESPN watching The Jay dude and Cris Canty and the other guy and first and only thing I hear ? - About North Carolina and Duke how it’s gonna be the biggest game ever in the history of the game of basketball. - How it would be the perfect ending if these two could play for the National Championship.
Their header was Duke and North Carolina meets for the first time in Tourney History something to that effect - Oh ya little blip down below it says KU and Villanova will also play Saturday roflmmfao , and they just continues to slobber all over one another about Duke and Carolina and K ya da ya da ya da
Once more KU seems to be flying under the radar this year going un noticed , if the guys need a chip to carry we will have the perfect one to carry this week and even Villanova actually if they want, as KU & Villa are a after thought You know ALL we gonna here is about this Coach K and Duke and Carolina BULLSHIT all dam week not giving hardly any recgonigtion to us and yet we are the only remaining 1 seed
That’s ok - -leet the slobberfest - kiss ass of DUKE and ESPN burying their nose up his ass one more time - - GO HAWKS
RE: Jay Wrong Game Thread
Sir Charles just said Ku gonna win the Championship Monday
OK , so I have a confession
OK , so I’m going to man up - -not to proud , I was wrong - – dead wrong, and willing to eat that crow. I’m sorry but from various times throughout the Season and times even in late Season did I ever think that our guys would be in the National Championship game. - -I just thought to many things that would play against us in this # 1-Scoring droughts , extended amounts of time dry as a bone nada anyone remember the what 9:15 second one ? # 2 - -Inconsistency , just didn’t see solid complete games # 3 - to loose with our ball handling /turnovers - # 4 our defense getting beat constantly on straight line drives soo you throw those all together and I’m thinking chances are we might hit a sweet sixteen tops -Boy was I WRONG. –
Our defense improving constantly getting better - - Taking better care of the ball and most of all you know what ? - - - I just have come to realize that this group just doesn’t seem to get rattle no matter what the circumstance/conditions are -like Jalen said and true , this group has just about seen it all - -been through what ever kind of condition/scenario there is. Just something about this group of guys. I think we can credit out big 12 opponentts with some of the really tough defense we have faced - just don’t think there are any tougher so we are experience having to really work for a score and we have accomplished that. Just seems to me we have that right blend/mix of guys - - we got some experience- -we have a true legit All American Scorer and we have really good complimentary players to that Scorer - -EVERYONE has a role - -EVEYONE knows that role. Ku has some many guys that can score enough at different times - -We have a legit rebounder with with Jalen & Dave at times - - Christan is a good rebounder for his spot - YES I WAS WRONG and have my plate ready for the crow. - -Now the question is - - Is there others that can and wil admit that this group has wwent further then what they thought would be the case ? - Is there honestly or just woofers -If I can admit it - - You can admit it. - -Let’s just win the whole ddam thing
RE: KU/Tennessee Game Thread
I feel we play the way we are capable - -we win. - - better all the way across the board stat wise- - Tenn doesn’t shoot the ball that well 39.9 % - shoots the 3 ball- -really bad 29.9 %.
Ku better on the boards right at 5 more per game- -Tenn turning the ball over more per game. - We play solid - WE WIN
RE: What to Expect at the Champions Classic?
I don’t want to hear ANYONE talkin smack on Juando anymore this year - - PERIOD 5-5 from the three - 23 points. People need to realize he is a total pg, he dishes the dimes when that’s what it’s calling for and the kid CAN SCORE if in doubt - -re watch this game. – - McCullar triple double. - -Dejuan is the REAL DEAL
RE: Jayhawks in the pros
Devonte being Devonte , sure made a little boy happy. Devonte gave the boy his Pelican game shoes WOW what a great guy, always loved the guy seemed like he was always smiling ear to ear. Will never forget his Senior speech so emotional.
Gave the boy his shoes. The kid tweeted or something saying thank you so much and that how he was now going to have to get his dad to buy Devonte’s Jersey so he could wear it to every game lol. - -The boy had a regular shirt and it had Graham name on the back - -taking it Devonte must be his hero lol - -Gotta love it
Well just glad to be back
Well just thought I would let you all know, if you hadn’t noticed been gone for two weeks Had an extended period of time in the hospital , this dang back - - my 4th Surgery, My Surgeon said now he can’t go any higher on my spine.
The whole thing was a long process had to del with this for almost 8 months before had surgery - -lot of pain. . Long story short had it done on the 12th of May , was suppose to be right at an 3 hour surgery , but when they got in found out a lot more then they had planned on ended up taking like 6 1/2 hours for them to complete surgery. Dr said my L-1 was really loose & he couldn’t ignore that. Put in more titanium Screws - - - had to phuse again and put another spacer on my right side - -yippee. - -Dr said I had a cracked spine , but now over.
Had to spend another week in Re-Hab - -they said I’m doing really good with getting up and down in and out of bed and walking and such - -just a long road back. - just wanted to say really glad to get back. Missed all the Guys and Gals. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
RE: Drop the Cougs
We have 3 wins - - - two of them on the road - -when the last time we have won two road games in a year, little lone this early
Nineteen Days - - - -19 Days finally
Is it just me or what > - Mercy seems like it’s been forever for College Basketball to come around again - -seems like forever, I have been counting the day - -been a long football College Season - - Again - My team pro didn’t cut it - -waiting and hoping for good things from the boys. Is it just me ? - Is thre anyone else that is as ready? - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
I have to say I'm glad for Silvio
True Silvio screwed up here, never really fit in as making poor decisions. Yet glad to se he is doing well now. Playing for Chattanooga & they are 9-1 - Silvio averaging 13.4 ppg & 6.6 rebounds that’s a very solid line hope it turns out well for him - after all he was part of Jayhawk Nation - - -Who knows they may just get an invite to the Big Dance
RE: Good Grief, Just Beat Iowa State
You know what guys , no matter whatever it takes to win. Sometimes it’s ok to be a little bit lucky. Thing is TODAY our DEFENSE won us the game - -our DEFENSE ! ! !. - like they were saying on the radio
were not going to run into many if any tougher defenses then Iowa State today. Sure we will face tough defenses but doubt if much tougher. - It just goes to show that our defense IS getting better a little at a time, but they stood up today. Iowa State had close to 35 more snaps but the defense showed. - -It just shows we can win different ways, we can stay in a game/win a game without our offense scoring in the 40"s
Also like I hear sure this will squelch the talk about Jalens Heisman - but I but if you was in the KU locker room he is just as happy with a TEAM WIN then as a individual honor. No matter how you look at as even with the offense stuck in mud today - -bottom line is we FIVE & O Huge game coming Saturday guys
Ok , sit back and let this sink in for a minute - Crazy numbers
OK guys , sit back and absorb these numbers for a minute. - You have to go back WAY BACK since the last time KU lost a league opener. It has been 10,938 days since KU lost in a league opener Jan 8 , 1991 - -right at THIRTY YEARS since we lost a league opener. Jan 8 , 1991 was the last time against Oklahoma , those numbers are insane.
Even more crazy during that time, the most impressive part is that during that span 60 % of those wins came on the road AND 33 % against ranked teams during that span.
The ranked teams we beat during this 30 year span : - -# 13 Missouri , # 17 Missouri , # 24 TCU , # 9 Oklahoma State , # 23 K-state , # 21 Baylor , # 23 Baylor , # 23 Oklahoma , # 16 West Virginia , & # 14 Texas Tech - -Stop and think about that for awhile. - -don’t think ANYONE else in Americas cna come close to those numbers. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
RE: Jayhawks in the NBA -- 2022
Christan just eatin them up takin over 15 points getting a lot of minutes – Just Ballin
Well , look for positives - - gues in years past this would of turned into a rout. - - 540 yards of offense for us
RE: Coach K to retire after 21-22 season
@drgnslayr said in Coach K to retire after 21-22 season:
It was fun rewatching that clip.
It doesn’t even seem to have happened when you talk with sports media. It is a game totally underappreciated by everyone but Kansas fans. That was one helluva game and the comeback was monumental… even though forgotten and swept under the rug of everyone NOT Kansas. Pity the poor fools. We all just love good ball, including games not including Kansas.
true , almost like in 88 with Danny and the Miracles. Who ever thought KU had a chance to beat Oklahoma in that game? That was even including some KU fans , All I remember alot of was how Billy Packer kept saying how it was a big mistake for KU to try and run with Oklahoma in the 1st half and the half ended at 50-50 I know this might sound crazy , but I almost believe we had that Championship at the half. Why is that ? - -Because I think we had got into Oklahoma’s heads , thinking these guys think they can run with us, this is OUR game. Then when we matched them point for point and even at the half playing their style , got them to thinking what it took to run us out.
I think that was another game where ho one really appreciated how well we played that game other then KU fans and so many players coming up clutch. Of course Danny was Danny. but so many other role players came up big. The one I remember most was Clint Normore - -A FOOTBALL PLAYER hitting a huge shot from the top of the key latet, just love that game. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
RE: Jayhawks in the pros
@wissox said in Jayhawks in the pros:
@rcjhdraft did u see that coast to coast throwdown?
lol, pretty awesome , and you see who is trailing on that play ? -Jalen Wilson lol
RE: Will weather be a factor tomorrow /predictions
You know what ? - - I am sooo happy for Jason Bean, catching so much crap from fans - - me included. you talk about pressure - - -well he came through today. - Huge catch by Arnold on 4th & 6 --then Devi the score, but really happy for Jaason
RE: First Impressions from last night
Not really quite sure where all the hate of Mitch’s playing is coming from. - -Mitch is the heart to this team , the soul of this team just because he doesn’t go out and score 20 and grab 13 rebounds and 4 blocks people seem to want to jump on the Mitch is Garbage.
Mitch is far from being a flashy player - - -Mitch is no Huge Scoring Machine – Mitch is no glass cleaner , what Mitch IS though I’ll tell you AGAIN. Mitch IS a player that will give 110 % , more then I can say for a lot of these players present & Past. - -Mitch is a guy that is not afraid to get dirty , the guy that doesn’t get the glamour & Mitch doesn’t care if he doesn’t get that glamour , I’ll tell you WHAT MITCH IS though Mitch is a Kansas Jayhawk 150 % thru and thru. Mitch eats , sleeps , drinks KU ball , he loves this university. A lot of the others just go through the motions half ass. they will put in their 3-4 yrs and never be seen or heard from again.
Have we ever seen Mitch get pulled over for a DUI - -ever gotten in a fight at a Bar , ever been accused or was part of a group that was doing drugs or even accused of it ? -Ever been accused of hitting a woman ? - -or even worse. has Mitch ever been one of the guys shooting BB air guns and getting in Trouble ? - -( does the Morris Brothers ring a bell }- The answer is a resounding NO. What Mitch is he is a guy that comes to practice works his ass off to the best of his ability just like anyone else -Mitch plays to his capibilities , does anyone here really believe Mitch could do a hell of a lot more ? - Come on - -be real
What we HAVE seen though is Mitch saving another players ass after that player has gotten beat by catching up and blocking the shot from behind saving a sure cinch bucket , by one of our players getting beat. What we do see is Mitch giving his body up making the attempt anyways of drawing that Charge , What we DO SEE Mitch do is diving on the floor for loose balls , What we do see from Mitch is getting that rebound sometimes Big rebounds - -We see Mitch scoring some every now and then. - Most of all we have seen repeatedly Mitch coming up with that Block
Hell no Mitch isn’t some stud scoring machine - -not a huge rebounder but important rebounder- and what Mitch is most of all is - - he is and KU Jayhawk and he LOVES the school - - loves his team mates -Mitch get’s it and is proud to play fr KU - -he loves it - -I for one and maybe one of the few I am very glad Mitch is part of this team - -part of Any KU team , be his playing time is 2 minutes on the floor OR 15 minutes on the floor - -I wish we had MORE kids like Mitch who enjoys being a part of KU I mean really enjoys playing for Coach Self and doing what he can - - Doing the Dirty work nobody else wants to do. The block , the Charge , the loose Ball the rebound If I Coached a team I would love for Mitch to be part of that team. - I just don’t get the ill feelings towards him, the hatred seeing him on the floor. Everyone has a part to play - -Mitch’s part is the un-seen , the non glamorous things - the dirty work. - Dam Mitch doesn’t need to score - or shouldn’t have to Score - - we so I’ve been told we have plenty of Scorers we should have to rely on Mitch for that ever – I just don’t get it Dam
RE: Scot pollard
@dylans said in Scot pollard:
Pollard is getting his heart right now!!!
Awesome news, praying for a good result
RE: McDonald's All American game thoughts
Good for OACHI - -Oachi - -has won THE FANS VOTE for Naismith player of the year - -of Course this isn’t the offical but he DID win the fans vote
RE: Bye Muscadin
@FarmerJayhawk said in Bye Muscadin:
Gethro was in a very serious car accident and it’s touch and go. Prayers up.
All prayers going forward for Gethro , single car accident, him and a friend - -Coach saying he fighting for his life. Tragic praying Farther wraps his arms around and helps this young man heal. GOD SPEED young man
RE: Scot pollard
Saw - - SUCCESSFUL transplant, - for Scot yesterday his wife now say , now comes the critical recovery —GOD SPEED buddy -ROCK CHALK
RE: Bill Self "growth stunter"
@Jethro said in Bill Self "growth stunter":
@drgnslayr said in Bill Self "growth stunter":
I really like this team! Maybe someone needs to spike the water jug with testosterone (joke). Anything to bring out some alpha in all our guys.
Winner, winner chicken dinner. The group consisting of Och, Braun, Dave, and Jalen need to show us something. I need to see some badass.
You and me both Jethro. I wanna see some bad ass - -I don’t give a flyin rats ass if they DO have a little bit of an attitude , like you said Alpha. - I want to see where the guys almost let opposing teams -you don’t belong of the Court with us We need that person that refuses to let us lose - -that edge
Oh how far they have come
It’s just crazy how this football team is turning things around. Let’s just look at things that have happened just since beating Oklahoma this past Saturday shall we ?
FIRST : - -Coach Leipold gets named the Coach of the Week with the Bear Bryant award , 1st of his Career. It is given for commitment to exceeding on the field expectations.
SECOND :- -Coach Leipold gets named the Coach of the Week with the Dodd Trophy. 1st of his Career . It is given for significant wins while also embodying the awards three pillars: -of Scholarships , leadership , & integrity.
THIRD :- -KU gets named the Cheez it National team of the week.
FOURTH : - -Jarod Casey gets nominated for the Burlsworth Trophy along with 72 other players . - It is an award for the most outstanding player who has went from being a walk on to where they are now.
FIFTH : - - KU is or is ranked for the 1st time ever in the CFP’s - – # 21.
I would have to say that’s a pretty dam full week/month of nominations, awards and such for a team/Coach/Schol that just a couple of years ago was the laughing stock in America for being a College football team, - -gotta say pretty dam proud of what this team / Coach /Staff / for what this team has done. We are for sure on the way up. - -Way to go guys - —ROCK CHALK
Gut Check time coming up
Well we really find out what the guys are all about - - what were really made of coming up. Got a brutal 5 game stretch starting tomorrow. - - K/State - - then turn right around Big Monday - - Texas Tech , - - - followed up Saturday with Kentucky - - -turn right around Big Monday at Iowa St - - Then follow that up with Baylor. That’s a pretty tough stretch. Obviously would love to be 5-0 during that time, just don’t think that’s gonna happen - thinking/hoping more for 4-1 we will see. - -Time to lace em up boys. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Great Job Dominick Puni
Puni does well— 3rd round to San Fran – ROCK CHALK