Signed up solely to say that between, this place, and the pre-exodus KUSports, HEM’s opinion is the one I seek out most of all after games. It’s all a question of opinion, of course, but for me, he walks the line between the camps of blindly following Self and blindly hating Self that seem to have swallowed a great deal of our online fanbase. If people put half of the effort that he does into factually backing up their posts, I might never get anything else done besides reading these forums. As it stands, 90% of the content of these boards is shooting from the hip, gut reactions. As I said, it’s all a question of opinion, but for me, if HEM took some people’s advice and put less effort into his posts, it would be a huge loss to our online haunts.

Best posts made by IlBastardo
RE: Too many believe in Fools Gold