Josh #1 (100% emotion-based), Mason #27 (applied 0% logic, 0% analysis)

Posts made by HawksWin
RE: Frank "speed, toughness" Mason goes 1st or 2nd Round?
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
@Crimsonorblue22 - wonder if Calvert was bitter, envious, jealous, angry young woman wanting equal treatment as the KU Men’s BB? After all, she considered herself a good player I’m sure, but she and her team weren’t shown the same love, adoration, support from the KU fans. Did she think she was entitled to the same notoriety as Jackson & other players were receiving? Whatever her state of mind, she was toxic for the players. They should have ran as fast as they could from her!! If my son was slapped, kicked, pushed, yelled at by a drunken self-elated prima-donna, I’m not sure a gentlemanly response would have made any difference to girls like her wanting to chop & challenge the boys’ ego & manhood in the name of equality. These boys are still maturing. And if my daughter behaved the way Calvert did, she won’t be treated like a princess just because she’s a girl when she’s behaving like a mad bull in dress. Bet Josh’s mom will straighten him out, and hope he’ll avoid toxic Calverts of the world.
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
@jayballer54 - Yes, tonight we will know! Hoping (100% emotion-based) Josh #1, and Mason #27 (applied 0% logic, 0% analysis)
Frank "speed, toughness" Mason goes 1st or 2nd Round?
“Frank did a really nice job this morning,” Sixers vice president of player personnel Marc Eversley said after the workout, as reported by “He had a terrific year shooting the ball. He’s especially terrific in transition and finishes very well in the paint.”
Eversley said Mason’s strengths are “speed, quickness, toughness. He’s courageous, very courageous. He does a lot with his body.”
Mason said after the workout that he’d love to play for the Sixers and combine forces with former KU forward Joel Embiid.
“Oh yeah, it would be great to play with JoJo and be a part of this franchise,” the 5-foot-11 Mason said. “I think they’ve got a lot of young players that are really good that are working hard and it’s going to be special here pretty soon.”
Mason has worked out twice for the Sacramento Kings. He’s also worked out for Orlando, Milwaukee, New Orleans, Utah, Washington and others. The Kings, who have two first-round selections (5 and 10), could take Mason at No. 34.
"Ahead of Mason’s historic final year as a member of the Jayhawks, the two shared a conversation in which Selden says Mason essentially called his shot.
“He said before last year he’s going to win national player of the year,” Selden said Thursday, “and he went out and did it.”
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
Jackson was acknowledged his adjustment to the NBA will go beyond X’s and O’s. “I have been taking an anger management course,” Jackson said. “I’m just wrapping it up right now. It’s just something that I had to do. I learned from the mistake I made. I’m making it through it.” What did he learn? “One of the biggest things I got out of it was just to worry about the things I can control and not to worry about the things that I can’t,” Jackson said. “It sounds so simple. But I went home and thought about that a lot and it made huge amount of sense to me. There’s a lot of things in this world that we cannot control. But yet it frustrates you. We can’t worry about them too much.”
RE: Good lord, kief!!!
My initial reaction was same as yours, but after the video, the Suns owner screwed the Morris boys. Kieff’s market value was much higher than what Sarver ended up paying because of Marcus package deal, and for Sarver not to honor his word? I’m not at all pleased with the Morris’ immature acts, but can understand. Older generations should lead and teach the younger ones of justice, courage, prudence and honor rather than self-importance and love for money. Actually, Sarver failed Kieff and younger generation.
RE: #DialloFreed
@Lulufulu Amen! It smells corruption! Won’t be surprised if NCAA is under the influence & control of Nike -> slow death to KU via Diallo & other kids who sign with KU. Nike is making sure KU doesn’t get 5* & if KU finds hidden jewels, have NCAA choke KU. Pay off a few NCAA eligibility center folks (like FIFA) & Nike can have UK, Duke, UNC, Texas, etc going for NC. I’m for investigation of NCAA & demand transparency for its validity, credibility, legitimacy.
RE: Wasting Another Good Trey Balling Game on a Cupcake...Random or Indicative of Something Significant
@jaybate-1.0 Yikes. I’m afraid you’re right JB. Is this a repeat of last year?
RE: KU's letter to NCAA regarding Cheick Diallo
Can’t help but to believe NCAA is in bed with Nike and its accomplices to minimize KU. There’s no other explanation for singling out Diallo when other(s) from the same school has been cleared. This could have been going on for some time (i.e. Ben & Traylor) perhaps when the embargo started? This smells. Expose NCAA - see who owns Nike shares or sits on the board or partners with agents & media (i.e. ESPN, cable companies). Tip of the iceberg?
RE: Insanity?
@jaybate-1.0 A question for you. Ok, I get Nike rules & funnels talent to UK, Duke. Another player to this money making machine is ESPN. That said, ESPN is faced with declining earning potential. ESPN signed huge mega contracts with many schools, and may be coming to bite them in their arses. Now let’s assume ESPN can’t pay what they promised or unable to up the ante on next contract. So FoxSports or another steps in & says to UK & Duke, we will pay less because ESPN was crazy & stupid for giving you that many millions & the eyeballs aren’t quite there anymore. Will Nike be willing to pay more to keep UK & Duke as media bails & refuse to pay premium for these prima donnas or simply go elsewhere looking for cheaper schools? Or do UK & Duke go looking for another sugar daddy? we know nothing stays the same forever & no corporation stays at the top forever - so I’m wondering how the decline of ESPN’s reign would change the formula with shoecos & UK/Duke.
RE: Brannen Greene
I have been critical of BG in the past & had to remember he’s still a kid. Still immature, but see why BG blew up. He played with injury last season - perhaps trying to prove to Self that he’s tough as Self likes it. His injury was no twisted ankle, but he sucked it up & clenched his teeth thru rehab for the past 5+ months. (10-12 mos for a full recovery?) In BG’s mind, he delivered what Self wanted from him - patience & toughness. Think a 21 yr old expecting a reward for what he went through & overcame - only to find himself warming the bench against MSU. As I said, I’ve been critical of BG, but if I were him, I’d be thinking transfer, a coach that wants his talent & can maximize it. I don’t play basketball so this is all speculation on my end but Self wants BG to drop 3s at his command. Now I play golf & without the warm ups my swing is dangerous, and don’t get into the rytheme until after a few holes. Pros warm up for hours before the first tee. If Self wants BG’s 3s, Self gonna have to figure out how to keep him in the game longer than plugging him in/out for 3 mins - despite his D. It’s hard to watch our 3-pt (parameter?) players develop under Self. His winning percentage comes with human cost.
RE: Its the Apparent Embargo, Stupids: Life in an Age of Diminished Basketball Realities, When Basketball Expectations Soar with National Hype
@drgnslayr Do you think our Bulldog Mason is battling psychologically? Self said Graham is a true PG & putting both on the floor makes Graham as the General while Mason thinks he’s the General? I want Mason as the GENERAL, nothing against Graham. Also noticed a lot of tapes on Mason’s legs.
RE: Done Watching KU Bball!!
@Second-Prize Okay, while I’m on a “b1tching mode”, let me ask where did getting Wigg & Emb get us? One of you said Self doesn’t maximize - don’t have stats to negate that statement. Agree his talent pool is & has been less than UK, Duke, NC, and the kids we get I like much better, they’re mostly good kids. That said how is it that Izzo beats Self’s better talent? Mayor got the best of Self with supposedly less talent. I get Self is a hall of famer, but I’m personally tired of watching reigning princes at B12 shows only to be wilted & die on big stages. Any coach can win with the best talent, can Self win with less talent against the best talent? I’d love to see that again - 2008. Also, I will gladly trade B12 wins for 2 or even 1 NC in the last 4-7 years. It’s like eating dirt when a conference champ gets beaten in early March. What’s more, B12 has been the raving conference all year & we go out with the tail tucked between our legs on big stages. Getting tired of that mediocrity. Lately, it’s to the point where I know the outcome of a game before it ends! Sorry.
RE: Its the Apparent Embargo, Stupid: Life in an Age of Diminished KU Basketball Talent, When Basketball Expectations Still Soar with National Hype
@jaybate-1.0 So how do we plug this bleeding & get the embargo off our backs? Or are we at dead end?
RE: Done Watching KU Bball!!
@JRyman Thanks for that injection of positive outlook. I’ll be sure to have nitroglycerin next to me
Done Watching KU Bball!!
It’s the same old story. After shining performance in Korea, and supposedly armed with extra practice time & additional experiences under their belt, Self et el can’t kick the arses of undersized team ranked 15 while Calislime kicked Duck’s arses? Yes we will win the 12th B12, whoopdeedoo… Too darn frustrating to watch anymore - our offense has more hot flashes than pre-menopause women, and stupid plays that chokes the blood & life out of me has slowly suffocated my passion for watching. Cutting the TimeWarmer, the only reason I was paying these shameless cable robber was to watch KU - no more. I’d rather watch Tom & Jerry. Good night all. RCJH!
@HighEliteMajor “Take no prisoner” - Reagan to the Soviet & Truman to Japan. What happened to our leaders? Obama declared ISIS was contained on Friday right before the Paris Attack. What planet is he from? Per, “Jihadis sneaked into Europe as fake Syrian refugees: Killer’s passport was used by ‘migrant’ who arrived in Greece just weeks ago”. Do you think Barack the Brick now realizes why we need BORDERS? If he doesn’t, he will get many of us Americans killed in our own soil.
RE: BRAEDEN ANDERSON... From No Way to All the Way
@globaljaybird Thanks for the article. I finally got fed up and called NCAA for the first time & asked for the President who was not in but spoke with his Asst who was very nice & said someone from the Eligibility Center would called back & someone did. Personally I believe in a governing body such as NCAA, but more & more NCAA’s legitimacy and responsibility is at question when a governing body cannot or would not render a decision and by default an athlete sits. This is unjust & NOT the American way, I said. One way or another NCAA has to make a decision & state their reason. Their recent approval of Fall made them look inconsistent & the movie Blind Side made them look horrible. Their PR is tanking, I said & fans like me are beginning to question their role & responsibility. Suggested they need to improve their process to be more proficient & timely. Of course, they can’t talk about the case & the media is not representing the whole truth - which I believe because I cannot stand ESPN and media talking heads. I called 317.917.6222 & asked to talk to the president & you may want to share your thoughts. Not sure if corner office execs really know or understand how simple fans (or the grass roots) feel. True they may not care, but if us simple fans from the Midwest yell & scream, they’ll have to take notice, wouldn’t they?
@ZIG I feel your anger toward these evil lunatics & the idiots in the WH. This is ISIS’s dry run getting ready for the US given the number of stadiums & arenas we have for our youth & sports fans. ISIS can’t wait to get to us, the Americans. We are their target & should we continue to ignore so they’d simply go away from our eyes & lives?
RE: The One Player We Need - Moses Jones
Marbury escalates sneaker war: Jordan 'robbing the hood’
RE: WUG Stats And Comparisons
@HighEliteMajor Thank you! Now I know what to look for during his game and Lucas’.
RE: WUG Stats And Comparisons
@HighEliteMajor I enjoyed it, thanks! Question on Mick. He was impressive, and was thrilled for him. Do you think Mick will do equally well and/or better against the muscle mass of D1 B12 players? I didn’t see the games, hence the question. Thanks HEM.
RE: Self's Priority At WUG
@JayHawkFanToo Canada? Didn’t we beat them twice in KC? I’m asking because I have no clue what teams were D1 Top20 caliber. Thanks Fan2.
RE: Big 12 bb
@JayHawkFanToo Oh yah, thanks for the reminder. Was thinking more about their program (15-17 last season vs 27-8 2012-13) that seems to be dying of slow death, and it’s not fun to watch. Would rather see them recruit some caliber players and watch our boys go at’em.
RE: Self's Priority At WUG
@drgnslayr Thought the same when Self said “everyone will play”, so I too didn’t expect much. That said, he’s a competitor (he confessed after winning the gold -> gotta play to win). Perhaps he himself didn’t know what to expect (6,000 miles away), so he played safe? He now wants more of “international games” according to JW. Curious to see how this experience changed his game strategy this upcoming season/tourney. if any.
RE: Big 12 bb
@RockChalkinTexas Knowing KState will have us for lunch & dinner in football, I still would like to see better KState team despite Bruce Weber. Ever since Frank Martin left Manhattan, our match ups have been “boring”. Wish KState will get some good players - for Kansas, B12 and college BB.
RE: Your Gold Spaghetti Winners... KU!
@jaybate-1.0 Thank you jb. Learned something about the guard play today! That comparison between Nic and Mason is pure gold. Now know why Mason just dribbles between his legs so often!!! So it’s safe to say Mason not only walked away with the gold, but also gained wisdom and confidence from this that should be worth more than gold - going forward? Or do you think Mason still has more to learn to become efficient & deliver like Nic or better?
RE: Your Gold Spaghetti Winners... KU!
@jaybate-1.0 Ok, jb, I’m gonna pick on your brain and ask you to define/elaborate on Nic’s character, and how he allowed this team to transform from Self’ team into the players USA team? Dying to know… Thanks bunch.
RE: The beginning of the End?
@JayHawkFanToo Thanks Mr. Reality!
Now I’m hoping and praying that my Mason will be an exception to that height rule in NBA
I can dream for the kid, can’t I? Just knew Mason will get us there in Gwangju, and did he ever. He was the driving force behind 2 OTs (KU Athletics site)!!! He won’t give up or give in. That kid is really something.
“It was a tough game for 50 minutes,” Klein added. “I think we fought pretty good. At the end of the day, they made better plays than we did…" Mason scored 11 points in the last 14 minutes with Germany’s guards and forwards trying to stop him from driving into the paint.
RE: National Media Blackout!
@wrwlumpy Thanks lumpy. This one got my blood boiling however. Wish you had voiced over that idiot of ESPN announcer. She (don’t care which gender) obviously hadn’t watched any of Mason’s games with her stupid comments about how “(Mason) can’t even get the shot off”. Someone please tell her that he’s been playing 35+ mins for the last 8 games in 11 days? Why ESPN have idiots vs. hiring wo/men announcers who are smarter, more articulate, and better know about the sports they’re commenting on compared to average Joes/Jills like me?! Hate ESPN!
RE: The beginning of the End?
@Crimsonorblue22 Noooooo!!! Don’t even think it Crimson! We need Mason for 2 NCs! This & next year
RE: Your Gold Spaghetti Winners... KU!
@drgnslayr Great point! Didn’t know Germany played only 5, that’s a huge advantage over tired legs. WUG needs to revise that rule!
RE: The Miracle on Wood
@jaybate-1.0 Wow, THANK YOU! I see even great coaches gotta let go & trust their players!
RE: The Miracle on Wood
@jaybate-1.0 “Coach Self backslid for awhile and ran the chop. It almost sunk us, but then he loosened up and the boys won it for him!!!” JB, please describe this as I didn’t get to watch the game! Thanks!
According to the **It’s the Jayhawks against the world ** article, KU may be on USA Redemption Tour. Folks are watching to see if sending a single team like KU to WUG is a good strategy. -
@MoonwalkMafia Thanks for the photo of what $15K/seat looks like. Flying coach to Asia stings & I’m no 6’ Those players wouldn’t know what to do with their legs all crunched up in coach seats for 14 hrs!! That’d be brutal. Hope they rest & adjust well to their time zone. Enjoying all the photos.
RE: Cliff
@approxinfinity Touche. The thing is infinity that sports has become a big part of economy, and economy is a huge part of politics, and as three elements become more interrelated, some of us see KUBB is not mutually exclusive from politics (ie Big12 conference not to mention Nike lobbying, etc). As human beings, it’s a natural progression to apply reason and logic and saunter into the forbidden land of politics. Rather than being “defensive” and “attack” any opposing views, could we learn to dialogue with respect for one another, politely agree to disagree, and exercise simple human kindness one would show to one’s neighbor since we are ONE Jayhawk Nation of civility!? We should promote Freedom of Speech, not rudeness or petulant jerks. Thanks infinity for reading
RE: Aaron Miles, next KU Assistant Coach...
@drgnslayr said:
National Championships are typically built around the play of a PG more than any other position.
AMEN to that! Now I’m no savvy bball fan, but saw that with the past NCs going to Connecticut, Louiville, etc. Why can’t our beloved coach get 5* guards? Should I blame Nike?
JB, I hope & pray you are dead wrong - because what Self said really really bothered me. He plans to let ALL players play - same amount of time!? Is that to throw the opponents off or lowering our expectations? I get that all players want to represent the country, so he will allow ALL to play? Does Self think he won’t get the W, so he’s going to settle instead for ALL to experience? Not sure what to think of that remark, but sure didn’t like what he said - and now your article. Do agree it should read USA, not Kansas on the jersey. Here’s hoping for the best.
RE: Devonte Graham Injured
@JayHawkFanToo Ohhhh why aren’t their bodies made of machine?! You know, like the $6M Dollar Man. That said, would you know stats on the number of injuries per season by school? That’d be very interesting to see. If the data supports your assertion, I’m in your camp.
RE: Devonte Graham Injured
@wrwlumpy Agree, but how is it that we ended up with a few injuries by the end of each season? Did Mari ever injured his hip? Can’t recall.
RE: Devonte Graham Injured
@Crimsonorblue22 Oh I thought I read somewhere he felt something on his hip while lifting weights. I trust you more than my fading memory.
RE: Devonte Graham Injured
@justanotherfan Thanks for bringing it up 'cause I’ve been asking the same. Yes, the season is hard on these players, but we seem to be more injury-prone. At least it seems so. A personal trainer once told me some body types increase muscle while others don’t no matter how much training or weightlifting. Could you see lean muscle Manning, Elijah or Tyshawn (Greene & Graham belong to this group?) becoming Valentine or Collins or Mason? It’s no wonder Greene’s hip took a hit while lifting weights - true he didn’t follow the proper instruction, but who does at that age. All that pressure couldn’t be mustered by his lean muscle mass so hit the bone? I don’t know anything about training and perhaps it is all coincidence, but this sure has been on my mind wondering why so many injuries to such young bodies? Maybe their bodies aren’t yet matured to handle such pressure & pounding? Someone please enlighten me with physiology, medical scientific data!
RE: FIFA: Hypothetically speaking, Its about the Regime Change, Stupid
@jaybate-1.0 Hi JB. Where have you been? Say, I came across this anti-Nike article, a bit far fetched I believe, but I don’t know how the shoeco giants work. This writer is out for Nike’s blood. Thoughts?
RE: Is ShoeCo the Unidentified Company in the FIFA Bribery Case?
@sfbahawk Obviously you’re man or woman of a myopic view and without the wisdom of life and human nature. Let me know when you gain some maturity and knowledge, we will have more productive discourse on KUBB and FIFA and politics. But first, allow me to enlighten you a bit since you can’t seem to connect the dots between KU, FIFA, Clinton & politics.
ShoeCos -> KUBB -> Nike vs Adidas and KU is caught in the middle according to board rats here. “Nike rival Adidas is one of the top FIFA sponsors, paying the body that oversees the World Cup an estimated $31.6 million a year. But Nike has its own separate deals with national teams and soccer organizations, including Brazil. And that contract puts NIke squarely in the middle of the FIFA criminal case.”
Shoes + FIFA -> Clinton & Politics “The Clinton global charity has received between $50,000 and $100,000 from soccer’s governing body and has partnered with the Fédération Internationale de Football Association on several occasions, according to donor listings on the foundation’s website. When the U.S. lost the 2022 bid to Qatar, Clinton was rumored to be so upset he shattered a mirror. But apparently Qatar tried to make it up to him…”
Hope you can connect the dots, you know if A=B, B=C, then A=C? Simple Algebra. And don’t discourage your fellow Jayhawks from wanting to have a discourse on politics as related to KU - even if that is not obvious to your reasoning. If you don’t like it, ignore, go to another topic or another site, twit.
RE: Is ShoeCo the Unidentified Company in the FIFA Bribery Case?
@sfbahawk With all due respect for the love of KU we all have & share in this site, are you serious & believe that sports (FIFA, NCAA-conferences, etc) do not involve politics? I want to live in the planet which you live since I hate politics because there are stupid, ignorance out of arrogance, proud & greedy asses in the politics, wait, that human race! Are you so blind or naive to carve out the human nature’s love for power & money from the sports world? Have you worked for or with the State of Dept or its trade representatives in DC or Shanghai or Santiago or Dublin of Jeddah? I have. Marie Harf is an IDIOT, and my judgment is not based on whether she is Dem or GOP. She’s an intellectual buffon. Is your your based on party? Don’t tell me to separate politics from economiucs. Sports is a huge of part of economics, therefore politics exists & now thrives. “Economic mobility promotes social stability that ensures political stability.” - KU Political Science Professor.
@nuleafjhawk Glad you bought one. don’t look good in black tshirt
RE: Is ShoeCo the Unidentified Company in the FIFA Bribery Case?
@JayHawkFanToo Think you can answer it yourself. A case in point, idiots like Marie Harf, the State Dept has novice intellectual buffoons like her negotiating trade agreements with experienced thieves of China & Russia. She thinks ISIS just needs jobs, do you think she knows anything about the reality of human nature or how $ runs? Not much of Trump fan, but he knows biz & been very critical of the U.S. govt giving away our goods & into the hands of our enemies. Agree with him. My hunch is that FIFA shouldn’t have ignored the U.S. bid to Qatar & Russia - that pissed off some serious US politicians & Adidas et el is out to maximize the situation, in my humble opinion. After all, it’s the govt that dictates biz & protects its biz interests (politicians outside of the U.S. play obvious & huge role for $). Look at the Clinton Foundation that’s blatant in using power of politics for dough. Pissed off (at FIFA from some fixed games) Germans could partner with the U.S. & clean out the Nike-fed officials & replace with Adidas-fed, force re-vote & the U.S. get to host the WC, & German’s Adidas continue to develops its new U.S. market?
Love it! Except the black. Crimson & blue or something close? Black=depressing. Will buy without the black. Maybe the black is the college kids preference? Thanks for sharing.