@DoubleDD Let me take a shot. Unlike Cal who encourages self-boasting & self-promotion that is the attitude of today’s culture (I am a superstar & aint gonna bust my butt to earn a spot) doesn’t seem to be so for foreign kids. Think they are more hungry & willing to bust their butts for a chance - perhaps because they haven’t been tainted by the Nike industrial complex with parasites blowing smoke up their butts? Foreign kids want to learn & improve (Embid, Svi…), and not afraid of competition. They’ve also seen Self delivers - Embid, Wigs. Plus these players seem so far humble, not chest thumbing thugs. Ellis, Selden, Mason & all are not arrogant or self-boasting kids like UK. Also think the Midwestern culture is quite attractive too - makes them feel at home, far away from home.

Best posts made by HawksWin
RE: KU going World Wide
RE: BRAEDEN ANDERSON... From No Way to All the Way
@globaljaybird Thanks for the article. I finally got fed up and called NCAA for the first time & asked for the President who was not in but spoke with his Asst who was very nice & said someone from the Eligibility Center would called back & someone did. Personally I believe in a governing body such as NCAA, but more & more NCAA’s legitimacy and responsibility is at question when a governing body cannot or would not render a decision and by default an athlete sits. This is unjust & NOT the American way, I said. One way or another NCAA has to make a decision & state their reason. Their recent approval of Fall made them look inconsistent & the movie Blind Side made them look horrible. Their PR is tanking, I said & fans like me are beginning to question their role & responsibility. Suggested they need to improve their process to be more proficient & timely. Of course, they can’t talk about the case & the media is not representing the whole truth - which I believe because I cannot stand ESPN and media talking heads. I called 317.917.6222 & asked to talk to the president & you may want to share your thoughts. Not sure if corner office execs really know or understand how simple fans (or the grass roots) feel. True they may not care, but if us simple fans from the Midwest yell & scream, they’ll have to take notice, wouldn’t they?
Blown, If I read you correctly, Snack deserves a second chance, we all do. But he first has to earn that second chance elsewhere. The message to players/kids has to be that there are consequence(s) to your actions & decisions, period. This country & people are on a rampage of no right & wrong anymore. Everything is justifiable & excusable if the argument fits their view - “it’s just a little weed”. Hell for that matter, thievery can too be justified or excused because one’s just hungry or dirsty. That justification of “aahh I feel sorry” or “emotion-based” thinking has ruined our “critical thinking”. Snack has to go & Self can help find him another job in unknown city as a way of giving Snack a second chance, but not at KU.
RE: The beginning of the End?
@Crimsonorblue22 Noooooo!!! Don’t even think it Crimson! We need Mason for 2 NCs! This & next year
RE: Brannen Greene
I have been critical of BG in the past & had to remember he’s still a kid. Still immature, but see why BG blew up. He played with injury last season - perhaps trying to prove to Self that he’s tough as Self likes it. His injury was no twisted ankle, but he sucked it up & clenched his teeth thru rehab for the past 5+ months. (10-12 mos for a full recovery?) In BG’s mind, he delivered what Self wanted from him - patience & toughness. Think a 21 yr old expecting a reward for what he went through & overcame - only to find himself warming the bench against MSU. As I said, I’ve been critical of BG, but if I were him, I’d be thinking transfer, a coach that wants his talent & can maximize it. I don’t play basketball so this is all speculation on my end but Self wants BG to drop 3s at his command. Now I play golf & without the warm ups my swing is dangerous, and don’t get into the rytheme until after a few holes. Pros warm up for hours before the first tee. If Self wants BG’s 3s, Self gonna have to figure out how to keep him in the game longer than plugging him in/out for 3 mins - despite his D. It’s hard to watch our 3-pt (parameter?) players develop under Self. His winning percentage comes with human cost.
Blown, Thanks for sharing. The major difference between you and Snack is that you were young and didn’t know any better. Snack is a grown up who has incredible influence over youth. If I were a pot-head parent, I still wouldn’t send my kid to a coach who smokes pot. You know do as I say, not what I do? We all have our stories & mine is NOT rosy, but ended up with 2 degrees. I’m sure Snack’s story isn’t rosy either - but that’s then & this is now. This is the reality. Life isn’t fair. A bit of history on doped up citizens. Chinese turned to opium & the emperor didn’t & couldn’t do anything (Brits played a part in it), and soon China got chopped up & occupied by the Western powers & then became the Red State. The thing was Chinese citizens " living in Opiumed (is that a word?) world" were unable to defend themselves against their occupiers & intruders. You cannot tell me dope is good for the society. Thanks ralster for your medical explanation. Sorry Blown. I still enjoy your comments - go Jayhawks!!
RE: Get More FGAs, Get More Strips, Get a Few More Reebs, Shoot More Treys, Add Huggie, and Win
@jaybate-1.0 Allow me to vent - your words on Perry are too kind, and I can’t hold it anymore. Call it his inner being or whatever it is. This is just a confirmation - I’ve never really thought he was as good as … Yes, a shining star in Wichita, a great student & darn good kid, but don’t see as a NBA. There’s no fire or hunger in his belly. Not counting on him to take us to the F4. And I agree our bigs lack the talent (no more inside scoring) that require to beat the arses of Kensucky. We will need more than his conversion from soft/reluctance/afraid of making mistakes to I want it gotta have it will die fighting for it stuff it. It is very FRUSTRATING to watch him play! I won’t be surprised if there are some personal issues with Perry vs Cliff for Self. Would Perry shut down if Self focuses too much on Cliff? I don’t mind losing but the way he loses is beyond my comprehension. I’d rather have a 3 star who goes at it like a bull dog and leaves his heart out on the court! Like Mason! Your comments stopped the fumes from coming out of my ears that started last night. Appreciate the insights!
RE: So you love the high low?
@DoubleDD Well I’m done trying to watch this team’s pitiful performance - tonight & against WV. Sure I turned on/off the radio, switched channel back & forth, and finally decided tonight I’m done watching this team & it’s stubborn mule of a coach. Can’t for the life of me figure out how in the h— Self thinks Greene can just turn on the 3s after sitting in that environment? Just as Roy drove me bananas for not calling time outs, Self is with telling players to drop 3s or putting the cold hand Greene way too late. Mason’s 3s are in drought, otherwise he’d have bailed us out as in the past.
Even I - with no knowledge of the game - can see that Self should have been pushing for 3s in the first half when we gave up the lead. Did he not know KState was dying to pay us back for that humiliating loss a few wks ago? Ego & pride can substitute for talent!
Also, am I off thinking that 1) Im not at all confident in Mari’s ability to use his brain, 2) same for Cliff given his talent, his brain power is lacking. How could they commit similar or same fouls repeatedly? Mari after 3 yrs? I’ll check back in April to see how we did, but I’m done watching Self & his ----- strategy or lack thereof. This is infuriating.
@drgnslayr I’m in complete agreement with you about Kensucky. What I saw when we played them and since then, our guys thought they couldn’t complete against the footers - they kinda gave up with hands up - earlier in the season. All I wanted from this team was the swag that says “come on, we can take you”, and learn/train how to win. Teams with footers have lost the battles as we know, didn’t UConn & L-Ville, the recent champs have won without footers and OADs? So it can be done, but seeing Perry and others with their heads down, I was hopeful but dubious. Only if these guys knew they could, and once realized, how much do they want it? First BELIEVE they can, then use God given brain & skill to figure out how (well that’d fall on Self)! As human, we all need to believe in ourselves in life as we chart the unknown (like aging), when doubt sets in, it is our family/friends who pick us up. Believing oneself is harder for 18-22s because they are so young and without experience to build on. Some have it while some take longer, so like you I’m waiting to see which way this team will go (Perry & Mason are on board). It was VERY frustrating to watch Perry doubting himself after Kensucky. Remember how he gave up? Now, he’s learned how to win, will he say “hey Kensucky, it’s payback time!” Now, what about the rest?
RE: Post your wishes for the NCAA tournament here
Ok, here it goes. KU crawls, bites, kicks, screams, dunks and goes to FF, plus the 3s drop like rain to send soft Kentucky team home crying. And, we have our NC! As for ESPN, viewers realize their own analysis is more sensible & logical than those mouthpieces of the east/west coast. Now, Self has to make it happen! Thanks for asking Lulu.
RE: The reality of playing Bad or worse ball
@DoubleDD Oh I beg to differ DD. How do we explain the 1988 Manning and the Miracles? That team was not ranked high or did we expect them to win it all? That team’s Heart and Will combined with a little luck did the impossible. It’s that “heart vs brain” thing, and we can’t overlook the “heart” of this team. My only concern is the injuries and some of our guys are worn out - ie Mason.
RE: Fact or Fiction - Calling out Calipari
@Lulufulu While I share your sentiments on Cali, let’s avoid character assassination based on gossip or rumor. As much as I’d like to see his FFs/NC vacated, let’s not rush to condemn the man - albeit he is a cheater. Let’s us, KU fans, be above this, and hope that Cali is a better man than what the article implies. That said, where there’s smoke, let’s watch for the fire. One thing I got out of this article for sure is Jaybate’s theory on shoe cos - man, they DO rule college bb!
RE: Waaaaaay too early picks for next years #1 seeds from ESPN, I like it though.
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks for the validation. I love his 3s but questioned his commitment & attitude to hard work. What you said makes a lot of sense. Hope he grows & matures in March - perhaps realizing he ain’t all that until he learns how to dribble, defend, follow&obey coach’s directions.
RE: Wiggins vs Tarik and Cole and Embiid and KY and Ben Mac
@drgnslayr thats funny. Hope he’s cashing in with Canadian $, not bartering with animals. One of my fav players.
RE: Mason
@Crimsonorblue22 Mason is my fav player! He reminds me of Jarrod Dyson on Royals who has that sheer determination - looking for that next steal! Don’t ask me why or how, but they both have that look in their eyes. Although Mason has some development left in the bb iq area - or perhaps he’s too fatigued playing the most minutes last season. Here’s hoping & praying & wishing that he grows and matures this summer to knock all D1 PGs out of the water come this season! Thanks for posting the video!
RE: Recruiting Prediction: Nike Leans Sign with Nike Schools, adidas Leans Sign with adidas Schools, Sweetened Down Stream Agent Deals Tip Balance on One or Two
@jaybate-1.0 So basically today’s coaching has come to “time & talent management of OADs” with little or no “development”. And that profession is demanding millions in salary? I wonder what a college bb player without the NBA talent but has a PhD in youth & time management can successfully coach for $70,000 a year. Wait, he’ll be going against the likes of K & Cali who learned to manipulate the refs & NCAA while smooching with the shoecos execs. Okay, maybe coaches need to be paid $millions. After all, Hillary Clinton’s State Dept sold us out selling our nation’s strategic resource uranium to Putin for the almighty dollar. Hey, adults & leaders will do anything for a buck, so why not kids with bb talent? In the name of money, we’ve come to rationalize everything including morality, dignity, sensibility & down right goodness. How K & Cali play the bb field for W is despicable as politicians who sell their soul for power.
RE: Pot and Its Impact on BB IQ?
@ralster WOW, thanks for insightful and wonderful commentary. I too am of immigrant parents, and family members in the medical field. Totally agree with you that this Woodstock generation has managed to take down this great nation, and it merely took 40 years. Today, we have entitled, overly sexualized, ignorant, indifferent who want to be managed & cared for by their government without knowing “there’s no such thing as free lunch” - will cost their free will. Men’s Dignity gone, their Character lost, at last, their civilization tanks.
An interesting article that is symptomatic of a well intended policy to help, but so damn poorly executed. Ignoring human nature gets us nowhere but downhill - why work for something when can be taken for free? http://nypost.com/2015/04/24/mindy-kalings-brother-illustrates-flaws-of-affirmative-action/
RE: Your Gold Spaghetti Winners... KU!
@drgnslayr Great point! Didn’t know Germany played only 5, that’s a huge advantage over tired legs. WUG needs to revise that rule!
Done Watching KU Bball!!
It’s the same old story. After shining performance in Korea, and supposedly armed with extra practice time & additional experiences under their belt, Self et el can’t kick the arses of undersized team ranked 15 while Calislime kicked Duck’s arses? Yes we will win the 12th B12, whoopdeedoo… Too darn frustrating to watch anymore - our offense has more hot flashes than pre-menopause women, and stupid plays that chokes the blood & life out of me has slowly suffocated my passion for watching. Cutting the TimeWarmer, the only reason I was paying these shameless cable robber was to watch KU - no more. I’d rather watch Tom & Jerry. Good night all. RCJH!
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
@jayballer54 - Yes, tonight we will know! Hoping (100% emotion-based) Josh #1, and Mason #27 (applied 0% logic, 0% analysis)
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
@Crimsonorblue22 - wonder if Calvert was bitter, envious, jealous, angry young woman wanting equal treatment as the KU Men’s BB? After all, she considered herself a good player I’m sure, but she and her team weren’t shown the same love, adoration, support from the KU fans. Did she think she was entitled to the same notoriety as Jackson & other players were receiving? Whatever her state of mind, she was toxic for the players. They should have ran as fast as they could from her!! If my son was slapped, kicked, pushed, yelled at by a drunken self-elated prima-donna, I’m not sure a gentlemanly response would have made any difference to girls like her wanting to chop & challenge the boys’ ego & manhood in the name of equality. These boys are still maturing. And if my daughter behaved the way Calvert did, she won’t be treated like a princess just because she’s a girl when she’s behaving like a mad bull in dress. Bet Josh’s mom will straighten him out, and hope he’ll avoid toxic Calverts of the world.
RE: Pitino on the OAD rule via ESPN
@jaybate-1.0 “The Nike school coaches should decline to have opinions on the subject and let the NBA decide to extend the stay to two years, which is exactly what the shameless Coach K has done.”
Boy oh boy, did you hit that one right. I too thought K’s reply was so so pitiful, can’t call him coach anymore. He’s a weasel without spine playing politically correct, and should be named “weasel K”. That’s it, that’s his new name.
RE: Now Hear this: Self Ahead of Everyone As Usual
@jaybate-1.0 Hi JB. Been following this site for sometime & always find something new to learn from you. Haven’t commented - until now!! I was shaking my head watching Utes (turned TV off for the UK game). Thanks for showing me the light because something told me something didn’t look right. We ran circles around the Utes, and bombed the 2h? Yes, hot hands then cold hands, but to drop like that? Your explanation is logical, sensible & clear as a bell. Our guys’ confidence and their manhood got striped away with the UK game. Simple, it was humiliation - man’s pride, dignity and respect got stripped away on national TV. They lost it all that day. How would they ever reclaim their manhood? They showed up and found ways to win against smaller teams. But I noticed our players play with FEAR against taller teams after the defeat. Their “FEAR” of another humiliating defeat paralyzed them against 7 footers. I concluded B12 or March run won’t happen with that monkey on their back. With their wounded pride & manhood, I wondered how they’d reclaim their confidence, get gutsy with no fear, and hunger for self-respect. I wasn’t sure until the Utes, and your explanation. It was a beautiful & gutsy strategy by Self. Thanks for enlightening me.
By the way, I love Mason and Graham, but Mason steel. He has NO fear! I think Self sought out new type of guards and got Mason (& Graham) after watching UConn & Louisville getting their NC with Kemba Walker, and Peyton Siva. I hope and pray that our guys armed with their new identity, and overcome any height, including UK. Yes, you’re right - Self is a genius. Often coaches have to a psychologist, right? He saw his boys with their heads low and self-esteem destroyed after UK, and he’s gonna rebuild them - and boy we saw some of that - 1H Utes!!! Can’t wait until Jan!!! Hope Graham can play, we sure need another Mason. Thanks JB for your insight, always!
RE: jBIA (for OBO): Mickelson rumored working out at point guard...
jb / nucleaf Just an observation from Self’s comment during his weekly radio show. He mentioned the 2008 NC team was short with only 6’8"s. Then said Alexander needs to get better & also become more efficient when the team’s passing improves. He said “timing” of the passing will make it easier for Cliff & he won’t have to labor so much. Based on his comments, our coach is gonna make this team score inside without 7 footers.
RE: RIP Coach Smith
@jaybate-1.0 I don’t know Dean Smith’s legacy other than he was a KU alum & successful as UNC coach. Besides sending us Roy Wms & telling him not to recruit against Smith, and how Smith didn’t want to return to KU to coach, I have no loyalty to him. Would you like to share what your beef is with Smith. All said, may he rest in peace.
RE: So you love the high low?
@DoubleDD You’re much more patient & forgiving than I. Gotta protect my vein from exploding. Good night.
RE: Next Mission: Take Norman...Leave No Prisoners
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m with you! Was hoping Self would rest Mason & Selden for the March run, and walk away from OU and B12 - so I can give my heart some rest. But competitive Self & players are likely to go for OU’s throat as JB predicts. Oh, no ~ Watching them play will give me white hair!
RE: The reality of playing Bad or worse ball
@DoubleDD Based on your argument, Durant UT & Blake OU teams should have won it all. Sorry but we have to agree to disagree.
RE: Jamari
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks for the post. Am I off the rockers thinking Jam could make a living as a back up in the NBA? He’s got the body, speed, attitude - reminds me of Black except the maturity and haven’t yet realized or learned what he can do with his athleticism. Am I off the wagon on this? Somebody with keen eyes for talent please tell me.
RE: Waaaaaay too early picks for next years #1 seeds from ESPN, I like it though.
@Shanghai_RCJH Agree about Greene given Self is implementing Bad Ball which isnt about dropping 3s, and Greene is all about 3s. So how he does in March may be indicative of whats to come with BG next year.
RE: CBS story
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks for posting. Wonder if Dodd knows about Bad Ball.
@Hawk8086 If we are looking at the losses to determine #1 seeds, then agree KU=2. That said, what about the body of works? @KUSTEVE pointed out Duke is a young team as is KU, but Duke failed to win its conference and the tourney. Should Duke still be 1 because of its 4 vs. 7 losses? My logic tells me Duke=2, KU=1
RE: Championship game, Rock Chalk day! ❤️🏀💙
@drgnslayr Agree. I wondered if Wigs was instructed to get through the year without injury. Seeing what I see Wigs do now, believe he didn’t give 100% playing at KU - was he was listening to his dad or Self? Wish him do well as a Jayhawk, nevertheless.
RE: Self Fullfilling Prophecy
@HighEliteMajor 69.3% include the second shots?
RE: Self Fullfilling Prophecy
@HighEliteMajor So here’s my follow-up question. Since 69.3% includes the 2nd shots, am I safe to assume footers on KY team are effective as rebounders? What about second shots for KU 3s? We all agree that KU is not a rebounding team this year. Wow, we dropped as many 3s as UK, and UK scored 70% of the time while KU 57%! I don’t have the knowledge of the game as you or others, but based on those 2 numbers, KU shouldn’t bank on 3s against UK or anyone with footers/rebounders. Sorry HEM, but I can’t agree with you on dropping more 3s. It’d be like spending $10 on lotto to win $6.
RE: For Lulu
@HighEliteMajor Have no fear, I always knew you’re a man
Oh, and this is coming from a girl
Grew up with men, and never could get the remote control. Dad & brothers taught me a little about sports for ALL four season - so I wouldn’t make them miserable watching sports. Was so happy once football season was over thinking “finally I get to watch my shows”. Wrong. Basketball season had arrived. Then Tennis, baseball, etc etc etc. Guess that turned out alright as I do enjoy watching sports - not very knowledgeable but thanks to you all, I’m having fun learning. Yes HEM, I learn from you too
RE: For Lulu
@Statmachine Great idea! I’ll offer up some Hail Marys - being the Lent season, that should help, huh? Thanks for the laugh.
@dylans I agree, Wusuu coach Marshall is a BIG HUGE Jerk. I’d love to put a sock in his mouth.
@benshawks08 We all know successful and accomplished people, and there are those who earn the respect and love even from their enemies, and those are real wo/men. Marshall is someone - even if he wins the NC - I will not love or respect. I respect Izzo. But, Marshall is a loser, he may be a winner of 1 game or seasons, but a loser unlike Self who is a winner - as a man. It’s hard to find wo/men of character with virtues today. Marshall taught & allowed his players to purposely physically beat up opponents - just so he can win? That’s not a man of character, but a weasel and a weak pitiful man. Fear the weak, not the strong, for the weak is wicked - the weak wicked emperor Marcus Aurelius in the “Gladiator” is no king or even a man.
RE: Cliff to Draft, But Whither Snacks?
@jaybate-1.0 Not sure if this is the right place (didn’t check other headlines), and this is from no-keen eyes for KU bball, but based on what I’ve observed, our players are athletic, but their BBall IQ isn’t the same level as their athleticism. If one’s IQ is good, their body isn’t quite there, and vice versa. Mistakes they’ve made during the mid & late season (this isn’t just this year) makes me wonder if they got rocks for brain. A case in point is Cliff who fell short of his brain talent. Self needs physical talent with brain talent. Sorry if I’m being harsh but Snack’s ability to relate to players is one thing, but recruits lacking in brain talent requires coaches with more than social skills. There’s so much emphasis on social skills with tweets etc that I wonder if our coaches are looking at recruits ability to learn - so as to shorten the learning curve given OADs one year timeline.
RE: Cliff to Draft, But Whither Snacks?
@KU-Flyer You bring up great points 1) kids can’t communicate effectively & poignantly today. Their “text” lingo can’t possibly translate well on the court. 2) Ability express one’s thought is a challenge for teens, particularly boys. Their vocabulary consists of “lol, ok, uh huh…” Good communication skill and add leadshership skills needed on & out of the court. It takes more than physicalness to win NC.
RE: EXPERIENCED BACKCOURT RETURNING, good front court taking Shape, come on Jaylen!!!
@JayHawkFanToo Okay FanToo, here’s my take on Stumpy. 1) Don’t like him, 2) His record with stacked OADs at AZ tells me he’s mediocre in that pitiful PAC. Why he should be whipping others in his conference & NCAA with Nike’s help IF he’s good of a coach as you say he is - think he was hungrier at Xavier & had to work hard for wins. His weight at AZ tells me he’s not so hungry but being fed too well. 3) Don’t have proof but whatever he did with Tarc, left a bitter taste - my gut tells something fishy, and 4) He’s got that same face as K, and that OSU coach. For what’s worth, this is all subjective - no data no facts - just my eye balls & guts speaking.
RE: Question: Do recent >1.0K views indicate we are getting more board rats, or just more virtuals?
@jaybate-1.0 Didn’t know Under Armour is swimming in the golf world, what sport(s) does Adidas dominate? Love this new kid Spieth though!
“Masters champion Jordan Spieth celebrated his big win with friends at Lavo in Midtown Monday night. We’re told the Texas native, 21, had a pasta and steak dinner with a friend and execs from his clothing sponsor, Under Armour. Other diners recognized Spieth as he walked out of the East 58th Street hot spot. Patrons gave him a standing ovation as he exited, we’re told. Spies also told us Spieth had to dive into a waiting cab to make a speedy getaway from paparazzi waiting outside.” http://pagesix.com/2015/04/14/golf-champion-gets-standing-ovation-at-lavo/?_ga=1.169950883.2031904535.1424726776
Scott Pollard assistant coach?
He’s building a new home near Self & bought a property on Mass with Self. Planning his retirement & hang out at AFH as Assistant? Could you guys see it happening? Please help with the link? http://m.ljworld.com/weblogs/town_talk/2015/apr/17/bill-self-and-scot-pollard-team-up-to-bu/?templates=mobile
RE: Friday Basketball Epigrams
@DoubleDD You’re right on the money. From a marketing perspective, Cal’s inability to get NC is one of the worst PR failure that will cost Nike. Nike’s strategy back fired & agree Americans can see & when they find out UK & AAU are the marketing arms for Nike, they will turn away. Hope it won’t hurt the college Bball when that happens.
RE: Recruiting Prediction: Nike Leans Sign with Nike Schools, adidas Leans Sign with adidas Schools, Sweetened Down Stream Agent Deals Tip Balance on One or Two
@jaybate-1.0 So how many Adidas OAD/TADs are we going to sign this season?
Pot and Its Impact on BB IQ?
OK, I need a diversion from recruiting. And came upon this article about pot. Those who say “pot” doesn’t effect people’s behavior or brain, I beg to differ. During the Opium War, Brits kicked China’s butt whose citizens were too stoned to defend themselves against the foreign intruders (per Brit Military). A civilization went to pots because of pot, now I’m wondering how many of our players go to practice or games stoned? How would pot or drugs effect their learning curve or BB IQ? Didn’t give much thought, but seeing Nadir’s eyes half closed during some games, wondered what was wrong with him. Was he stoned? Heard players of all fields smoke pot or drugs to ease the pain from their bruised-up bodies. I wonder if this pot is a bigger thing than the shoecos industry complex?
"When workers at his Colorado business went to pot, Mark Brawner said it was enough for him to roll out of the Rockies and head for South Carolina. Brawner, who ran Little Spider Creations out of an old Denver warehouse for years until this month, told KUSA-TV Thursday he moved because pot was hurting his company. He said employees started to come to work stoned after the state legalized the drug for recreational use in 2012.
“The main reason we pulled out was because of marijuana,” Brawner said. “Marijuana got into our industry. Half the sculptors will come in high. As soon as we’d catch it, they’d be let go. We went through 25 sculptors. Only five of (our sculptors) either were quality or would show up unimpaired.”
But Brawner said his comments got “twisted out of proportion,” although he did not deny relocating to the Myrtle Beach area, where smoking pot is still illegal. “They had an agenda. They got what they wanted and not what they heard,” he said. A call to KUSA news director Christy Moreno was not immediately returned. Little Spider has built Halloween-like props for Six Flags amusement parks, the Dollywood Theme Park in Tennessee, and other haunted house entertainment venues.
The company’s a new home is a spacious facility in North Myrtle Beach, S.C. The local Chamber of Commerce lured Brawner to move with a $25,000 grant. In exchange Brawner pledged to create 35 jobs and to make a $2.65 million investment in his business. In Colorado, Little Spider employed 47 sculptors, artists and animators.
The Myrtle Beach Sun News reported that back in Colorado, Brawner had been dealing with a “nasty” local government regulator and too many stoned workers. Those problems made his wife’s entreaties to move more appealing. Now Brawner would like to take back remarks he made to KUSA like this one:
“A painter doesn’t do production as quick as we want. If you build a house you can build a house to the plans. When we’re asking you to sculpt a giant dinosaur, and it has to have personality and stuff, when you’re high you can’t see it. Your whole body says its good enough, when it’s not. The quality suffers.”
A Colorado business group told the station Little Spider’s departure is the first they heard of a company leaving the state because of legalized marijuana. Brawner just wanted his marijuana remarks to go puff. He declined to say how his comments, which were audio-taped, could have been misconstrued. “I don’t have anything more to say, not even to make things right,” he said.
Colorado legalized pot in 2013, and the first marijuana shops opened at the beginning of 2014. Washington and Alaska subsequently legalized the drug, and similar measures have been proposed in other states."
RE: ACC owns the NCAA
Hmmm, DD, how about a conference call with jb to connect the dots with shoecos to NCAA, ACC & FSU because it does smell fishy. -
RE: Pot and Its Impact on BB IQ?
@JayHawkFanToo Amen to that! I had no idea this posting turned out this way. Simply wanted some thoughts on how pot and other chemical are/could effect our young growing players from learning in today’s much shorter time frame (1-2 years) all the while having to shorten their learning curve when other distractions like alcohol, girls, etc. are enticing them and their time. Think today’s players are under much more stress, and their world more complex compared to earlier decades. Let’s get back to KUBB. Enough info on pots/drugs that my brain is fried.:)