@DoubleDD Let me take a shot. Unlike Cal who encourages self-boasting & self-promotion that is the attitude of today’s culture (I am a superstar & aint gonna bust my butt to earn a spot) doesn’t seem to be so for foreign kids. Think they are more hungry & willing to bust their butts for a chance - perhaps because they haven’t been tainted by the Nike industrial complex with parasites blowing smoke up their butts? Foreign kids want to learn & improve (Embid, Svi…), and not afraid of competition. They’ve also seen Self delivers - Embid, Wigs. Plus these players seem so far humble, not chest thumbing thugs. Ellis, Selden, Mason & all are not arrogant or self-boasting kids like UK. Also think the Midwestern culture is quite attractive too - makes them feel at home, far away from home.

Best posts made by HawksWin
RE: KU going World Wide
RE: BRAEDEN ANDERSON... From No Way to All the Way
@globaljaybird Thanks for the article. I finally got fed up and called NCAA for the first time & asked for the President who was not in but spoke with his Asst who was very nice & said someone from the Eligibility Center would called back & someone did. Personally I believe in a governing body such as NCAA, but more & more NCAA’s legitimacy and responsibility is at question when a governing body cannot or would not render a decision and by default an athlete sits. This is unjust & NOT the American way, I said. One way or another NCAA has to make a decision & state their reason. Their recent approval of Fall made them look inconsistent & the movie Blind Side made them look horrible. Their PR is tanking, I said & fans like me are beginning to question their role & responsibility. Suggested they need to improve their process to be more proficient & timely. Of course, they can’t talk about the case & the media is not representing the whole truth - which I believe because I cannot stand ESPN and media talking heads. I called 317.917.6222 & asked to talk to the president & you may want to share your thoughts. Not sure if corner office execs really know or understand how simple fans (or the grass roots) feel. True they may not care, but if us simple fans from the Midwest yell & scream, they’ll have to take notice, wouldn’t they?
Blown, If I read you correctly, Snack deserves a second chance, we all do. But he first has to earn that second chance elsewhere. The message to players/kids has to be that there are consequence(s) to your actions & decisions, period. This country & people are on a rampage of no right & wrong anymore. Everything is justifiable & excusable if the argument fits their view - “it’s just a little weed”. Hell for that matter, thievery can too be justified or excused because one’s just hungry or dirsty. That justification of “aahh I feel sorry” or “emotion-based” thinking has ruined our “critical thinking”. Snack has to go & Self can help find him another job in unknown city as a way of giving Snack a second chance, but not at KU.
RE: The beginning of the End?
@Crimsonorblue22 Noooooo!!! Don’t even think it Crimson! We need Mason for 2 NCs! This & next year
RE: Brannen Greene
I have been critical of BG in the past & had to remember he’s still a kid. Still immature, but see why BG blew up. He played with injury last season - perhaps trying to prove to Self that he’s tough as Self likes it. His injury was no twisted ankle, but he sucked it up & clenched his teeth thru rehab for the past 5+ months. (10-12 mos for a full recovery?) In BG’s mind, he delivered what Self wanted from him - patience & toughness. Think a 21 yr old expecting a reward for what he went through & overcame - only to find himself warming the bench against MSU. As I said, I’ve been critical of BG, but if I were him, I’d be thinking transfer, a coach that wants his talent & can maximize it. I don’t play basketball so this is all speculation on my end but Self wants BG to drop 3s at his command. Now I play golf & without the warm ups my swing is dangerous, and don’t get into the rytheme until after a few holes. Pros warm up for hours before the first tee. If Self wants BG’s 3s, Self gonna have to figure out how to keep him in the game longer than plugging him in/out for 3 mins - despite his D. It’s hard to watch our 3-pt (parameter?) players develop under Self. His winning percentage comes with human cost.
Blown, Thanks for sharing. The major difference between you and Snack is that you were young and didn’t know any better. Snack is a grown up who has incredible influence over youth. If I were a pot-head parent, I still wouldn’t send my kid to a coach who smokes pot. You know do as I say, not what I do? We all have our stories & mine is NOT rosy, but ended up with 2 degrees. I’m sure Snack’s story isn’t rosy either - but that’s then & this is now. This is the reality. Life isn’t fair. A bit of history on doped up citizens. Chinese turned to opium & the emperor didn’t & couldn’t do anything (Brits played a part in it), and soon China got chopped up & occupied by the Western powers & then became the Red State. The thing was Chinese citizens " living in Opiumed (is that a word?) world" were unable to defend themselves against their occupiers & intruders. You cannot tell me dope is good for the society. Thanks ralster for your medical explanation. Sorry Blown. I still enjoy your comments - go Jayhawks!!
RE: Get More FGAs, Get More Strips, Get a Few More Reebs, Shoot More Treys, Add Huggie, and Win
@jaybate-1.0 Allow me to vent - your words on Perry are too kind, and I can’t hold it anymore. Call it his inner being or whatever it is. This is just a confirmation - I’ve never really thought he was as good as … Yes, a shining star in Wichita, a great student & darn good kid, but don’t see as a NBA. There’s no fire or hunger in his belly. Not counting on him to take us to the F4. And I agree our bigs lack the talent (no more inside scoring) that require to beat the arses of Kensucky. We will need more than his conversion from soft/reluctance/afraid of making mistakes to I want it gotta have it will die fighting for it stuff it. It is very FRUSTRATING to watch him play! I won’t be surprised if there are some personal issues with Perry vs Cliff for Self. Would Perry shut down if Self focuses too much on Cliff? I don’t mind losing but the way he loses is beyond my comprehension. I’d rather have a 3 star who goes at it like a bull dog and leaves his heart out on the court! Like Mason! Your comments stopped the fumes from coming out of my ears that started last night. Appreciate the insights!
RE: So you love the high low?
@DoubleDD Well I’m done trying to watch this team’s pitiful performance - tonight & against WV. Sure I turned on/off the radio, switched channel back & forth, and finally decided tonight I’m done watching this team & it’s stubborn mule of a coach. Can’t for the life of me figure out how in the h— Self thinks Greene can just turn on the 3s after sitting in that environment? Just as Roy drove me bananas for not calling time outs, Self is with telling players to drop 3s or putting the cold hand Greene way too late. Mason’s 3s are in drought, otherwise he’d have bailed us out as in the past.
Even I - with no knowledge of the game - can see that Self should have been pushing for 3s in the first half when we gave up the lead. Did he not know KState was dying to pay us back for that humiliating loss a few wks ago? Ego & pride can substitute for talent!
Also, am I off thinking that 1) Im not at all confident in Mari’s ability to use his brain, 2) same for Cliff given his talent, his brain power is lacking. How could they commit similar or same fouls repeatedly? Mari after 3 yrs? I’ll check back in April to see how we did, but I’m done watching Self & his ----- strategy or lack thereof. This is infuriating.
@drgnslayr I’m in complete agreement with you about Kensucky. What I saw when we played them and since then, our guys thought they couldn’t complete against the footers - they kinda gave up with hands up - earlier in the season. All I wanted from this team was the swag that says “come on, we can take you”, and learn/train how to win. Teams with footers have lost the battles as we know, didn’t UConn & L-Ville, the recent champs have won without footers and OADs? So it can be done, but seeing Perry and others with their heads down, I was hopeful but dubious. Only if these guys knew they could, and once realized, how much do they want it? First BELIEVE they can, then use God given brain & skill to figure out how (well that’d fall on Self)! As human, we all need to believe in ourselves in life as we chart the unknown (like aging), when doubt sets in, it is our family/friends who pick us up. Believing oneself is harder for 18-22s because they are so young and without experience to build on. Some have it while some take longer, so like you I’m waiting to see which way this team will go (Perry & Mason are on board). It was VERY frustrating to watch Perry doubting himself after Kensucky. Remember how he gave up? Now, he’s learned how to win, will he say “hey Kensucky, it’s payback time!” Now, what about the rest?
RE: Post your wishes for the NCAA tournament here
Ok, here it goes. KU crawls, bites, kicks, screams, dunks and goes to FF, plus the 3s drop like rain to send soft Kentucky team home crying. And, we have our NC! As for ESPN, viewers realize their own analysis is more sensible & logical than those mouthpieces of the east/west coast. Now, Self has to make it happen! Thanks for asking Lulu.
Latest posts made by HawksWin
RE: Frank "speed, toughness" Mason goes 1st or 2nd Round?
Josh #1 (100% emotion-based), Mason #27 (applied 0% logic, 0% analysis)
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
@Crimsonorblue22 - wonder if Calvert was bitter, envious, jealous, angry young woman wanting equal treatment as the KU Men’s BB? After all, she considered herself a good player I’m sure, but she and her team weren’t shown the same love, adoration, support from the KU fans. Did she think she was entitled to the same notoriety as Jackson & other players were receiving? Whatever her state of mind, she was toxic for the players. They should have ran as fast as they could from her!! If my son was slapped, kicked, pushed, yelled at by a drunken self-elated prima-donna, I’m not sure a gentlemanly response would have made any difference to girls like her wanting to chop & challenge the boys’ ego & manhood in the name of equality. These boys are still maturing. And if my daughter behaved the way Calvert did, she won’t be treated like a princess just because she’s a girl when she’s behaving like a mad bull in dress. Bet Josh’s mom will straighten him out, and hope he’ll avoid toxic Calverts of the world.
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
@jayballer54 - Yes, tonight we will know! Hoping (100% emotion-based) Josh #1, and Mason #27 (applied 0% logic, 0% analysis)
Frank "speed, toughness" Mason goes 1st or 2nd Round?
“Frank did a really nice job this morning,” Sixers vice president of player personnel Marc Eversley said after the workout, as reported by libertyballers.com. “He had a terrific year shooting the ball. He’s especially terrific in transition and finishes very well in the paint.”
Eversley said Mason’s strengths are “speed, quickness, toughness. He’s courageous, very courageous. He does a lot with his body.”
Mason said after the workout that he’d love to play for the Sixers and combine forces with former KU forward Joel Embiid.
“Oh yeah, it would be great to play with JoJo and be a part of this franchise,” the 5-foot-11 Mason said. “I think they’ve got a lot of young players that are really good that are working hard and it’s going to be special here pretty soon.”
Mason has worked out twice for the Sacramento Kings. He’s also worked out for Orlando, Milwaukee, New Orleans, Utah, Washington and others. The Kings, who have two first-round selections (5 and 10), could take Mason at No. 34.
"Ahead of Mason’s historic final year as a member of the Jayhawks, the two shared a conversation in which Selden says Mason essentially called his shot.
“He said before last year he’s going to win national player of the year,” Selden said Thursday, “and he went out and did it.”
RE: Josh to Celtics #1?
Jackson was acknowledged his adjustment to the NBA will go beyond X’s and O’s. “I have been taking an anger management course,” Jackson said. “I’m just wrapping it up right now. It’s just something that I had to do. I learned from the mistake I made. I’m making it through it.” What did he learn? “One of the biggest things I got out of it was just to worry about the things I can control and not to worry about the things that I can’t,” Jackson said. “It sounds so simple. But I went home and thought about that a lot and it made huge amount of sense to me. There’s a lot of things in this world that we cannot control. But yet it frustrates you. We can’t worry about them too much.”
RE: Good lord, kief!!!
My initial reaction was same as yours, but after the video, the Suns owner screwed the Morris boys. Kieff’s market value was much higher than what Sarver ended up paying because of Marcus package deal, and for Sarver not to honor his word? I’m not at all pleased with the Morris’ immature acts, but can understand. Older generations should lead and teach the younger ones of justice, courage, prudence and honor rather than self-importance and love for money. Actually, Sarver failed Kieff and younger generation.
RE: #DialloFreed
@Lulufulu Amen! It smells corruption! Won’t be surprised if NCAA is under the influence & control of Nike -> slow death to KU via Diallo & other kids who sign with KU. Nike is making sure KU doesn’t get 5* & if KU finds hidden jewels, have NCAA choke KU. Pay off a few NCAA eligibility center folks (like FIFA) & Nike can have UK, Duke, UNC, Texas, etc going for NC. I’m for investigation of NCAA & demand transparency for its validity, credibility, legitimacy.
RE: Wasting Another Good Trey Balling Game on a Cupcake...Random or Indicative of Something Significant
@jaybate-1.0 Yikes. I’m afraid you’re right JB. Is this a repeat of last year?
RE: KU's letter to NCAA regarding Cheick Diallo
Can’t help but to believe NCAA is in bed with Nike and its accomplices to minimize KU. There’s no other explanation for singling out Diallo when other(s) from the same school has been cleared. This could have been going on for some time (i.e. Ben & Traylor) perhaps when the embargo started? This smells. Expose NCAA - see who owns Nike shares or sits on the board or partners with agents & media (i.e. ESPN, cable companies). Tip of the iceberg?