Don’t give his number away, again, just yet!

Posts made by Gunman
RE: VICK GONE for Good this time???
RE: VICK GONE for Good this time???
The non-suiting up players squad keeps getting better.
RE: Garrett's Shot
I have to laugh when I think of posters that were so glad Vick left. And laughed harder when his Mom was going to talk to Self about coming back. Not a chance many said. From day one of his possibility of leaving I said to take him back if he wants. How many losses would we have this year without Vick? On to those that said we will never be any good as long as Garrett starts. Many would acknowledge his defense but said he couldn’t score. How many losses if we didn’t have Garrett?
RE: Ladies Win In Sunflower Showdown
For the record
2015-16 6 overall wins, 0 conference wins
2016-17 8 overall wins, 2 conference wins
2017-18 12 overall wins, 3 conference wins
2018-19 11 overall wins, 1conference win and countingIsn’t that going in the right direction?
RE: Ladies Win In Sunflower Showdown
@Crimsonorblue22 : KSU has an RPl of 51. Not a victory over a great team, but a good win on the road and a confidence builder. First win against them since 2014.
Ladies Win In Sunflower Showdown
Lady Jayhawks beat K-State 61-54 in Manhattan. Big road win.
RE: The Ladies
@Texas-Hawk-10 Jessica Washington injury last year cost the team several victories.
RE: Other Games Tonight
@jayballer73 This is a good group of players. This a deep team with lots of seniors. Constant substitution keeps them fresh, out of foul trouble with zero sign of less focus or design. Great job by Coach Schneider.
RE: Other Games Tonight
KU ladies beat Washington State this afternoon down in Vegas 71-63. Lots of substitutions and combinations. Game wasn’t as close as the final score. 8-1.
RE: Lady Jayhawks Remain Undefeated
The ladies played a near perfect first half. Second half played hard, shots didn’t fall, especially at the free throw line. Played great defense all night. Really big road victory for KU. Final score 68-61. 6-0 for the year. KU men and women are one of three schools still undefeated.
RE: Lady Jayhawks Remain Undefeated
Hawks leads 40-25 at half against LSU in Baton Rouge. Wish it was televised here.
Lady Jayhawks Remain Undefeated
Team is now 5-0. Almost everybody is healthy. Lots of competitive bodies at every positon. HC has changed the starting lineup several times. Players struggling in the games are going to the bench. Coach has this team heading in the right direction.
RE: It's here - - It's here -- Game on -- Season on
Will the game be streamed?
RE: Could the New NCAA rules hurt Kansas HS basketball?
Besides playing in high school games boys and girls can play in over a hundred games a year with different organizations such as AAU and other travel ball programs. Most weekends there are tournaments where you can find desired competition. My experience it’s these programs where kids develop the most rather than in school programs. Not always the case but a majority of the time. If a kid has potential long before high school his/her name is in the conversation.
RE: Vick Coming Back
There’s an empty seat at scorer’s table. Life is a good.
Two months ago we had lost all five starters. The Board was expressing nervousness. The continuation of The Streak looked weak.
Today we have 40% of the starters returning. The Board is on board and happy and supportive. The Team has been Tweeked, The Streak may peak.
Does it get any better than this in the off season? RCJHK!
RE: Lagerald Vick: The Pool Is Closed
@HighEliteMajor Forgot about that release. Maybe just couldn’t believe it was a true. Thanks for the reminder.
Not knowing the whole story and how polished the new pieces are l would take him back or keep him whatever is the correct verbage.
RE: Lagerald Vick: The Pool Is Closed
Why wouldn’t you keep the guy? Self never said he was gone so l never felt he was. Whenever it has been final we hear “Joe Blow has decided to leave the program and pursue other avenues. We wish him the best. Joe’s time here has been appreciated and we wish him the best.”
I’ll support any decision reached.
RE: Is Bill Self the Cleanest Coach in D1?
@jaybate-1.0 Probably not, but works harder than all to be that way.
RE: Can KU Afford Marcus Garrett's Offense, as a Starter, to Get His Good, Perhaps Eventually Lock Down, Defense?
@wilson All drafted players must be at least 19 years old during the calendar year of the draft. … Any player who is not an “international player”, as defined in the CBA, must be at least one year removed from the graduation of his high school class.
RE: Can KU Afford Marcus Garrett's Offense, as a Starter, to Get His Good, Perhaps Eventually Lock Down, Defense?
@HighEliteMajor Maybe Garrett hit the wall but somebody will have to beat him out if it’s up to me. Cunliffe is a deer in the headlights but l respect him for hanging in there.
RE: Can KU Afford Marcus Garrett's Offense, as a Starter, to Get His Good, Perhaps Eventually Lock Down, Defense?
I think he will be better than Vick next year. Definitely more consistent. There was short stints where he outshined Vick this year, just needing experience.
RE: Can KU Afford Marcus Garrett's Offense, as a Starter, to Get His Good, Perhaps Eventually Lock Down, Defense?
@jaybate-1.0 I’m on the Garrett Bandwagon. Self loves D. Marcus seems to want what’s best for the team.
RE: Let the dumb begin!
@BShark Exactly what l hear. It’s not what they have done, it’s what KU failed at or struggled with. The older l get, they lesser l promote my love for KU sports. Why, nagging people isn’t that important to me anymore and take a look around— many, many people are in a state of stupor.
RE: Let the dumb begin!
@drgnslayr Sorry, l have to disagree. Many long time friends (KSU people) just become completely undesireable when KU is mentioned. For that reason l hope they lose every game game at every sport.
As for WSU people, they are more sociable and enjoyable, but Marshall makes it hard for me to promote them either.
RE: Love coach self but there is a track record built that's impossible to ignore
@Crimsonorblue22 OMG! l listened to the podcast from the school and for a minute thought we were in the running for a saint-superman combo. When they were introducing people that had infuence on his life and he couldn’t even clap for them my mind was made up.
One person there for KU, one for Vanderbilt and thousands for Indiana. If he hadn’t chose IU somebody might have left the building needing medical attention.
RE: Love coach self but there is a track record built that's impossible to ignore
@ReggieKansas Langford was never coming to KU.
RE: Changes need to come to the athletic department
@kjayhawks Volleyball is doing well.
RE: “We’ll play anyone, anytime” bull****
Don’t see a legitimate reason to play WSU in the regular season. Maybe Bruce feels different but l don’t respect his thought process most of the time anyway. He does have a lot of previous excuses to explain losses to the Shuckers.
RE: My Response to Pat Forde's Article: Either Bill Self is an Idiot or Clean. You can't Have Both.
Do all high school graduates have to go to college? No.
Then explain to me why it is legal to force our youngsters to go to college for one year or sit out and twiddle their thumbs for one year before pursuing their dream of professional basketball.
Then explain to me how it is legal to have different eligibility requirements for different sports.
RE: Anyone else wonder why Self didn’t play Silvio quite a bit the second half against Nova?
Blown said:
A small part of me wondered during the game if Self wasn’t committed to Doke the second half having ceded defeat and letting Doke play in front of his mom After all she went through to get here. Self commented before the game that there are some things more important than games.
Just stating facts!
Self left Doke in the second half against OU and we lost. Doke couldn’t make free throws. Self left Doke in against Villanova and we lost. Doke couldn’t guard.
RE: Vick moves on. Forgoes Sr Year
approxinfinity said:
Well… Let’s take a moment of silence to appreciate LaCobra’s 3 solid years for KU, silent assassin, asked to play out of position for the good of the team, amazing hops, zone buster…
Alright! Good luck LaGerald! Will be pulling for you wherever your travels take you!
Thanks for your time at KU. You were greatly appreciated by many. Wish you good luck and safety on your next phase of life.
Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
RE: Thank you board rats for another great season
Great year! Enjoyed the site! Next year 15-16-4!!!
RE: It's here guys/gameday. - -just a couple of things
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I wouldn’t say dg has had bad games, he just hasn’t scored like he’s capable of doing. But, more importantly, the rest of the guards have stepped up. Feed the hot hands, hopefully dg will add a few too.
I’ve felt for several years he only cared about winning. l think he could have been a better all round player but he was letting Frank do his thing last year.
He knows who the MVP is on this team, who is the motor, who is the leader. He’ll do what it takes for team success.
RE: It's here guys/gameday. - -just a couple of things
Devonte needs to play 40 minutes. We are not the same wihout him in there. Sometimes when Doke is out we look really good and gain momentum. Never do I see that happen when Graham is on the bench. He shouldn’t have foul issues, refs should let the first five go unpenalized to make up for our last meeting.
RE: Billy
Fightsongwriter said:
@Gunman the 30 for 30 could be about Dok and silvio alone and the trip from Africa to the final 4
So true.
RE: Billy
Silvio wouldn’t be as valuable if Billy was playing. The way it has unfolded is great for KU, not Billy. We are witnessing what a fantastic movie plot in the making or at least another 30 for 30.
RE: Man will this week ever end?
l thought we would beat Duke. I’m more confident for Sillinova than Duke.
RE: The Looming Trey Trough, Remedies and the KU Post complex: 20.8/13.7
jaybate 1.0 said:
Thought I cleared this up previously.
Conference season is a weekly series of mostly 2 in 3 or 2 in 4 sets that model and prepare teams for the tournament format. The only disimilarity is the 3 in 3 conference tournament, but that is only one week.
So trends and stats from regular season should be good predictors of post season with the major variable being sharply better average of competition, which might actually drive down stats in the short term.
You say sharply better average of competition might drive down stats-- might playing teams 2-3 times in a short period of time affect the numbers as well?
RE: College Coaches Better Than Self
BShark said:
@jaybate-1-0 recent musings had me wondering.
Trying only to think of coaching ability, and not recruiting.
I’d certainly put Jay Wright ahead of Self. I’d lean towards putting Belein ahead of Self as well.
Still trying to come up with one…
RE: Dontae now consensus All-American with AP First Team Pick
Congratulations! We’re having Christmas early in 2018, with more presents to come.
RE: The Looming Trey Trough, Remedies and the KU Post complex: 20.8/13.7
As has been said before trough cycles might be different since games are scheduled farther apart in this tourney. Maybe the Duke swing was really on the way back up with a ways to go!
RE: Final Four bound!!!
BigBad said:
If you didn’t doubt this team you were not watching all season. There were some bad spots. Everyone here doubted them at some point.
Too much talent.Too much experience. Too good of a head coach. Never a doubt!
RE: Remember when KU lost 3 times in AFH
l remember suggesting there was such a thing as a good loss and thought l was going to be tarred and feathered (not Jayhawk) and banned from the site…
RE: Self's "A" Game; Look At Us Now.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I like Malik, from the beginning, I always knew it.
Me too. He had a funk for a while this year; sIck, hurt, hitting the books too hard. But he’s not the first one we had to wait a while on to bloom. Thank goodness nobody has hit that wall that has gotten us in some years past. Thank you Hudy. Bonuses should be heading your way shortly.
RE: Nova -5
mayjay said:
@Gunman Our defense doesn’t get the respect TT did.
We’ve been there before TT hadn’t and it looked like for lot of the game. Bill didn’t coach his best against Villanova.
RE: Nova -5
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@Gunman 2.5 I think
We get less respect than TT? That’s crazy, unless they know something I don’t.
RE: Silvio And Malik
CRH107 said:
Dwight Colby had a nice line tonight in Western Kentucky’s quarterfinal NIT win over OK State (92 to 84):
In 33 minutes of play:
7 for 10 FG; 2-4 FT; 13 REB; 2 AST; 3 BLK; 2 TO; 4 PF; and 16 PTS
I am happy for Dwight but hope that Silvio/Lightfoot produce at least one very impactful game this tournament to help lessen the sting.
You got your wish!