@BeddieKU23 Man this is dizzying. Coaches must be going crazy.

Posts made by Fightsongwriter
RE: 2021 Transfer Talk/List
RE: Does Baylor's title make Self hungrier?
@tis4tim Clearly you don’t seem to understand the definition of homer. Or irony or civil for that matter. My comment that Drew taking over a complete and utter dumpster fire vs. Self taking over a stocked blue blood was, in fact, the opposite of a pro KU or homerish observation. Saying Self had it harder is like saying your Lamborghini has car troubles when it needs an oil change. Baylor’s Toyota was darn near totaled. The engine was certainly blown.
What I hear you saying is you are above someone challenging you for a ridiculous (my opinion) comment on a message board dedicated to dialog and opinions. But you can then turn around and do the exact same thing you accused me of being uncivil for (calling me a homer). Revealing blame-shift tactic. I call foul. If you don’t want to ever have an opinion challenged or debated, don’t post. And I never said following a legend and keeping the train on the track wasn’t a challenge, but to say it was more difficult than what Drew inherited perhaps just reveals you never coached a program. I doubt we would get any argument here from 99.9% of college coaches that Drew faced the (much, dramitcally, exponentially) deeper challenge.
And please don’t call me a liar either (talk about uncivil), there is nothing “self-described” about my contribution to KU history; it’s a relatively meaningless blip in the annals of KU lore, but it is fact. Look it up.
RE: Yesufu to KU (Drake PG Transfer)
@Texas-Hawk-10 First off…never once did I say a word about a deep run. So you just making up crazy crap. 2nd…if you are suggesting Bryce was our best offensive player, we were clearly watching different teams. Och, Dave, Wilson, and Garret all ahead. heck maybe Harris and early season CB too. He could wind up being a nice player, but I just don’t see 5 star skills.
RE: ESPNU showing KU games all afternoon
@KirkIsMyHinrich The dunk vs MU is still one of the best all time. Crazy athletic.
RE: Ochai
@KirkIsMyHinrich Does not sound like the words of a guy who is coming back. Sad…he’s not ready.
RE: Yesufu to KU (Drake PG Transfer)
@Texas-Hawk-10 Gosh, golly and gee-willakers tx hawk, thanks for explaining all that. After following college bball for 43 years, I didn’t know ANY of that!
RE: Yesufu to KU (Drake PG Transfer)
@Texas-Hawk-10 Agree he was playing better but compared to Suggs or Cade, for a 5 he seemed an awful lot like a 3.
RE: Yesufu to KU (Drake PG Transfer)
@jayballer67 Did Bryce seem 5 Star to anyone? Even before the injuries was failing the eye test.
RE: Does Baylor's title make Self hungrier?
@nuleafjhawk Well kinda irrelevant to my point, but as one who lived in Waco, it is a certified arm pit. You actually accentuated my point I guess. Drew’s abandoned Pinto was left in God forsaken Waco!
RE: Does Baylor's title make Self hungrier?
@tis4tim That is such a blatantly ridiculous homer comment that I cannot dignify it with refutation.
RE: Coach Howard
@JAYHAWKFAN214 A lot of personal issues. We upgraded with Ramsey.
RE: Does Baylor's title make Self hungrier?
In the same amount of time (18 years), Self and Drew have the exact same number of NCs. Think about that. And Self inherited a Rolls Royce. Drew inherited an exploded Pinto.
RE: Today's Games Thread
@approxinfinity There is a good deal of Leitner in him, and that is just as annoying now as it was then.
RE: Today's Games Thread
@approxinfinity She can’t sing at all. Sounded and looked horrible.
RE: So- with all these players coming and going, what is next years team gonna look like?
@Texas-Hawk-10 Actually, last season. Neither Too or Dot will ever be an NBA starter. Dot may never play meaningful minutes.
RE: The curious case of Christian Braun
@BeddieKU23 I like the 6th man role. Spark off the bench. Less pressure.
RE: The curious case of Christian Braun
@BShark At times he seemed to drive it well and made a few highlight reel takes. But he went so cold from the arc. Ice.
The curious case of Christian Braun
Ok, I have been off the board a long time for a number of reasons, so sticking my toe back in, and I did not see this topic anywhere.
What happened to CB? The year started so promising and he wound up being a non-factor, and at times a liability, other than some decent board work. What was it? Sophomore wall? Injury? Girl problems? Would love any Intel or theories.
RE: So- with all these players coming and going, what is next years team gonna look like?
@BShark Agreed. He was below the rim far too often. Maybe Ramsey can fix that.
RE: So- with all these players coming and going, what is next years team gonna look like?
@BShark I hear ya. In today’s day and age doesn’t matter if they are ready and everybody and their brother is jumping ship. Just my opinion.
RE: So- with all these players coming and going, what is next years team gonna look like?
@BShark Och not close to ready, Jalen gonna be BMOC.
RE: Bobby Pettiford
@approxinfinity The yellow team is the Washington Generals. Seriously… Zero D.
RE: Bill Self and who he's lost to.
@wissox You restored my faith in Bill. This was very insightful. Thanks.
RE: 2021 Transfer Talk/List
@BeddieKU23 Great question and we got the answer pretty quick. Bill wants to win and get better baby! Jossell is too small. Might as well clean the whole house.
RE: Big Test for future Texas head coach game thread
Abadji nearly cost us with his mindless TO’s. Without those and a couple missed free throws, it’s not even a game.
RE: Guys I'm saying IF things happened - -Danny Manning ?
@Crimsonorblue22 By your definition of ‘quite well’ I am a billionare! Lifetime 5pt 4 rb a game. 1 start. The very definition on “meh”
RE: Guys I'm saying IF things happened - -Danny Manning ?
@approxinfinity I think you actually made a compelling case proving @kjayhawks point. Regardless of who recruited them, Danny’s guys all went pro. Post Danny guys (see what I did there?) Other than Dok all went nowhere…and even Dok wont make the League.
RE: Villanova Wildcats - Saturday - 11 am - Fox
Jay has owned Bill. I bet Bill has them fired up. Full amp as jaybate used to say.
RE: Guys I'm saying IF things happened - -Danny Manning ?
Yes, 100 times yes
RE: Silvio De Diallo
@BeddieKU23 This is the one thing I hate how Self does it. Same thing happened to Hunter Mickelson. If you live in fear of making a mistake, guess what you are going to do. Silvio saved our season as a frosh, he deserves better. You can really get into the flow of the game when you play 34 seconds. The cryo-ice may be forming on Silvio and that is just not right.
RE: This commentator's view of last night's ending makes everything even stranger.
Great approach @drgnslayr wish i could do more of what you are doing.
RE: This commentator's view of last night's ending makes everything even stranger.
@wissox Now come on boys, play nice! Look at the continued dissension Duesh boy is causing by his idiotic act!
RE: This commentator's view of last night's ending makes everything even stranger.
@wissox I have the utmost respect for you, however, I would bet the house the idea of making spectators smile never entered his mind. It was all pride and arrogance and male ego. To echo our fearless leader HCBS, it was a dick move and an unimpressive one at that.
RE: This commentator's view of last night's ending makes everything even stranger.
@drgnslayr etiquette means respect, humility and proper demeanor, not political correctness. That could not be further from the truth. Duesh boy failed miserably on all of those accounts.
RE: This commentator's view of last night's ending makes everything even stranger.
That kid is a first rate duesh. Bottom line. Not ok to do that at any level.
RE: Here's Why Doke's FT Shooting Is STILL A Disaster
Seriously bring in rick barry now to consult. Great documentation of zero progress. Total fail by coaches and Dok (gym in dorm for goodness sakes!!!) Barry style (see not granny style…sounds better no?) Is the only option at this point. Tell him Wilt tried it.
RE: Other Big-12 action
I watched Baylor. Refs seriously engineered that game to WA. Observation…BU guards and bigs on whole seem better than our allotment. Esp their bigs. Our wings are better.
RE: Snowy today/cold Question about Doke
It is truly horrifying form for this ex coach to stomach @jayballer73
RE: Snowy today/cold Question about Doke
Easily the worst @jayballer73 . cedric hunter was last really awkward ft shooter i recall and he was 50% 20+% better.
RE: Pittsburgh State Gorillas - Thursday - Halloween - 7 pm - ESPN "#@$^%&*" +
Wish I could see the actual game! E+ sucks!
RE: Well ready or not - - - BB Season is here
And how do we start? Snoop shoots money (fake thankfully) at the players and behaves like a cretin. Optics people. Optics!!