Personally, @HighEliteMajor this sounds like antipathy toward Bill Self on your part. The series with WSU ended years ago when the series was no longer competitive, and at WSU’s request. Just because greasy Gregg has a few good seasons, he thinks he can get a home-and-home with KU just because he thinks he should. Missouri is what, pretty much a nonentity in the SEC. There is no fear here. We play Kentucky frequently. Mizzou is not even a pimple on Kentucky’s rump. We take on all sorts of heavyweight teams, playing Duke and Michigan State along with Kentucky in the Champions Classic, and we would schedule UNC if Roy would; you don’t hear Bill Self and KU representatives begging for a chance to schedule the Tarheels. It’s because we don’t need to. We’re not that needy. You are the one visualizing Self as wringing and flapping around. I don’t see him that way. Missouri lied to him. We don’t need them. The way you depict him is the way a liberal press tried to depict Ronald Reagan as a nervous senorita hoping Brezhnev would call. It doesn’t wash. Missouri made their own situation; let them fix it on their own. We ought not help them. I think God did us a favor and took the thorn out of our side. Why would we stick it back in?

Best posts made by EdwordL
RE: Bill Self's "Big Ego," prohibits the Border War.
RE: WVU 2 FTAs, KU 35 FTAs: Should the Referees Be Brought in for Questioning by the FBI that Is Reputedly Looking into other Bizarre Activities in D1, or Is KU's New Two Free Throw Defense Just that Great of an Innovation?
Even with the fouls that were called on WVU, there were a number that were missed. Jay Bilas pointed out some of them. The final number should probably have been about 42-4. The ‘Eers have been mugging other teams’ players for years; a crew finally called the majority of them in a game.
RE: What does Frank have to do to get a whistle?
On PHOGNet, someone posted a link to the NCAA rules, noting that pages 69-72 specifically address the inbounds pass. There is no rule concerning 3 feet from the boundary. The 3-foot “cushion” is lateral and permits the inbounding player to make a step pass. Also, another poster on that board noted that while Gottlieb continued to whine about it, Goodman later tweeted that he had been wrong about the so-called “3 feet” rule. I say Gottlieb’s still got something on backwards.
@wrwlumpy: I got my degree at WVU back in 1971. I had not heard that factoid about snake handling Pentecostal churches in WV. I always assumed that Tennessee was the capitol. The issue of snake handling was, in fact, the first question I had when I first attended a Pentecostal church in Pennsylvania. Knowing that so few of them do that, I feel a bit embarrassed by it now. But it does not stop me from having a joke at my own expense.
As for opposition to slavery, I was told at my first football game in 1966, that that was the reason for the cheer, “WEST – BY GOD! – VIRGINIA!”
I have not been back there for a while, so I don’t know if they still use that cheer. In the mid-60s, boys wore sport coats to the games (with boutonnieres on their left lapel) and gave their dates a corsage. A quaint tradition that had pretty much gone away by the end of the decade.
WVU had their protests against the Vietnam conflict back then, but it was still a campus where the leaders of the SDS were on civil terms with the Army and AF officers who ran the ROTC. I rather liked that the VP of Student Affairs could engage a student leader outside of the student union (the Mountain Lair) to ask if his parents had seen him on TV in the midst of a protest rally. I happened to overhear that exchange, and in the jaggedness of the 60s, it gave me a good feeling to think that regardless of what was happening across America, things weren’t going to blow up too badly in Morgantown.
The last time that WVU went to a Final Four, they knocked off Kentucky. They’ve beaten Duke in the tournament, as well. I think they are a good replacement for Mizzou, although their depth of talent in football is still getting to where it needs to be for the Big XII.
RE: Top Selling Collegiate Licensed Products
drgnslayr: While watching a recorded installment of Rick Steves’ travels in Europe, I paused and said to my wife, “Did I just see what I think I saw?” She said, “I think ya did.” I rewound, and there, as Rick is doing voiceover of his tour through a museum set in the home where Anne Frank’s family hid for two years, is a little kid wearing a Jayhawk T-shirt! Amazing.
RE: Bill Self, Kansas and the meaning of a 12th consecutive Big 12 title
Folks: According to USA Today, that bastion of prognostication, Baylor (Baylor!) is the team that will end the Kansas streak, and it is to happen this year. Guess we might as well go home, eh?
RE: Time Warner Jim Marchiony Response
@REHawk : As I posted on another thread on another board, It’s like Zenger put the FB coffin in the ground and laid on the last spadefuls of earth, and now he digs a little hole for KU BB, just a little hole, mind you, nothing that could kill the program or anything, and those who complained about people complaining about the deal are saying, Hey, it’s just a little hole.
Yeah, the man really knows how to market this blue blood program.
RE: The Smashing Thrashing of Baylor, or the Great Allen Field House Turkey Shoot
Fellow Posters: I have read a few times that Scott Drew is always badmouthing Coach Self on the recruiting trail. Am I mis-remembering posts, or is this generally assumed to be true? If so, how would we/Self know this? Do we hear this from recruits who sign with us who have also been recruited by Baylor, or would Self hear that from other coaches who do not resort to such tactics?
I know that I harbor no animosity toward BU players, but I find myself not liking Drew at all. He gets good talent there, but I think of him as a “roll the ball out there” kind of coach. An AAU coach at the D1 level, if you will. I don’t get the intricacies of the game as most here do, so I may be being a bit simplistic here. If he is badmouthhing Self, that could be the animus. It could also be that Drew has what my son-in-law would call “a punchable face.” Examples that he has provided would include Peyton Manning and Tom Brady.
RE: Border War to start back up??
Kcmatt7 said:
@Crimsonorblue22 That isn’t the scenario we are in.
A game vs. KSU makes no sense for either team strategically. UMKC wouldn’t sell out. Wichita St. might have sold out. Maybe. Nebraska wouldn’t sell out. There isn’t anyone within driving distance who could play this game next Sunday and sell out the Sprint Center.
This is a guaranteed sell out and it will sell out in a day once tickets go up for sale. At outrageous prices I would assume.
Who else could make that work? Logistically. Who could get their team to KC to play a sold out game? Pull their players out of class for the time needed to play that game? Who would be willing to give up practices even if they flew in Saturday and left Sunday after the game? Nope.
I’m sorry, but this makes sense. Both economically and logistically.
Who would of thought the 24 year old on the forum would be the rational one in this discussion…
Do you need help with your broken arm? The one you are patting yourself on the back with? You’ll swallow any explanation given, won’t you?
RE: Meet Billy Preston: 6th man
Doke and Billy sounds like the title of a movie set in the deep South. Is there a hot car involved?
RE: KU TO BIG TEN???????
stoptheflop said:
Nooooooooooo. Never. I loved the Big Eight and now the Big 12.
I loved the Big 8, but not the Big 12. Never liked the 12. It would be good if we went to the B1G with OU, and I wish that ISU would go too; that would give us some of the old Big 8.
I used to work with an engineer who was a tOSU grad; his dream was always that the Big Ten and Big 8 would merge and become the Great Lakes and Great Plains divisions of a super conference, because both are Midwest.
RE: Theme (one upset per season by a second division team) and Variation (getting used to playing with a black hole at the 5 and a problematic perimeter)
@ jayhawkbychoice: I like your name, because it made me realize that that is what I am. I came aboard during Roy’s first season when he explained to sportswriters how being HC at Kansas was a great job, even after the sanctions. i heard what he said and thought about it and realized that Kansas was the program I wanted to root for. Also, I kind of felt like a midwesterner, even though I lived back east.
In 1991, I sat down to watch the championship game, feeling certain that Duke was going to win it, but knowing, no matter what, I was rooting for Kansas.
And every year, I pick the Jayhawks to win it all, even when I know it’s not their year.
RE: I'm slightly amused.....
I read in the Star that Brownbag did his doctoral work at KU. That could harm KU’s reputation!
RE: Would You Rather Play Bad Ball and Go Deep, or Good Ball and Exit Early?
I would rather the team played well and went deep. I think James T. Kirk pioneered this move at the Starfleet Academy by changing the frame up of the test question. I forget the name of the strategy. It was the something Maneuver.
RE: BRAEDEN ANDERSON... From No Way to All the Way
I remember Braeden Anderson. I really wanted us to be able to play that kid. He really wanted to be here, at a time when it seemed we were losing the recruiting battles for the 5-star big men. He was the oldest in his family, and he had said that there was no way his mom could afford the tuition.
I had read about the accident, so it is really good to see that he is succeeding, on the court and off (someday to be “in court”).
RE: Not a positive outlook
@Texas Hawk 10: Yes, Malzahn would already have left, but the difference would have been that in that one year, some improvements could have been implemented; One of Malzahn’s coordinators could have been offered the job, and KU might already be into the third year of a successful rebuild. At this point, we have to hope that Beaty has what it takes. If the players, however few, are disciplined and coached in the fundamentals, we will see the beginnings of optimism. Mangino’s first year was terrible, but the second year was 6-6 and a loss in their bowl game. Nevertheless, the “sawing wood” approach to the fundamentals gave fans a reason to come out to the games. Here’s hoping Beaty can start there. I don’t know that I will worry so much about SZ. If Beaty is successful, Zenger may get credit for the hire, but I think he was really only a figurehead in the hire. Donor alums weren’t going to allow him to Weis it up again.
RE: ok guys , lets try and keep it real
Mellinger at the Star was doing that the other day. It reminds me of tv networks calling a race in NH because one candidate got the first 8 votes. I hate the irrational possibility that puffing KU might jinx the team.
Has Jack Harry retired yet, or will he still go out and say KU won’t win it again? That’s what I like to hear; it offsets the (potential) jinxing of the team by those who say we have it won 11% into the conference schedule.
RE: Yes, this is the worst Kansas has ever been in football
DoubleDD said:
I wouldn’t bash Beaty. He’s fixing a mess that was left for him. Winning is hard. You can have all the talent in the world. Yet if you don’t know how to win then it becomes a huge process. I remember when the Great Bill Snyder came to Kstate. He and the Wildcats played nothing but cupcakes in the non-con. I think he was trying to get his kids used to winning some games. Maybe Beaty should do the same thing?
The problem is that KU can’t even beat the so-called cupcakes on a regular basis, or Beaty would have more than 3 victories in 3 years.
Zenger was supposed to be a football guy, but look at his hires: People point to the mess Beaty inherited, but that mess was left by Zenger’s first major hire. And Zenger’s hire as women’s BB coach is 2-44 against B12 competition.
Zenger cannot be allowed another hire in any sport!
RE: WSU-show time
@JayHawk FanToo: That is my beef with Zenger–not only that he sold out the local fans for the potential faraway family fans of minor sports, but that his mentality had to be that of a mid-major AD who did not seem to realize the eliteness of the program he represents. Chancellor BGL really ought to be looking for a first rate AD for our very first rate foundational BB program!
RE: Go Huggy and Lon!
@drgnslayr: A few years ago, WVU kept Kentucky out of the FF. They aren’t frightened of anybody. Remember, Hatfield-McCoy was a WV-KY feud.
@jaybate-1.0: Back in the old days in the NFL, 1950s), when somebody cheap-shotted one of your players, it was treated like a HBP in baseball: You sent in a third-teamer, and the retaliation usually cleared things up summarily. If the refs wouldn’t correct that, then Mr VanVleet should have found himself about 4 rows behind the cheerleaders. Either the thugs you are playing against get the message, or the referees are forced to deal with it in the ensuing melee. If you use a player who might not otherwise get into the game and he is ejected, he has served his team, er, platoon, well.
My wife says that, as fans, we can say nothing publicly about this w/o looking like whiners, but she thinks somebody wanted this outcome, and they got it. When you are playing a thug, you cannot turn the other cheek. Hard to imagine this happening with a team that had T-Rob or the Morrises. Retaliating in this fashion is not retaliating per se; it is just showing “how much you want it.”
I too was sent back to find the bully and to challenge him. I did and had no problems with him after that.
RE: TRob
Am I correct in assuming that those are extrapolated numbers? Whenever I check the game stats, it appears that T-Rob is coming off the bench and playing about 14-18 mpg, which is still more than he got in Portland and a lot more than in Houston. His numbers in those minutes look good. One of my favorite Jayhawks.
RE: Driving I-70 Eastbound to land of Ahhhh's
@globaljaybird: I did not realize when that hwy had been built at that cost. We spent a week in Durango some years back, and we did ride the passenger train at Silverton, although we booked at the beginning of our week there. It was early May, and, driving to Durango, my wife and I stared at each other when we saw a sign up in the mountains that said “Wolf Creek Pass is open today.” We saw sun, rain, sleet, and snow on our way through that pass. I especially liked The Black Canyon of the Gunnison.
RE: The Mayor stepping down?
cbssportsline (Gary Parrish) is reporting that Holberg is on his way to Chicago today to work out details; announcement could come tonight.
RE: Thanks to Kansas, the Spartans’ shot at landing the former four-star center has vastly improved.
@Statmachine; @ajvan --What if Hunter graduates and Coach Self recommends him as a graduate transfer to SMU? Nic Moore could have been the first part of a “diplomatic-athletic” linkage between our coaches and schools. That way, nobody loses a scholarship, nobody is actually run off, and Chukwu gets to come to Big Man U without having to pay his own way during the transfer year. A win-win for everyone, as it would give us added guard depth for the WUG, which is an overseas experience for the Mustang player; Hunter would get to play on a team for another one of the most accomplished coaches ever and would get a chance to show his skills for a future overseas pro league career; and KU gets two more bigs where it looked like only one would fit. I would think that, if the NCAA has no problem with shoe companies stacking programs with recruits, they could have no problem with two championship ring-wearing coaches who happen to be friends doing favors for each other, esp. since their teams do not play each other and are in different conferences.
RE: Thanks to Kansas, the Spartans’ shot at landing the former four-star center has vastly improved.
@Statmachine; @ajvan – I forgot to say that the WUG would give Hunter and Nic Moore the opportunity to play together, which would give Coach Brown an additional viable big, who had experienced playing during the summer with his guard.
RE: KU vs. Russia
@VailHawk: I did not watch the game, but if I recall correctly (I am getting up there in age, and that was 43 years ago), Hank Iba was the coach, US lost its first ever BB game in the Olympics by something like 2 points, and Coach Iba, I recall, took a lot of heat in the press for the loss. I too remember it as a game lost because of officiating. At the time, I did not realize what Iba had meant to the game.
@drgnslayr : You just reminded me of the SNL sketch about people eating at the new, trendy restaurant that served Scottish cuisine: Dan Ackroyd was the server (“That’ll be two Haggises.”) Don’t think I could “stomach” the dish, but hey, I’ve never gone hungry for more than a few hours at a time. And maybe, back in the day, Scots may have learned to like it if it was readily available; it does have oatmeal in it, right?
RE: Everyones favorite KU big man headed to the Blazers!
@jaybate-1.0: I also assumed that the problem was that Cliff’s mom had done something that would have made Cliff ineligible, would have vacated wins, and thus they ran out the clock by not supplying the documents. I believe at the time that the attorney argued that Cliff was being asked to supply documents that had never been in his possession and that were not his. Unless Cliff co-signed his mother’s loan, he would not necessarily known about the loan until after the fact. That alone could have accounted for some of his underperformance at KU. Didn’t the situation come to light only because the would-be agent filed some document that legally made him a creditor in case Cliff’s mom did not repay the loan? I speculated Cliff told the family he thought he would have to come back for a second year, which caused his mom to tell him about the loan.
RE: Would Self Be Able to Recruit More Talent and Depth, If Self and KU Shifted from adidas to Nike?
@jaybate 1.0
“…since Nike and Air Jordan teams win ALL the rings under the current regime since 08 and dominate the Final Four.” Wasn’t Louisville with adidas when they won it all a few years ago? I don’t remember.
RE: Pigs do fly?
If Doke cannot get better, then he should do what he did in the one Italy game (when he received the long pass)–toss the ball to the backboard, then dunk the FT for 2 points!
RE: I miss Jaybate, I miss last year.
@Bosthawk So do you think that Jaybate is catfishing Duke fans now? Who might be next, Kentucky, UNC?
RE: Not a positive outlook
KSU fans would walk in dog shyte, track it into your living room, and think it was funny. If you complain, they would say, “Your football team is terrible. Get over it!” Actually, here, they tracked the shyte onto their own carpet. They just don’t realize that fact.
RE: Red Pill or Blue Pill?
I’d like to add one more opinion before the thread closes. I believe our consternation involves a combination of early outs (3’s shouldn’t lose to 14’s and 1’s shouldn’t lose to 9’s, etc), the number of early outs in a given period, the overall lack of NC’s compared to other elite programs, and the national perception that KU underperforms in the tournament. As someone pointed out, no one questions Coach K’s credentials when he loses to a 14 in the first game, or that he has lost early a couple of times, recently. Why would they? He has coached Duke to 4 NC’s.
As fans of an elite program, arguably the program that fathered the the other elite programs, we certainly know the Kansas tradition is valid, but here in the hinterlands, we may be suffering a bit of self doubt. In 2008, KU was the fourth of the #1 seeds, but I was confident that that team would win; I just didn’t expect we would beat UNC by so much. It should have been obvious we had a good chance, but we are in the middle of the country, and the reporters wanted to enjoy Rick Pitino’s patter (Q: Are there any weaknesses on the Carolina team? A: Well, Roy’s not the best dresser. )
KU does not need to beat its breast. It just needs to keep playing top tier basketball. There are still NC’s to be won. Why shouldn’t Kansas win some of them? Why not, indeed.
RE: Adidas likely renewing partnership with Kansas athletics and SZ has a $50 million dollar donor for renovations at memorial
mayjay said:
Sept 12, 2009, in El Paso
So Gill, Weis, Bowen and Beatty all have not won any KU road games.
Yes, Mark Mangino coached the last KU football team to win a road game.
RE: New teammate for Wiggy
@icthawkfan316 Since Cavs have not signed Wiggins yet, what would happen if, say, Wiggins’ agent got him a decent contract overseas for a year? Would T’wolves make the deal? If so, for how long would they hold the rights to Wiggins? With no contract, could Wiggins make some money this year in Europe and get re-drafted next year?
Having signed with adidas, would he even be able to sign with a Euroleague team?
RE: Yes, this is the worst Kansas has ever been in football
stoptheflop said:
@kjayhawks When Coach Beaty cried after the Texas win, I doubted he had the right mindset to be a winning coach. Great person, yes. But, winning coach, no. What other D1 coach would you expect to show that much emotion after an upset win? Coach Snyder? Coach Mangino? There’s no crying in football, ever.
Dick Vermeil says hi.
RE: The Lebron Legacy
@drgnslayr I will second your wish that Andrew wind up with SA. Don’t know how long Pop will be there, though. Could Self become Spurs coach at that point?
How long could Minnesota control Andrew’s future if he is traded? Could he be a RFA after 3 or 4 years?
RE: What if....
@wissoxfan83 Fan: No doubt MM caught lightning in a bottle with some good recruits. Don’t forget, though, that season, the team started 5-0, before Perkins started his witch hunt to get Mangino; from way out where I sat, it seems the team divided, and it would have been an incredible coaching job to have pulled them back together. (I also wondered what part the FB-BB fight may have played.) No doubt, those on the team who were against the coach would not have wanted him to finish with a bowl game, and Perkins appears to have lacked the spine to fire outright the most successful coach at KU in many years. For the AD to have sacrificed the program (which he did) in order to avoid a tough decision, is to me unforgiveable. Perkins may have engineered our appearance in the Orange Bowl (otherwise,we’d have appeared in the Cotton Bowl) but I think he deserved to go before he did.
RE: Self Rediscovers Phog, or Your Bullwhip Won't Be Much Use from Here on, Indy
@jaybate 1.0 Are you Vivek Ranadive? If so, is the team in Sacramento or playing on the road (like Minneapolis)?
RE: Do we go after more recruits?
I think as many recruits as possible should be offered. Bill Self recruits people who have the potential to play pro ball; I don’t know what he and the staff tell the recruits, but I expect he is honest. Both Beal and Wall said in interviews tonight that their coaches guaranteed them nothing. I think if Coach Self thinks a player has pro potential, does it really matter if he is a OAD, a TAD, or horror of horrors, a 3AD? I mean, what, 5-7 of the NC team got NBA contracts. Sasha landed an NBA contract, but asked out of it to play in his home country. Wiggins and Embiid are perfect examples: Wiggins was expected to be a OAD, and he was. When Coach Roberts spotted Embiid and pointed him out to Coach Self, they thought he would be a project. At that point, he was ranked about #100, and would have seemed to be a 3- or 4-year player, but after he committed to KU, he shot quickly into the Top 10. At that point, I was thinking TAD, but he turned out to be a OAD. Wayne was projected as a OAD. If he develops, should it matter if he stays even 3 years, as long as he develops and gets to the NBA? Coach Self has said he expects Brannen Greene to play in the NBA. If it takes 3 years for him to develop, should that be discouraging to him?
With the juggling of multiple good players, many may wonder if they will have the durability for the NBA schedule, but many first and second year players have spot roles off the bench, giving them a chance to adjust to the rigors of a pro season.
RE: Prediction: Self about to Switch Ellis On
@jaybate 1.0: “sacred wood” – Love the reference to TS Eliot.
RE: Kentucky can do this?
@JayHawkFanToo: I’m guessing UK fans don’t hold their noses and look the other way; they just celebrate the over-the-top-UK way.
RE: Where Have All the Long Men Gone?
@jaybate 1.0: I honestly believe a lot of it has to do with the difference in Cal’s and Self’s approaches to the game. Cal tells the recruits they will have to work hard, but I think his way is to extend the AAU game for them, while trying to get them to play some D. Self tells recruits they will have to work hard, but he doesn’t necessarily let them on the court until he has seen them begin to fit into his system. Self’s way seems much more restrictive to me, and I wonder if any number of highly rated recruits don’t just find it easier to join Cal’s ever-changing stable of talent.
Barry Switzer once said that if you give money to a player, you don’t own the player. The player owns you. If anything like that goes on at UK, it is well away from Cal. The vacated FF appearances at UMass and Memphis touched the schools but did not touch Cal. In the case of Memphis, Cal said that he asked the NCAA whether the player would meet the NCAA eligibility requirements, which is a lot like something the Tudors would have done – provide an answer to the wrong question being asked. Cal never asked whether the student had actually taken his own SAT, did he? And nobody could tell if he knew the answer to that question, or if he had even asked that question in the recruiting process. Thus, Memphis never played against KU in the final, but Cal moves right on to Kentucky.
RE: Something to Ponder.....
@nuleafjayhawk: I noticed the same thing the moment Fraschilla said it. I said back to the tv screen: We didn’t have to choose. We got both. HA!
Yeah, different is one word for it. Different. Like Richard Pryor’s Doberman Pinscher. A guard dog with anxiety.
RE: Frickin' ESPN
Folks: Think of Robert Duvall’s character in The Natural. That’s who the Bimbo is.