Personally, @HighEliteMajor this sounds like antipathy toward Bill Self on your part. The series with WSU ended years ago when the series was no longer competitive, and at WSU’s request. Just because greasy Gregg has a few good seasons, he thinks he can get a home-and-home with KU just because he thinks he should. Missouri is what, pretty much a nonentity in the SEC. There is no fear here. We play Kentucky frequently. Mizzou is not even a pimple on Kentucky’s rump. We take on all sorts of heavyweight teams, playing Duke and Michigan State along with Kentucky in the Champions Classic, and we would schedule UNC if Roy would; you don’t hear Bill Self and KU representatives begging for a chance to schedule the Tarheels. It’s because we don’t need to. We’re not that needy. You are the one visualizing Self as wringing and flapping around. I don’t see him that way. Missouri lied to him. We don’t need them. The way you depict him is the way a liberal press tried to depict Ronald Reagan as a nervous senorita hoping Brezhnev would call. It doesn’t wash. Missouri made their own situation; let them fix it on their own. We ought not help them. I think God did us a favor and took the thorn out of our side. Why would we stick it back in?

Best posts made by EdwordL
RE: Bill Self's "Big Ego," prohibits the Border War.
RE: WVU 2 FTAs, KU 35 FTAs: Should the Referees Be Brought in for Questioning by the FBI that Is Reputedly Looking into other Bizarre Activities in D1, or Is KU's New Two Free Throw Defense Just that Great of an Innovation?
Even with the fouls that were called on WVU, there were a number that were missed. Jay Bilas pointed out some of them. The final number should probably have been about 42-4. The ‘Eers have been mugging other teams’ players for years; a crew finally called the majority of them in a game.
RE: What does Frank have to do to get a whistle?
On PHOGNet, someone posted a link to the NCAA rules, noting that pages 69-72 specifically address the inbounds pass. There is no rule concerning 3 feet from the boundary. The 3-foot “cushion” is lateral and permits the inbounding player to make a step pass. Also, another poster on that board noted that while Gottlieb continued to whine about it, Goodman later tweeted that he had been wrong about the so-called “3 feet” rule. I say Gottlieb’s still got something on backwards.
@wrwlumpy: I got my degree at WVU back in 1971. I had not heard that factoid about snake handling Pentecostal churches in WV. I always assumed that Tennessee was the capitol. The issue of snake handling was, in fact, the first question I had when I first attended a Pentecostal church in Pennsylvania. Knowing that so few of them do that, I feel a bit embarrassed by it now. But it does not stop me from having a joke at my own expense.
As for opposition to slavery, I was told at my first football game in 1966, that that was the reason for the cheer, “WEST – BY GOD! – VIRGINIA!”
I have not been back there for a while, so I don’t know if they still use that cheer. In the mid-60s, boys wore sport coats to the games (with boutonnieres on their left lapel) and gave their dates a corsage. A quaint tradition that had pretty much gone away by the end of the decade.
WVU had their protests against the Vietnam conflict back then, but it was still a campus where the leaders of the SDS were on civil terms with the Army and AF officers who ran the ROTC. I rather liked that the VP of Student Affairs could engage a student leader outside of the student union (the Mountain Lair) to ask if his parents had seen him on TV in the midst of a protest rally. I happened to overhear that exchange, and in the jaggedness of the 60s, it gave me a good feeling to think that regardless of what was happening across America, things weren’t going to blow up too badly in Morgantown.
The last time that WVU went to a Final Four, they knocked off Kentucky. They’ve beaten Duke in the tournament, as well. I think they are a good replacement for Mizzou, although their depth of talent in football is still getting to where it needs to be for the Big XII.
RE: Top Selling Collegiate Licensed Products
drgnslayr: While watching a recorded installment of Rick Steves’ travels in Europe, I paused and said to my wife, “Did I just see what I think I saw?” She said, “I think ya did.” I rewound, and there, as Rick is doing voiceover of his tour through a museum set in the home where Anne Frank’s family hid for two years, is a little kid wearing a Jayhawk T-shirt! Amazing.
RE: Bill Self, Kansas and the meaning of a 12th consecutive Big 12 title
Folks: According to USA Today, that bastion of prognostication, Baylor (Baylor!) is the team that will end the Kansas streak, and it is to happen this year. Guess we might as well go home, eh?
RE: Time Warner Jim Marchiony Response
@REHawk : As I posted on another thread on another board, It’s like Zenger put the FB coffin in the ground and laid on the last spadefuls of earth, and now he digs a little hole for KU BB, just a little hole, mind you, nothing that could kill the program or anything, and those who complained about people complaining about the deal are saying, Hey, it’s just a little hole.
Yeah, the man really knows how to market this blue blood program.
RE: The Smashing Thrashing of Baylor, or the Great Allen Field House Turkey Shoot
Fellow Posters: I have read a few times that Scott Drew is always badmouthing Coach Self on the recruiting trail. Am I mis-remembering posts, or is this generally assumed to be true? If so, how would we/Self know this? Do we hear this from recruits who sign with us who have also been recruited by Baylor, or would Self hear that from other coaches who do not resort to such tactics?
I know that I harbor no animosity toward BU players, but I find myself not liking Drew at all. He gets good talent there, but I think of him as a “roll the ball out there” kind of coach. An AAU coach at the D1 level, if you will. I don’t get the intricacies of the game as most here do, so I may be being a bit simplistic here. If he is badmouthhing Self, that could be the animus. It could also be that Drew has what my son-in-law would call “a punchable face.” Examples that he has provided would include Peyton Manning and Tom Brady.
RE: Border War to start back up??
Kcmatt7 said:
@Crimsonorblue22 That isn’t the scenario we are in.
A game vs. KSU makes no sense for either team strategically. UMKC wouldn’t sell out. Wichita St. might have sold out. Maybe. Nebraska wouldn’t sell out. There isn’t anyone within driving distance who could play this game next Sunday and sell out the Sprint Center.
This is a guaranteed sell out and it will sell out in a day once tickets go up for sale. At outrageous prices I would assume.
Who else could make that work? Logistically. Who could get their team to KC to play a sold out game? Pull their players out of class for the time needed to play that game? Who would be willing to give up practices even if they flew in Saturday and left Sunday after the game? Nope.
I’m sorry, but this makes sense. Both economically and logistically.
Who would of thought the 24 year old on the forum would be the rational one in this discussion…
Do you need help with your broken arm? The one you are patting yourself on the back with? You’ll swallow any explanation given, won’t you?
Latest posts made by EdwordL
RE: I miss Jaybate, I miss last year.
@Bosthawk So do you think that Jaybate is catfishing Duke fans now? Who might be next, Kentucky, UNC?
RE: So: I was at the Hollywood Bowl last night...
@jaybate-1.0 I remember a time in the late 70s when our friend Steve mentioned Bob Dylan to the neighbor lad Calvin (about 11 or 12 at the time. Calvin replied, “Who is Bob Dylan?” We thought Steve would have an apoplectic fit.
RE: 3-D Printed Basketball Shoes: How Soon Will KU Print Its Own Shoes Locally?
@jaybate-1.0 I always wondered what substance was used in 3-D printing. Could the printers accommodate other powdered substances? For instance, some knives are made from powdered metal.
Shoes made only of powdered graphite? Or would the printers accommodate latex and other substances?
RE: Allonzo Trier
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@EdwordL someone mentioned ped’s would not be in your system that long. I have no idea. Which means he was still using or test was wrong? No idea?
Crimson: I read something, and I cannot remember if online or in the paper, that the banned substance Trier had in him is stored in the fat cells and that is how it can stay a long time. I also erred in earlier post in saying he took it once; commentators actually said he did not know how it got into his system. The article said that if he had been re-using, the amt found would have been much greater than the trace amt which just now turned up. That is why it is suspected to be a release from fat cells. How long and how many times could this happen to him?
This actually should be a great cautinary teaching point, not only in that Trier is a likely candidate to play in the NBA and could/will be subject to continued testing, but what is the potential effect on his health, having this in his body perhaps indefinitely?
RE: NCAA Basketball Corruption?
drgnslayr said:
What I will never understand… where was the DOJ when it came to the UNC bogus classes?
That should have been an obvious federal case.
Then… here comes this case. Perhaps this case is important because all kinds of fines can be levied?
Yeah… I smell corruption… but it isn’t just the corruption of coaches.
Yeah, at least UNC should have been prosecuted for impersonating a university. “The Carolina Way.” Really.
RE: Allonzo Trier
Trier missed, what, a whole season, then underwent a series of tests before he could play last year. It was discussed during the broadcast of one of Arizona’s games. Whatever the substance is, it stays in your system a long time. During the broadcast, the commentators said Trier claimed to have taken it once and did not know how long it took to leave the body; the series of tests measured the gradually subsiding level in the blood until it got below a max allowed level, at which point he was allowed to play. He came back to play this year because he did not feel he played well enough last year.
RE: WVU 2 FTAs, KU 35 FTAs: Should the Referees Be Brought in for Questioning by the FBI that Is Reputedly Looking into other Bizarre Activities in D1, or Is KU's New Two Free Throw Defense Just that Great of an Innovation?
Even with the fouls that were called on WVU, there were a number that were missed. Jay Bilas pointed out some of them. The final number should probably have been about 42-4. The ‘Eers have been mugging other teams’ players for years; a crew finally called the majority of them in a game.
wrwlumpy said:
Um, is he allowed to wear Nike on KU property?
RE: Yes, this is the worst Kansas has ever been in football
DoubleDD said:
I wouldn’t bash Beaty. He’s fixing a mess that was left for him. Winning is hard. You can have all the talent in the world. Yet if you don’t know how to win then it becomes a huge process. I remember when the Great Bill Snyder came to Kstate. He and the Wildcats played nothing but cupcakes in the non-con. I think he was trying to get his kids used to winning some games. Maybe Beaty should do the same thing?
The problem is that KU can’t even beat the so-called cupcakes on a regular basis, or Beaty would have more than 3 victories in 3 years.
Zenger was supposed to be a football guy, but look at his hires: People point to the mess Beaty inherited, but that mess was left by Zenger’s first major hire. And Zenger’s hire as women’s BB coach is 2-44 against B12 competition.
Zenger cannot be allowed another hire in any sport!
RE: Yes, this is the worst Kansas has ever been in football
nuleafjhawk said:
@Texas-Hawk-10 Why do you believe that to be true? What positive impact does a terrible football team have on an incredible basketball program?
Self said back at the last CR seismic shudder that he is not a mid-major coach. If KU drops football, it would have to leave the Big 12, it would never gain an invitation to Big Ten or any other P5 conference, and Bill Self would leave. No football would have an even bigger negative impact on the university and basketball program than a horrible football program (which might still be negative enough to prevent the university moving to the Big Ten).