Blame game!
Juan - this guy receives all kinds of accolades from other coaches, including Bill. He has his strengths and weaknesses. We’ve all wished for a different Juan… scoring more. Someone correct me, but I think his scoring is slightly up and we do see him shooting more. Are we sure we want him shooting more now? Is he to blame on our meltdown? I’d say NO!
KJ - I’ve been on his case all year to rebound better. After his shoulder injury and Self coming down on him, he has shown more energy and had a few great games. Is he at fault for the meltdown? NO!
Hunter - he has hit a bad spot… missing close to the basket. And his defense is atrocious. It’s always been bad. His problem has always been (and remains) how he is used. That guy should live in the paint on both sides of the ball. He’s the same player he was last year and last fall. We’ve had all this time to mold defense around him, as well as build offense around him staying in the low post. It’s not going to happen at this point. Is Hunter the cause of our meltdown? NO!
Zeke - NO!
Flory - NO!
AJ - never really got on track and still has missed assignments, but at times he also offers small sparks, like a few key rebounds. His impact is small. Is he the cause of the meltdown? NO! He’s just not offering a real net gain.
Raylen - he’s pretty much like AJ but more a deep threat. NO!
David - NO!
Could ALL these guys perform at a higher energy? Of course. Do we know the inner workings of this team responsible for the low energy? I’d say NO! Do these guys have no ability to play together? NO! We’ve seen periods when they came together on defense so we know it’s possible for them to execute as a team. Does this team simply not like each other? There could be small issues here, but that is typical on most teams. Have we seen big problems here? NO!
My biggest complaint on Self has always been his inability to cheerlead his teams. It’s not his style. I will say I doubt there are many coaches in this country that care more for their players! Bill’s methods for teaching and controlling his teams does not seem based on him being a big, positive motivator. He’ll never be a Bruce Pearl! Might this be the biggest issue that has allowed this team to sink? I’d say… definitely YES!
I’ll put it like this. If Bruce Pearl took the helm right now to complete the season I believe we’d see an instant spark and improvement in play! Bill’s kryptonite is on full display right now! This team “got away from him” and he doesn’t have the skill set to pump them back to fight!
There is a very good chance this gets a lot uglier moving forward. I hope people don’t go venting out on any of these players. There is no way you can say a player or two caused this collapse!