
Posts made by DoubleDD
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
In fact found that Americans rights were stepped on
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
@approxinfinity what does Fox News have to do with a phony dossier? That was investigated by the FBI and found funny.
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
You mean like the false dossier, and impeachment?
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
Hey you got complete control of our government what is the plan? Paris accord agreement where we pay China? The biggest pollution country in the world?
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
Don’t worry I’ll be respectful, I always am
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
No you didn’t have a problem with Dem rioters not wearing masks. You backed them.
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
If not kick me now, save you the headache
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
Are you liberal for free speech or not?
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
You can always kick me.
RE: What a sad day this is
Yea watch a year Of Dems burning cities to the ground, but we have a problem with trumps supporters storming the capital in one day. I wonder how many Americans lost their lives because of Dem rallies
RE: Why can't Mike Pence wear a f---ing mask?
Funny you didn’t have problem with Dems in the street rioting with no masks.
Did you miss me?
RE: The democratic nominee
Wow @FarmerJayhawk and @mayjay the stuff you two have posted is so thought provoking. It is so nice to hear some real soul searching thoughts. Instead of the I hate Trump and the world would be better off without him dribble. So sad that these individuals actually created the Trump, and worse they don’t even know it. Smh.
Yes I’m a dickhead. I love a good banter or argument, but what I love more is when someone stops me in my tracks and makes me think. I personally thank you both. As both have made me think.
RE: The democratic nominee
@benshawks08 said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD said in The democratic nominee:
modules:composer.user_said_in, @benshawks08, The democratic nominee
See evidence to support my previous argument above^^^^
I’m sorry. I’m in a bit of attack mode. I’m sorry. You spoke your thoughts and I was rude. Deleted my post out of respect. You should be proud of @approxinfinity he is a good dude.
I didn’t see it as I was typing my response to your earlier post. Not trying to get personal, just can’t follow your logic or argument.
Just know I was rude and I’m sorry. You have right to speak your mind.
RE: The democratic nominee
@benshawks08 said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD I’d say some of that comes with being the president. Obama was accused of being a muslim (as if that was a bad thing), of not being a citizen, of wearing a tan suit…
And the rest of it Trump brings on himself by defiantly refusing to: follow any governmental norms, learn and understand what he can and cannot do as president, and live on the line (or over the line) of what is appropriate behavior from an elected official.
Have you ever participated in a “good debate” because your posts are not that. You don’t defend a position, you deflect, ignore, and accuse others of wrongdoing instead of defending your guy. For example, if a student cheats on a test, accusing another student of also cheating doesn’t prove that kid didn’t cheat whether the accusation is accurate or not. Nor does the defense that some other kid stole money from my desk so cheating isn’t even bad.
I’m sorry you feel that way. Because I feel like I’m going up against perception Created by the media and the Democratic Party. I mean have you ever heard of anybody woman or man black white green blue being wrong about everything. It seems illogical.
RE: The democratic nominee
@Crimsonorblue22 said in The democratic nominee:
@Bwag dream on?
That was funny. I know you don’t like me but that was funny. Nice job.
RE: The democratic nominee
modules:composer.user_said_in, @benshawks08, The democratic nominee
See evidence to support my previous argument above^^^^
I’m sorry. I’m in a bit of attack mode. I’m sorry. You spoke your thoughts and I was rude. Deleted my post out of respect. You should be proud of @approxinfinity he is a good dude.
RE: The democratic nominee
@benshawks08 said in The democratic nominee:
@FarmerJayhawk said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD said in The democratic nominee:
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD said in The democratic nominee:
@kjayhawks said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD @approxinfinity @DanR We have to be able to see it from the other side without insulting and fighting each other. There is truth to both sides. Have the Dems labeled virtually everything Trump has done including his initial China travel ban racist? Yes, without question. Has Trump back tracked and gave circular reasoning? Yes, without question.
I’m not the one calling names. I’m just posting a different point of view. I guess it’s like how a conservative speaker can’t speak on on a college campus anymore for fear of their life. And conservatives are nazi’s?
Some extreme trolling right here. I didn’t call it dumbass trolling. Just extreme trolling.
Yet is it not true? Are not conservatives refrained on college campuses? For the colleges can’t give them the protection needed. What are these kids being taught? Doesn’t the media treat and even says the rep party is Nazism? Just saying
As an instructor at a college campus I can say a couple things on this. 1) liberals are much more resistant to hearing opposing ideas than conservatives 2) this doesn’t necessarily mean conservatives are oppressed 3) I’ve had conservatives come up to me and say thank you for trying to include all sides of a conversation since they’re obviously a distinct minority.
Reading this board would convince me conservatives are more resistant to hearing opposing ideas with @DoubleDD as the prime example. Conservatives right now, led by trump are looking for every opportunity to play the victim and it’s as sincere as those procedural arguments you brought up earlier. It’s trumps playbook over and over. Take the position of the attacked so that it looks like punching up even though he has the highest office in the land and the only direction he can punch (or would ever have the courage to) is down. Notice how in most of the clips of him berating reporters, they are women and often women of color. He is the typical bully who is afraid of everyone even though he’s the biggest kid on the playground. So tired of the conservatives who accuse others of being snowflakes and the PC police having absolutely no spine to handle legitimate criticism.
If we think back to the one thing Jaybate was consistent on in his posts it was that the world is rarely one way or the other, it is always both. Are there people who criticize trumps every move without regard for whether they even might agree with it? Yes. Does that mean other critiques are automatically null and void?
I’ve seen @approxinfinity admit he was wrong, ask questions, and appreciate opposing views that he doesn’t share. I’ve seen most other folks on the board do the same thing. But when it comes to Trump there are some who simply refuse to see the plain facts for what they are and I don’t think this post or any other will change that but it’s disappointing as hell and makes me afraid for the future of our country, honestly. A country I love, despite what others may tell you I believe or feel.
Smile. Love a good debate. So what would you say to being accused of being a Russian spy? What you say to having a Dossier paid for by a Democratic candidate (Hillary) that said you had hookers piss on the bed Obama slept in Russia? How would you feel about being accused of Using a country (Ukraine ) to affect an election that led into a impeachment trial (even though only one person Of maybe 25 that were on the call said they felt uncomfortable ). Yet The same party Their elected nominee son who has no skills in oil and gas has a Cush job in the same country (Ukraine). The same country the Biden bragged on Video getting the prosecutor of that country fired for investigating his son?
Why any of you think Trump should trust the media is beyond me, all the evidence is there.
RE: The democratic nominee
@FarmerJayhawk you are a dying breed. Liberalism doesn’t mean what it used too.
RE: The democratic nominee
@Crimsonorblue22 said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD hey duh, see if you can get this right, last time. I’ve been a rep. all my life til trump came along. Voted republican for all the the presidents. Not everything else though, just prez. I’ve had close friends on the other side and I’ve always been a moderate. But then the dumbest, biggest liar, fake Christian, and cheater, etc came along. I can see right thru him. I use to watch the apprentice. I seriously can not find one morally good thing to say about him. The more he opens his mouth the worse he gets. I seriously can’t understand how anyone can believe anything he says. My only understanding is they only watch fox and are spoon fed
. Any person can fact check his lies. I’m shocked you can’t see thru them. Do you watch his press conferences? I like the press! They ask him hard questions that piss him off cause they catch him in lies. Back to your question, I switched to democrat at the KS state fair after the election. I never vote straight party. Done!
We were done along time ago. I wish you nothing but the best.
RE: The democratic nominee
@FarmerJayhawk said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD said in The democratic nominee:
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD said in The democratic nominee:
@kjayhawks said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD @approxinfinity @DanR We have to be able to see it from the other side without insulting and fighting each other. There is truth to both sides. Have the Dems labeled virtually everything Trump has done including his initial China travel ban racist? Yes, without question. Has Trump back tracked and gave circular reasoning? Yes, without question.
I’m not the one calling names. I’m just posting a different point of view. I guess it’s like how a conservative speaker can’t speak on on a college campus anymore for fear of their life. And conservatives are nazi’s?
Some extreme trolling right here. I didn’t call it dumbass trolling. Just extreme trolling.
Yet is it not true? Are not conservatives refrained on college campuses? For the colleges can’t give them the protection needed. What are these kids being taught? Doesn’t the media treat and even says the rep party is Nazism? Just saying
As an instructor at a college campus I can say a couple things on this. 1) liberals are much more resistant to hearing opposing ideas than conservatives 2) this doesn’t necessarily mean conservatives are oppressed 3) I’ve had conservatives come up to me and say thank you for trying to include all sides of a conversation since they’re obviously a distinct minority.
You are the exception. I believe you. You are smarter and better at expressing your thoughts than I. You command much respect. I notice when you go against the grain everybody backs off. A tip of my cap. But even you must admit conservatives don’t get the same respect as radical speakers on college campuses?
RE: The democratic nominee
@Crimsonorblue22 said in The democratic nominee:
@DanR lol!
Ah there she is. She claims to be a Republican but calls pence a puppet? Lol pence is far right as you can get. Duh
The man won’t even have a meal or meeting with another woman unless his wife is there.
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD Sure, I blame you and 61,943,669 other people that voted for Donald Trump. Duh!
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD said in The democratic nominee:
@kjayhawks said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD @approxinfinity @DanR We have to be able to see it from the other side without insulting and fighting each other. There is truth to both sides. Have the Dems labeled virtually everything Trump has done including his initial China travel ban racist? Yes, without question. Has Trump back tracked and gave circular reasoning? Yes, without question.
I’m not the one calling names. I’m just posting a different point of view. I guess it’s like how a conservative speaker can’t speak on on a college campus anymore for fear of their life. And conservatives are nazi’s?
Some extreme trolling right here. I didn’t call it dumbass trolling. Just extreme trolling.
Yet is it not true? Are not conservatives refrained on college campuses? For the colleges can’t give them the protection needed. What are these kids being taught? Doesn’t the media treat and even says the rep party is Nazism? Just saying
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity maybe you’re the one trolling? Only blame Our president but never blame anybody else?
RE: The democratic nominee
@kjayhawks said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD @approxinfinity @DanR We have to be able to see it from the other side without insulting and fighting each other. There is truth to both sides. Have the Dems labeled virtually everything Trump has done including his initial China travel ban racist? Yes, without question. Has Trump back tracked and gave circular reasoning? Yes, without question.
I’m not the one calling names. I’m just posting a different point of view. I guess it’s like how a conservative speaker can’t speak on on a college campus anymore for fear of their life. And conservatives are nazi’s?
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@kjayhawks it seems like there’s a whole lot more to Trump’s handling of coronavirus than accusations of racism and circular reasoning…
To your point, yeah, we need to stay civil. When Trump is gone we will heal and move on.
Trump 2020 he’s earned it. Even if he is a narcissist. Yes I agree.
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD ok. She shouldn’t have done that. It was ill-advised. But what’s your point? What does Nancy Pelosi walking around Chinatown have to do with the President’s clown show?
I don’t see why it’s so hard to acknowledge that Donald Trump isn’t qualified to be president, rather than trying to find some comp of Nancy Pelosi out in public.
I would have done a better job as president handling this crisis. And I’m not special. I’m just some dude. There, I said it. I wasn’t wandering around Chinatown late February. I was staying tf home. So I compare the president to me, not to anyone else. And he’s a failure. Approxinfinity 4 Prez 2028!
The point is the Dem party has defied the president at every turn. Ever think how many people got infected that day? Yet we sit here and blame Trump. No blame goes to Nancy
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD I do think your post was extremely misguided to @DanR 's point! Pelosi saying people shouldn’t be afraid of Chinatown has nothing to do with Donald Trump’s circus. Completely different and massive orders of magnitude more influential.
Nobody is afraid of china town. The point is Nancy was holding a gathering in a public space without any thought to the virus. And this was mid February.
RE: The democratic nominee
To be honest I’m kind of offended. I’ve been a member of this website when it left kusports. Yet because I have some different points of view and Political believes somehow I’m a troll now? @approxinfinity I thought you created this political forum for a good conversation and debates. Yet it seems if you disagree with the core of the group well then you’re just a troll?
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DanR I may have misread you. Was troll a person or an action in your post? Lol
Well if you want me to leave I can go? It’s your website. I can respect the wishes of the members.
RE: The democratic nominee
@DanR look at the date of my video that was mid February.
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DanR let’s refrain from calling each other idiots. I can get extremely frustrated at @DoubleDD but at least he’s trying to have a conversation with people who have differing opinions which is more than we can say about our idiot president. And yes, if @theRealDonaldTrump became a user on here I guess I wouldn’t be allowed to call him an idiot anymore and my head would explode.
Ty appreciate the support I’m just offering a different point of view that’s all.
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@DoubleDD Trump sat on his thumbs for a month (and that’s a conservative measure) ignoring warning signs and telling the public the coronavirus wasn’t issue and that he had a natural gift for being a doctor, proclaiming the closing of the borders as a “mission accomplished” moment, and that he didn’t want the Diamond Princess included in his death tally because it would look bad, etc.
If you can’t see that this guy is a self-absorbed idiot who was distracted by petty nonsense while coronavirus was spreading in the US, and if you think that the President of the United States doesn’t have influence to help stop the spread of a global pandemic, there’s nothing I can tell you.
Which is it, very stable genius or idiot who was caught unaware? Or what, did the very stable genius realize what was happening but not do anything because it’s the governors’ job? This spin job doesn’t work.
Stop chugging the hydroxychloroquine.
Actually the hydroxychloroquine does help. Just saying. The only spin I see is trying to forget what the media, the Dem party, and Joe Biden said about a Trump closing down the country. Which appears from the conversation he didn’t have the power todo. Yet still gets blamed for not doing it earlier.
RE: The democratic nominee
I’m a bit confused here. I don’t really remember a Paul Revere riding in the nite warning the coronavirus is coming, the coronavirus is coming. The media says it was no big deal? The governors didn’t think it was a big deal. Yet when Trump did try todo something he was called a racist by the Dem media and the soon to be elected Biden. Who sense later apologized. Is Trump wrong not to post that the states and their governors woefully unprepared for a virus like this. Are we not saying the states should decide went to open back up? The same states that didn’t have enough masks or ventilators in stock pile? Yet we just blame Trump? Good luck with that at the ballot box. The American people are tired of a party that says they care but would rather make it a priority to secure monies for the Kennedy Center and illegal immigrants, in A bill that was supposed to help the American people. This is what you guys don’t get Trump loves America and whether you believe it or not Americans love him.
RE: The democratic nominee
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@Crimsonorblue22 I read about it but that probably isn’t enough, unfortunately. I heard he said he could tell the Democratic governors to open up and they’d have to what he says. Did I miss anything notable?
Well here is the thing @approxinfinity. If A sitting president can be blamed for not shutting down the country soon enough, but yet doesn’t have the power to reopen the country sounds a bit weird to me. Or hypocritical or political?
RE: The democratic nominee
Biden won’t be the president even if he is elected. No keep an i on the vp selection. Biden is nothing more than a Manchurian president.
RE: Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19
And it went out with a dud. So sorry. Guys.
RE: Life after flattening?
@FarmerJayhawk and @Kcmatt7 our government isn’t worried about making money off covid tests. They want to restart our economy. That is the question of the day. One that will make Trump a hero or satan’s pawn. I’m afraid any decision he makes will be bad for him.