I love this site for my KU basketball fix, but the lagniappe is being privy to thoughtful and respectful discussions of topics that for some are difficult. Thank you all for the great exchanges in this thread.
Best posts made by bcjayhawk
RE: Putting the NCAA on Notice!
RE: Yes guys I know it'searly yet BUT :
Is @jaybate 1.0 doling out the word count assignments now? LOL!
RE: 2018-19 Line-ups and Rotations
I’m not as connected to the program as many of you, and I come on this board for the great conversations and insight but this threat seemed a bit harsh in regard to Moore, so I Googled and found this article which presents him in a pretty good light: http://www.kansan.com/sports/charlie-moore-uses-year-of-ineligibility-to-improve-learn-from/article_e099ac44-dac6-11e7-a294-43e1142997b3.html I’m going to keep my fingers crossed and root for the kid!
RE: All Or Bust?
Given how RJ and his Dad played this, I think KU dodged a big-time bullet.
RE: Ochai
Nice article on Wilson: https://www.kansas.com/sports/college/big-12/university-of-kansas/article231695353.html? From the article: Self, when talking earlier this week, did nothing to lower expectations for Wilson — one of the top-rated recruits in the Jayhawks’ 2019 class along with Tristan Enaruna.
“He gives us size, he gives us toughness and he gives us skill,” Self said. “He’s not going to wow you like some people may think, like Josh (Jackson) could, from an athletic standpoint and quick-twitch standpoint, but he just knows how to play. He’s a winner.”
Jayhawks in Vegas
Now here’s a party I want to attend
RE: Landen Letter to KU fans from KUathletics.com
Notwithstanding what others thought and said during his tenure, I loved LL. He wasn’t the most talented nor the most athletic, but his heart is trophy-worthy.
RE: Putting things in perspective my friends
I’m sure the entire KU Buckets group will keep you and your family in our prayers. This group may bicker back and forth over some things, but we all care about each other and will stick together and support each other in times of tragedy, or in this case, thankfully, near tragedy. Wishing your DIL and granddaughter speedy recoveries!
Late breaking NCAA news. Spoiler alert – Kansas is called out by name in the story in the second link.
RE: Global Pandemic of Boredom
@RockChalkinTexas Great to hear from you. And, you are right - we are blessed to live in places where we’re not living on top of each other. I’m glad you have your girls and lots of fun activities to pass the time. I do a lot of cooking, some baking, but mostly big pots of stuff on the stove top. Can’t wait for all of this to be in the rear view mirror. I miss my friends, but am glad to have this site to keep up with all my buckets friends! I join @Crimsonorblue22 in being glad your health is great.
RE: Official Player Declarations Thread
@nuleafjhawk @benshawks08 @Crimsonorblue22 Thanks to all of you for your insightful and thoughtful posts. We could use more of this on this board.
RE: Jayhawks in Vegas
Woodrow said:
Wonder who picked up that tab!!? Pretty cool stuff though.
Article says “hosted by Self” which to me means he picked up the tab!
RE: Max Falkenstien - Rest In Peace
Nice article on Max from yesterday’s Wichita Eagle:
RE: Good for Grimes
@benshawks08 Coach Self is a class guy. I admire him for helping Q land somewhere he seems to fit and helping him to avoid having to sit out a year.
RE: Texas Christian Horned Frogs - Saturday - 11 am - ESPN2
@wrwlumpy Are those for real??? Lord, how blessed we are to have such a beautiful floor in Allen Fieldhouse.
RE: Non-KU Games Thread
@wissox The Wichita Eagle newspaper reported that KU started this season down 16 games to Kentucky but have now narrowed that spread to being down 9. The writer expressed doubt that KU could completely close the gap and take the lead, but I’m routing for it as hard as I know how:)!
RE: Chiefs!
dylans said:
The last few years (decade+) I’ve watched the Super Bowl for the commercials. With the Chiefs playing I’m actually interested in the game, so now when do I get my snacks?!?
@dylans Do what we did: remodel your kitchen so it can accommodate a VLTV (very large TV). That way snacks and, more importantly, beverages readily available
RE: Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19
@Crimsonorblue22 Noe at the moment (I’m at work!!), but if I decide to, I won’t have to get out of my car to get a supply LOL.
RE: Life hits hard sometimes
I am so sorry to read about all of these incidents which obviously hit very close to home for you. I will keep you and your wife, as well as the families of the victims, in my prayers. All of this senseless violence is beyond heartbreaking. And,BTW, thank you for your service as a teacher. I was fortunate to have fabulous teachers growing up in the boonies of Western Kansas, and I’m sure your current and former students feel the same way about you.
RE: Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19
@mayjay That’s a cute story. I bet you’re a great dad, step or not. I was raised by a step dad that I adored.
RE: Life hits hard sometimes
I have a close friend who just retired from teaching high school in New Iberia, LA. She worked so hard and got so little recognition, but I know she made a difference in at least some of her students lives. I considered a teaching career years ago, but went a different direction. I think I would have enjoyed it “back in the day” but in today’s crazy world I don’t think I would be very good at it.
RE: Jeff Long
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I don’t know if any of you have the Jayhawk network, but I’ve been reassured the fb game will be on sat, plus the pre and post show. I know most folks on here could care less. I don’t miss the games, still a fan. I listened to that Colorado game where we came back and won while riding a bike at genesis, great workout. Great comeback! So the hawk talk and Beatty shows will be on too. My cox friend said the guide should be updated tmrw. Don’t know if that means all the Jayhawk networks. Most of the Vb games are on ESPN plus, so I’m guessing, they will not be on Jayhawk network. Cox friend says ESPN gets first choice. Hope that is helpful. Rock Chalk!
@Crimsonorblue22 Be careful watching games at Genesis. I was watching a KU BB game while on the treadmill some years ago. I got so engrossed in the game and something happened that really excited me. I forgot where I was and what I was doing and I jumped into the air. When I came down on the moving treadmill, I nearly got thrown off! I escaped without injury, but I stay away from Genesis when KU is playing BB.
RE: So I just don't know , things are just a mess
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m with you, girl. I’m very concerned that churches are not going to adhere to social distancing. Now that Gov. Kelly has turned over the decision making to the counties, Sedgwick County is going to open up completely. This just in from the Wichita Eagle: “Sedgwick County’s new coronavirus plan: advice but no rules, everything can open The commission decided Wednesday to allow all county businesses to reopen, with no enforceable rules on social distancing or other measure.” I just don’t get why being asked to continue to use caution is considered by some to be an infringement of their rights/freedoms.
RE: Data sez: Bill Self is frickin awesome
@BeddieKU23 His very best was the national championship game. His 2nd best was the Misery comeback, and the most amazing of all was being down 11 to WVU with a minute left, and winning the game.
@KUSTEVE @BeddieKU23 I’d add the 109 - 106 triple overtime win over OU in January 2016 to that list
RE: Dam Devonte G - - -nice start my man
approxinfinity said:
In the spirit of BIFM I think I want to write a rap song about Grayson Allen. #GAIAB just wish I had done this sooner.
@approxinfinity Translation Grayson Allen I’m a bitch? Do it! It’s not too late, and I’ll buy the T-shirt you’re going to want to market after the rap song becomes a big hit
RE: Poor Silvio
DoubleDD said:
The problem isn’t Silvo. The problem is the agents, shoe companies, and the NCAA. Here you have kids that have nothing. No real parents to guide them. NO pot to piss in. Yet all they have is the ability to play the game of basketball. Yet every time they are the ones that pay the price. Coaches still get paid, Agents still get paid, and the NCAA still gets paid. Yet the kids get destroyed and get cheated out of a future of money and a education. We fans demand kids like Silvio to have this uncanny of heroism and justice. Yet we forget where they come from. Where just surviving is the main course. Some of you need to check your righteous mindsets. While you grew up in a home with two parents and played sports year round. Some kids are just happy to get home in one piece.
Who should be punished here? Really? Coaches, Agents, Shoe Companies, and yes the NCAA.
Free Silvio. Let the kid play.
@DoubleDD: AMEN:heavy_exclamation_mark:
RE: New 2019 Recruiting
@BShark I don’t know how Squeaky gets any one to K-State. Don’t those kids realize they’re going to have to listen to him
RE: Mitch
@justanotherfan If I could upvote your post more than once, especially the last paragraph, I certainly would!!
RE: New 2019 Recruiting
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@Marco there are more than one of us
, so watch out!
From another one: You’d be wise to listen to Crim
RE: Other Games Tonight
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I read their blog, just read it. I think they have given up. Lost coaches and lots of transfers. Teddy buckets didn’t get cleared, weird they thought he would. Closer to Nebraska for his support group? Man do they hate us!
I was listening to a Wichita radio station sports talk show earlier this morning. Of course they were crying about WSU’s most recent loss (and WSU’s entire season), complimenting KSU and saying they would get to KU later. But then, they brought up SDS and said that KU is now willing to admit wrong-doing and plans to “draw a line in the sand” with the NCAA as to when SDS will play again. They went on to compare the Teddy Buckets failure to get a waiver so he could play after he transferred from West Virginia to WSU to the SDS situation. They said WSU folks would be up in arms if SDS gets cleared when Teddy didn’t because SDS is guilty of wrong doing and Teddy made the “mature” decision to transfer closer to home (family in Nebraska) because he needed to get his life turned around. They didn’t mention that Huggy told him to explore other options nor did they mention any suspensions he’d received while at West Virginia. Sad WSU homies
RE: Shaka OutSMARTS Billy, Plays Modern Basketball
mayjay said:
All the disparagement and snideness toward Shaka tells me that the E8 game still means more to this board than the dominance KU has in the B12. So we get all snarky because no VCU fans are here to say, “Yeah, but…elite 8.”
@mayjay I agree with what you’re saying and I am thrilled with every KU win over Shaka’s Longhorns. I hope the Longhorns never get a win over KU during Shaka’s tenure (or after, for that matter). Without that E8 win, Shaka would never have been considered for the job at Texas, nor probably any other power 5 team.
RE: KU fears investigation case due to Silvio De Sousa eligibility.
@mayjay As much as I dislike the “all politics all the time” current nature of our society, I’d certainly take that if it meant all this NCAA/SDS crap had never happened
RE: Our League Weekend games
kjayhawks said:
On the games themselves, ISU @ KSU is pretty much an elimination game for the Cyclones. If they drop that one, they have no shot at a title. OU @ TCU is game that I think knocks OU from the dance if lost. OSU @ Texas, easily a must win for Texas and their post season hopes. Baylor @ TT is another elimination game for the loser in terms of the conference race. Us at home against WV is a must win for our conference hopes.
@kjayhawks Vegas currently has: TCU by 5-1/2 over OU; TX by 11-1/2 over OSU; TTU by 8 over BU; KSU by 2 over ISU; KU by 15 over WVU.
Obviously it’s hours before these games tip and line may change. I hate routing for ISU, but you do what you have to
RE: Top Bill Self Replacement Candidates
Sean Miller and Will Wade have been notified they will be subpoenaed by the FBI: https://sports.yahoo.com/sources-arizonas-sean-miller-lsus-will-wade-notified-will-subpoenaed-federal-hoops-corruption-trial-180149786.html
RE: Chris Beard extends with Tech
drgnslayr said:
It is odd… giving millions of bills every year to receive just one Bill.
It may be odd, but it is soooooo worth it
RE: Latest on Dotson
@Fightsongwriter No, we’re looking for crimson and blue smoke
RE: Well now Big time storm brewing - maybe our way
@KirkIsMyHinrich You’re a brave soul to have wadded through that document:
RE: Garrett as backup PG -
bskeet said:
Raef was simply amazing. That 1997 team… sigh… I loved them. The polls loved them.
Arguably the best team ever.
The Monday following the 1997 loss to Arizona I arrived in New Orleans for a trade show. I don’t think there was anyone there that I was acquainted with, but many of these complete strangers who noticed my name tag said I was from Kansas, offered sympathy. I thought it was cool that those people just automatically assumed since I was from Kansas I must be a KU fan.
RE: Dotson Day to Day
Crimsonorblue22 said:
I’m going to game, but won’t get to go to very many this year
. I’m undefeated still.
Let’s keep it that way
RE: Big 12 Basketball Players Rank Best & Worst Arenas, Fans, etc
mayjay said:
@bcjayhawk Subscription only.
@mayjay, sorry about that. Here’s the text (it wouldn’t let me copy and paste the graphics):
We asked 21 Big 12 anonymous men’s basketball players their opinions. Check out the results and comments from our survey. BY NEIL NAKAHODO
Sitting at a table next to his teammates at Big 12 media day, one basketball player thought a second when asked to determine the best fans in the conference.
“Kansas,” he said. “They sell out a lot of games.”
So, what about the worst fans in the league?
The player smiled.
“Kansas too,” he said. “When things aren’t going right, I think they have all the bad things to say about the players and Coach (Bill) Self.”
These are the sorts of interesting — and sometimes unexpected — responses that can arise when players can speak freely with the protection of anonymity.
The Star interviewed 21 Big 12 players at last week’s media day — including at least one from each school — to ask their opinions on six topics (some abstained on individual questions). There was only one rule: Players were not allowed to vote for their own teams, fans, coaches or teammates.
Here, then, are the players’ true feelings when it comes to the best and worst of the Big 12 conference.
Noteworthy quotes
On KU: “Just the fans. They’re right on top of you. It’s loud in there. Sixteen-thousand people, and it’s not too big.” “Those fans pack it every night. They’re loud. It’s a huge arena. A lot of history there. And it’s always fun to play there.” “Energy. I always bring my game whenever I go into that arena.”
“The fans go crazy. It is always nuts in there.”
On Texas Tech: “I like the arena and how they have fire shooting out. That was different.”
“When we played there this year, they were sold out, and it was really loud in there.”
On K-State: “I like the bowl environment. I bet a lot of people would tell you Kansas, but I don’t think the sound is as loud. I think it’s blasting the stereo, the speakers. I don’t think it’s real. There’s no way it’s really that loud. … Early in the game, they weren’t even cheering that loud. It didn’t seem like they were even into the game, and I was like, ‘I don’t think this is real.’ But K-State, I like the bowl, like everybody’s on top of you, and I like how the student section’s right there. I love that.”
On Oklahoma State: “I like the smaller feel and the fans are right on top of you.”
Noteworthy quotes On Texas: “I’m pretty sure they’re getting a new one soon, but it’s too big for the amount of people there, in my opinion. My experience hasn’t been the greatest. It’s always been morning games since we’ve played there.”
“It’s too big. They don’t bring in enough people. That arena’s huge.”
On Oklahoma State: “Everything was kind of on top of me. There weren’t a lot of people. Just kind of a weird vibe there.
“It’s just the atmosphere that was there. The court just felt different.”
“There’s really nobody in there. It’s really empty.”
On Baylor: “I feel like it’s just dark. You’re kind of depressed when you go in there. It’s old. The rims are terrible.”
“That’s a place that is not known for being tough on the road.”
On TCU: “It’s like a hockey rink. I don’t like it or their colors.”
“The court is weird.”
On Iowa State: “Every time we travel there it is really, really cold and the travel arrangements get messed up. I’ve never had a good experience there. It’s a hassle to get there.”
“It was just really cold. I almost froze to death when I got off the bus.”
On Oklahoma: “There weren’t many people there. Kind of quiet. I felt like the ceiling was low. It’s kind of a weird deal.”
Noteworthy quotes On Kansas: “You can be two feet away from your teammate and not know what he is saying.”
“They obviously love their basketball there. That’s their thing.
They’ve been doing it for a long time, so they do a great job supporting it. Like I said, it’s packed every night there. They make trips to on the road too. We’ve had them in our place, so I think it’s an obvious choice.”
“They’re pretty loyal. I feel like every night is packed.” “They have die-hard fans. There isn’t much to do at Kansas and they love basketball. They flock to every game and create a great environment.”
“They just have a legacy and culture there.”
On Texas Tech: “They had support behind their team. The whole town, I felt, was there. There was just a lot of people there.”
“We played on a Big Monday, and it was packed. It was kind of loud. I was kind of rattled a little bit. I was like, ‘Oh wow.’”
“They’re behind the team when they were bad. Now that they’re good, they bring it to another level.”
On Iowa State: “Their place is 98% full for weekday games. When we play them at the Big 12 Tournament it’s like an Iowa State home game. They really travel.”
On West Virginia: “They just get after it. I’m pretty sure they probably tailgate before basketball games too out there, something. Fans come out there pretty lit.”
Noteworthy quotes
On West Virginia: “Just a little rowdy. I think at some point, it’s just a little too much.”
“I don’t like them. They’re just really chippy.”
On Texas: “They have the worst basketball fans. It’s a very cheese-and-wine type of venue. It’s very laid back when you play there. Texas has the quietest arena.”
“The atmosphere isn’t the greatest. It doesn’t help them.”
On Baylor: “It’s dead in there. We always play great at Baylor.” “Every time I’ve been there, it’s been a ghost town.”
On Oklahoma: “OU fans are terrible. Everyone on my team will tell you they have the worst basketball fans.”
“Just because they’re up and down. They’re kind of fair-weather fans.”
Noteworthy quotes On Chris Beard: “I think he’s just a super-nice guy. Good personality, from what I understand, what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen. I think he’s just does a great job coaching-wise. They’ve obviously had a lot of good players there and had a ton of success.”
“The way he gets those guys to play so hard. Just the level of passion he has for his university, I like that a lot about him.” “He’s an intense guy, defensive-minded guy. Gets after you, pushes you to be great.”
“I like that hard-nosed, competitive nature about him.” “I have a lot of respect for where he started and the way he built up Texas Tech.”
“I have heard nothing but good things about him.”
On Bob Huggins: “I wonder what it’s like to be in one of Coach Huggins’ practices. I hang my hat on toughness. That’s the type of player I am. I’m really gritty. I think I fall into that category a little bit.”
“Their players all speak very highly of him. I could see myself playing for him.”
“I respect him.”
On Steve Prohm: “Freedom. I feel like he gives them a lot of freedom — shooters — in his system. I think I could fit in well there.”
“They play up and down. They shoot a lot and they play fast. I would probably play for him.”
On Shaka Smart: “Just the style of his play. Athletically, he has guys there, so I think I’d fit in with his set, with his offense.”
On Bill Self: “He recruited me, and they work with the bigs … seeing what Azubuike is doing.”
Noteworthy quotes
On Udoka Azubuike: “I feel his presence every single time we play him. He has a huge body.”
“He’s just a force down there. I think that there’s not a lot of players in our conference that can handle him. I think he’s probably the best big man in the country.”
“Really good player. Obviously a ton of size. Just knowing you’ve got him behind you holding down the lane is a good feeling. It would take some pressure off you.”
“When he’s healthy and playing he leads the nation in field-goal percentage because all his shots are dunks. He’s a big force.
Anybody would love to have him on your team. Get him the ball and it’s an easy assist.”
“He’d be easy to play with.”
On Tyrese Haliburton: “We played with each other (at a summer camp). He’s good. He’s a good teammate to play with.”
“He’s a cool guy.”
On Makol Mawien: “I think the guy plays hard, seems like a great dude.”
On Cartier Diarra: “He’s tough. He was their sixth man last year but was still really important to their team. He does whatever they need him to do.”
RE: Baylor Bears - Saturday - Noon - CBS
@nuleafjhawk So Scott Drew has more losses in Allen Fieldhouse than Bill Self does?
RE: Bevo Steak Tastes Bad Game Thread
@RockChalkinTexas , @Crimsonorblue22 I don’t know how many Lady Bucketeers there are (maybe just the 3 of us??) but we can certainly agree Jalen is cute. Kind of reminds me of Kelly Oubre
RE: Back now. Had to do maintenance on board.
@approxinfinity I join @jayballer73 in thanking you for your efforts so our KUbuckets family can be together to share our joy and to console each other when things aren’t so joyous!
RE: New 2019 Recruiting
@FarmerJayhawk It probably doesn’t help Miller that UA is sitting in the 9th spot in the Pac-12 with a 5 - 5 conference record and currently have a 4-game losing streak going.
RE: Jaybate, what is your gut telling you with these pipe bombs?
@mayjay, I was fortunate to have had English/grammar teachers (and my Mom) who not only taught, but required the use of precise speech. I, too, hate imprecise speech and poor or incorrect grammar. I’m with you all the way on that, my friend!
RE: Game day chats this year - let's use Slack
This Slack thing “encouraged” me to register here after being a long time viewer, and a longer time fan:) I have always enjoyed following this site during games, so if it is moving to Slack, I’m coming along!
RE: ....and we're back
Yes, @approxinfinity, thanks for all you do to keep this site up and running!
RE: RJ Hampton
Bosthawk said:
Is he a projected 2 year guy? Or 3 year? Please don’t tell me he’s a OAD.
And what do you call guys like grimes? DOAD? (Delusional one and done)
I think we need a new acronym for Grimes: DAD (Dud and done)