Games on tv
Half time only lasted one commercial!
These guys didn’t lack confidence!
was 2008 peak long shorts?
@DanR Looks like it. 1988 was the opposite.
I’d enjoy this game a lot more if my local station wasn’t running a nonstop news crawl at the bottom of the screen. Would’ve liked a little break from all that’s going on in the real world.
What a deep team. Quality backing up quality. Haven’t had that depth in a while.
@DanR gonna guess no. Idk
Sherron’s shorts were ankle length his senior year, so maybe 2009 was peak long shorts.
I don’t miss Billy Packer
@DanR you know any of the corona victims in Lawrence? I assume you are safely back and hopefully able to work from home?
Kind of a snide remark there by Jim Nantz: “They both found their wives in, of all places, Lawrence, Kansas.”
@nwhawkfan I didn’t take it as derogatory, more just a low probability, on a world-wide scale.
Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.
Kind of like that.
But maybe he meant it the other way.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Games on tv:
@DanR you know any of the corona victims in Lawrence? I assume you are safely back and hopefully able to work from home?
They don’t publish names of the patients… one KU student I think who went to FL for spring break. Everyone we know is OK.
I’ve worked from home for the past 20 years, so I’m used to the routine! (not exactly super busy though, unfortunately)
down 6 with 5:10… not looking good.
Self live tweeting during the game is the greatest thing ever. Needed this
Bunch of people just called the game over back in 2008
Truth be told, it was about this time that I thought this wasn’t gonna be our year…again.
@DanR yeah, just thought u might know. My son has been home but also has kids. His wife is a cpa so she has been at office,🥴
Not the shot, wait on it!
Dang, can we get there?
Didn’t cal steal Cromwell’s wife
I’m fighting the urge to stand up
My heart rate is elevated
We r losing!
No wonder us fans never give up, we’ve been conditioned!
With the way the refs micro-manage games nowadays, I bet they’d call that T on the Memphis guy for slamming the ball.
If we pull this off, I’m storming Mass Street
What a Houdini act !
We’re going to Over Time!
Big balls Chalmers!
heroic pass by Sherron
@nwhawkfan said in Games on tv:
With the way the refs micro-manage games nowadays, I bet they’d call that T on the Memphis guy for slamming the ball.
Would’ve been a double T with Arthur pounding the ball into ground as well.
I’m calling it, Kansas by 7!
Just imagine how much better a player Sherron could’ve been if he could’ve said no to a cheeseburger.
@Texas-Hawk-10 He matured early, then aged rapidly.
@tundrahok He ate himself out of basketball because he didn’t have any self control when it came to his diet. He’s not as big as he used to be, but he’s still pretty chunky if you follow him on any social media platforms.
I’m anti-social, but I believe you.
Looked like they didn’t restart the clock for a couple of seconds.
Could have called a foul there, on both sides.
…and then they didn’t stop it after the whistle. Makeup call?
3rd NCAA conference championship, but 5th national championship, buddy.
I’m smiling!
What a finish.
This was an emotional game for our local alumni group, and for more than the obvious reasons.
One of our regulars had died suddenly of a heart attack a few days before the Final Four. Adam was a real gregarious guy who’d buy a shot at the end of each KU victory…he called it “the winning shot.” So when we won the championship, a bunch of us did shots in his honor.
The team this year deserved to play for this too! Now I’m not smiling! I do get it. Life’s not fair!
@nwhawkfan that was a sweet memory!
Now I want to see 1988
Well, that was a nice respite. RCJH ! Everybody stay safe out there.
@tundrahok it’s on YouTube if you want to watch it. I have a few times.
Fun to do it together