Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19
@bcjayhawk I know! He blew me away when he said that. I didn’t believe trump anyway. I won’t say more cause it’s not nice
I would agree about not being able to shut back down. CNN ran a story about how the riots and protests didn’t lead to a rise in cases but ran an article about how a few thousand at a Trump rally caused a huge spike. The media thinks everyone is a potato at this point. Also if we are shutdown this winter millions will die because of the shut down not virus. The morality rate is less than 1% in this country still considerably less than the flu, pneumonia and other illnesses. Be smart and wash your hands. I’ll see if I can find the article about the hundreds of millions of dollars big businesses like amazon, Walmart, Menards etc made during shut down. Will never understand how standing apart in Walmart is different than any other store or local business. I’m just being as safe as I can, I have left my county once since early February and limited unneeded trips anywhere.
@kjayhawks said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
The morality rate is less than 1% in this country still considerably less than the flu, pneumonia and other illnesses. Be smart and wash your hands.
This is complete crazy talk. The mortality rate is 5.1% by current estimates for coronavirus in the US. Whatever source is telling you this has an agenda.
Even if you don’t believe the rates, the estimates on total fatality count for flu in 2019 is 20k-62k according to CDC. And that’s without a quarantine! Imagine how much less it will be this year. Meanwhile coronavirus is around 120k and we aren’t near done.
Please reevaluate.
@approxinfinity a 100 different sources say 100 different another problem in theses times.
@kjayhawks said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@approxinfinity a 100 different sources say 100 different another problem in theses times.
Respectfully, it sounds like you’re sticking your head in the sand.
The best we can do is to take the facts we have and interpret them to the best of our abilities. Throwing our hands in the air because of a few inconsistencies isn’t going to get us anywhere.
Be smart and WEAR A MASK.
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@approxinfinity the cdc and Fauci have been wrong in this several times, hospitals have admitted to inflating numbers to make more money
️. I refuse to believe 90% of the info on the stuff because it contradicts itself every 2 weeks.
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
The Canadian picture is much more murky than old Wendell would like to admit. When it comes to timely access to care, the US beats Canada in most metrics. https://www.cihi.ca/sites/default/files/document/commonwealth-fund-2016-chartbook-en-web-rev.pptx
And we do it while the rest of the world gets access to the staggering amount of R&D and innovation here in the US. https://www.forbes.com/sites/matthewherper/2011/03/23/the-most-innovative-countries-in-biology-and-medicine/
@FarmerJayhawk no it’s the social media age anything you find on Facebook or Twitter has to be 100% true…
@kjayhawks if you think that the flu is more deadly than coronavirus, you’re misinformed. The death counts are facts. Not opinions.
@approxinfinity until you read the hospitals have been falsifying cases. I’m not saying it isn’t deadly I can share twitter posts as well of licensed nurses saying it’s all bs. I trust no one and nothing.
Flu is 8 months, COVID 4 months
@kjayhawks I don’t know what to say man. Do you honestly think that the whole world is making coronavirus up?
Informative, short piece. https://freopp.org/measuring-covid-19-pandemic-response-world-index-of-healthcare-innovation-548664fca308
And OF COURSE we all know that Twitter is 100 % gospel right ?
@approxinfinity not at all, just don’t believe its as deadly. I trust no numbers that I didn’t calculate, sorry the world has lead me down this path with false information repeatedly.
@kjayhawks Do you realize how hard it would be to fake 126k US deaths?
Do you know people who have died from it? I do.
@approxinfinity right no where I have stated that people aren’t dying. No where have I stated we should do nothing. The reading comprehension on the site is very low. I simply stated I don’t trust the numbers, that is all sir. You’re a grown man my friend, you are free to believe whatever you choose. Have a good evening
@kjayhawks But how do you get any information if you trust nothing? How can you trust a claim that hospitals fudge death stats? How can you verify anything? I seriously want to know, because you are making contentions that have to be based on something you rely on. How do you choose?
@mayjay very true but y’all are the same taking one doctors video or post on Twitter to the bank tho others in the profession are saying it’s not true. I’m not doctor but I don’t trust people and I’m not saying I’m a 100% right about it being less deadly. I know facts are hard to come by buddy.
The people who think this is fake need to put themselves in my shoes. I have an 8 year old diabetic son, a 73 year old dad who has COPD and other health issues, a mother-in-law who has RA and a wife who has asthma.
Why not waive on the side of caution? I’m not treating this as if I’m scared or too prideful to treat this serious. I treat this as I’d rather be uncomfortable (donning a mask) and have this be less serious than previously expected than be careless and danger my loved ones.
Same goes for strangers who argue this point. They, in a way, are putting them in danger too. It’s not like we can stay home 100% of the time.
Another one of view point in this is, and I’m not at all saying this is anyone here.
This generation is a bunch of pu$$ies, pardon my French. Just think about it. People who think this is fake or are protesting the restrictions set in place would have never lasted in previous generations. From getting drafted in wars at the age of 18 or even going on a country wide ration during WWII. It would have impeded on their freedoms, right? I bet the kids storming the beaches in Normandy thought the same.All people have to do is wear a mask and wash their hands a little more often than they normally would. Not hard people.
Side note: I have a homemade KU mask so that’s pretty cool I guess.
@kjayhawks said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
I would agree about not being able to shut back down. CNN ran a story about how the riots and protests didn’t lead to a rise in cases but ran an article about how a few thousand at a Trump rally caused a huge spike. The media thinks everyone is a potato at this point. Also if we are shutdown this winter millions will die because of the shut down not virus. The morality rate is less than 1% in this country still considerably less than the flu, pneumonia and other illnesses. Be smart and wash your hands. I’ll see if I can find the article about the hundreds of millions of dollars big businesses like amazon, Walmart, Menards etc made during shut down. Will never understand how standing apart in Walmart is different than any other store or local business. I’m just being as safe as I can, I have left my county once since early February and limited unneeded trips anywhere.
One big difference between the protests and the rally is that the protests were all outside, where sunlight and air/humidity/wind all drive the spread of the virus down. Inside the arena, you don’t have those factors, so there’s a greater chance for spread in a large crowd.
Another factor is mask use, as many protesters wore masks even outside, which further cuts down on spread, while the rally had lots of attendees not wearing masks, which, again, increases the chance of transmission.
Those two factors (outside vs. inside and masks vs. no masks) are things that could have easily been predicted based on the science we have, which told us months ago that sunlight/humidity and air temperature could help slow the spread, and that wearing masks can cut person to person transmission.
So the result is really no surprise.
@justanotherfan right I’m not saying that the trump rally didn’t increase cases but if you’re telling me folks not following the social distance guidelines and standing side by side in groups, several of which were not wearing mask didn’t increase cases. I’m not dignifying it with a response.
@kjayhawks I haven’t seen any stats on CNN saying the Trump rally increased cases. There have been articles about campaign staffers testing positive. There were articles on CNN expecting increases from both the protests and the rally.
What gets you so bent out of shape when people attempt to discuss things with you, especially someone as non-provocative as @justanotherfan? Very odd response.
Also contact tracers have been instructed not to ask about attending protests, so we may never be able to really get the causal effect there.
Mercy , Florida is just off the charts right now over 9,000 new cases in one day , and yet the governor is STILL not imposing restriction of wearing masks.
Getting really bleak in Texas.
@FarmerJayhawk There will be correlation to rising rates in the cities where they occurred, even if they cannot definitively demonstrate causation. There were protests in so many cities, it is likely that if it happened in one place it could have happened in many.
Epidemiologists will likely be studying this for years. I bet they would love to get the drone and helicopter surveillance footage to identify crowd density and spacing.
@mayjay people that lack logic and common sense which on a normal day isn’t @justanotherfan. Him and I usually agree. The idea that one group of people spreads it but another doesn’t even if they are outside isn’t logical in the slightest to me.
@kjayhawks It actually makes a lot of sense when you start looking at how it is spreading in FL and TX once they allowed bars and restaurants to fully open. If you have been in a crowded restaurant, you know people are sitting facing each other and breathing horizontally toward each other without moving, and the only air movement is whatever the ventilation system provides. Marchers are in open air. Even a 1 mph breeze will move at close to 1.5 ft/sec andthe marchers themselves are moving. As they do so, they also move the air around them, which can create air movement in 3 dimensions. There was a reason numbers stopped going down when indoor seating opened up.
I think the spread among Trump campaign staffers and Sec Service agents was likely caused by proximity in indoor meetings as well as being around each other in hallways, cars, etc. It is entirely possible that the low turnout will result in far fewer infections than anticipated if 3 times the crowd had been there. Pictures show the ones in the arena not doing much to show awareness of the virus or their risk, but perhaps the huge open space will have acted more like an outdoor space.
Unfortunately, common sense doesn’t seem to be all that common.
@mayjay right I am a 100% in agreement it can spread easier indoors, that seems like common sense. You bring up Florida, a ton people have gotten it there on beaches since they reopened. It’s just asinine to think that hundreds maybe even thousands walking some hand and hand doesn’t spread it. I’m moving on from this conversation my friends.
These people in bars in Lawrence and high numbers in Riley and Sedgwick co are going to keep us from having fall sports. I know they closed two bars in aggieville.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
These people in bars in Lawrence and high numbers in Riley and Sedgwick co are going to keep us from having fall sports. I know they closed two bars in aggieville.
your right , as they now have said THE HAWK in connection to several cases of the virus
@jayballer73 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
These people in bars in Lawrence and high numbers in Riley and Sedgwick co are going to keep us from having fall sports. I know they closed two bars in aggieville.
your right , as they now have said THE HAWK in connection to several cases of the virus
Huh, I figured if people had been exposed to all the pathogens at The Hawk, they’d be immune to mostly everything.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@jayballer73 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
These people in bars in Lawrence and high numbers in Riley and Sedgwick co are going to keep us from having fall sports. I know they closed two bars in aggieville.
your right , as they now have said THE HAWK in connection to several cases of the virus
Huh, I figured if people had been exposed to all the pathogens at The Hawk, they’d be immune to mostly everything.
Lmao , guess not
My personal belief , or thinking on this virus is to me , we have people pointing fingers on People saying it is their fault - this person - - that person , for me NOW I don’t care anymore - - -it’s done , that is not going to help anything now. That part is over. NOW we have to concentrate on the virus not who’s fault it might be.
A lot of the problems going on now is pretty simple , it comes down to where the States just re-opened to soon , to many people showing no regard to restrictions/ Hell what good did the face mask restriction do when 1/2 the population just blew it off and didn’t wear them when they had restrictions on them ? You have those with that , then you have the one’s that plain and simple don’t give a dam. If it’s an incovience to them- - they are not doing it , acting like they are above getting or /spreading the virus.
Now as a Nation we have 40,000 new cases for ONE day and spiking. - we are seeing Hospitalizations on the increase again some close to reaching capacity. - -Hell we are seeing states starting to re-enforce restrictions on like number of people in public places , some business shutting back down. States such as Utah , North Carolina , South Carolina , Texas , West Virginia , Florida , California , Arizona , Nevada , Oklahoma all either doing on re-opening restrictions and NOW California has finally ordered once again - - Stay at Home orders
Here in Kansa examples : Lyon County - - -where several have quite possibly been exposed with a girls 5th & 6th Basketball tourney from Parkville Missouri. – You have 4 outbreaks in Riley Co they say , 30 new cases since Wensday that’s tied to the Aggieville business district , 2 other Aggieville Business 's & the K-State football team. You have the Hawk here in Lawrence that has been connected to new positive cases , You have the Wild Horse that they have positive cases and quite possible exposures to the virus , you have 3 cases from a Basketball MAYB tourney in Wichita , with many exposures.
Then you have THIS : you have this idiot who was the co-founder of Re-Open Maryland who organized rallies to pressure Governor Hogan to life the stay at home in Maryland - - he is a 53 year old diabetic and he says " Here I am months not wearing a mask at rallies , and church’s and it’s SO FUNNY ( Really ? - this Virus is Funny to you ? ) how capricious this thing is.
Here is the kicker though for me with this moron : this guys name is Tim Waters and I Quote " He DOESN’T PLAN TO PROVIDE Health officials with the people he has had close contact with for the contact tracing program "
Really ? so this shit isn’t going to provide who he was in close contact with ? - -So curious , couldn’t this idiot if one or more of these people that he was in close contact with - - what if they contract the virus get really sick , hospitalized and eventually die from this , seeing as how he refused to provide the names and then they die couldn’t he possible be charged with Murder or involuntary manslaughter for knowing know he has the Corona but refused to provide information so the tracing program so those individuals could be notified so they could isolate - -this guy right here is ONE of the MAIN reasons we are now why we are that we are - -they just don’t give a dam
“Lord, what fools these mortals be!”
A nitwit on my cruising forum assured us all that the virus will go away by fall because of herd immunity, just as SARS and MERS did.
Has anybody been tracking the clear outbreak of some type of brain-eating pathogen striking our country???
@mayjay I do NOT want to be on a cruise ship right now!!
Well Governor Kelly has ordered a mandatory wearing face masks in public effective July 3rd. She is still leaving it to the counties if they make less restrictive , as she waits approval. Yet with several other counties already implanting mandatory face masks they feel this will be approved.
People WEAR THE DAM MASK - -sure it’s not comfortable , kind of a pain in the ass But it’s either wear the mask now for the little bit when your in public OR worse things coming later. We HAVE JUST GOT to do wha twe can to try to keep from spreading this stuff
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
A funny thread:
Of course difference being if you don’t like that place you can go to another one since they don’t have a monopoly on violence and coercion. Pet peeve of mine.
Interesting things I’ve been seeing on the Covid makes me wonder if they are figuring out how to treat it. Mcpherson which is the county over from where I live has seen huge jumps but not any hospitalization and people are recovering considerably faster. NASCAR driver Jimmie Johnson rested positive but was cleared 3 days later with 2 negative tests. I’m not sure if they are prescribing something or what but people are getting over it faster so that’s a good sign.
Hospitals are nearly at capacity in Texas, Arizona, and Florida @kjayhawks. Still deadly.