Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19
@jayhawkblue73 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
read of a health site last night – Headline read : COVID -19 Soaring in these 5 States.
Iowa , Kansas , Illinois , North Dakota , & South Dakota … We need everyone to follow the same playbook. Kansas has 37,544 cases & 431 Deaths.
Btw I thought you might have stale numbers there because those are the numbers the Google widget was reporting but looking at the numbers on kdh they looked lower.
site says update mwf by 12:30 so maybe someone at kdh went on lunch break before clicking submit…
Typically i would assume the state numbers would be more accurate. Weeds out third party telephone tag / CDC number suppression. But maybe that’s not always the case of maybe Google is going more to the source now.
@approxinfinity said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@jayhawkblue73 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
read of a health site last night – Headline read : COVID -19 Soaring in these 5 States.
Iowa , Kansas , Illinois , North Dakota , & South Dakota … We need everyone to follow the same playbook. Kansas has 37,544 cases & 431 Deaths.
Btw I thought you might have stale numbers there because those are the numbers the Google widget was reporting but looking at the numbers on kdh they looked lower.
site says update mwf by 12:30 so maybe someone at kdh went on lunch break before clicking submit…
Typically i would assume the state numbers would be more accurate. Weeds out third party telephone tag / CDC number suppression. But maybe that’s not always the case of maybe Google is going more to the source now.
IDK just pulled the numbers from the Article had in the article about the 5 states that was soaring
@jayhawkblue73 gotcha.
Translation: herd immunity is big dumb https://twitter.com/virusesimmunity/status/1297890418168860674?s=21
@approxinfinity said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@jayhawkblue73 gotcha.
Just got through hearing Governor Kelly’s news Conference this afternoon.
She stated it was a BAD WEEKEND for the State of Kansas.- - -they reported 1,545 new cases over the weekend with 7 new deaths - -which brings the totals to 38,401 cases and 426 Deaths with the Median age at 36 years old.
So let the troops all gather at the faternity and let’s have a huge ass party - -ya that works
Interesting stuff today as the NFL has said that all 77 positive tests were reran and were determined to be false positive. I could realistically see a few of them being that way but all of them is head scratching. Also they listed a death I think last week or the week before in the county next to me due to Covid. The guy that died wife has gone on social media and claimed he was never test. That he had died from a heart attack and they didn’t do a autopsy. The plot on this thickens daily, interesting times.
UNC reported 465 positives just in the last week, 30% positive rate. Not great, Bob.
@kjayhawks NFL explained it as a contamination at their NJ lab.
@approxinfinity said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@kjayhawks NFL explained it as a contamination at their NJ lab.
NFL seems to have a pretty good grasp on this virus , heard now can’t give the exact number but tested A many , many players and the return was almost zelch , nada , a big fat Zero.
So if the NFL players can return such good results - -Negative COVID why can’t other citizens follow their lead , wear a dang mask and quit complaining. It’s been proven the masks for sure helps
Evenhanded piece about the USPS, covid, and the election. https://gen.medium.com/stop-panicking-about-the-post-office-8bcd689b9601
We could be here: https://twitter.com/reuters/status/1304644663866003456?s=21
@benshawks08 but but social medical programs are worse.
Instead we are here: https://twitter.com/politico/status/1304767359530528768?s=21
@BShark said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@benshawks08 but but social medical programs are worse.
This but unironically
@FarmerJayhawk Yep. If we just wait a little longer. The market is going to solve this health crisis.
@benshawks08 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@FarmerJayhawk Yep. If we just wait a little longer. The market is going to solve this health crisis.
Oh I wasn’t aware it was only the government making a vaccine
Well pretty much what a lot of people including myself had thought would happen - - - has happened. Kids just getting started back to school and already the COVID -19 taking it’s toll.
Wetmore School district in North Eastern Kansas has went to total remote teaching - - again , after finding out 2 more students have tested positive and a Staff member tested positive. Now closing for rest of the week yet a possibility of continued closure next week.
Wetmore had a student presence at 40% and had a 28% student rate in quarintine - - 28% ! !. to some of you that might not sound bad BUT when your looking at the size of this School - - -that’s a lot. - -I think your going to see a lot more of this coming in the near future.
Here in Kansas just since Monday we have had 52 more COVID-19 deaths - right at 1,000 new cases and hospitalilzations are up 44 since Monday. - That to me sure doesn’t sound like things are geting better. - - The CEO of St Mt Vail has said he has seen increase of COVID in the Hospital - -getting so tired of this
Dr Faucci mentioned that the US citizens better hold on to their butts until AT LEAST the end of the year, - - that’s positive ? - - I’m confused
@jayballer67 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
Well pretty much what a lot of people including myself had thought would happen - - - has happened. Kids just getting started back to school and already the COVID -19 taking it’s toll.
Wetmore School district in North Eastern Kansas has went to total remote teaching - - again , after finding out 2 more students have tested positive and a Staff member tested positive. Now closing for rest of the week yet a possibility of continued closure next week.
Wetmore had a student presence at 40% and had a 28% student rate in quarintine - - 28% ! !. to some of you that might not sound bad BUT when your looking at the size of this School - - -that’s a lot. - -I think your going to see a lot more of this coming in the near future.
Here in Kansas just since Monday we have had 52 more COVID-19 deaths - right at 1,000 new cases and hospitalilzations are up 44 since Monday. - That to me sure doesn’t sound like things are geting better. - - The CEO of St Mt Vail has said he has seen increase of COVID in the Hospital - -getting so tired of this
Dr Faucci mentioned that the US citizens better hold on to their butts until AT LEAST the end of the year, - - that’s positive ? - - I’m confused
Rawlins County (NW Ks) also went fully online after several students and faculty/staff had to quarantine. There was another smaller district a few weeks ago that had to do the same (SW Ks I think, but can’t remember which one).
We are going to end up regretting not having this under control before sending students back to K12 and college.
@justanotherfan said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
@jayballer67 said in Differentiating fact from opinion on COVID-19:
Well pretty much what a lot of people including myself had thought would happen - - - has happened. Kids just getting started back to school and already the COVID -19 taking it’s toll.
Wetmore School district in North Eastern Kansas has went to total remote teaching - - again , after finding out 2 more students have tested positive and a Staff member tested positive. Now closing for rest of the week yet a possibility of continued closure next week.
Wetmore had a student presence at 40% and had a 28% student rate in quarintine - - 28% ! !. to some of you that might not sound bad BUT when your looking at the size of this School - - -that’s a lot. - -I think your going to see a lot more of this coming in the near future.
Here in Kansas just since Monday we have had 52 more COVID-19 deaths - right at 1,000 new cases and hospitalilzations are up 44 since Monday. - That to me sure doesn’t sound like things are geting better. - - The CEO of St Mt Vail has said he has seen increase of COVID in the Hospital - -getting so tired of this
Dr Faucci mentioned that the US citizens better hold on to their butts until AT LEAST the end of the year, - - that’s positive ? - - I’m confused
Rawlins County (NW Ks) also went fully online after several students and faculty/staff had to quarantine. There was another smaller district a few weeks ago that had to do the same (SW Ks I think, but can’t remember which one).
We are going to end up regretting not having this under control before sending students back to K12 and college.
True. I mean I get it , I understand parents have to work. I fully understand , however at the same time I just think there is a mis conception that things are returning to normal - - - umm NO they are not. We have people wanting to rush things back to normal - - -that is just not going to happen. This is just on of those thing where until we get a vaccine that actually works -this isn’t going anywhere. This is goin to become a normal thing in life.
Colleges like KU and such after the kids go for break are not coming back for some time , we have seen already the outbreak in the Colleges when they did COME BACK to start, when these kids are on Campus -we all know how it goes , there is no way to keep these kids from doing their get togethers cluster party… - that’s just not going to happen - - - they are KIDS - -still even College -they are still KIDS , they are going to do what they want to do no mater the circumstances , not realizing or maybe they do - it only takes ONE positive to expose to hundreds
Hell there has even been cases where they had parties just to see who would be the next one infected tha’ts pretty sweet huh ? - -To think this is our future leaders in some cases hey there is something to write home about.
Have a friend of mine who lives across the street, their daughter is a Fr at Coffeyville she just found out that they too are not returning after Thanksgiving. A lot of the smaller Colleges following suit of Big Brother - -Sad to say we have a long way to go - - - Long , Long ways to go
This is all fine.
Well my daughter , Boyfriend , my daughters boys , her Boyfriends kids & their roomate all have to quarintine - -Daughter had to take COVID test , has all the sympthoms of COVID - -she came down sick and they had her test and al symptoms acting like the COVID. - -she says she doesn’t know where she might of got exposed to i - - BUT here we go , wait to see what happens, sure the hell hope not. - -Today ios day one of the Quarinteen, find out the results in a couple of days I guess. - - keeping fingers crossed
Well this doesn’t paint a very rosy picture. A top Health Offical - - Dr Lee Norman , says Kansas is losing it’s battle with the COV!D-19 after another record was set had an increase or 1,855 new Confirmed cases and probable COVID-19 Since WEDNESDAY and 40 New Deaths.
Had an average of 671 new Cases a day for the 7 day ending Friday beating the previous of 667 - -Dr Norman saying Kansas is doing worse then other States.
@approxinfinity Where and from who are these Covid statistics about China coming from? It’s not like China is the most transparent of nations.
Cases are increasing everywhere however some areas are hit more than others.
The 3 Ws are the key for protection unless a reliable vaccine is available.
Wear a mask Watch your distance, 6ft min Wash your hands frequently
@AsadZ No doubt… And yes, unfortunately, it is spreading. I have been washing my hands so often they are about to fall apart.