NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?
Gotta be an NCAA conspiracy against KU.
They’ve got to make up for a lot of lost income. My bet is pay-per-view.
Don’t sweat it… you are officially invited to my party! $1 a head should more than cover the cost.
@drgnslayr Count me in, brother.
Think I will see if we can rent AFH for every game.
We will fill it!
Everyone sign a silly waiver and let’s get it on!!!
We’ll have Self bring speakers to each game and we will send a live audio feed for crowd noise!!!
@drgnslayr You know, that’s really a good idea.
I’m in!
Anyone else?
Let’s do this! Seriously! There is no law stating we can’t gather.
We will follow the rules above and we will have a safe gathering!
@drgnslayr Keep me posted!
I bet the NCAA’s revenue is partially insured. TV is the bigger deal than ticket revenue. Would be a royal dick move to tell fans A) they can’t go and
they have to pay additional funds to watch
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Gotta be an NCAA conspiracy against KU.
Jaybate would have ran articles about this months ago
What a way to get our name remembered for forever. Winning the C19 NCAA national championship
@dylans I’ve always said at least first 2 rounds should be held at home for the higher seed. That will never happen tho, there’d never a lot less upsets. UNI, Bucknell, Stanford or Bradley ain’t winning in AFH.
Seems to me quarantining the elders would be smart, everyone else wash hands and use your head.
Maybe the Big12 should ban fans at the tournament too. Not for COVID-19, but to get ready for an NCAA tournament played that way.
@dylans yep get used to it then
Jesus Garrett is hurt again, again
@kjayhawks said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Seems to me quarantining the elders would be smart, everyone else wash hands and use your head.
A close friend of mines Daughter - - 17 yrs old was just admitted and being test for the virus running culture scopes already pneumonia waiting for results to come back
So now with the fans not being allowed to the Tourney does that mean the NCAA has to reimburs the money spent to all fans who has bought tickets?
@jayballer73 they are reimbursing folks.
Just heard off ESPN - - There will be NO FANS at the Big Twelve tournament starting tomorow
With no fans in the stands, how great are the odds of a true mid major winning the tournament now?
Programs like KU feed off the energy and there won’t be any inside the arenas now. Also, why play the games in Indy and Atlanta in the football stadiums at this point. Move the Indy regional to the Pacers arena or Hinkle if the Pacers schedule conflicted with moving S16 and E8 games there.
Same deal with Atlanta, move it to the Hawks arena or Georgia Tech at this point because it makes little sense to play basketball games inside a football stadium with no crowd.
Just wow. Dont agree but that’s just my selfish thoughts here. Understand that there is the for the greater good thing going on. Just the fan part of this is such a big part
@Texas-Hawk-10 They are looking for smaller venues (in the same cities) for the final four and champ games now.
There is always a chance possibly that this may be straightened out some by the time we get to the great 8 final four - - maybe fans could still attend those games
@BeddieKU23 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Jesus Garrett is hurt again, again
Is it his foot / ankle still?
@jayballer73 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
There is always a chance possibly that this may be straightened out some by the time we get to the great 8 final four - - maybe fans could still attend those games
No, there is no chance, barring divine intervention with parting clouds and a giant syringe descending from the skies.
Looks plenty full here for Okst and ISU. Tonight’s game tickets are hot because it’s the last chance to see a live game in person likely.
@rockchalkwyo said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@BeddieKU23 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Jesus Garrett is hurt again, again
Is it his foot / ankle still?
Ankle again and it’s the bad one
Looks like a nba player for OKC or Utah was ill at tonight’s game - they cancelled the game and then the season. The nba is done for the year.
Give it 1 hour and the NCAA will follow
Actually they are not sure if they are done for the Season or just suspending for a couple of weeks either way this is got crazy
Looks like a Jazz player has tested positive for covid-19. Oh boy
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Looks like a Jazz player has tested positive for covid-19. Oh boy
That player is Rudy Gobert and the NBA is suspending the season as of the completion of tonight’s games.
It’s weird watching this go on as the Nuggets and Mavs are playing on ESPN.
I like Rudy!
Weird times.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
I like Rudy!
Hate the Jazz with a passion and have since John Stockton knocked the Rockets out of the playoffs in the 1997 WCF and denied the world a Rockets-Bulls finals that we never got. Also, Karl Malone was one of the dirtiest players on NBA history and an even worse human being. They’re also coached by Quin Snyder.
@rockchalkwyo said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Give it 1 hour and the NCAA will follow
They should go ahead and cancel and name the #1 team national champs. Just my unbiased opinion.
Oh man, that would be a hollow championship. I enjoy the drama even though we come up short all too often.
Ha. I agree unbiasedly too of course. How ever, everyone and their mother would just complain and call it a participation trophy just resulting in more people hating KU.
This team can take all comers. No need to hide. Bring it! I’m afraid we may be denied our opportunity to watch our boys crush the field.
NBA just suspended the season due to a Jazz player testing positive for the virus. We are close to having no shot at title. For a virus that is less than a cold to people under 50.
@kjayhawks But would be a death sentence to my 88 year old copd riddled grandfather. If the symptoms showed up faster it would be no big deal, it’s a ticking time bomb for the elderly is the scary part and it spreads fast.
So, we have 9 presumptive cases here in SC, and 7 of them were in the next county over, but if hospitalized come to ours. It is a county where about half the workers come here to work. Makes you really think about the many ways you could connect with this. We are laying low as much as possible for awhile…
I hope they just go ahead and test the players and anyone going (125 tickets per team as of now) to the the NCAA tournament beforehand.
@kjayhawks The doctors in Italy are trying to get the word out that the virus can be extraordinarily miserable for younger people, too. A thing to remember is that it is averaging something like 20 days from diagnosis to recovery for people surviving, even younger ones. In some hospials, they are triaging by not even intubating elderly or putting them on respirators so they can devote ICUs to people with a better chance of survival. One doctor sais he is furious about people saying it is like the flu or a cold. It is not.
@mayjay Tom Hanks has it
@kjayhawks said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
NBA just suspended the season due to a Jazz player testing positive for the virus. We are close to having no shot at title. For a virus that is less than a cold to people under 50.
The danger of this isn’t in the mortality rate (about 4% in the US). The danger is in the number of cases that require hospitalization and would overwhelm medical facilities and tie up resources in a lot of different areas of need.
This is the core reason why Italy shut down was the stress on their medical resources from this, not the severity of the disease itself.
@dylans and his wife
@dylans no time and probably no tests
Takes forever
They are saying with the way things have been developing today they fully expect another statement from the NCAA within the next 24 hours - -you ready? - - it’s coming – they gonna cancel this thing completely.