NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?
This team can take all comers. No need to hide. Bring it! I’m afraid we may be denied our opportunity to watch our boys crush the field.
NBA just suspended the season due to a Jazz player testing positive for the virus. We are close to having no shot at title. For a virus that is less than a cold to people under 50.
@kjayhawks But would be a death sentence to my 88 year old copd riddled grandfather. If the symptoms showed up faster it would be no big deal, it’s a ticking time bomb for the elderly is the scary part and it spreads fast.
So, we have 9 presumptive cases here in SC, and 7 of them were in the next county over, but if hospitalized come to ours. It is a county where about half the workers come here to work. Makes you really think about the many ways you could connect with this. We are laying low as much as possible for awhile…
I hope they just go ahead and test the players and anyone going (125 tickets per team as of now) to the the NCAA tournament beforehand.
@kjayhawks The doctors in Italy are trying to get the word out that the virus can be extraordinarily miserable for younger people, too. A thing to remember is that it is averaging something like 20 days from diagnosis to recovery for people surviving, even younger ones. In some hospials, they are triaging by not even intubating elderly or putting them on respirators so they can devote ICUs to people with a better chance of survival. One doctor sais he is furious about people saying it is like the flu or a cold. It is not.
@mayjay Tom Hanks has it
@kjayhawks said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
NBA just suspended the season due to a Jazz player testing positive for the virus. We are close to having no shot at title. For a virus that is less than a cold to people under 50.
The danger of this isn’t in the mortality rate (about 4% in the US). The danger is in the number of cases that require hospitalization and would overwhelm medical facilities and tie up resources in a lot of different areas of need.
This is the core reason why Italy shut down was the stress on their medical resources from this, not the severity of the disease itself.
@dylans and his wife
@dylans no time and probably no tests
Takes forever
They are saying with the way things have been developing today they fully expect another statement from the NCAA within the next 24 hours - -you ready? - - it’s coming – they gonna cancel this thing completely.
Half the problem is testing is a pain to even get done. It’s just sucks all around I don’t mean to sound insensitive on the matter.
Can’t imagine they’ll cancel the whole thing unless a player or coach comes up positive. The NBA was moving forward until Gobert tested positive. Then it makes sense to hit the pause button for a bit.
Fred Hoiberg left the game with Nebraska is Sick ? - - hmmmmm - -Corona Virus in Nebraska - -sure the hell hope not - -he hasn’t been back
It would suck to be quarantined without being able to watch
Still a lot of flu going around too
@Crimsonorblue22 24hrs I believe. The tourney is in 2 weeks, so maybe it’s feasible.
Remember hoiberg has heart problems
@Crimsonorblue22 left the league to dodge Bill because of them…
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@Crimsonorblue22 24hrs I believe. The tourney is in 2 weeks, so maybe it’s feasible.
You talking the tests results? Some take days. I did here we now have a place in Topeka we can take tests, same day. Results faster. Not everyone has tests though. Wasn’t a priority?
I don’t know if everything I hear is right though.
@jayballer73 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Fred Hoiberg left the game with Nebraska is Sick ? - - hmmmmm - -Corona Virus in Nebraska - -sure the hell hope not - -he hasn’t been back
He’s en route to the hospital. Hope he’s ok!
KU has suspended classes indefinitely
This is surreal.
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
KU has suspended classes indefinitely
This is surreal.
It’s wild. I’m going to spend the next week figuring out how to teach remotely to make it as seamless as possible for me and my students.
@dylans 6 days, actually, not 2 weeks!
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
KU has suspended classes indefinitely
This is surreal.
They haven’t suspended classes indefinitely. In person classes are delayed until March 23 and will continue as online classes at that point. Classes that were already online will resume at their regularly scheduled date of March 16. The one week delay is so professors can have time to transition their classes to online platforms.
@Texas-Hawk-10 yeah that’s not normal. FYI
I’d be pissed if I paid for classes and they were indefinitely suspended and switched to online classes for any other reason.
@FarmerJayhawk said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@jayballer73 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Fred Hoiberg left the game with Nebraska is Sick ? - - hmmmmm - -Corona Virus in Nebraska - -sure the hell hope not - -he hasn’t been back
He’s en route to the hospital. Hope he’s ok!
Oh Boy mercy , mercy. - me too buddy? - -so are we thinking might going for possible testing of Corona have you heard? - or is it something else ?
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@Texas-Hawk-10 yeah that’s not normal. FYI
I’d be pissed if I paid for classes and they were indefinitely suspended and switched to online classes for any other reason.
Keep in mind a lot of schools are on spring break right now so kids have been traveling all over the country and world. Who knows how many new cases are going to pop up on college campuses in the next 2-3 weeks. KU is also hardly the only school taking this step. A lot of schools beside KU are doing the same thing to minimize the spread of the disease.
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@Texas-Hawk-10 yeah that’s not normal. FYI
I’d be pissed if I paid for classes and they were indefinitely suspended and switched to online classes for any other reason.
Keep in mind a lot of schools are on spring break right now so kids have been traveling all over the country and world. Who knows how many new cases are going to pop up on college campuses in the next 2-3 weeks. KU is also hardly the only school taking this step. A lot of schools beside KU are doing the same thing to minimize the spread of the disease.
Rough list:
I don’t want to be exposed. I’ve got 80 students coming back from break. Better to be cautious for the next few weeks and then reassess.
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@Texas-Hawk-10 yeah that’s not normal. FYI
I’d be pissed if I paid for classes and they were indefinitely suspended and switched to online classes for any other reason.
Keep in mind a lot of schools are on spring break right now so kids have been traveling all over the country and world. Who knows how many new cases are going to pop up on college campuses in the next 2-3 weeks. KU is also hardly the only school taking this step. A lot of schools beside KU are doing the same thing to minimize the spread of the disease.
My quote is that I think it’s ok for this and basically only this if you need a translation. Sorry for my poor communication skills. I seem to have you confused this evening, at least I feel misrepresented.
This is just a sad situation period. One other thing with this , you know a person I would really feeld bad for/sad if they decide to Cancel the NCAA Entirely ?
I would feel so bad for Doke. - -the guy has had so much bad luck and worked his ass off - -and now this - - - Only played limited his Soph & JR years because of injuries. Came in as a fresh out of shape/overweight , work his butt off to transform his body - -now just a specimen , has a really , really solid season , get’s name Big 12 Player of the Year Has a chance to win a NCAA title in his only complete year a very legit chance and now this happens.
If they Canel totally - that would suck for everyone BUT I woul feel extra sad for him, keep fingers crossed. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 said he was coughing, great idea to expose everyone!
@Crimsonorblue22 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@jayballer73 said he was coughing, great idea to expose everyone!
MERCY , my understanding that is one of the sympthoms
@Texas-Hawk-10 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
@rockchalkwyo said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Give it 1 hour and the NCAA will follow
They should go ahead and cancel and name the #1 team national champs. Just my unbiased opinion.
Agree we have been # 1 and was voted # 1 for the last 3 weeks unanumious so why not
@Crimsonorblue22 said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
Didn’t realize Doc Sadler was back at Nebraska. That’s gotta be a weird feeling to be an assistant coach of a program you were the head coach of for several years in the not to distant past.
@Texas-Hawk-10 he’s been everywhere, had some sad times.
We have no TP at Walmart or Dillons, not sure why a person would stock on that at this point. If push comes to shove, one can hop in the shower lol
we have a tournament
@dylans said in NCAA Tournament: Should it happen?:
we have a tournament
I’m hopeful we get one, but man, I just don’t know. This whole thing is moving so fast.
I think they will role on as long as no one test positive entering the games. Imagine how bad it would suck if you won final four tickets this season.
I am thinking no tournament this year. Everyone disappointed, but it reduces the chances of seeing Roy and Huggy and Leonard Hamilton die. Among 200,000 potential others.
Commentators on ESPN were predicting NCAA will cancel before tomorrow’s games.
@mayjay Gallows humor, and very effective.
Hoiberg tested positive for flu. Good news but still sucks! Stay home
NCAA will get their wish: we will finish the year number 1 with an asterisk.
@Crimsonorblue22 Glad to hear only the flu but his health history makes it more serious.
The film of him on the bench looked just like a guy who was coming to do a home inspection on my house. He waited a few mins to get out and said he just needed a few more. I asked if he wanted 911 and he said no. Sweating, gasping for breath… called 911 immediately anyway. They were there in 3 mins, and took him to the hospital. Seizures with 2 heart attacks on the drive there. Lived to tell about it.
An allegory for our own time, perhaps? Sometimes people don’t recognize when their determination to bull ahead is just not enough to beat down a major health threat.
@bskeet Maybe if it is cancelled the NBA combine will be, too, and Doke will get a redshirt, and Dot will come back, and I will win the lottery, and …
I don’t understand your chart. It doesn’t add up close to 100%.