Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.
@jayballer73 Very scary since the announcement yesterday was carefully worded as just for tests.
@mayjay said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 Very scary since the announcement yesterday was carefully worded as just for tests.
ya it is. - - and sounds like he isn’t that far off from a ventilator . - -The said the thing with the Prime minister is that the fever, saying normally the fever doesn’t persist but with him that was his major problem.
Well guys you talk about being snake bit , now not saying for sure but just found out. My daughter, the one I told you about that had the surgery for the cyst - - - Well she just called and kind of afraid she might have the Virus. Not wanting to over react for sure BUT she went to the doctor for other reasons and she just about didn’t get to see the doctor.
Come to find out she is showing ALL the classic signs they have been talking about the accompanies the COVID-19. - - She has fever ( all be it - - low grade ) shorthness of breath at different times , has the cough - -& the issues with the nose. - - DAMMIT. we don’t know for sure , but man sure sounds like the classic sympthoms .
I told her well about all you can do right now is self quarantine for the 2 weeks , keep a super close eye on this - -if it persists and gets worse then CALL the doctor. - She says dad I don’t have any medicine , I told her Call the doctor and they will tell you exactly what to do.
The only thing that scares me with this is because she lives in Wyandotte which is one of the bigger hot spots here in Kansas for it. She is just off surgery not that far removed and as we know when that happens your immune system is lower easier to catch things , I told her not to mess around with this - -if it get’s any worse she needs to call the DR right then and there.
On top of that I will say IF and again IF this is what it turns out to be well - - then her boyfriend , and my 5 grandkids that are there are ALL quite possibly infected with it also - -DAM - when it rains - - it pours.
@jayballer73 Your poor daughter, after going through the surgery!
Various ailments, including COVID-19, seem to affect so many people differently. Our Marine son at Miramar has been quarantined at his off-base apartment for 3 weeks with all the symptoms (fever, aches, shortness of breath, sharp burning chest pain with a dry cough) but tested negative. He is now feeling better, and going back to work. Flu? Negative for that, too. I wonder if the test was bad?
Good luck!
@mayjay said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 Your poor daughter, after going through the surgery!
Various ailments, including COVID-19, seem to affect so many people differently. Our Marine son at Miramar has been quarantined at his off-base apartment for 3 weeks with all the symptoms (fever, aches, shortness of breath, sharp burning chest pain with a dry cough) but tested negative. He is now feeling better, and going back to work. Flu? Negative for that, too. I wonder if the test was bad?
Good luck!
Thanks , current times are just a mess
Well crap and here we go. Governor Kelly and The Attorney general & Legislative counsel are now going at it. - - Attorney General Schmidt has revoked Governor Kelly’s latest about restricting Church’s with amount of people, saying he thinks it breaks the constitutional rights of freedom of religion. Governor Kelly already has her legal Council checking to see how they can handle , saying it may go to Court a possibility
Governor Kelly saying now is not the time for this to become a political event and that was very underhanded and now with Yesterday being our worst day by far as we are now at 1,046 cases - -pretty big jump and the most deaths e had an increase of 11 deaths yesterday -which makes it a 40 % increase. - about to get ugly
KDHE Secetary of Health Dr Norman was very disappointed in todays actions by the attorney General and the Legislative Counsel, Kelly saying they are checking and her and the KDHE is afraid that this today will revoked the earlier they put in effect of the " Stay at Home " also. Dr Norman says he is afraid that todays actions will wipe out everything that they have tried to accomplish by instituting the stay at home. - -If people ignore the stay at home now it that turns out to be the case , then he said you are looking at a lot more positive cases and a lot more deaths.
This is the LAST thing we need in our State - - now is not the time to turn this into a political thing.
One other side note – I mentioned last week the Dept of Labor had sad that in ONE day they had received a record number of calls for filing of un-employment 877,000 - -WELL that number was Shattered. - Governor Kelly said that they had received in ONE DAY 1.6 Million calls - just crazy - - let’s get through this guys/gals - May GOD be with each and every one.
This whole thing is getting very stupid, cancel churches, school, restaurants and work. Me driving by Walmart seeing the parking lot full And probably at a minimum 500 people. Turn on news, hundreds, possibly thousands waiting in line for unemployment. The church’s are a bare minimum of concern at this point. Wal Mart needs to close its doors and only do pick up orders. I have a family member that’s a Wal Mart manager and thinks this is very doable. They could put all hands on deck and add more times. Greed is the only reason not to, Wal Mart made a $150 billion last year and the guy says it’s been like Black Friday for a month straight.
Our Walmart at lowly hutch only lets a few in and only 1 in an aisle at a Time. You wait outside till one comes out. All aisles are marked, and checkouts too. Plexiglass installed. Only 1 door too. Dillons same thing.
@Crimsonorblue22 Same thing here, one door open (which is stupid because it means there is a traffic jam at one). I’m not sure what they are doing with the isles but it defeats the purpose of someone sick goes and breathes all down that isle. I didn’t go in and won’t til this clears up. To me we need to start mass closures, 50 people at church are less likely to spread stuff than 10s of thousands at Walmart. I’m sure just about all Walmart’s are doing the same thing being a corporation.
@kjayhawks Our governor issued an order to not allow more than 5 people per 1,000 sq ft. Walmart has been doing it. People say it is wonderful.
@mayjay maybe they are, I’m just saying the parking lot was full. That’s about all I could see, pictures all over Facebook of hundreds waiting in at stores. I’m just saying logically and statically it’s not smart to have a ton of people filing in and out all day when they are saying this stuff can live on items for days at time.
@kjayhawks nobody can go in and out at the same time. No passing
@mayjay yep
Several cases in Kansas have been at a church in kck!
@Crimsonorblue22 that’s good but I still think pick only would be safer. If hundreds or thousands are coming and going, all it takes it a couple of infected folks to touch or cough on stuff and you have thousands infected.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m in agreement that we shouldnt have church but while I’m just out driving around I see tons cars at certain places. I think that’s bad from how contagious this stuff is.
@kjayhawks said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
This whole thing is getting very stupid, cancel churches, school, restaurants and work. Me driving by Walmart seeing the parking lot full And probably at a minimum 500 people. Turn on news, hundreds, possibly thousands waiting in line for unemployment. The church’s are a bare minimum of concern at this point. Wal Mart needs to close its doors and only do pick up orders. I have a family member that’s a Wal Mart manager and thinks this is very doable. They could put all hands on deck and add more times. Greed is the only reason not to, Wal Mart made a $150 billion last year and the guy says it’s been like Black Friday for a month straight.
I like your thoughts here, I’ve been thinking down these lines…this whole thing has really shown us where our inefficiencies lie in times of crisis.
The big problem I think with closing down the stores completely is the lack of transparency of what stock is left at the stores in real time. The big stores should be able to do this fairly easily for future preparation.
Without clear visibility into what stock is left, when the store has major shortages, everything breaks down and the person feels like they have to go into the store to find what they need.
I’m not shopping at Walmart right now, so I don’t know if their system is good enough to be accurate in real time. I know other stores’ systems are not.
@approxinfinity Right and I’m not saying I have all the answers. But I think it’s safe to say, a large number of people at one place in one day could be bad potentially.
@kjayhawks yeah man
we’re on the same page. they should really figure distribution out so we can get rid of blockers so we can handle something like this much much better going forward.
I read yesterday that farms are dumping hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk because they were so dependent on the restaurant industry. There should be a plan for diverting perishable food goods that would go to the restaurant industry, and also a plan for redundancy of distribution chains if certain areas are affected more heavily by disaster.
We need serious consideration and planning by many smart people to get this figured out and maintained so that all of the big players in food have a cohesive disaster relief plan.
Braving the Topeka badlands today. Walmart actually had Puffs Ultra tissue in stock.
Aldi is wiping down carts when they come back.
Well DAMMIT. , this is pretty frustrating just heard this off fox news radio at 9:00 this morning. This dam stuff is re-cycling in the Asia Countries right now.
In Toyoko , they said the positive cases of the Corona is going up - - -AGAIN. - -and that people who have had the Corona virus and recovered from it are GETING IT AGAIN.
We have just got to get this vaccine or SOMETHING to stop this. - This Country can not go this this year after year it will crush this country.
The big thing will be when we get a vaccine, and how treatments advance. We had neither this year and got crushed. If the medical community can find workable treatments in the short-term, and an effective vaccine in the long term, we can go back to something resembling life as normal.
We will likely have to find new ways to disinfect surfaces to prevent casual spread of germs, but if we can do that, we may be able to slow not just COVID-19, but simpler things like the common cold and the seasonal flu. Long term, that would be an excellent outcome.
The key is learning from this whole experience. What worked, what did not. How can we be better prepared - not just stockpiling resources, but the ability to pivot production from one thing to another quickly. The ability to do things remotely. More widespread (and consistent) internet access.
If we learn, we can come out of this better. If not, we will stagnate and the next time will be far worse.
@jayballer73 do you have a corroborating source that is real news? All I’m finding is one instance of reinfection from Feb 27th. I’m assuming Fox might be drudging up old news (like 1 person it happened to two months ago) and sensationalizing it in order to diffuse the backlash Trump is currently catching for his month of doing nothing and now his latest off the cuff train wreck of a press conference last night.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 do you have a corroborating source that is real news? All I’m finding is one instance of reinfection from Feb 27th. I’m assuming Fox might be drudging up old news (like 1 person it happened to two months ago) and sensationalizing it in order to diffuse the backlash Trump is currently catching for his month of doing nothing and now his latest off the cuff train wreck of a press conference last night.
Dude All I can do is what’s out there by the National media. - - I know you got a hard on for Trump but come on man, The Corroborating source is FOX. - You don’t like Fox? - that’s easy to tell. - -WHY don’t you like Fox - -I can answer that , because they Side with Trump.
All Media is trash - - just like CNN and the ones that you love that love to bash Trump - -This National media ( Fox ) sides with Trump so people like yourself can’t stand that so they are no good. - - CNN bashes Trump so you love them and find them solid - -while others can’t stand CNN - it’s one vicious circle. - -I’m simply passing along what I had heard that’s it period.
But just so you know I’ve heard the same from WHO which is at odds with Trump so you ought to love them and THEY have said the same that in the Asian countries that the virus is re-cycling. You would have had to have your head buried deep in the sand not to have heard that. - This is even beyond yesterdays news. It’s been mentioned by multiple sources before Fox come on ease up there buddy. Just because Fox agrees with Trump doesn’t mean everything they report is bogus. - -Thought you were a little better then that man. And look I’m not doing this again going back and forth back and forth. - - You stated your opinion and been heard - - I gave you my rebuttal now I’m done - - As far as I’m concerned ALL media is trash, again just simply passing on what is out there. - -Now if you think it’s all BS - - -good for you, the one way to find out is sit back and see what happens next fall
@jayballer73 all I care about is facts. So if this is legit news, there should be quantifiable facts. How many people have been reinfected and when? You honestly think Fox News wouldn’t drudge old stories and overblow them to help Trump look good and distract from his idiotic missteps? They do it all day every day. Standard playbook Fox. This isn’t a crazy assumption on my part. It should be our assumption of what is going on here unless there are corroborating stories. Seriously, we should never assume Fox to be valid without corroborating stories. In this case, by “corroborating stories”, I mean something that shows this to be a serious threat and not one instance of reinfection that happened 2 months ago. Maybe it’s happening and maybe it’s a greater problem, but I’m not finding it. So. We should!
@approxinfinity @jayballer73 I posted this in another thread a couple weeks ago, but it puts some meat on the bones
@FarmerJayhawk thanks. Yeah I skimmed it the first time you posted, reread it now.
So in this story, the who/when/where/why was…:
on March 27th,
4 people were reported to have been reinfected
in Wuhan (so harder to get straight answers)
and questions remain as to whether it could be explained by there being a possible false negative in between the 2 positive results, and questions whether they are infectious when testing positive the second time. In the case of the latter theory, I guess then maybe they just have antibodies present that cause a positive result?
@jayballer73 to your point, it’s something we should keep an eye on, for sure. And it’s scary. But I’m hoping the testing just needs to be improved.
Still stuff like this, in addition to something I read yesterday that asymptomatic people are showing heart and liver (I think, though it might have been kidney) damage from COVID… This also needs further evidence, but it’s the kind of scary crap that makes me want to never get this even if I could get it and recover. Not worth it until we have answers.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 all I care about is facts. So if this is legit news, there should be quantifiable facts. How many people have been reinfected and when? You honestly think Fox News wouldn’t drudge old stories and overblow them to help Trump look good and distract from his idiotic missteps? They do it all day every day. Standard playbook Fox. This isn’t a crazy assumption on my part. It should be our assumption of what is going on here unless there are corroborating stories. Seriously, we should never assume Fox to be valid without corroborating stories. And this case, by “corroborating stories”, I mean something that shows this to be a serious threat and not one instance of reinfection that happened 2 months ago. Maybe it’s happening and maybe it’s a greater problem, but I’m not finding it. So. We should!
ok look I’m tired about going back and forth really buddy, you like to call out Fox - -I’m telling you EVERY FRICKEN STATION drudges up old bullshit to promote Trump – Biden - - - Sanders who ever the hell they back.- - not only on Presidents ALL NATIONAL Media is going to do whatever they need to do to pat theirselves on the back - -things they think will draw good ratings for them.
I’m so sick of hearing Trump - - Trump - - trump - and I’m not even THAT huge of fan of his the one thing I do know is that Trump has not put this Nation in the Shape is in today - -This country has been so screwed up for a long time now from PREVIOUS presidents, or as you would like to hear it’s been screwed up LONG before Trump took office. The situation we are in didn’t get screwed up in a single term -it sure the hell isn’t going to be that perfect Nation that so many seem to be looking for in a Single term.
You can talk till your blue in the face and I’ll say your talking bullshit if you try and tell me the reason this Nation is in the shape it’s in only because of Trump that is just TOTALLY ILLOGICIAL BULLSHIT. maybe in your eyes he has damaged this country - -great your entitled to that , but dam I know your smarter then that to think it’s all him – Obama - and many others before have ALL had a hand in this
@jayballer73 this one was on you. You brought up a fact raised on Fox. Therefore that’s what we were talking about. The validity of a fact on Fox. Not a fact on CNN. Not about Biden. Come on man. This whole “everything is bullshit from everyone!!!” line is thrown around a lot these days to completely scramble logical process. It simply does not matter at all here. Let’s stick with what we were talking about.
We are talking about a fact you brought up that you heard from Fox. If you know Fox spins for Trump, this makes it of utmost importance for you to verify information you receive from them in regards to a crisis in which Trump is front and center. Whatever about Biden or CNN, etx in no way changes the fact that you should verify your source, knowing that it’s spin.
@FarmerJayhawk gave me a corroborating story, which was helpful, but that story didn’t have too much more meat it in it either.
You need to not get hung up on defending Trump or Fox. I’m allowed to challenge the effectiveness of Trump or the validity of news on Fox without it having to be a fullstop drop everything and throw out “but the other guy does it” stuff. Questioning is part of the process to understand things better.
Stay with me man, I’ve already moved past it in the next post.
And if I ever quote something that I can’t verify, and I fail to mention that it’s not verifiable, please call me out. I want that kind of feedback. It makes our understanding better.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 this one was on you. I brought up a fact raised on Fox. Therefore that’s what we were talking about. The validity of a fact on Fox. Not a fact on CNN. Not about Biden. Come on man. This whole “everything is bullshit from everyone!!!” line is thrown around a lot these days to completely scramble logical process. It simply does not matter at all here. Let’s stick with what we were talking about.
We are talking about a fact you brought up that you heard from Fox. If you know Fox spins for Trump, this makes it of utmost importance for you to verify information you receive from them in regards to a crisis in which Trump is front and center. Whatever about Biden or CNN, etx in no way changes the fact that you should verify your source, knowing that it’s spin.
@FarmerJayhawk gave me a corroborating story, which was helpful, but that story didn’t have too much more meat it in it either.
You need to not get hung up on defending Trump or Fox. I’m allowed to challenge the effectiveness of Trump or the validity of news on Fox without it having to be a fullstop drop everything and throw out “but the other guy does it!!!” Stuff. Stay with me man, I’ve already moved past it in the next post.
I’m done - - now on a side note and yet about the virus, just read off WIBW news that our local hospital St Mt Vail - - KDHE has announced it as a Corona Cluster. They have 13 employess now who had tested positive for the virus. – A doctor , some nurses , others were from the emergency dept and the others were from post anathesia people - - THAT’S not good. - -also the CEO of the hospital said Monday they had 150 employees on Self quarantine - -today was 105, mercy having this in the hospital is kind of scary. - My niece is there right now recovering from blood clots in her leg and both lungs - -hoping for the best so she doesn’t get it.
@jayballer73 that’s scary. Can you get her out/transfered? She sounds high risk with lung issues.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 that’s scary. Can you get her out/transfered? She sounds high risk with lung issues.
well she is hoping she can go home tomorrow, they have been giving her thinner to dissolve them, as you know with clots you just worry about them moving. - she has one in her leg and one in each lung, your right kind of scary
Governor Kelly has extended the stay at home order until the 3rd of May. Was suppose to run out on the 19th I think she said
welp , just wonderful today. I swear sometimes you’ve head the phrase , if it wasn’t for bad luck I wouldn’t have any luck ?
So , my Nephew comes over to my house this afternoon , he works for KDHE he promptly tells me that they sent all employees home for the day because someone in a State agency had tested positive for the Corona virus. He said they were bringing in a crew to do through sanitizing . I Said so WHY ARE YOU HERE ? - -he said it wasn’t his agency & they wouldn’t tell them what agency it was, and they were supposed to call tomorrow to find out what time they was suppose to come back tomorrow or IF they were suppose to come back.
Soo since then have found out that the person that has tested positive for the Corona WAS from his agency out at Forbes. - - - GREAT.
So my wife and I could of very well could of been exposed to the virus this afternoon. So I called my Doctor on Call this evening and she said that my wife and I both should self quarantine and I have to call KDHE in the morning to see if I need to do anything , as we both have under lying health conditions as most of you know.
Now this could very easily be nothing , I mean we ALL just found this out this afternoon, of course there would be no way if he knows he has anything as HE just found this out too, and have heard it can take 5-6 days before showing any symptoms, and on top of that a lot of cases are so mild a person never even knows they have it but yet they can be a carrier and expose others.
I really think at this minute they will probably just say self quarantine cause we are obviously not showing anything yet, and probably just tell us to be aware of any possible symptoms . The fever - - shortness of breath - - Cough – body aches. - It just really worries me about the wife. IF she were to catch it, it would not be good with her lungs about shot and severe COPD, they have already told her if that happened it would more likely then not automatic Ventilator.
Will know more in the morning my friends , please keep your fingers crossed for us , and if your inclined please throw in that extra prayer for my wife and myself would ya please. And as always - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
According to KDHE, one staffer worked at the Forbes campus in Topeka, but has not been at work since April 15th.
The second staffer was from a field office in Ford County.
Both offices were closed Wednesday afternoon “out of an abundance of caution” so the facilities could be cleaned. They did not say how long those offices will be closed.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
According to KDHE, one staffer worked at the Forbes campus in Topeka, but has not been at work since April 15th.
The second staffer was from a field office in Ford County.
Both offices were closed Wednesday afternoon “out of an abundance of caution” so the facilities could be cleaned. They did not say how long those offices will be closed.
ya I know , and my Nephew works with that person at Forbes same office. so who knows we know that my Nephew was at least exposed to the virus from this person, whether he is a carrier or not who knows.
Takes like 6 days for incubation period, but my Nephew was working with the person before the 15th of April which means he would of been exposed. - -The doctor I talked to tonight said for sure to call KDHE and see what else if any to do.
I’m sure at this point they will just say to self quarantine, for one there is a shortage of test kits right now they are not going to test everyone - - unless we start showing symptoms then they might test
Confirmed case at my work. Still open since the person was asymptomatic when tested and confirmed to have it. Let’s just say panic has set in. We already have dozens of safety protocols in place so unless the entire plant is going on quarantine I don’t know what else they can do to protect us at this point. People are not happy and many working here are of moderate to high risk. Will be interesting to see what happens
Update: Several people who had contact with the confirmed case have been quarantined and are being tested. One tested negative and has returned to work. Many are frustrated about transparency. The CDC deemed it low risk so immediate closure of the plant was not recommended. That is until all that had contact are tested and the results are in. Lots of frustrated people here. Anxiety is high.
Yeah, how do they deem the risk low or high without the tests… That’s a weird recommendation.
Seems like with this the wiser choice would be to err on the side of caution until there is evidence that less caution is validated.
As testing has ramped up here in Kansas this week, we have seen confirmed cases jump quickly. I had felt for a while that we were only scratching the surface of how widely spread the virus was. Now we are seeing a bit more of the iceberg.
@justanotherfan said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
As testing has ramped up here in Kansas this week, we have seen confirmed cases jump quickly. I had felt for a while that we were only scratching the surface of how widely spread the virus was. Now we are seeing a bit more of the iceberg.
Yep, as of yesterday Kansas was 50th in the country in testing rate. That’s last if we’re scoring at home.
@justanotherfan said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
As testing has ramped up here in Kansas this week, we have seen confirmed cases jump quickly. I had felt for a while that we were only scratching the surface of how widely spread the virus was. Now we are seeing a bit more of the iceberg.
for sure 182 ne cases day before yesterday - - and now 271 new cases yesterday. KDHE has said they now think we will see a pretty big jump from Western Kansas counties. We have already passed initial predictions for the state initially they KDHE had said we would probably hit about 2,000 cases well- - - -
Anybody watch Dr Bright, our very own, Hutchinson Kansas product?