Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.
@jayballer73 hey I am curious does the Walmart in topeka deliver to your house? Topeka is 66617? Its worth a shot?
@ajvan there are several places online that show you how to make simple masks, no sewing! Several people around here are making them, sewing, not me
I got hand sanitizer at bath and body, scented little ones. Tiny ones. I bet I could have some one mail you a homemade mask for a reasonable price.
Here are the CDC instructions for making a mask. The tshirt method requires no sewing. I believe you want tightknit cotton fabric, like a t-shirt.
@approxinfinity Hmm, making your own sanitizer seems like the way to go. Thanks for the suggestion.
@Crimsonorblue22 Thanks, that makes sense. I bet we have some old bandanas or scarves around the house, and making a mask seems pretty doable.
@ajvan We went on a walk today, about 2.5 miles. Wore bandanas just to see what it was like and how comfortable they would be. (No one else out of probably 50 pedestrians and maybe 35 drivers was wearing a mask, but this was not inside.) We were on wide residential streets and it was very breezy, with no one even as close as 10 feet away, so no issues.
Felt like bandits and we were hoping people would toss us their wallets (I had gloves available!), but alas, no one did.
@jayballer73 in my experience other stores have been much less crowded than walmart.
@mayjay I’m all for wearing bandanas instead of those bland white masks. Fashion is important in times like this. All the more so if people started sliding wallets over.
We’re taking lots of walks too, mostly around our residential neighborhood with no one else in sight. The only time I think about masks, gloves, sanitization, is when I go shopping, have to handle a cart, pump gas, etc.
@kjayhawks said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 I wish I was closer to you, I would bring you food and supplies.
Mercy you have no idea how much that means to me. Just shows there are still good people left in this word , that come together in times such as this. That’s just awesome , thank you so much , makes my heart feel good. It’s call Compassion thank you again. - It’s ok we got it done w got groceries and essentials for the month , I’M DONE now for the month barricade myself in the house again for the month.
I’ll tell you what scares me the most my friends , my wife is on Oxygen 24/7 , doctors have said her lungs are pretty much shot - - severe COPD & I know this is not spelled right but please my friends in times like this please don’t be petty and try to be smug about grammer spelling save that for another time but anyways emphazema - so if she gets this Virus she is pretty much screwed, and what’s worse is I wouldn’t even be able to be with her - if she got put on a ventalitor she would have to go through this alone. - -I’m going on 66 - -SHE is 53 something happens to her I’d be lost/crushed. Soya I really worry about her.
Thank you again my friend that REALLY means a lot your a special person a special ROCK CHALK TO YOU MY FRIEND have a great day and stay safe
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 hey I am curious does the Walmart in topeka deliver to your house? Topeka is 66617? Its worth a shot?
I’m not sure buddy. - - I know you can call your order in and they will pull it. I’m really not sure as far as delivery . our zip code though is 66605 - -hate those digits you know what I’m sayin. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 Where did you two meet, anyway? I hope things go well. We are bunkered down, too. Wife has asthma and atrial fibrillation, and I have high blood pressure and diabetes, so we are elevated risk even more than just being mid-60s. But your concern is even greater, and I wish you well in taking such care to protect your bride.
Couple of interesting tidbits about the virus I heard and read about today:
1st : They did a survey and found that out of the top 25 cities in the US, - - -that more higher income families were staying home more then the lower income families. - -INTERSTING
2nd.Heard that NY had just purchased and would be receiving 1,000 ventalitors from CHINA TODAY. Just found this pretty interesting , I mean we are purchasing these things from a Country that has been said that is responsible for this in the 1st place. Just goes to show all it boils down to is a bidding war /price goucing - -situation is really sad.
3rd: Here in Kansas up 78 positive cases from yesterday, beginning to spread more quickly/more cases. We now have 698 cases UP from 620 yesterday & now have 21 deaths - -up three from yesterday. - -Hang on to your butts. gonna get worse my friends. Stay Safe
@jayballer73 even if you can get them to pull it I think it’s really worth it if they bring it out to your car. The biggest threat is entering the store and inhaling droplets in the air. Just keep your distance from the person bringing it out and I would open the trunk for them so they only touch the bags. I highly recommend finding an option where you can avoid entering the store. Then it’s just a matter of disinfecting the food when you get home, which would still be critical. Another option is to set aside anything non perishable for a time (guidelines say 3 days on plastic. I set aside everything a week). Then you just need to disinfect perishables. Mitigating concerns about the shopper touching stuff.
Sorry if my advice here is heavy handed or preachy. Trying to help and maybe also I’m enumerating my steps to just talk about it even if we’ve already talked about it so much
@mayjay said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 Where did you two meet, anyway? I hope things go well. We are bunkered down, too. Wife has asthma and atrial fibrillation, and I have high blood pressure and diabetes, so we are elevated risk even more than just being mid-60s. But your concern is even greater, and I wish you well in taking such care to protect your bride.
Ahh buddy , thank you soooo much. Believe it or not my wife and I met on a phone line dating site. I had like 3 minutes of time left on my account , and was just on a trial bases with the site and had 3 minute left on the trial. Pretty much had just had enough time to leave her a message with my phone number and said if she wanted to talk to me I left her my number. - About 1 hour later she called me lol.
We talked that night for quite some time. This was all totally sight un seen with one another. We talked for oh about a week. I live here in Topeka & she lived in Winfield. We talked and I said well if we really wanted to see if this was going to develop into anything we needed to meet, & I didn’t have any transportation at the time & she didn’t either. A buddy of mine told me he would drive me down to Winfield to pick her up , she was going to stay for the weekend. - - she NEVER went back lol , been with me every since. Going to be married 10 years this coming August, got married on my Birthday. We stay together for about a month then after our 1st month we got married lol - - Crazy I know BUT it worked. - she wanted me lmao - -I’m pretty hot lol… - I told her from the get go I said if your a woman looking for a guy that has a lot of Money then you need TO KEEP LOOKING. I’ve NEVER had a lot of money - - never have - - never will. Thank you for asking my friend , sorry I got carried away telling my story.
I hear you though with her condition and me and my heart conditions with my Pace Maker and Blood pressure issues very high risk. You take care my friend , you take care of your lil lady too. Life is precious even more so with that special someone. Take care my friend
Very sweet story. I met my wife face to face (at the Smithsonian in D.C.) but shockingly she still wanted to start dating!
@Ret said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Couple of interesting tidbits about the virus I heard and read about today:
1st : They did a survey and found that out of the top 25 cities in the US, - - -that more higher income families were staying home more then the lower income families. - -INTERSTING
2nd.Heard that NY had just purchased and would be receiving 1,000 ventalitors from CHINA TODAY. Just found this pretty interesting , I mean we are purchasing these things from a Country that has been said that is responsible for this in the 1st place. Just goes to show all it boils down to is a bidding war /price goucing - -situation is really sad.
3rd: Here in Kansas up 78 positive cases from yesterday, beginning to spread more quickly/more cases. We now have 698 cases UP from 620 yesterday & now have 21 deaths - -up three from yesterday. - -Hang on to your butts. gonna get worse my friends. Stay Safe
Please read or just watch the video. DONATED not purchased
DUDE one more time, back up this is a time I patience is VERY SHORT. - Dam man bottom line is donated, purchased - - it’s fricken CHINA - you don’t need to tell me - -CHINA CHINA CHINA the same dam country that withheld information about this, kept it from us check your facts there buddy. - We shouldn’t be doing squat with these idiots in any way shape or form.
Dealing with China in ANY WAY should not be allowed , almost as bad as 3m selling to china. - -Oh wait that’s not right either right? - - I’m sure you will feel the urge to try and correct me on this too huh? - - Good looking out , way to step up, thank you so much - -Dam people like you wear me out.
@jayballer73 If we are not going to deal with idiots, who is left?
@mayjay said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 If we are not going to deal with idiots, who is left?
That’s true.
@jayballer73 I don’t have a problem with taking something from China. The donation came from Jack Ma and the owner of the Nets. Why would we not accept a private donation of ventillators? Good on them to make it happen.
The problem is that we even NEEDED someone to donate them. We weren’t prepared. We should not be dependant internationally for ventillators.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 I don’t have a problem with taking something from China. The donation came from Jack Ma and the owner of the Nets. Why would we not accept a private donation of ventillators? Good on them to make it happen.
The problem is that we even NEEDED someone to donate them. We weren’t prepared. We should not be dependant internationally for ventillators.
Well, then you run into this problem of how much excess of any medical supply do we need to be prepared for a situation. Because normally I would have to think a large number of ventilators aren’t even being used. So how do you justify the cost of making a bunch more that won’t be used (before covid). Do you then do this for all medical equipment? Idk.
In general we were ill-prepared for a viral pandemic despite epidemiologists harping on this for awhile now.
@BShark I wonder to what extent we can be more prepared to pivot and produce ventillators for future pandemic preparedness. So we wouldnt need a huge stockpile so much as a larger stockpile as well as companies be able to switch production to ventillators quickly. We could make medical supply producers have the capacity to switch over and have a coordinated plan for production, distribution, and assembly of components all locally.
Not a good day ( Sunday ) here in Kansas for the virus. Just came out the count went up from 747 to 845. - -Here in Shawnee Co . had 7 new cases - -looking towards better day.
Another sad note , came across my notifications that a new born baby in Louisiana passes away with the virus, as her mom had tested positive - -just sad.
Really good read on this
Woah, Boris Johnson in icu. Think that will convince trump to wear a mask?
@Crimsonorblue22 no. That idiot just needs some chloraquine. Duh. Common sense.
@FarmerJayhawk good read.
Dam Prime minister of the UK is in ICU only 55 years old went down hill fast
@jayballer73 Very scary since the announcement yesterday was carefully worded as just for tests.
@mayjay said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 Very scary since the announcement yesterday was carefully worded as just for tests.
ya it is. - - and sounds like he isn’t that far off from a ventilator . - -The said the thing with the Prime minister is that the fever, saying normally the fever doesn’t persist but with him that was his major problem.
Well guys you talk about being snake bit , now not saying for sure but just found out. My daughter, the one I told you about that had the surgery for the cyst - - - Well she just called and kind of afraid she might have the Virus. Not wanting to over react for sure BUT she went to the doctor for other reasons and she just about didn’t get to see the doctor.
Come to find out she is showing ALL the classic signs they have been talking about the accompanies the COVID-19. - - She has fever ( all be it - - low grade ) shorthness of breath at different times , has the cough - -& the issues with the nose. - - DAMMIT. we don’t know for sure , but man sure sounds like the classic sympthoms .
I told her well about all you can do right now is self quarantine for the 2 weeks , keep a super close eye on this - -if it persists and gets worse then CALL the doctor. - She says dad I don’t have any medicine , I told her Call the doctor and they will tell you exactly what to do.
The only thing that scares me with this is because she lives in Wyandotte which is one of the bigger hot spots here in Kansas for it. She is just off surgery not that far removed and as we know when that happens your immune system is lower easier to catch things , I told her not to mess around with this - -if it get’s any worse she needs to call the DR right then and there.
On top of that I will say IF and again IF this is what it turns out to be well - - then her boyfriend , and my 5 grandkids that are there are ALL quite possibly infected with it also - -DAM - when it rains - - it pours.
@jayballer73 Your poor daughter, after going through the surgery!
Various ailments, including COVID-19, seem to affect so many people differently. Our Marine son at Miramar has been quarantined at his off-base apartment for 3 weeks with all the symptoms (fever, aches, shortness of breath, sharp burning chest pain with a dry cough) but tested negative. He is now feeling better, and going back to work. Flu? Negative for that, too. I wonder if the test was bad?
Good luck!
@mayjay said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 Your poor daughter, after going through the surgery!
Various ailments, including COVID-19, seem to affect so many people differently. Our Marine son at Miramar has been quarantined at his off-base apartment for 3 weeks with all the symptoms (fever, aches, shortness of breath, sharp burning chest pain with a dry cough) but tested negative. He is now feeling better, and going back to work. Flu? Negative for that, too. I wonder if the test was bad?
Good luck!
Thanks , current times are just a mess
Well crap and here we go. Governor Kelly and The Attorney general & Legislative counsel are now going at it. - - Attorney General Schmidt has revoked Governor Kelly’s latest about restricting Church’s with amount of people, saying he thinks it breaks the constitutional rights of freedom of religion. Governor Kelly already has her legal Council checking to see how they can handle , saying it may go to Court a possibility
Governor Kelly saying now is not the time for this to become a political event and that was very underhanded and now with Yesterday being our worst day by far as we are now at 1,046 cases - -pretty big jump and the most deaths e had an increase of 11 deaths yesterday -which makes it a 40 % increase. - about to get ugly
KDHE Secetary of Health Dr Norman was very disappointed in todays actions by the attorney General and the Legislative Counsel, Kelly saying they are checking and her and the KDHE is afraid that this today will revoked the earlier they put in effect of the " Stay at Home " also. Dr Norman says he is afraid that todays actions will wipe out everything that they have tried to accomplish by instituting the stay at home. - -If people ignore the stay at home now it that turns out to be the case , then he said you are looking at a lot more positive cases and a lot more deaths.
This is the LAST thing we need in our State - - now is not the time to turn this into a political thing.
One other side note – I mentioned last week the Dept of Labor had sad that in ONE day they had received a record number of calls for filing of un-employment 877,000 - -WELL that number was Shattered. - Governor Kelly said that they had received in ONE DAY 1.6 Million calls - just crazy - - let’s get through this guys/gals - May GOD be with each and every one.
This whole thing is getting very stupid, cancel churches, school, restaurants and work. Me driving by Walmart seeing the parking lot full And probably at a minimum 500 people. Turn on news, hundreds, possibly thousands waiting in line for unemployment. The church’s are a bare minimum of concern at this point. Wal Mart needs to close its doors and only do pick up orders. I have a family member that’s a Wal Mart manager and thinks this is very doable. They could put all hands on deck and add more times. Greed is the only reason not to, Wal Mart made a $150 billion last year and the guy says it’s been like Black Friday for a month straight.
Our Walmart at lowly hutch only lets a few in and only 1 in an aisle at a Time. You wait outside till one comes out. All aisles are marked, and checkouts too. Plexiglass installed. Only 1 door too. Dillons same thing.
@Crimsonorblue22 Same thing here, one door open (which is stupid because it means there is a traffic jam at one). I’m not sure what they are doing with the isles but it defeats the purpose of someone sick goes and breathes all down that isle. I didn’t go in and won’t til this clears up. To me we need to start mass closures, 50 people at church are less likely to spread stuff than 10s of thousands at Walmart. I’m sure just about all Walmart’s are doing the same thing being a corporation.
@kjayhawks Our governor issued an order to not allow more than 5 people per 1,000 sq ft. Walmart has been doing it. People say it is wonderful.
@mayjay maybe they are, I’m just saying the parking lot was full. That’s about all I could see, pictures all over Facebook of hundreds waiting in at stores. I’m just saying logically and statically it’s not smart to have a ton of people filing in and out all day when they are saying this stuff can live on items for days at time.
@kjayhawks nobody can go in and out at the same time. No passing
@mayjay yep
Several cases in Kansas have been at a church in kck!
@Crimsonorblue22 that’s good but I still think pick only would be safer. If hundreds or thousands are coming and going, all it takes it a couple of infected folks to touch or cough on stuff and you have thousands infected.
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m in agreement that we shouldnt have church but while I’m just out driving around I see tons cars at certain places. I think that’s bad from how contagious this stuff is.
@kjayhawks said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
This whole thing is getting very stupid, cancel churches, school, restaurants and work. Me driving by Walmart seeing the parking lot full And probably at a minimum 500 people. Turn on news, hundreds, possibly thousands waiting in line for unemployment. The church’s are a bare minimum of concern at this point. Wal Mart needs to close its doors and only do pick up orders. I have a family member that’s a Wal Mart manager and thinks this is very doable. They could put all hands on deck and add more times. Greed is the only reason not to, Wal Mart made a $150 billion last year and the guy says it’s been like Black Friday for a month straight.
I like your thoughts here, I’ve been thinking down these lines…this whole thing has really shown us where our inefficiencies lie in times of crisis.
The big problem I think with closing down the stores completely is the lack of transparency of what stock is left at the stores in real time. The big stores should be able to do this fairly easily for future preparation.
Without clear visibility into what stock is left, when the store has major shortages, everything breaks down and the person feels like they have to go into the store to find what they need.
I’m not shopping at Walmart right now, so I don’t know if their system is good enough to be accurate in real time. I know other stores’ systems are not.
@approxinfinity Right and I’m not saying I have all the answers. But I think it’s safe to say, a large number of people at one place in one day could be bad potentially.
@kjayhawks yeah man
we’re on the same page. they should really figure distribution out so we can get rid of blockers so we can handle something like this much much better going forward.
I read yesterday that farms are dumping hundreds of thousands of gallons of milk because they were so dependent on the restaurant industry. There should be a plan for diverting perishable food goods that would go to the restaurant industry, and also a plan for redundancy of distribution chains if certain areas are affected more heavily by disaster.
We need serious consideration and planning by many smart people to get this figured out and maintained so that all of the big players in food have a cohesive disaster relief plan.
Braving the Topeka badlands today. Walmart actually had Puffs Ultra tissue in stock.