Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.
This is very well written with great charts and graphs.
@DanR I do think u should check in, just so, u know.
️ Check your chat
I’m going 100% remote at work starting today. Social distancing is the only sure answer.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@DanR I do think u should check in, just so, u know.
️ Check your chat
All good! Thanks for the info via the chat feature
Just saw that Tom Hanks tested positive.
KU students have been told no classes until the 23rd of March - -no in person class on Campus
Rudy Gobert tested positive. NBA season Suspended.
This is a good sign
This is very, very bad.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Gov. Cooper declared a state of emergency today, and UNC is likely going all-online next week after spring break. Gonna get weird.
Gov Of Kansas City declared a State of Emergency
Yeah, it’s highly contagious. We shouldn’t be surprised, but there will always be those who dismiss.
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
I can’t even…
Not remotely shocked. There’s a culture in the WH where aides keep the worst from Trump because he would freak out and not make any decision.
First fatality in Kansas, along with a state of emergency from Gov. Kelly.
@BShark nothing decent I can say!
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
I can’t even…
At the time, he boasted about this.
I wish I could say his ignorance and bravado is his most dangerous trait, but that might be disrespectful to many other.
Would it really surprise anyone if Trump pulled something like that?
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
First fatality in Kansas, along with a state of emergency from Gov. Kelly.
Ahhh man - -not good sorry to see this, same county My daughter lives in.
@jayballer73 BUNKER TIME
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 BUNKER TIME
looking like it
Think any of us will get it?
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m doing my best to stay clean and safe. Won’t be going out much.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Think any of us will get it?
It’s probable one of us on the board gets it. It’s remote any of us don’t get through it.
Two official cases in Austin now. They got it from the Houston rodeo. School cancelled today starting spring break a day early. With the current lack of testing we have no idea how many people really have this thing right now. The barriers to getting tested are just ridiculous.
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@Crimsonorblue22 I’m doing my best to stay clean and safe. Won’t be going out much.
Proud of you my friend. - -Everyone just please stay safe just be vigilant in the things/precautions we take, no reason to throw gas on a open fire by being Careless. Wash those hands - -Wash those hands - - Wash those hands -santaize I’m like you - -just pretty well sticking in the house and will continue to do so.
Just hearing on Fox forthose people in Ny where they have cases sooooo bad. The Gov there is saying he doesn’t think this is a quick fix - -he thinks they are looking at a 6-7 month process there not going to happen in a month or so - -that statement for them sure makes things sound NOT so good
For us here in Kansas took a hit yesterday and today. 3 NEW Cases here in Kansas yesterday all in Johnson county contacted from conference in Florida .
Today which is not good. A Doctor at Wesley Hospital confirmed their 1st case. They are doing everything to protocal which is good - - isolation , restricted visitors - -seperate entrances, The thing that concerns me here though yes the patient if confined , which is GOOD BUT the question becomes where did this one contact the virus at - -and how long did they inner act with other people in and around the Wichita area not even knowing they were infected ?
My concern here is Wichita one of our bigger cities here in Kansas if several coming in contact with individual. - -This could become one of what they are calling community type situation this would not be good because it could really spread throughout in the area. -keeping fingers crossed
President Trump going to beholding news conference, going to be or expected to Announce National State of Emergency as Hospitals are expecting spike/surge in cases and patiences and trying to find space/beds
Also talking about millions of kids home from school fromvirus - -schools shutting down and putting the question out when is it time to shut ALL schools down?
My daughter having to take he step daughter to the Dr not doing well she has something - -got fever/runny nose & cough right there in Wyndotte county- - -Great
CDC chief has the right vested in law to declare that he will pay for all coronavirus tests and promised to do so when questioned about it.
Bernie Sanders to talk at 3 about the crisis.
@jayballer73 wishing her the best man. Scary times. Get in and get out.
He should have declared shutting the schools down the first time around. But he’s a stupid a-hole, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 wishing her the best man. Scary times. Get in and get out.
He should have declared shutting the schools down the first time around. But he’s a stupid a-hole, so I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt.
thanks appreciated just keeping fingers crossed. It’s been my understanding that this really isn’t effecting the kids like elderly Thing is though even though younger may not be as effected as much they can STILL be carriers… – So many can have such mild cases they don’t even realize they have it. - -some may get tested and be so mild it can come back negative and you STILL have it crazy
Trouble with schools shutting down is who is going to take care of the kids, the parents right? A lot of those parents are nurses, EMT’s, and other critical personal needed during this epidemic. It is one of those damned if you do damned if you don’t problems. Keeping the kids safe is my gut instinct but at the same time I worry we will be missing people we need to keep sick people alive.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Think any of us will get it?
It’s probable one of us on the board gets it. It’s remote any of us don’t get through it.
It’s likely one of us already HAS it, but with mild symptoms, so we do not know. But that also means we could be contagious.
Cancelling the KU Buckets meet and greet!
Crazy how this went from many people saying Ahhhh they are blowing this out of proportion to getting ready to go to a NATIONAL state of Emergency. - how this cases have just took off like a country side wild fire energized by 45 Mph winds >
My neighbor and I said before this even come close to this like 2 1/2 weks ago - -we said LOOK OUT and I told her at the time - -you watch we not even gonna have the tournament this year , SURE ENOUGH.
But you know what bottom line is as much as it sucks Life is more important , health is more important then ANY sporting advent. -Ya I am one of those in area of concern - -I certainly don’t want to see any of my friends sick/or worse - believe it or not there will always be other opportunities for the Championship , you only get one chance at life. - Yes true most will make it with out things like that BUT still just the thought/that remote chance. Why would we wanna throw 10 gallons of gasoline on an open fire
They just didn’t need to cancel it on my birthday for heavens sakes!!
@Kubie Happy Birthday, Kubie!
happy bday!
@Kubie that sucks, hopefully you got some TP for your birthday
Bernie would murder Trump in a debate after this. His address today was on the money.
@DanR did u hear Lawrence called school off til 29th?
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Bernie would murder Trump in a debate after this. His address today was on the money.
Oh buddy I needed that laugh thanks for that lmao - get ready for 4 more years of President Trump.Especially if it’s that Radical Sanders what an idiot lmao
@jayballer73 the important thing, in my opinion, for regular Fox viewers to consider is that the reasons behind the progressive agenda are valid.
We need to ensure the health of our citizens (see our current predicament).
Our citizens need enough wealth to be able to deal with unforseen circumstances without financial ruin (see our current predicament).
Our citizens need healthcare and time off from work that is adequate (see our current predicament).
The financial powers behind the Republican party and Fox news do not want any of these problems addressed. If you don’t agree with Bernie Sanders solutions that does not make these problems go away. But notice no mention of any real solutions to these problems coming from the right.
This is the boiling point.
Consider one man who wants to do something about it and another that wants to pretend the problem doesnt exist (see Trump saying that there are 15 cases and that number is going down 3 weeks ago when this problem could have been contained) and now is showing complete incompetence in handling the issue.
Give me the guy who actually gives a shit about this country and other people.
Bernie Sanders would murder Donald Trump in a debate.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 the important thing, in my opinion, for regular Fox viewers to consider is that the reasons behind the progressive agenda are valid.
We need to ensure the health of our citizens (see our current predicament).
Our citizens need enough wealth to be able to deal with unforseen circumstances without financial ruin (see our current predicament).
Our citizens need healthcare and time off from work that is adequate (see our current predicament).
The financial powers behind the Republican party and Fox news do not want any of these problems addressed. If you don’t agree with Bernie Sanders solutions that does not make these problems go away. But notice no mention of any real solutions to these problems coming from the right.
This is the boiling point.
Consider one man who wants to do something about it and another that wants to pretend the problem doesnt exist (see Trump saying that there are 15 cases and that number is going down 3 weeks ago when this problem could have been contained) and now is showing complete incompetence in handling the issue.
Give me the guy who actually gives a shit about this country and other people.
Bernie Sanders would murder Donald Trump.
Wellif you want as you say the Right man then I guess your not talking about Sanders - -so I guess you need to go and campaign for the right guy
@jayballer73 actually if you agree that the issues I listed are important right now, I am arguing that these are the exact issues Bernie Sanders has been talking about and focused on for 30 years. Nobody cares more about these issues than Bernie Sanders.
Give me Sanders in the White House and a democratic house and Senate. The House and Senate will be close to Center and a lot will get done.
To clarify, my point is Bernie would murder Trump in a debate right now. In the general, I don’t know. I wish people would realize that the issues raised by progressives are the real issues even if the solutions aren’t as practical as they would like.
We need to strive for the right goals right now.
@approxinfinity said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 actually if you agree that the issues I listed are important right now, I am arguing that these are the exact issues Bernie Sanders has been talking about and focused on for 30 years. Nobody cares more about these issues than Bernie Sanders.
Give me Sanders in the White House and a democratic house and Senate. The House and Senate will be close to Center and a lot will get done.
To clarify, my point is Bernie would murder Trump in a debate right now. In the general, I don’t know. I wish people would realize that the issues raised by progressives are the real issues even if the solutions aren’t as practical as they would like.
We need to strive for the right goals right now.
well if he has been on these for as you say for 30 years then just goes to show people’s faith/and trust in him still hasn’t won a election .Got murdered in his own state in this campaign - Sanders will never be the President to many do not have any trusting him. I am not ties to any affilation, i’m going to stop I’m not getting into Political Bs on our sports site your welcome and entitled to your values and idea’s - as am I an din no way would I ever support Bernie.
I appreciate you man we have talked I’ am more concerned with some other things right now worried about my own daughter and this virus. - You stay safe my friend
@jayballer73 all good. You stocked up to ride this one out a while?
Bernie is not a radical. He’s barely left in most of the world.
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Bernie is not a radical. He’s barely left in most of the world.
He’s pretty far left in Scandinavia, the UK, and Germany for sure. Not really anywhere do they consider a wealth tax, no out of pocket health expenses, and phasing out nuclear power good ideas. Germany did the nuclear power thing and killed thousands from additional air pollution. Scandinavia used to be more like what Bernie wanted but they realized fairly quickly it’s basically impossible to pay for and growth slows to a halt. So they decided to high levels of consumption taxation, killed the wealth tax with fire, and reduced taxation on capital to very competitive levels internationally. And now they’re competitive internationally because of that and a significant oil endowment. Bernie is more like the lefties in France where public spending as % of GDP is like 60% and the labor market is so tightly regulated no businesses hire because you can’t legally fire someone without a long, drawn out legal fight. They also have a great nuclear sector, which Bernie wants to end. He’s kind of Jeremy Corbyn in a lot of ways, minus the anti-semitism (though many of Bernie’s high profile surrogates are rabid anti-semites. He’s never been able to surround himself with good people.)