Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.
well got to do retraction guys/ Did some checking I was going from information that was called to me from other Topeka friends. - -No confirmed virus in Topeka. - -No confirmed virus. I went on line checked a little further. - -WIBW say the Shawnee Co health says that yes there are two that is self quarnteed for POSSIBLE - - - POSSIBLE virus these two contacted Shawnee Co saying they had traveled to areas where the CDC had issues alerts. At the time no Confirmed case in the Topeka area and these two are showing no sympthoms right now. - - WHEW that’s good , although still scary and to close, just wanted to holler back and apologize my friends wrong info I’m sorry. Again was going off what these other friends had said was coming out. It came from KSNT and they had to retract their statement. - -ROCK CHALK MY FRIENDS
Well Ivy league cancelled Post Season tourney men and women’s because of corona Virus. - -Authorities now saying non essential travel should not happen/taken. - - The hosts said the IVY League travel is not essential.
they said the NCAA tourney is the next Domino to fall. The CDC authorites saying now that the Corona Virus is now 10 times as deadly as the flue
They are talking on the local sports now and Jesse Newell and they re talking that NCAA and Schools talking like sure headed to games being played with empty arena’s - - No fans allowed. - - Only teams and media which will have to sit two rows behind teams.
Trending really hard to games being played in empty arena’s
@jayballer73 I think it would be interesting if they would allow 1,000 fans spread out throughout the stadium - kinda like a Missouri game. But the ticket prices would be outrageous. As opposed to completely empty stadiums, but that would not happen as you still have too many choke points putting all those people in the same places.
@jayballer73 the other 30% aren’t dead. The morality rate they are saying is now closer to 1% depending on the source. In your case buddy, I’d stay at home as much as you guys are able. Hopefully y’all have some family that can help bring you supplies when needed.
I’m in the same boat as you… except I’m 61 and my dad is 87 and stuck in a bed.
The media is just starting to figure out that the real line of defense is between everyone and the elderly and those with immune issues.
Now there is a run on black elderberry extract. Better get it while you can!
@kjayhawks said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
@jayballer73 the other 30% aren’t dead. The morality rate they are saying is now closer to 1% depending on the source. In your case buddy, I’d stay at home as much as you guys are able. Hopefully y’all have some family that can help bring you supplies when needed.
CDC just came out and said they are now finding that the Corona Virus is 10 times as deadly as the flu for sure staying put. With my pace maker and other issues, the wife With Severe COPD doctors saying her lungs about shot - low immune system umm ya we not going anywhere
@dylans said in Boy guys I really just don't know best to keep tabs:
@jayballer73 I think it would be interesting if they would allow 1,000 fans spread out throughout the stadium - kinda like a Missouri game. But the ticket prices would be outrageous. As opposed to completely empty stadiums, but that would not happen as you still have too many choke points putting all those people in the same places.
lol ,that’s about 500 to many for Missouri fans lmao
@jayballer73 Please excuse the edit. Moved to Politics and World Affairs category and made it clear that it’s the coronavirus thread since it’s become that.
@approxinfinity bully haha
Duke extended spring break a week and is going all virtual for the rest of the year. Wild times.
@kjayhawks said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@approxinfinity bully haha
Nah man you got me wrong
@approxinfinity all fiction no malice lol
Doing my part. Went on a 3-day Caribbean cruise last week (planned from last July. Took a chance and went. Probably wouldn’t this week). Flew home with some lady coughing behind me on the plane the entire time from Miami. Repacked my bags and drove half way across the country to self-quarantine in a beachfront house on the outer banks.
Ran my usual 5 miles (on the beach for a change) this morning after taking this shot of my pup from the deck. Pretty sure I’m OK.
It’s been rough, but I’m doing what I can to avoid crowds.
@DanR has it been 5.1 days since you got coughed on?
@DanR very nice my friend
@DanR oh good gosh!
NCAA has announced that its going forward with everything at this point. No plans for canceling or playing in empty venues at this time.
@kjayhawks said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
NCAA has announced that its going forward with everything at this point. No plans for canceling or playing in empty venues at this time.
Well that’s good to hear , wonder if it ends up that way in the end? - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
WOW, just crazy. – They were talking and saying what’s so hard is for them with this that MOST people might carry have such mild sympthoms they never realize that they even have it but yet are carries of the virus, & like has been said for the most part people will be fine BUT
The one’s that have those under lying health conditions kidney diaease , lungs , low immune system , diabiates - -heart - really need to be cautious talk steps. - - heard now 30 deaths and like at 1,000 infected - -crazy
@jayballer73 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
WOW, just crazy. – They were talking and saying what’s so hard is for them with this that MOST people might carry have such mild sympthoms they never realize that they even have it but yet are carries of the virus, & like has been said for the most part people will be fine BUT
The one’s that have those under lying health conditions kidney diaease , lungs , low immune system , diabiates - -heart - really need to be cautious talk steps. - - heard now 30 deaths and like at 1,000 infected - -crazy
That’s the scary part. I, as a younger person, may not exhibit symptoms, but could be carrying the virus and unknowingly infect someone that could become very sick or pass away from this illness. I’m trying to be as responsible as possible, but until we can test large amounts of people (tens of thousands per day in every state), there is no chance to truly contain this.
@justanotherfan said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
WOW, just crazy. – They were talking and saying what’s so hard is for them with this that MOST people might carry have such mild sympthoms they never realize that they even have it but yet are carries of the virus, & like has been said for the most part people will be fine BUT
The one’s that have those under lying health conditions kidney diaease , lungs , low immune system , diabiates - -heart - really need to be cautious talk steps. - - heard now 30 deaths and like at 1,000 infected - -crazy
That’s the scary part. I, as a younger person, may not exhibit symptoms, but could be carrying the virus and unknowingly infect someone that could become very sick or pass away from this illness. I’m trying to be as responsible as possible, but until we can test large amounts of people (tens of thousands per day in every state), there is no chance to truly contain this.
Let me just say as an older person with some under lying conditions just how much I truly appreciate you doing what you can to prevent further spreading. I fully understand no matter how had you try may not just be enough through no fault - -of your own - - I just want to say I appreciate you making the effort my friend – It’s gonna be ok buddy what ever happens to us older then it is what it is at least you MADE the effort what more can we ask for - CDC has already said it’s to late that this virus is past containment -people just have to take steps heed advice from the doctors and CDC.
Just remember this my friend - - ALWAYS ALWAYS Remember this - -at the end of the day - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY – CRIMSON & BLUE THROUGH AND THROUGH have a great day
2300 more cases in Italy in just one day.
Well the WHO ( World Health Orginazation) has now declared this as a Pandemic.
Plus this is really interesting to hear/read : - already causing some up-roar from Public: The White House has taken Un-Usual step: - - - -The White House has ordered Federal Health Officials to treat top Level Coronavirus meetings as Classified they have restricted info and hampered US Govt response.
Questions arising from this , how the how can the Govt restrict information about a public health crisis? - - -A former high level official that work for Bush in Health matters said It’s not normal to classify discussions about a response to a public health crisis. - -This tells me there is a lot more there then being told/ mor e serious - -think it is going to be worse before it gets better. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Just heard Ivy league cancelling tourney, true?
yep it’s true
Well turns out at the end of the day , the two cases that I told you we had in Topeka - -1st heard they were self quaranteed well today the CEO of ST Mt Vail said they now had 3 in-patients with the sympthoms of the virus such as respitory and such 2 from Topeka and one from Emporia.
They got one test back and came back negative - - still waiting on the other tow results to come back
Golden State warriors going to play home games with no spectors - - - - Seattle Marines moving home games until the end of the month. - all from restrictions by gov to restrict to 1,000 fans or less
NCAA tournament will be played without fans
This is very well written with great charts and graphs.
@DanR I do think u should check in, just so, u know.
️ Check your chat
I’m going 100% remote at work starting today. Social distancing is the only sure answer.
@Crimsonorblue22 said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@DanR I do think u should check in, just so, u know.
️ Check your chat
All good! Thanks for the info via the chat feature
Just saw that Tom Hanks tested positive.
KU students have been told no classes until the 23rd of March - -no in person class on Campus
Rudy Gobert tested positive. NBA season Suspended.
This is a good sign
This is very, very bad.
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
Gov. Cooper declared a state of emergency today, and UNC is likely going all-online next week after spring break. Gonna get weird.
Gov Of Kansas City declared a State of Emergency
Yeah, it’s highly contagious. We shouldn’t be surprised, but there will always be those who dismiss.
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
I can’t even…
Not remotely shocked. There’s a culture in the WH where aides keep the worst from Trump because he would freak out and not make any decision.
First fatality in Kansas, along with a state of emergency from Gov. Kelly.
@BShark nothing decent I can say!
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
I can’t even…
At the time, he boasted about this.
I wish I could say his ignorance and bravado is his most dangerous trait, but that might be disrespectful to many other.
Would it really surprise anyone if Trump pulled something like that?
@FarmerJayhawk said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
First fatality in Kansas, along with a state of emergency from Gov. Kelly.
Ahhh man - -not good sorry to see this, same county My daughter lives in.
@jayballer73 BUNKER TIME
@BShark said in Coronavirus Thread: Boy, guys. I really just don't know. Best to keep tabs.:
@jayballer73 BUNKER TIME
looking like it