The democratic nominee
I’m from Bernie’s home state and I’m not much of a fan of him. That’s pretty much all.
I’m from Bernie’s home state and I’m not much of a fan of him. I think he’s lost popularity here the past few years. Before his voice had some pop but since the 16 run and the scandal with his wife… not so much
@BeddieKU23 said in The democratic nominee:
I’m from Bernie’s home state and I’m not much of a fan of him. I think he’s lost popularity here the past few years. Before his voice had some pop but since the 16 run and the scandal with his wife… not so much
It’s an interesting phenomenon that a lot of pols aren’t as popular at home as they are nationally (or at least as well liked). I guess we see lots of warts that the rest of the country doesn’t (e.g. Bernie being very anti-immigrant back in the day)
10 years ago it was different and I’m only speaking personally but when I was a bit younger he had my attention. Now I just dont see myself believing what he is putting down.
Bernie did well at tonight’s townhall. Buttigieg next.
Pete has resting elf face. I wonder if 4 years of scowling as the president will turn it into resting Mr Bean face.
@approxinfinity hey now
He’s doing well.
So it begins. Bernie has never really been vetted in a serious way. That ends now.
I worked at the Burlington (Vt) Free Press 89-91 when Sanders was mayor and he won his first term in congress. It was stunning to see the staunch conservatives in the “northeast kingdom” back him because he was so far left he started to appeal to libertarians.
He calls himself a “democratic socialist” today, but he was unapologetically a socialist back when he was mayor. He and several on his staff took winter trips to Cuba. I don’t think his philosophy has changed… but he has honed his messaging very well.
@FarmerJayhawk GROSS
BIDEN 2020
This is a demolition. Biden might hit 40%
@approxinfinity said in The democratic nominee:
@FarmerJayhawk said in The democratic nominee:
BIDEN 2020
You think so?
I’m voting for him Tuesday! But I think the most likely outcomes are still Bernie gets a majority, contested convention (in which case anything can happen depending on delegate counts), then Biden majority.
Did Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson recently get bad spray on tans to make Donald Trump’s not seem so bad?
Amy and Pete out. She’s endorsing Biden tonight, Pete will likely follow. The anti-Bernie forces are consolidating. Only Biden and Bernie have a shot at 1991. Bloomberg is just kind of there. I think he goes 0-fer tomorrow as far as state wins. He may pick up a few delegates but probably not enough to change anything. Just have to march to Milwaukee within striking distance. If nobody is within a few hundred, things are going to get weird.
Joe is the best. Outspent 7:1 by Bernie and still works him
@FarmerJayhawk holy smokes.
Did you y’all see the video of Joe saying he was dropping out and then endorsing himself. The Ron Burgundy of politics, what an idiot.
@kjayhawks said in The democratic nominee:
Did you y’all see the video of Joe saying he was dropping out and then endorsing himself. The Ron Burgundy of politics, what an idiot.
I think that was a joke site
@approxinfinity I pay little attention lol but they did amazing job of editing it, he’s still a nut case either way.
Liz Warren is out. Fun fact: Tulsi Gabbard is now the only woman of color in the race.
It’s Biden.
Still don’t understand why people dismiss this guy as “crazy Bernie” seems like he’s pretty focused on helping working class folks. Doesn’t really matter to him if they are R or D or if they vote or not.
@benshawks08 said in The democratic nominee:
Still don’t understand why people dismiss this guy as “crazy Bernie” seems like he’s pretty focused on helping working class folks. Doesn’t really matter to him if they are R or D or if they vote or not.
Because he wants to spend 60% of every dollar earned in America on government. $60 trillion over the next 10 years is A LOT of money and he’s railing on 1.7% of that in tax cuts.
To his point, there’s definitely moral hazard in paying more for folks to not work than work. If UI is larger than wages, employers have every incentive to lay people off and move on with their lives. There won’t be the big recovery we’re all counting on at the end.
@FarmerJayhawk The goal is to get people to stay home and provide much needed financial assistance in a crisis. Who needs that more, people with money and jobs? Or people without money and jobs?
Pretty sure everyone is going to want to go back to work after this shelter in place, social distancing is over. I’m admittedly a homebody and I’m already stir crazy! Maybe if I spent less time fighting on the internet…
@BShark the Democrats haven’t help themselves either with the passing of the stimulus that gives congress a 46k a year raise. National emergency, people are dying! We need to make more money… what a joke both parties are at this point.
@kjayhawks said in The democratic nominee:
@BShark the Democrats haven’t help themselves either with the passing of the stimulus that gives congress a 46k a year raise. National emergency, people are dying! We need to make more money… what a joke both parties are at this point.
Members didn’t get a raise. It was money for (very underpaid) staff to get additional resources to be able to work remotely while maintaining security.
@FarmerJayhawk that could be true but I don’t trust it
@kjayhawks When you don’t trust anything in the news, consider yourself a trophy for the far right, which started campaigning against the news media as a political strategy in the 80s and 90s. In 2016, a few traditional conservatives (fiscal restraint, strict ethical rules, less dependence on govt, etc) lamenting the rise of Trump wrote about their regret that they had convinced a huge segment of the country not to believe what the media told them because they realized the media was needed to correct the idiocies being bandied about.
@mayjay If they weren’t wrong all the time, I’d be more likely to believe. The media runs with what they can sell watch Richard Jewel or read the book. Watch ESPN 30 for 30 fantastic lies. The Walter Cronkite’s of the world are gone. I don’t care which outlet you like, they twist stuff, add and take out words in speeches to fit their narrative. I do t know how many times I’ve seen guys quoted and then watched the interview and it’s been twisted. Call me crazy I don’t not trust media or the government. CBS just got in trouble for showing old footage of an Italian hospital claiming it was New York. Whatever actor it was in Chicago that claimed to be a target of racial abuse, that media ran with as hard as they could with no factual evidence. Trust is earned, neither have earned any from me in the past decade or so.
@kjayhawks said in The democratic nominee:
If they weren’t wrong all the time
You need to read more. Most importantly, don’t let the sensationalist cases color the entire picture. There are thousands of reliable news stories every day. Mistakes happen, but usually get corrected.
Blatant falsehoods and malpractice happen in medicine, too, but I don’t enter every medical office telling them I expect them to lie.
I am not saying that everything has to be accepted as gospel truth, just that you need some discretion and the ability to check things out if something seems fishy. I am on a cruise forum and am constantly trying to correct the crap people post from Facebook (you know, had dinner with someone whose uncle is Chinese with a master’s degree, and he gave us all this great info about the coronavirus…).
@mayjay the trouble for me isn’t necessarily mistakes but rather running a story with little to no facts, no witnesses and one non trustworthy source. Then there are other stories that should be huge that hardly get mentioned a lala Michigan State rape ordeal, school shootings not involving assault type weapons.
@kjayhawks part of the problem there is actually the decline in news coverage. With less reporters working stories, there’s less coverage.
@approxinfinity that make sense as to why we don’t hear as much but it does make me question on some of the stuff we do hear. We can argue all day no one is going to make me trust them at this point. It will take years of actuate coverage and no bias to do that.
I’d give up guys.
@FarmerJayhawk seemed like a formality. Can Trump Lite beat Trump?
Now, will he be stupid and pick someone like Harris, from Calif, or Duckworth from Illinois, both of which are solidly blue? Or safe, and pick someone like Kobluchar who is from usually safe Minn? Or be clever, and pick the governor of Michigan, a usually blue state the Dems lost in 2016?
Ignoring all factors here except the Electoral College.
@BShark said in The democratic nominee:
@FarmerJayhawk seemed like a formality. Can Trump Lite beat Trump?
Biden as Trump lite is a new one. But I get your point that everyone to the right of Castro is moderate.
And yes, Biden needs about 100,000 more black voters in PA, MI, and WI to get the win. 250,000 to be very safe. All numbers Obama got in 12.
It’s America. The white guy with a groping problem prevailed over the Asian, the Woman, and the Jew. Shocks you to see it.
@BShark said in The democratic nominee:
It’s America. The white guy with a groping problem prevailed over the Asian, the Woman, and the Jew. Shocks you to see it.
Based on overwhelming popularity among checks notes black people.
@FarmerJayhawk I think it’s foolish to just assume that non white people will vote for Biden. I sure hope more people vote tho.