Will KU Win Out To At Least Share The Title?
I heard stokes left in a boot, but I didn’t see him get hurt. I think if it was hurting the tiniest bit, they boot it. Sounds like wade shouldn’t even have been playing.
I just assumed him being in a boot would lead to a doubtful designation but I guess we will see if that’s premature
I guess in the game Saturday. They have been vague about his injury or severity
I saw where Wade is a game time decision tonight. I think that is probably a smoke screen. There is no reason for him to play tonight. I am actually surprised he even traveled with the team.
@BeddieKU23 I haven’t seen anything mentioned on Stokes. I assume he is a go tonight. It is also sounding more and more likely that Cartier will be back sooner than later.
@Woodrow they haven’t even said how he broke his finger??
I also heard earlier, wade wasn’t traveling to wv w/them. Who knows.
@Crimsonorblue22 I don’t think they want too. Sounds like he did it doing something he shouldn’t of been doing. Heard a radio interview this morning with a KSU guy who said he has heard a ton of different stories, but didn’t feel comfortable putting anything out there. Sounds like it has been pretty tight lipped about the situation.
Who knows…
I heard Cartier will have to have surgery on the broken finger, or perhaps has already had the surgery. If true, that doesn’t sound like he’ll be back anytime soon.
Interesting so diarrhea supposedly broke his finger doing something he shouldn’t have, last time something like this happened that they hushed about Wainwright was involved in a drive by shooting
Alright, who is on the “we are now in the middle of the ksuck epic fail” bandwagon with me? You heard it here first. Tonight is #2 in their losing streak. And it ain’t over yet!
@bcjayhawk he had surgery, Bruce thinks he’ll be back in a few weeks or conference tourney
Well Wade is starting
@Woodrow not sure that’s the smartest thing!
I thought I could watch this kstate wvu game, but I’m bored to death. I’ll check the score later
@DanR KSU ahead by 2 at half, 30-28. Wade has 8 pts.
@tundrahok blowout.
Go hugs!
Spoke to soon!
@Crimsonorblue22 They had to play Wade - the only way they could beat a powerhouse like WV at home…
Stokes turf toe doesn’t seem to bad either.
Am I just being optimistic about our next game with K-Suck? I honestly feel like we’re going to beat them by 25.
@nuleafjhawk maybe a tad hi?
step on the turf toe, sprain an ankle and then maybe? They do seem to heal quickly
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@nuleafjhawk maybe a tad hi?
step on the turf toe, sprain an ankle and then maybe? They do seem to heal quickly
The KSU Animal Husbandry and Veterinary departments do amazing research.
I just want to beat them, could care less about the score. I’d be shocked if its a blowout, they only lost by a possession the last 2 years in AFH with this same team. I worried we will have trouble with them especially if Garrett is still out.
nuleafjhawk said:
Am I just being optimistic about our next game with K-Suck? I honestly feel like we’re going to beat them by 25.
Well - - - – -maybe just a little lol. - - I will agree - - I think we win the game yet I’m looking as possibly more like 8-10 -BUT hey IF it did turn out that way ( 25 ) - -then Hell ya -I actually am beginning to think I have even a stronger dis-like for them then ever before. - Something about them just eats at my A- - . - They play such ugly ball. - Their entire offense is very hard to watch - it basically boils down to pass - - -pass – -pass — - -pass - – pass – - run the shot clock down and then basically Brown trying to break it down and just play one on one ball jack up some shot and hope it goes in - -more often then not. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@nuleafjhawk not everybody gets you!
@Crimsonorblue22 As long as YOU do, that’s all that matters
@mayjay You know, there used to be a sign posted on I-70 (true story) outside of Mancrappan - said something like " National Livestock Judging Champions (I forget the years 1991-1993?)" I think they took them down because people were laughing uncontrollably and swerving off in the ditches.
BUT - them boys DO know their cows.
@nuleafjhawk “BUT - them boys DO know their cows.”
Wallowing in bullcrap so much, they learn to tell individual bovine identifiers.
@nuleafjhawk True story…we are driving back from Colorado and we took the southern rout back to KC so we could stop to pick up our beef (Huck beef, best in the state!). We are outside Dodge City and we see a sign that says, “Scenic Overlook” 1 mile. I say to my wife, hmmm wonder what that could be? Maybe a flint hills type vista. We pull over a big hill into the scenic overlook and all you can see for miles and miles…is cows. Had to be one of the biggest feed lots on the planet. We just laughed our butts off. So Kansas!
There goes ISU, folding for KU.
@Fightsongwriter When you drive by a feedlot, someone always says…“that’s the smell of money”.
@KUSTEVE yes! Her beloved Uncle Vernon always said when detecting the funky waft in the air: Smells like money!
@KUSTEVE @Fightsongwriter that smell is why I could never live in Dodge City lmao, it’s not a terrible town but that smell never leaves. It’s hard to explain to folks how different it is once you get west of Junction City(dump). It goes from trees, hills and cities to wheat and cows. Lots of wheat and cows lol. But it’s nice and quiet here with the wheat and cows.
The area around Liberal is full of feed lots. i don’t miss it a bit.
@kjayhawks the upside…there is wheat and cows!!
You know , before this game between Baylor and Iowa State last night - -here again I was wondering Maybe - - -Maybe - -just my gut feeling again.
Now here I sit today listening to the local sports talk program and they bagging on Iowa State and the Hilton magic - -Guys – Baylor is NOT that bad a team. - -If Baylor was truly that bad I wouldn’t of given this any kind of thought. -Iowa State is NOT that bad of team - so for Baylor to go in there and do what they did as short handed as they are - pretty good accomplishment.
Now I here these broadcasters throwing shade at Iowa State for losing - Baylor is pretty decent - -they will beat you to death on the boards - which played a big part last night - -they do this Without McClure - - Tristan Clark - -have been without Mason for a bit - and had two others
What I’m getting at here - - - -Here is these K-State people beating their stuff talking their smack - -saying well they losing at Hilton - -So my gut is telling me - - don’t strut to hard - - My gut is also suggesting – that Baylor could very easily go into Bramlege and beat K-State just like they did to Iowa State - last night. - very easily - - and my gut was wrong last night - and it’s saying look out - -could very easily happen. - -There is no way anyone is going to tell me that K-State is more talented then Iowa State - all I’m saying is – do not be surprised that this Baylor team COULD go into Manhattan and repeat what happened last night - -we shall se - -it’s my gut - -been doing pretty good with this for a while now. - - WATCH - - ROCK CHALKALL DAY LONGBABY
@jayballer73 What i’ve been saying since i was five years old is K-State never has a dominant team. Every win they’ve had in the last 55 years is a fluke. Bad calls, injuries, moon phases, lucky rabbit’s foot, whatever you want to call it - K-State has never beaten anyone. EVER. The other team beats themselves and the Purple Pu**ies beat their chest and say WE OWN THIS STATE. They make me want to puke.
I wanted #14 , but I want #15 Sooooooooooo much more because of who is “contending” for the title. Bah.
@jayballer73 And I was thinking as I was watching Baylor pound the boards…geez, they could come into AFH and beat us if we do not bring it that day.
Hawk8086 said:
@jayballer73 And I was thinking as I was watching Baylor pound the boards…geez, they could come into AFH and beat us if we do not bring it that day.
Your Absolutely right. – they very well could. - -With the type of team that we have this year - - we best be ready to bring it EVERY time out – 100 focused. This is not a team that can afford any types of slack , all you have to do is look at the results from the games this year.
How many easy games we have had this year ? - -Then how many games have we had to sweat the last few minutes out? - We just don’t have that type of team this year. - -So yes we better have the jocks cinched up and ready to ROCK - - & ROLL - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 the local sports talk guys are probably KSU goons. So they have to bash ISU to make themselves feel better about Saturdays L they took.
@nuleafjhawk That’s the perfect response to KSU lol. Mainly because they never lose on their own accord, the refs or someone screws them everytime. When KU beats KSU in football or basketball I always post on Facebook how we’ve never won without them playing the blame game and it’s a 100% true.
kjayhawks said:
@jayballer73 the local sports talk guys are probably KSU goons. So they have to bash ISU to make themselves feel better about Saturdays L they took.
you know - -they are here in Topeka - - really not sure - - but I am getting a pretty strong feel that ONE is - cause every time I turn around he is all up in their ass - I mean we all talk about KK but this guy he just LAYS it on sooooo thick - - -I think your right/ = - -ROCKCHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@kjayhawks @kusteve It’s not the feedyard that smell horrible (they do stink) it’s the processing plants (slaughter houses) thag stink up Dodge, Liberal, and Garden Cities. Liberal has the added bonus of allowing hog confinement in the county. Yum yum.
That’s not where you want to be in western ks. The small towns are much nicer ironically -no slaughter houses. No homeless people problem. No exhaust smell, so it kinda freaks out city folks. The darkness of the country side sent my old roommate from Philly into a panic too. Fairly pristine, a guy can find himself. Peaceful, relaxing and the best steak in the US. You can openly mock grown men wearing skinny jeans as an added bonus.
But forget I said that. It’s boring. What if you don’t like the person you find with all that time on your hands? Smells horrible. Nothing to do or eat. Nothing to see or do. Please stay in your city. Lol we don’t want more people clogging up the countryside.
@dylans No offense intended. The best people on earth live in Kansas.
@KUSTEVE none taken. Just having fun. Lol. It’s just fun to describe it as nice then spin it the other way with a firm stfo message.
@KUSteve. Liberal is the armpit of Kansas. My summer helpers usually call it “little Mexico”. The taxes are though the roof now too. I’m sorry you found yourself there. Too bad you weren’t 30 miles north.
dylans said:
@kjayhawks @kusteve It’s not the feedyard that smell horrible (they do stink) it’s the processing plants (slaughter houses) thag stink up Dodge, Liberal, and Garden Cities. Liberal has the added bonus of allowing hog confinement in the county. Yum yum.
That’s not where you want to be in western ks. The small towns are much nicer ironically -no slaughter houses. No homeless people problem. No exhaust smell, so it kinda freaks out city folks. The darkness of the country side sent my old roommate from Philly into a panic too. Fairly pristine, a guy can find himself. Peaceful, relaxing and the best steak in the US. You can openly mock grown men wearing skinny jeans as an added bonus.
But forget I said that. It’s boring. What if you don’t like the person you find with all that time on your hands? Smells horrible. Nothing to do or eat. Nothing to see or do. Please stay in your city. Lol we don’t want more people clogging up the countryside.
use to work right next to a slaughter house in Wichita - -was working at the time for Sutherland Lumber - -smelt REALLY BAD - when they were boiling the excess blood out of cow hides - -mercy Stunk beyond belief when they done that
@jayballer73 Definitely doesn’t smell like money.
Has anyone heard an update on Garrett? I really hope he’s available to come off the bench Saturday to defend Culver or whomever else may be scoring for Tech.