Other Games Tonight

  • Offensive boards

  • KSU lucky they played them w/out mason

  • That was a great game to watch. Back and forth in the second half. Both teams making big shots and Baylor never got rattled or backed down. Big time win for Drew and Baylor.

  • @jayballer73 agreed, no gimmes, but that doesn’t really bother me. Would you rather play them at home than in Waco…? Like the announcers said, they win tonight and they are all but guaranteed entry into the dance. That’s big! As a player,if you can’t get up for that you don’t deserve to be on the court. I. haven’t watched a ton of BU ball this year, but they played like it was do-or die. Baylor likely parlays this into a nice little run, but do they have enough gas in the tank to upset KU in Lawrence, on “senior night” nonetheless?”

  • @user_RCJH we played well and contained a healthy mason, til we put in 2nd stringers and they didn’t.

  • Woodrow said:

    That was a great game to watch. Back and forth in the second half. Both teams making big shots and Baylor never got rattled or backed down. Big time win for Drew and Baylor.

    Thing is , Baylor lead almost the entire game - - - Iowa St make a run - - Baylor come right back - -Huge win for Baylor

  • As much shit as we give Drew, he does more with less than anyone else in this conference year in and year out.

  • Wow. This was huge. I was thinking there was a decent chance that ISU ran the table and ended with 4 losses.

  • @Hawk8086 They can’t win a damn home game. Hilton Magic hasn’t even existed a little bit this season.

  • The mayor was even there.😍

  • @Crimsonorblue22 they probably threw the game to get Prohm fired and hire him back lol.

  • Phil Knights all star showcase is tonight on ESPN presented by NIKE. I wont be watching.

  • As much crap as is given Shaka on here, his team has a better conference record than Jamie Dixon’s, Lon Kruger’s and Bob Huggins’.

  • I don’t know but this crap is really about making me sick - - -Duke + UNC + ACC + ESPN = == ass kissers - - ESPN has their nose so far up ACC butt’s it about makes me literally sick to my stomach.

    Sitting here browsing sites and have the TV on trying to listen to a little of Louisville/Syracuse game and all I hear is - - oh DUKE/UNC - oh these people paying from 3,000 to 10,000 a ticket - - oh how this simply has to be the BEST College game of the Season - -how all the little Pukes are out ready to run in - -how it’s T minus exactly 1 Hour - -3 minutes and blah - - blah - -blah - - blah - -How Zion can Dunk - - How White can Run - -Now promoting the all mighty ACC channel - -Good GOD does anyone else play Basketball OTHER then the ACC? - -hell I don’t even have this much HATE for Kentucky as I do for DUKE - - -UNC bone nose and all the other things with these idiots - -that’s all I hear - -and we see how ACC controls the NC - -NC - gets to have fake class s and gets nothing – Duke gets to give players and families houses - and play players bo-coo money and won’t hear squat - -this crap is coming to a head - makes it where you can’t even watch a game cause even when it’s not them - -that’s all they talk about - -I Call B Shit on this - - n ow if you wanted to watch a TRUE CLASSIC which drew very big ratings would of been would of been KU/Okla - with Buddy H. - -Or KU/UK games - but we hear this much hype for those games – I would challenge anyone on that - -I Call BULL Shit - on this ACC bullcrap. makes me sick. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer73 So, let me understand, you don’t like the Acc thing??? I’m a bit unclear on your feelings. Help me … what’s a “bone nose”? Any way, you’re rolling …

  • HighEliteMajor said:

    @jayballer73 So, let me understand, you don’t like the Acc thing??? I’m a bit unclear on your feelings. Help me … what’s a “bone nose”? Any way, you’re rolling …

    lol - umm your right. - -I have just the most tinsy un pleasant like for the ACC - -but even more show for their personal but kissers ESPN - -but it’s not really that much. - Let’s try to score this shall we? - -On a scale from 1-100 - -I would probably have to score it at 5,000 - but it’s just a little lol. - Oh and here we go they talkers starting - -question is Can I really watch this? - -which one is the more dis liked? - -dam that’s a million dollar question. - If you need anymore help Holler -I will try to make it a little more clear lol - -BONE Nose - -oh that’s no one other then the Great Coach K - -what a Peach. - - Have a great night. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=26041875

    Should’ve came here Adidas shoes hold up to Doke lol

  • kjayhawks said:


    Should’ve came here Adidas shoes hold up to Doke lol

    sure didn’t look like Zion was to hurt to me - - walked off pretty normal looking -but sometimes those kinds of injuries can be really deceptive looking. - -The ones that sometimes look like nothing - -is sometimes urn out to be the worst. - -I don’t think it’s much though. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Mercy I can’t believe Coach K wants his Duke players jacking up 3’s like that. - -Really ugly looking shots - - NC getting a lot of easy buckets underneath. - -NC jacking up some ugly 3’s too. - - Both teams look really sped up – really ugly game right now - -love it lmao - -Hmmm - -Zion not coming back at all tonight - -WOW - -maybe the injury is worse then I thought- -sure didn’t look like much. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer73 The check is already in the bank. No reason to risk the jewels…lol.

  • KUSTEVE said:

    @jayballer73 The check is already in the bank. No reason to risk the jewels…lol.

    lol. - -ya know I dunno - not trying to say BUT kind of makes a guy wonder just a bit - - -after they said Zion wouldn’t be returning - then a little bit later saying Mon & Dad back in the locker room with Zion -hmmm ya think that there might be more to it on the injury? – maybe a little worse? - just pure speculation - -he was grabbing the back of his leg I duno just curiousity.

    Duke looks ugly shooting the 3’s for sure - -2-18 - -hell Carolina not shooting much better. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Side note Guys - - it’s really been amazing injuries of players this year - - -Michigan State - - Langford and can’t think of the other player just went down. – -Ku - -Udoka and then not having Silvio - - - Wade from K-State for some time - -TCU -fisher for the year - - All Of Baylor’s injuries - - Garett out for some time – and a lot of these KEY players - -crazy - -lots more I’m sure - just one’s right off the top of my head

  • @kjayhawks Wow, that’s dare I say, hilarious! The bane of college basketball Nike and their #1 college player and the shoe fell apart! I really have no ill will towards Zion. Not his fault ESPN likes to fawn over him. But, wow, Nike must be having an urgent staff meeting right now!

  • This like the 3rd game he supposedly is “hurt”, he’s not a team player and that’s what will prevent them from title. They are one of the most talented teams I’ve ever seen in college.

  • kjayhawks said:

    This like the 3rd game he supposedly is “hurt”, he’s not a team player and that’s what will prevent them from title. They are one of the most talented teams I’ve ever seen in college.

    They looked very average without him tonight on their home floor - -as high as 22 points behind - -not sure what the rebounds ended up --North Carolina ends up with like 64 point in the paint out of what 88 - - - SIXTY FOUR ! ! ! ! - - No rim protection what so ever - -will be interesting to see - if injury is worse then what it looked. - - -they shot like 8- 30 - -somewhere in there on 3’s - - - -twenty plus turnovers, that is not going to win you very many games. - - ROCK CHALK AL DAY LONG BABY

  • Mercy - -what the hell. – What a way to lose a game. - - Georgia - -Mississippi State 67-67 - - Game at Georgia - -Mississippi State player at free throw line with .5 to go in regulation - - -shoots and misses - -BUT some idiot fan throws a toy out on the court towards the player. - -Referees call a Technical and he makes it - -what the hell - -idiot. - It looked like to me that it may not have been thrown till after he shot the free throw but not sure - -BUT they called it - -crazy. - - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • @jayballer73 We looked very average after losing Doke too. Adjustments have to be made. Hard to expect a team not to look different after losing a player of Zion’s caliber midgame.

  • 0_1550731026546_20190221_003635.jpg

  • Jaybate is missing his shinning moment here.

  • kjayhawks said:

    This like the 3rd game he supposedly is “hurt”, he’s not a team player and that’s what will prevent them from title. They are one of the most talented teams I’ve ever seen in college.

    I disagree with this so much. Zion plays his ass off. I wish we had a OAD play as hard as he doez

  • @Kcmatt7

    Felt the same when I saw this. Zion is a team player and very few in America have a motor like his. He competes

  • @Kcmatt7 Well I guess maybe that was overboard with me not really watching them. It’s just odd that every time he gets bumped. he’s hurt and can’t play but is back the next game like he is fine from what I have seen. I guess he could be protecting the goods, so does he do that in the NCAA tournament? Josh Jackson played hard here and I have no complaints about him.

  • @kjayhawks I think it is more the staff holding Zion out, knowing that losing one game is worth having him the remainder of the season and would rather make sure he is healthy than risk a more serious injury with him.

  • Poor Coach K couldn’t pull off a win with ONLY 3 top 10 players…

  • Couldn’t even keep it close. Poor guy.

  • @BShark see coach k go thru handshake line? He’s such a poor sport. But yet he can call out other kids, Oregon player, Dillion brooks.

  • @Crimsonorblue22 douche nozzles gonna douche.

  • Read an article from some so called College experts this morning. Asking what’s next for Zion and Duke?

    The question was asked if this turns into a multi week problem if he should shut it down? - -Have to say like there was like 5 asked the question and like 3-5 said he SHOULD shut it down , however saying not knowing if he would or not - some say because of his competing nature not sure if he will because of how hard he plays - and for his team mates. - -They even brought up Jo Jo’s injury when at KU of his back surgery.

    They were also asked if they thought Duke could win the National title without Zion to which they replied - -NO. - they said it is a mild knee sprain , even with a mild knee sprain I would think he could be out for a couple of weeks right? - Like they said Zion has to consider the risk of re-aggravating the injury. - - Going to be interesting to see just what happens. = - - - I think he comes back and finishes the season if it doesn’t linger a long time - - -we shall see. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY

  • Crimsonorblue22 said:

    @BShark see coach k go thru handshake line? He such a poor sport. But yet he can call out other kids, Oregon player, Dillion brooks.

    The biggest hypocrite in the sport.

  • Worse Than Advertised:

    • DOOK - Anything less than a 50 point win each game has to be a disappointment to the “better than sliced bread” Dookiephiles. I thought ESPN was going to break down and cry the other night. I hope they pull a Virginia in the first round this year. They are bound to disappoint the “my little ponies” riding the magical Dookie-land fairy train. I work with a Dook fan… in a word…INSUFFERABLE.

    • UNC - Hey, I’m very glad they punked Dook. That said, I can’t get that 17 point pasting by Michigan out of my head. Or that 21 point drubbing to Louisville. Not saying they aren’t a good team, but this isn’t 1 seed, or even 2 seed quality in my books. Bill looks at playing Roy like a dog looks at a bone. Please put us in their bracket…thank you, may I have another?

    • VIRGINIA - Notice a theme here? Good college team …pack line madness stall ball with pasty gangtas ( Mr. Former Man Bun and Company ) making 3 pointers. You’d think the UMBC tattoo would motivate them this year to maybe make it to the round of 32…heck, maybe even make a rare Sweet 16. I wouldn’t bet on it, though. It’s not like the drunken crooner ( Tony Bennett ) is likely to lead them much further than that considering 1 E8 appearance in his coaching career.


    MICHIGAN - They are the best in the country, period. In my humble opinion. Coming off a National runners up finish, they forge out to a 24-3 record, and those bozos making mock brackets only give them a 2 seed. Say what? If you want to have a tournament with Michigan, Dook, UNC, and Virginia, my money would be on Michigan sweeping them. They play defense on another level, and they have some really great players, from Simpson, Poole, Matthews and Peske. Add in Bradzooeruski, and you have a dynamite combo of experience and talent. They are why I am hoping we aren’t in the Midwest bracket…send us west!

    KU- We’ve been written off and left for dead. A 3 seed? Are you serious? Their lack of respect is going to motivate our guys, and I think our team is going to get better and better and better. I could see this team peaking by tournament time, and if that’s the case, then watch out.

  • Hearing LSU basketball fans boo would be like me booing at a cricket match. I wouldn’t know why to boo but I’d just boo because everyone else is. LSU has a great team, but when they lost to Florida this week, they started dumping their tickets on Stubhub. They went from almost 80$ down to 20$. They’re too indifferent to basketball to know that a team that goes into Kentucky and wins is worth supporting. I benefitted a lot of their football only mindset by moving down to the courtside seats that were unoccupied for an unreal view of players like Ben Simmons. I appeared on TV many times at those seats, always wearing my KU hat of course, and even made sportscenter top 10 once.

  • @KUSTEVE UNC is one of those teams that I don’t mind that much. Part of that is the Roy connection and also the Dean Smith connection. That being said, it’s also fun to see them go down when they’re one of the top dogs unless it’s against Duke or Syracuse.

  • @KUSTEVE I think you spelled that wrong…it is dookie-piles.

  • Pretty good game between Tennessee and LSU. - -LSU won in overtime - -two free throws with .6 left in overtime. - -Even at that Scolfield -or Williams hell not sure but either way still gave it a hell of a chance to go in – long pas catch and straight up was close to going in

  • Kentucky is pretty damn good. Might end up with a 1 seed.

  • Dam guys. No Napier - -No Harris - - -No Konate - - No Bolden - - -No Ahmad - -and yet West Virginia up on Baylor at the Half at Baylor 40-37 at the half. - -ya the same Baylor that went in to Hilton controlled Iowa State for most the game - - Crazy

    Then we have Iowa State playing at TCU and down 8 at the half to TCU - -they have went right in the toilet

  • Woodrow said:

    Kentucky is pretty damn good. Might end up with a 1 seed.

    I’d think it’s theirs to lose now. UT seems to be fading late. Really, UT only has one good win and should probably be a 3 seed. Jmo

  • TCU holds on

  • Texas with a bad loss to OU, TCU pulls it off and very tight late in Waco. B12 is a very competitive conference and probably the best to watch.

  • Lol Oklahoma St is down 15-0 in the first 6 minutes against Kst. KU has to win tonight and Monday

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