Silvio Done
@BeddieKU23 It was definitely more than just “No comment” though in my opinion.
BeddieKU23 said:
JayHawkFanToo said:
I caught the last part of the interview. Coach Self does not seem too worried or at least does not sound like he is.
It’s just PR 101. He’s not going to talk to the media and paint KU or himself in a negative light. It would be an extremely bad look to do so
Yes I fully understand that.
However, even Soren mentioned how well and smooth he handled the interview.
Hard to explain but you can always catch glimpses or key words when someone is worried or hiding something. Coach Self sounded pretty relaxed, open and very positive.
Gary Bedore Verified account @GaryBedore
He said Silvio would not have started as Dedric Lawson and Udoka Azubuike have separated themselves a bit but, where he would plug in Silvio, he said he can plug in McCormack and play KJ Lawson at 4.
Self was pretty upfront with how this is really effecting recruiting. We all assumed that, but thought it was noteworthy he said that.
“Done” lol ok. If you’re going to go there might as well say the FF banner is coming down too.
FarmerJayhawk said:
“Done” lol ok. If you’re going to go there might as well say the FF banner is coming down too.
You don’t think it’s possible that he doesn’t play for KU this year and the banner stays up? I think it’s possible.
Unless the NCAA has a lot more evidence than the FBI it is not happening.
If they go full Cliff and he doesn’t cooperate, I could totally see a scenario where both happens. As in he doesn’t play AND the banner stays up.
I just have no idea what the NCAA’s power/demands are. Can they ask for bank statements? Is Fenny stupid enough to deposit dirty money?
Self is usually pretty good with these types of things. I think he was well prepared, as he should be at this point in his career.
Self gets to coach, the team gets to play, but Silvio gets to sit. SMH
BShark said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
“Done” lol ok. If you’re going to go there might as well say the FF banner is coming down too.
You don’t think it’s possible that he doesn’t play for KU this year and the banner stays up? I think it’s possible.
Possible, though remote. To be clear, the thread title is getting way out over your skis.
@Kcmatt7 They can ask anyone, and they can sanction players, coaches and schools that don’t provide them. They have no formal subpoena power, but as with Cliff once they review someone’s eligibility they can effectively suspend by doing nothing if a kid’s family does not cooperate.
JayHawkFanToo said:
Unless the NCAA has a lot more evidence than the FBI it is not happening.
Exactly. They won’t drop the hammer for $2500.
Yes, Cliff was not officially suspended by the NCCA; KU chose to not play him as a precaution and to take away the NCAA leverage. The NCAA cannot punish a school for acting proactively once it finds out of potential issues.
Kcmatt7 said:
@BeddieKU23 It was definitely more than just “No comment” though in my opinion.
I do think that was positive that the questions weren’t avoided or deflected. This was his chance to put some positive spin on things that are going on and it looks like he did that.
@JayHawkFanToo The NCAA punished Memphis for the Rose deal, that they supposedly didn’t know about, right? If we play an ineligible player, regardless of prior knowledge, we can get hammered, clearinghouse or no clearinghouse, right?
And you think the FBI doesn’t have more info? Why would you think that?
FarmerJayhawk said:
BShark said:
FarmerJayhawk said:
“Done” lol ok. If you’re going to go there might as well say the FF banner is coming down too.
You don’t think it’s possible that he doesn’t play for KU this year and the banner stays up? I think it’s possible.
Possible, though remote. To be clear, the thread title is getting way out over your skis.
Fair enough.
HighEliteMajor said:
@JayHawkFanToo The NCAA punished Memphis for the Rose deal, that they supposedly didn’t know about, right? If we play an ineligible player, regardless of prior knowledge, we can get hammered, clearinghouse or no clearinghouse, right?
And you think the FBI doesn’t have more info? Why would you think that?
The NCAA warned Memphis something was fishy with Rose (namely, his fraudulent SAT) and Calipari played him anyway.
@HighEliteMajor I believe the Rose deal was multi-layerd if I’m not mistaken. Not that I don’t agree with your point. I felt like the NCAA had a smoking gun in that case, in addition to receiving benefits. And I’m pretty sure the NCAA warned all teams recruiting him that there were issues with his transcripts as well as his SAT score (knowing he failed the ACT thrice before).
He was like the walking example of ineligibility. He had fake transcripts. He had a fake SAT score. And his brother’s travel to games was paid directly by the school lol.
Not that this situation isn’t similar. It is. Just seems that Rose couldn’t even ignore the allegations and leave like Cliff (or De Sousa could do). They had the evidence of three major violations.
Yah I saw that this am. Horrible news. Ruined my day. Can’t imagine what Silvio is going thru right now. Poor kid. I feel terrible for him. He didn’t deserve any of this. I just hope he doesn’t have to sit the whole season.
There’s no skiing in Kansas!
Lulufulu said:
Yah I saw that this am. Horrible news. Ruined my day. Can’t imagine what Silvio is going thru right now. Poor kid. I feel terrible for him. He didn’t deserve any of this. I just hope he doesn’t have to sit the whole season.
I would bet Silvio has known about this for awhile, I don’t think the coaches would blindside him with this the day before the game.
Since Silvio won’t be playing, we can unleash our brand new 5 OUT attack. Dotson/Grimes/Vick/KJ/Dedric…OMG…
Not the same situation at all. I seem to recall the NCAA had warned Memphis of serious issues with Rose and they chose to play him any way. I believe there was enough contemporaneous evidence that Memphis was aware of the issue long before it admitted and became public.
The FBI started with its best and strongest case hoping that a conviction would lead to additional charges being brought against a number of other program and new testimony extracted under oath from people involved would be available for the next round. The only testimony we heard was that KU did not know about the payments and whether this is true or not, it is the only available evidence and it favors KU.
If the FBI gets a conviction, then KU has been shown as a victim and somewhat immunized. If the FBI does not get a conviction then further prosecution is doubtful.
At least on paper KU has shown that when it became aware of irregularities (Preston, Alexander) it proactively chose not to play them until the situation was cleared and it is a huge plus for KU. Contrast this withe Arizona that chose to play Ayton even after allegations (confirmed at the trial) that Ayton received money and yet I have not heard a peep about any penalties.
@BeddieKU23 glad for the guilty coming out of the trial - - - BUT I have said and still say - - Silvio I think is done as far s playing for KU - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Kcmatt7 said:
@Woodrow KK was looking for a sound bite. Asked about it being a level playing field and how KU has won 10 years in a row.
you know what I have to say about KK ? - - -screw him, he is so much of a hater - -big ol purple boy - -you know what I say about that purple boy school? – screw them - - - kk just loves to whine bitch cry -they go hand in hand
KirkIsMyHinrich said:
The comments from Self about having already talked to the NCAA and continuing to work with them suggest that there may be a quick resolution to this for Silvio. I hope?
Ya that’s kind of what I thought to my friend, this may get settled real quick . .May be a good thing - - - May be a bad thing , either way as much as I hate the thought of Silvio possibly being done - - then so be it if that turns out to be the case - -It would be a kick to the gut, but ya know ? - -the thing is this kid has such a high ceiling , you can just see the talent there - -would truly be missed - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
jayballer73 said:
Kcmatt7 said:
@Woodrow KK was looking for a sound bite. Asked about it being a level playing field and how KU has won 10 years in a row.
you know what I have to say about KK ? - - -screw him, he is so much of a hater - -big ol purple boy - -you know what I say about that purple boy school? – screw them - - - kk just loves to whine bitch cry -they go hand in hand
Big salty purple boi.
Yea, holding Silvio out is clearly a make the NCAA happy starting point. If we played him, that would be a slap in the face to the NCAA, who i’m sure would look down disapprovingly.
No time to read through this right now. Does this mean we might have to vacate wins/final fours from last year?
wissox said:
No time to read through this right now. Does this mean we might have to vacate wins/final fours from last year?
This scenario is becoming increasingly unlikely, imo. The verdict today was huge for KU.
Sharing this here for @jayballer73 Credit to Phog user asatyss
I was at a client’s yesterday and on his desk he had a bobble head of who he said was Kevin Kietzman but to me it looked just like that of Jarred, the former Subway spokesman. I would avoid both like the plague.
Tried to find it on line with no luck; probably zero interest.
So let me get this straight supposedly SDS got 2500 to come to kansas so we sit him yet Zion, that wanted housing, jobs and money, who is now at Dook won’t be sat. Same as Wendell Carter being mentioned in several reports. I bet SDS has a suspension or something a lala Selby or something of that nature while Dookies obviously paid for Zion and UNC has fake classes and get nothing SMH. I personally think we will be fine because no one alive will go against the ACC.
kjayhawks said:
So let me get this straight supposedly SDS got 2500 to come to kansas so we sit him yet Zion, that wanted housing, jobs and money, who is now at Dook won’t be sat. Same as Wendell Carter being mentioned in several reports. I bet SDS has a suspension or something a lala Selby or something of that nature while Dookies obviously paid for Zion and UNC has fake classes and get nothing SMH. I personally think we will be fine because no one alive will go against the ACC.
Silvio got 60k to go to Maryland allegedly, and according to Gassnola under oath received 2500 to pay for some online classes.
I’m a little confused about the 60k from what I’ve seen so he got it and paid it back with Adidas money, then got the 2500 or just kept the 60k?
kjayhawks said:
I’m a little confused about the 60k from what I’ve seen so he got it and paid it back with Adidas money, then got the 2500 or just kept the 60k?
We don’t know. The 60k isn’t proven, just alleged. Hell it could have simply been a ploy from Fenny to leverage Adidas for more money.
Correction. Silvio did not receive $60K, his guardian did and considering that Silvio wanted to go and ended up at KU would appear to indicate he was not aware of the $60K payment Also, I don’t believe there is any proof that Fenni even received the $60k, it is all allegations at this time and Fenni could have been subpoenaed to testify but was not: maybe the FBI is saving him for the Under Armour trial?
JayHawkFanToo said:
Correction. Silvio did not receive $60K, his guardian did and considering that Silvio wanted to go and ended up at KU would appear to indicate he was not aware of the $60K payment Also, I don’t believe there is any proof that Fenni even received the $60k, it is all allegations at this time and Fenni could have been subpoenaed to testify but was not: maybe the FBI is saving him for the Under Armour trial?
I said allegedly. Check my follow-up as well. Didn’t mean to imply Silvio got it directly.
As far as I can tell there is no hard evidence that Fenni got the $60K in the first place: he has vigorously denied it all along btu then…so did Preston’s mom.
Gassnola said under oath Fenny didn’t get the $60k, just the $2500 if memory serves.
JayHawkFanToo said:
As far as I can tell there is no hard evidence that Fenni got the $60K in the first place: he has vigorously denied it all along btu then…so did Preston’s mom.
There is hard evidence for Preston obviously, but not for Fenny. Of course Fenny is obviously very slimy but we don’t know for sure. Could have just been leveraging Adidas, I would absolutely not put that past him.
FarmerJayhawk said:
Gassnola said under oath Fenny didn’t get the $60k, just the $2500 if memory serves.
He said he didn’t pay Fenny, he tried but didn’t get it through. He said that Fenny said he needed it to pay back UA/the MD booster I believe.
FarmerJayhawk said:
Gassnola said under oath Fenny didn’t get the $60k, just the $2500 if memory serves.
I believe that Gassnola said that Adidas did not give Fenny $20K to repay the $60K he allegedly received from a Maryland Booster and for which there is zero evidence. The only payment that Gassnola said was made was the $2,500 for on-line classes and also testified that KU personnel was not aware of it.
BShark said:
Lulufulu said:
Yah I saw that this am. Horrible news. Ruined my day. Can’t imagine what Silvio is going thru right now. Poor kid. I feel terrible for him. He didn’t deserve any of this. I just hope he doesn’t have to sit the whole season.
I would bet Silvio has known about this for awhile, I don’t think the coaches would blindside him with this the day before the game.
Yah, you’re probly right about that. But then why would Silvio say that ,“he knew he was playing this year”, if he wasnt playing?
Maybe his situation will be like Selby or Cliff, sit out some games then be back in December some time.
JayHawkFanToo said:
Not the same situation at all. I seem to recall the NCAA had warned Memphis of serious issues with Rose and they chose to play him any way. I believe there was enough contemporaneous evidence that Memphis was aware of the issue long before it admitted and became public.
The FBI started with its best and strongest case hoping that a conviction would lead to additional charges being brought against a number of other program and new testimony extracted under oath from people involved would be available for the next round. The only testimony we heard was that KU did not know about the payments and whether this is true or not, it is the only available evidence and it favors KU.
If the FBI gets a conviction, then KU has been shown as a victim and somewhat immunized. If the FBI does not get a conviction then further prosecution is doubtful.
At least on paper KU has shown that when it became aware of irregularities (Preston, Alexander) it proactively chose not to play them until the situation was cleared and it is a huge plus for KU. Contrast this withe Arizona that chose to play Ayton even after allegations (confirmed at the trial) that Ayton received money and yet I have not heard a peep about any penalties.
@BShark Maybe… or maybe the optics are bad if he plays any game until the clouds have lifted on him and the program…
Whether Fenny or Silvio received money makes no difference to the NCAA. If it was Fenny, Silvio is the sacrificial lamb. If it was Silvio that’s on him, he’ll be ineligible.
Silvio is already the sacrificial lamb for KU, not even hours after the trial concluded.
There’s a game today, Self gets to coach, T will be on the sideline’s coaching, KU (team) get’s to play, but Silvio gets to sit. Silvio will always be the lamb in this.
*Note I’m just stating, not inferring my own opinion into it