ESPN+ question
No problem.
For anyone wondering the rest are all on normal ESPN channels (so watchable through ESPN3) EXCEPT for home to Texas Tech and AT Okie Lite which are CBS games.
@Bosthawk would still be cool if you could get the pre and post game interviews.
The interviews made ESPN+ Way better than ESPN3 in my opinion. It seems like ESPN3 barely airs the whole game before cutting out abruptly. ESPN+ had a 3.5hr production, much nicer.
I did enjoy some of the pregame material. I’m spacing on the host’s name…former KU shooter. He was a bit awkward. And is Bahe the normal guy or was Piper just Sick?
jayhawkcsg said:
I did enjoy some of the pregame material. I’m spacing on the host’s name…former KU shooter. He was a bit awkward. And is Bahe the normal guy or was Piper just Sick?
Not sure but if anyone finds this out I’d be interested to know. Bahe was fantastic, imo.
Dave Armstrong?
Jeff Gueldner did pre and post game
Chanel 38 in KC showed the 30 minute pre-game and 1 hour post-game shows.
And - because I’ve forgotten this before, I don’t think CBS has an app where you can replay games which I often have to do because my schedule doesn’t allow me to see them live, (which is a great feature of ESPN app ) so I’ll be sure to remember to record those two CBS games. (it’s also fun to watch a game twice, to pick up on what certain KU players are doing away from the ball etc.)
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Jeff Gueldner did pre and post game
Gueldner! Yes. Thx. He seemed kinda twitchy.
So let’s see, is it: TV: Dave Armstrong and Nick Bahe? Radio: Greg Gurley and Bob Davis?
Bob retired. It’s Hanni or something along those lines. He’s not the best.
Brian hanni, I like him. I’m about the only one
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Brian hanni, I like him. I’m about the only one
Pretty much.
He also came up in another thread recently. Wish he would be fired and they hire someone better.
@Crimsonorblue22 You probably aren’t the only one. But boy, it is hard for me as well. He’s sounds like that rich country club fellow talking about polo, the fall mixer, and his days a Yale.
@HighEliteMajor I’ve talked to him a few times and he’s really nice. I meant as a person more than as an announcer. I think he’s very knowledgeable and does a lot of homework. I hate the rock chalk it up. He’s passionate about the Jayhawks so I like him.
I don’t dislike him as a person, because I don’t really know him. But lots of nice people are bad at their jobs. I don’t think enough people really care nor is it of the upmost importance. Plus they’d have to pay more for someone really good so I imagine Hanni sticks around unfortunately.
It’s just such a sharp drop-off from Bob which does not help Hanni by any means.
@BShark I can’t stand Hanni. It doesn’t matter what he says, because his radio voice is the worst bit of canned junk you’ve ever heard. Ruins the message whatever it may be.
@Crimsonorblue22 Sorry. I can’t stand Hanni or Gurley. The radio show has been completely ruined for me since Bob retired (who was excellent). And Bob was just a poor mans Falkenstein in my books, so it’s been a rather rapid decline from the absolute best broadcasters you could have to someone who sounds like he’s still in college trying to figure things (his voice) out.
I only heard the twilight of Falkenstein’s career (90s-06) but I thought Bob was pretty much just as good.
@BShark It’s a personal preference. I liked Max’s dry humor a lot. Bob was more biting. Both were excellent and a sharp contrast to what’s going on now.
I thought we didn’t get the Boston college game tmrw, but it’s listed on my espn+ schedule. Is that right? I also get the the acc channel on cox. Anyone that watches Vb, that’s on espn+ tonight.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Brian hanni, I like him. I’m about the only one
he is terrible - - try to listen to the broadcast - - -BOB & Make did great - -Hanni half the time just rambles - -doesn’t a lot of the time give you how many yards was made on a play - doesn’t give you a lot of time down and distance - -will just be rambling on about GOD knows what while they running a play. - -Bob always gave down and distance focused more on the game - - not Hanni
BShark said:
Crimsonorblue22 said:
Most people are fired when they are as bad at their job as Hanni is.
to bad that couldn’t happen now - - -Horrible broadcaster
HighEliteMajor said:
@Crimsonorblue22 You probably aren’t the only one. But boy, it is hard for me as well. He’s sounds like that rich country club fellow talking about polo, the fall mixer, and his days a Yale.
talking right over a play a lot of time - - terrible giving what’s needed to pick upi a 1st down - -a lot of times just rambles
I’m wrong on the espn+ ku fb game.
@BShark Truth
@Crimsonorblue22 Is the game broadcast on anything other than the ACC network? Pretty sure we don’t have that in Lawrence, but I’ll be at my inlaws… Direct TV
I get it on cox
@DanR maybe this? DirecTV users, meanwhile, can see the ACC Network on channel 612. My son has direct tv, he’s going to check and see if he gets it. He has an watch espn app and uses my cox password to get some stuff. Do they have an Apple TV or box? Or do u have an iPad w/watch espn app? He’ll get back w/me
I have the ACC Network on and also through the Roku Streaming Stick.
The ACC network is on the CW most the time with bunny ears at my place.
@DanR My son doesn’t get that channel w/direct tv, but w/his espn app the game is showing up cause he has my cox password.
The Roku channel carries the ACC digital network. Dunno if it will carry the game as I don’t find a schedule for the channel. ???
UPDATE: This channel is apparently only highlights and reruns.
If u have the free espn app I think u get it. I’m afraid to say.
If you’re not able to watch this garbage, be thankful. Watch something else - ANYTHING else.
I’m watching
Rough game
3pt game fellas
in your face!
We r winning!
U chickens
We could still get beat but we r in this game
@Crimsonorblue22 I am too. I may be eating a whole lot of crow. And happy to do it!
Offense looks good, great calls. Can’t stop those big bc backs
@Crimsonorblue22 I just told my wife “why didn’t they play like this last week?” (When we were at the game!)
@nuleafjhawk time, maybe?
@Crimsonorblue22 maybe
This game is far from over! I never give up though