Believe in something
My point is not that Kaep would be a top ten or even necessarily a top 20 QB. But I bet you he could start for five teams in the league right now, and that doesn’t include teams that are starting young QBs like Chicago, KC, Houston, etc. But there are other teams that don’t have young QBs that are starting QBs that are terrible (Bills, Jets, Giants, Ravens if they don’t start Jackson, Broncos, you could argue Cincinnati and Arizona could be on this list also).
Kaep has definite shortcomings. I wouldn’t build my team around him. But he’s better than several QBs in the league now. That’s the point I’m attacking. Not that he would be All-Pro or above average - but that he could, absent the NFL freezing him out, be a starting QB in the NFL right now, today, this week. He is not.
Therefore he did sacrifice something. There are many that wish Kaepernick was poor and destitute on the street so that they could rub it in his face because he offended their sensibilities, so they undercut him by saying he wasn’t good enough to be in the NFL when that is clearly not true. I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinions on Kaep or his social positions. But saying he couldn’t start in the NFL is still false because there are starting QBs in the NFL that outright suck, and some of those teams don’t even have a young QB that they are building around. Maybe Kaep would be the 25th best QB in the league. Maybe he would be the 30th. But he would almost certainly start, and I guarantee you that in a few weeks, when some teams starter goes down with injury, Colin Kaepernick will be better than the guy that team chooses to replace him with. After all, Jay Cutler got the call last year.
@justanotherfan I can agree with this point and I do hope Kaep wins his collusion suit.
Here is one for all the Chief fans here.
justanotherfan said:
My point is not that Kaep would be a top ten or even necessarily a top 20 QB. But I bet you he could start for five teams in the league right now, and that doesn’t include teams that are starting young QBs like Chicago, KC, Houston, etc. But there are other teams that don’t have young QBs that are starting QBs that are terrible (Bills, Jets, Giants, Ravens if they don’t start Jackson, Broncos, you could argue Cincinnati and Arizona could be on this list also).
Kaep has definite shortcomings. I wouldn’t build my team around him. But he’s better than several QBs in the league now. That’s the point I’m attacking. Not that he would be All-Pro or above average - but that he could, absent the NFL freezing him out, be a starting QB in the NFL right now, today, this week. He is not.
Therefore he did sacrifice something. There are many that wish Kaepernick was poor and destitute on the street so that they could rub it in his face because he offended their sensibilities, so they undercut him by saying he wasn’t good enough to be in the NFL when that is clearly not true. I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinions on Kaep or his social positions. But saying he couldn’t start in the NFL is still false because there are starting QBs in the NFL that outright suck, and some of those teams don’t even have a young QB that they are building around. Maybe Kaep would be the 25th best QB in the league. Maybe he would be the 30th. But he would almost certainly start, and I guarantee you that in a few weeks, when some teams starter goes down with injury, Colin Kaepernick will be better than the guy that team chooses to replace him with. After all, Jay Cutler got the call last year.
The Bills have Josh Allen, the Jets are starting Sam Darnold, the Giants have Eli Manning, and the Ravens have Flacco and Lamar Jackson. So no there is no reason any of those teams would need to sign Kap.
Just because Allen and Baker are not starting week 1 doesn’t mean they are not going to play at some point this season. There is no reason for any of the teams you mentioned to bring Kap in. That is the reality.
@Woodrow Kaep, especially when he got froze out was at worst a bottom 5 starter. To say otherwise is pretty disingenuous and remember I don’t think Kaep is very good.
The Jets started 38 y/o Josh McCown 13 games last year for crying out loud. Tyrod Taylor and Jay Cutler started 14 games each last year. Something called a Trevor Siemian started 10 games for Denver. It’s not like QB play is at an all time high. The arguments against Kaepernick not being good enough to start for a team last year are full of crap.
BShark said:
I don’t find this embarrassing for them at all. They have decided to select a specific position. That’s their right.
It would be wrong for me to mischaracterize their opposition to Nike’s position as being veiled racism, or being in support of police brutality.
Although, come to think of it, College of the Ozarks has mischaracterized Kaepernick and others that protest as being anti-US or anti-military, when the protesters have clearly stated that this is not the case.
But it’s still wrong to mischaracterize someone’s position when they have explicitly stated their position. In this case, College of the Ozarks has stated that their intent is patriotism, so I will go with that.
@JayHawkFanToo I hope you didn’t ride w/her. BREAKING: Rookie Lawrence police officer said she meant to Tase man at traffic stop — accidentally grabbed, fired gun instead…
This is a pretty thorough report on the early returns or lack there of for Nike.
Here is another perspective on Kaepernick’s performance which does agree with yours.
Crimsonorblue22 said:
@JayHawkFanToo I hope you didn’t ride w/her. BREAKING: Rookie Lawrence police officer said she meant to Tase man at traffic stop — accidentally grabbed, fired gun instead…
The link you posted is not working but I believe I indicated it was Kansas City, Missouri and included areas in the inner city. I am not sure how a Lawrence police officer fits into the narrative.
@JayHawkFanToo Do you have any sense of humor?
mayjay said:
@JayHawkFanToo Do you have any sense of humor?
Only on the last day of February on leap years.
I guess you have missed the
emojis I often post?
Perhaps I fail to see the humor of a police officer using a gun instead of a taser and nearly killing a man. The greatest fear police officers have is having to fire their service weapon in a split second decision that has life changing consequences, not only for the target but for the police officer as well even when the shooting is fully justified.
@JayHawkFanToo you just don’t get me, I should quit trying. I know you were talking about Kc police and I was talking about Lawrence. My uncle was a sheriff, my boys and I both have friends that work and put their lives on the line, every day. I would not be able to do that! But they are so many bad cops, racist cops, and if you don’t watch the news, I guess you haven’t seen those stories. You were talking in general about policemen and women. I was trying to point out that it’s not that way everywhere. With police cameras the cases are obvious. It bothers me a lot. I believe a lot of the fault is in training. I guess you don’t read the same stories.
This post is deleted!
Don’t worry… Hahahaha… Buyyyyy Nike …
Did everyone see the USA TODAY story about the Bartlesville man burning down his house trying to burn his Nikes inside? There were all types of radio and TV web sites picking it up and reprinting the USA Today byline. I saw those but was suspicious when I searched and found nobody else nationally was reporting it, so I went to the original story and saw immediately that it was an oddly-named site: It was debunked immediately as a hoax by the Bartlesville media. The poor Bartlesville sheriff is spending undue amounts of time responding to inquiries.
The “fake news” site, when I looked this morning, has a banner saying that “This account has been suspended.”
Fortunately, in this case they didn’t use the names of real residents. People’s lives have gotten totally upended from their names appearing in hoaxes like this!
I’m like this guy…I hate both parties. Should be required reading for all partisans:
@KUSTEVE I’m kinda the same way
Serena Williams is out of control @Crinsonorblue22 . She wants to be seen as a powerful female who is a role model and fighting for women’s rights, but really that seems to be a badge of honor she hides behind to go out on the court and be a horrible person.
@approxinfinity From what I read, there is virtually unanimous agreement among tennis players that despite acting much more abusively than Serena toward refs and umps, bad boys McEnroe and Agassi (and others) never were penalized a game by the chair. Nadal himself said he acted worse.
Frankly, I would prefer all abusive players get slammed. Always wanted Brat McEnroe to earn a forfeit. And if they had, Serena should be, too. But it is hard to argue that Serena was not treated the same as the men who acted the same.
@mayjay I get all that, and Agassi and McEnroe were 100% horrible a-holes on the court too and those two are from 30 to 40 years ago. This doesn’t excuse her behavior.
I’m tired of hearing about her like she’s a martyr or a strong noble woman, especially to hear her speak about herself in those terms. She’s a spoiled mega-rich brat who happens to be female, have a child, have a strong frame, and be black. The latter set of characteristics do not make the former set invisible. She is not a likeable person.
Here’s the quote, after the ref penalized her for being coached from the stance:
“You will never, ever, ever be on another court of mine as long as you live. You are the liar,” said Williams. “When are you going to give me an apology? You owe me an apology. Say it you’re sorry. And you stole a point from me. You’re a thief, too!”
and then later…
“I thought he took the game from me, other men said other things,” said Williams, “I am here fighting for women’s right and women’s equality. (He) made me feel like a sexist remark, he never took a game from a man for saying thief.”
This isn’t an isolated incident. Remember when she previously threatened to kill a line judge? I’m pretty sure Serena has the worst attitude on the court of any high profile ranked player, male or female (I’m willing to hear otherwise). Her reputation precedes her. I’m not certain that if her modern male counterparts said the same things they wouldn’t get the same treatment. I guess we’ll never know because they have more class.
Congrats to Naomi Osaka! Sorry your childhood hero is a horrible sport and overshadowed your victory by making it all about her.
Serena was getting her ass kicked. Didn’t like it and has always been a sore loser. So she made a spectacle of it to turn all the attention on herself to make seem like she got a bad deal.
@mayjay The world has change a ton since McEnroe was playing, not saying it’s right but that was 30 years ago. Comparing that society to today’s is foolish and simply not apples to apples. Things changing that’s why guys like Billy Gilsieby (misspelled) and Mangino aren’t coaching anyone. You can’t yell at anyone and get away it. This whole racist, feminist excuse is BS, her actions weren’t right and she should be held accountable. I don’t care what sex, race or religion you are, if are a professional act like it.
The Buffalo Bills started Nathan Peterman at QB yesterday. His 2017 numbers:
24-49 (49%), 2 TD, 5 INT, 38.4 Rating, 13.8 QBR (to his credit, he took only 1 sack in 4 games), 252 yards.
Yesterday’s numbers: 5-18 (28%), 0 TD, 2 INT, 0 Rating (3 sacks), 24 yards.
Thankfully, first round pick Josh Allen was able to come in and perform capably
6-15 (40%), 0 TD, 0 INT, 56 Rating (3 sacks), 74 yards.
Wait, those numbers are bad. Maybe Allen isn’t quite ready yet. Let’s check his college stats:
Last year: 152-270 (56.3%), 16 TD, 6 INT, 6.7 yards per attempt, 1812 passing yards.
Career: 365-649 (56.2%), 44 TD, 21 INT, 7.8 yards per attempt, 5066 passing yards
Kap put up basically identical stats to Jacoby Brissett last year. Should Jacoby Brissett be a starter?
At this point I’m more arguing the collusion case for Kap than arguing that he should start anywhere in particular.
If Jacoby Brissett was a free agent right now, someone would sign him tomorrow.
@justanotherfan I can absolutely agree that Kap should be in the NFL. Making probably $6-7M a season.
Here is a well thought out article by Martina Navratilova.
You’re assuming. You don’t know what Kap will do with the money. Yet your posting as if it is a fact. Also as someone that watches Football. Kap’s football career was over long before he started this kneeling to the American flag. He had lost his starting job and was nothing but a backup QB. It wasn’t much of a sacrifice on his part. His NFL career was pretty much a bust.
Kcmatt7 said:
@justanotherfan I can absolutely agree that Kap should be in the NFL. Making probably $6-7M a season.
Please how? He’s nothing but a backup. Yet he’s going to create all the turmoil like he’s some stud? Really?
If you were running a NFL team a business would you want a backup QB causing all these problems. Remember some people think you shouldn’t blame the flag for your problems.
@JayHawkFanToo I dig it. Well said.
@DoubleDD talent-wise, ignoring the anthem stuff, he should be in the NFL making $6-7M.
Is that better?
@BShark lol. The dig on New York Times makes it clear that this is impartial Fake News
I did hear a funny “conservative” burn last night on this topic.
“Trump’s economy is doing so well, even Kaepernick has a job!”
Did you hear the one that Kaepernick is like Al Bundy, he could not play pro football so he sells shoes.
He does have talent. No doubt. I also thought he should have been a running back. Seriously look at his build and that thick neck he has. Dude has stud running back written all over him.
I have some friends that are big time 49ers fans. They were completely pissed when Kap was promoted over Alex Smith. I mean they were mad.
Time to believe in something… I believe I’ll have another beer!
I believe tonight is the night I find the dang cricket that is so dang loud, but I can’t find it!
I believe setting the alarm on my phone to Gangham style was not a pleasant way to wake up, but it was effective.
@justanotherfan How Dallas Police is in charge of the case, I’ll never understand. This should have immediately gone to another City in Texas.
I’ll wait to see the results of the case before I go on a rant.
@Kcmatt7 - Agreed. Texas Rangers or similar should be in charge. This doesn’t pass the “sniff test”…
@justanotherfan @Gorilla72 @Kcmatt7
This warrant appears to be the work of the Dallas police in a bald-faced attempt to protect their own. The investigation of the cop actually is being done independently by the Texas Rangers. They took 3 days to finally arrest her on a manslaughter charge, which has brought major criticism that any civilian involved in a suspicious shooting would not have remained out of jail while it was investigated. The county prosecutor has laid all responsibility for favorable treatment on the Rangers, saying his office could well bring more serious charges.
Well, what did we expect? I would think if you farm out a homicide investigation to an MLB team, they are likely to screw it up. Winning the WS is no substitute for police training.
mayjay said:
Well, what did we expect? I would think if you farm out a homicide investigation to an MLB team, they are likely to screw it up. Winning the WS is no substitute for police training.
Everyone knows the Astros would have done a better job anyway.
@justanotherfan I don’t count them as really winning. They are supposed to be National League, so it devolves to the Rangers instead.
That doesn’t work? Well, ok, . . . my bad.
Kcmatt7 said:
Stock down 3% today.
Nike stock closed at $83.47, an all time high for the company, yesterday.
Still needs some time to stabilize before we can really say what the trend is, but it looks positive right now after an initial dip. Probably should check back in a month or so to see where its at then.