Good Luck part 5 - Texas Longhorns - Big Monday - Senior Night - 8 pm - ESPN
I was just wondering what KU’s record was on Senior night. 36-0?? That’s pretty solid.
@Lulufulu I remember playing TT the night wiggs was visiting, dunk city! It was so much fun! I always pick sr pm. I’m here w/bad cough but gonna tough it out!
@Crimsonorblue22 Two great SR nights in a row, next year probably no SRs though.
Wipers since sleet storm last week, got on the hiway and they wouldn’t stay down. Looking pretty dumb!
@BShark If Malik is on track to graduate, and if here, he is one. Plus Vick, again if he is here.
Hey, Clay is a Senior, too, tonite, isn’t he? Does he start?
mayjay said:
@BShark If Malik is on track to graduate, and if here, he is one. Plus Vick, again if he is here.
Hey, Clay is a Senior, too, tonite, isn’t he? Does he start?
Malik would be a JR next year, albeit RS JR.
Yes and yes.
@BShark No, Malik will be in his fourth year of college. Junior for athletics only. If he graduates on time, I don’t think you can deny him a SR Nite.
@mayjay I would agree if he comes back he deserves it.
@kjayhawks I like 'em
@kjayhawks Hope we have better luck than usual when we wear the crimson uniforms.
@Texas-Hawk-10 time to change the mojo!
@Texas-Hawk-10 I like them, but seems we never play well in them. When’s the last time we wire then? I can’t remember.
@kjayhawks I think it was in either 2005 or 2006 and I’m pretty sure it was in Columbia and KU lost.
Ugg the red ones? Unlucky suckers. Gotta make Adidas happy.
@dylans DG requested them for senior night is what I’m being told.
@kjayhawks No amount of bad mojo is gonna stop the guys tonight!
RockChalkinTexas said:
What the hells wrong with Vick and Cunliffe? Sam looks clueless, he acts like he just showed up to the picture and held up his fingers.
Vick looks like he’s counting his fingers…he doesn’t know if he’s got 4 fingers or what, or maybe he forgot how many fingers to hold up during this picture.
Dang, LMAO
Buster 1926 said:
Looks like Don Johnson from old Miami Vice tv. Think he’s from Wichita like Buster was.
Wichita SE…my sisnlaw was there and said he was a nerd
Sleet crack your windshield? Nasty road hazard of a crack trailing across the bottom…
Coach K is bullying referees!
Are the ESPN announcers drunk, they keep criticizing Coach K and Duke players.
Wow, Buzz! Shushing the crowd, although I can’t blame the fans after that gift to Girlson allen.
Allen another trip!
I wanna see some Silvio make a nice contribution to this ongoing legacy tonight.
truehawk93 said:
I wanna see some Silvio make a nice contribution to this ongoing legacy tonight.
That would be great.
DOOK GOES DOWN…And my night just got even better.
Gunman said:
Allen another trip!
For real?
BShark said:
Gunman said:
Allen another trip!
For real?
Yes, Grayson takes a trip and never left the gym…
Shaka not looking too…wait for it…intelligent right now.
The big white donk for Texas sure loves to chuck threes for a guy with a 27% average.
Texas Tech seems to be experiencing a hangover from Saturday’s loss: WV 27 TT 9 with 8 min left in the first half.
@truehawk93 In the picture, they are looking off to the side toward someone who is demonstrating to hold one finger up from one hand and four up on the other. The guys on the left side look like they don’t expect it to be taken yet.
Vick does look funny since we don’t see his right hand!
@stoptheflop Evans isn’t playing I think. Probably shouldn’t have played against KU honestly.
Newman has already left a couple of guys as stains on the floor. Hot damn.
@Buster-1926 Silvio still has to think too much when he is in there. He will get there in time.
So about the red jerseys, we might see them again next year.
Silvio’s free throw game is on point.
Seems like they make plays you can’t coach and other times it looks like they’ve never been coached.
We must be seeing a trend? Only one FT in our first half.
@stoptheflop didn’t really see too many missed calls though
I really think Dok had more RBs than 3. He’s been pretty active tonight.
Buster 1926 said:
@DanR Are you at AFH tonight ? @Crimsonorblue22 is. Wonder how I can get the Senior speeches ? I’m not on face book. Any clues ?
I will keep my
peeled for periscopes on twitter dot com.
@DanR over the back on their big dude
@Buster-1926 go to ku athletics and listen. It’s on the schedule
Will our bigs ever think to box out first, then look for the RB?