NCAA Corruption Investigation - Kansas Identified?
@truehawk93 FBI apparently chose them to be the ones who they trust to release the info
Why doesn’t Yahoo find out about Bagley. He’s like Waldo. Where is Marvin Bagley? Inquiring minds want to know. Now all we need is the National Enquirer and Jerry Springer interviewing the agents, with the coaches. We’d have an all out knock down drag out show.
How about BAD BOYS OF THE NCAA…“Bad boys, bad boys…whatcha gonna do when they come for you, bad boys bad boys…”
)We know what Sean Miller does when they come for him after offering players $100,000 to play for Zona.
Does anyone know who our announcers are tomorrow? Going to be ugly all basketball day long having to listen to the ‘talking heads’ about this debacle.
@truehawk93 I missed your post.
Yeah, we need to get focused on the game. I’m sure they will make this mess a point of interest at some point during interviews. I hope if Holly Rowe is on the floor, she refrains from asking Self any questions about this crap.
Self has commented all he knows and frankly, nothing on KU at this time. If the whole Apples $2700 thing is all they’ve got, it’s moot.
Gonna have to have a special tournament this year. The on probation tournament.
I’ve been waiting for the Ayton news since the first second he said he was going to AZ. I knew there was money involved.
BIG TIME, MAJORLY SCREWED…He can’t sweat his way out of this coaches box.
@wissox Maybe they’ll issue ankle monitors?
It sounds like they made up the emails in question. It sounds like she didn’t play their game. Now, these emails are simply emails. I’d like to see if they have anything with her responding, or accepting any offers from the agent or even Adidas.
They claimed to advance $1700 before JJ signed with KU. But I never saw a balance of $1000 for the alleged $2700. They even mentioned in their emails that she was working the AAU and that some other figure was involved. But that Adidas was “taking good care of her.” She denies having anything to do with Adidas.
She denies even knowing the agent making the claims. She does know Christian from the AAU circuit, but did nothing with them. This sounds like a dead end and unless they can prove Apples accepted anything, check or money order, draft; They don’t have squat. She knows that world and doubt she would jeopardize her son’s career.
Bleacher Report is saying Jackson’s mom was getting significant amounts of money from UA and Adidas.
About 2/3 of the way down.
Gorilla72 said:
Bleacher Report is saying Jackson’s mom was getting significant amounts of money from UA and Adidas.
About 2/3 of the down.
I think these ‘agents’ are a bunch of aspiring wanna bees that sent out emails to look good. They threw around JJ’s name and even his mom, but she accepted nothing from the agents, nor did she claim anything with Adidas. As some have said, she works the AAU circuit and was the mother of a top recruit. She didn’t play their game, but their ‘emails’ are empty. They went no where. Unless they can produce some proof of payment, she didn’t accept squat.
@truehawk93 , I believe this was from a wiretap, if I read it correctly - not an email…
@truehawk93 That’s the problem in crap like this. The players who take the money receive no punishment really. They’ll leave the school and sign pro deals and make a lot. Sure they cost themselves the rest of their season and maybe a chance at the dance, but they’re the ones who hurt everyone else by taking the money in the first place. Really pretty sick deal for all of the innocent players and even for the fans of those teams.
@Gorilla72 not a wiretap
@Buster-1926 The NCAA isn’t the FBI. They don’t have to follow innocent until proven guilty in this case. They can nail Sean Miller to the wall tomorrow if they really wanted to in this case.
I kind of feel for Miller. The only way he could pry recruits away from the blue bloods was to literally pay them 6 figures. We all knew DeAndre was coming here until Arizona came in and swooped him. Pretty sure he hadn’t even taken a visit to their campus at that point? Still the fact Miller would do that is a very interesting look into the darker side of recruiting. If Kansas isn’t involved in pay for play, which I believe Self is way too smart to ever directly involve the university or himself in such a thing, what are we involved in? And if we do come out of this thing unscathed then that’s another thing we’ve been absolutely spoiled with about Self. He won at the highest level and he did it the right way.
I bet Self knew about Miller, you think?
Trier just got suspended. I don’t think Ayton ever plays another minute of college basketball, and i’ll bet Stubby gets the axe sometime today. Talk about a team blowing up…wow!
So we now know why DeAndre all of a sudden committed to Arizona. - - I couldn’t figure that out for the life of me when he announced he was going to Arizona. - -All through his recruitment all I had been hearing looked like KU was a lock and then announcement day - -BAM Arizona - I myself hadn’t really heard Anything on Arizona until then.
I could see this whole scenario playing out ol sweaty stumpy saying geez DeAndre - -tell ya what - if you commit to us - -I’ll - - - I’ll - - I’ll - I’ll pay ya 100,000 will you just please come to Arizona - fans are on my ass - -100,000 DeAndre please. - DeAndre says hold up Coach.- calls Bill says Coach I have an offer of 100,000 what ya got for me? - -Bill says I have a Schlorship DeAndre that’s what I have. - -DeAndre says – - DAMM Coach - calls Stumpy back and says ok I’ll come - but dam can we get you todo something about your sweating so dam much lol?
This whole thing is just starting to break - I think it’s really gonna get ugly before it’s all said and done. - - NCAA is screwed - how they gonna enforce all of this on all these programs - -lots of blue bloods plus others - if they play this out and try to penalize everyone that’s possible guilty of something - -there won’t be any teams to play NCAA tourney.
Miller is screwed - Big time - -I did read that he could still walk away even if Arizona fires him for cause he can still walk away from there with 10.3 million from the remaining on his contract - the article says most would walk away with zero. - It did say he would have to pay the school back like 300,000 dollars but compared to 10 million? -I think actually he needs to be put on administrative suspension until they find out for sure on him - -kind of like Patino - -Ayton should be made to sit for sure immediately - Trier is out - Arizona is in one big pile of dog doo. - - ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Trier just got suspended. I don’t think Ayton ever plays another minute of college basketball, and i’ll bet Stubby gets the axe sometime today. Talk about a team blowing up…wow!
I’m with you 100% buddy. - -I think Ayton should be forced to sit immediately - -and if Arizona Admin has any intelligence at all one tiny bit - then they suspend Miller now put on administrative suspension at least till this gets cleared up - -Miller is screwed. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 Here’s another brain tickler that has me very puzzled…if they knew that Sweaty stubby had offered a huge bribe…A) why did they wait so long to drop the hammer…and B ) how is Ayton been able to play practically the whole season???
@jayballer73 Here’s another brain tickler that has me very puzzled…if they knew that Sweaty stubby had offered a huge bribe…A) why did they wait so long to drop the hammer…and B ) how is Ayton been able to play practically the whole season???
I hear ya - -very good question - - things about to get really crazy. - -I mean JUMPIN – GEE - -HOSSIE TOADS - -some things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@jayballer73 Here’s another one…Tarc was a total KU lean, and in one visit to AZ, he dumps us like Chris Beard did Vegas. How much was Tarc paid?
Another thing is - -Ol stumpy may very well have criminal charges if this is proven they talking about if they find out money was actually exchanged. – In the wire tap the agent asked Miller if he wanted him to deal with one of the assistants Miller said NO when it comes to money deal with me.
But they said if money actually exchanged hands across state lines then we dealing with Innerstate Commerce - as we know Book Richardson is facing up to 60 yrs in prison.
Sean Miller, you are donzo! Completely complicit wow.
Haven’t heard Coach Self’s name come up, so I’m good!
No, I don’t feel sorry for Sean Miller. Anyone so foolish to discuss 100,000 dollars for a recruit deserves all the repercussions from it. It does make me wonder as a B1G fan if his brother would/has done the same thing at Indiana. If I feel sorry for anyone it’s the Zona player and fan who were in the dark about this and now their season is down the tubes and they’re left to wonder what they did to deserve this.
@wissox Ayton told KU he was coming here. Days before he committed to AZ. Sean Miller can suck eggs.
wissox said:
No, I don’t feel sorry for Sean Miller. Anyone so foolish to discuss 100,000 dollars for a recruit deserves all the repercussions from it. It does make me wonder as a B1G fan if his brother would/has done the same thing at Indiana. If I feel sorry for anyone it’s the Zona player and fan who were in the dark about this and now their season is down the tubes and they’re left to wonder what they did to deserve this.
I don’t think Archie is in the same situation yet. Sean was under a huge amount of pressure to deliver at least a final four. He was underachieving.
wissox said:
No, I don’t feel sorry for Sean Miller. Anyone so foolish to discuss 100,000 dollars for a recruit deserves all the repercussions from it. It does make me wonder as a B1G fan if his brother would/has done the same thing at Indiana. If I feel sorry for anyone it’s the Zona player and fan who were in the dark about this and now their season is down the tubes and they’re left to wonder what they did to deserve this.
There you go. I feel sorry for my grandparents, they live near Tucson and are Arizona fans. I don’t feel sorry for Stumpy or any of the players that took money. The clean players in his program are getting screwed too.
ESPN’s Mark Schlabach mentions on SportsCenter that Arizona told him that the program is standing by Sean Miller’s statement in October claiming his innocence. - per UA message site.
Steve “Chief” Burt @Chiefzona1472 Why didn’t Miller pay 100 grand for a point guard??? Freakin idiot.
07:19 - 24 Feb 2018 · Tucson, AZ
See Steve “Chief” Burt’s other Tweets
Zona just needs to forfeit the rest of the season lol.
Lonzo Ball on today’s Yahoo! report: “Everybody knows everybody’s getting paid. That’s how it is. If everybody’s getting paid anyway might as well make it legal.” 1:41 PM - Feb 23, 2018
How pervasive is this really?!? We tend to gravitate to the “one lone gunman” theory in our country so we can get closure and move on quickly. Is Miller a loner or just the ‘scapegoat’? Hard to believe his contract would pay out a ‘for cause’ termination if others were not complicit. Hard to believe he would discuss matters over phone wires unless he felt secure in his dealings – phones are typically for ordinary/routine business negotiations. I would have preferred that he was caught conducting a clandestine meeting under a bridge in the dark of night.
I’ve got it on good authority that Stumpy Miller is not going to replace Self at KU when Self retires.
@CRH107 the ones who get caught are always the ones that get comfortable and lazy. Just like any Ponzi scheme, Enron, or any other major fraud case. It’s because those who are covering it up normalize their actions to themselves and eventually become lazy. Clearly this is what happened to Miller.
I don’t feel any kind of sorry for Miller. Like, at all. His goose is cooked man!! The feds got him on wiretap. Its a done deal. He will lose his job like Pitino did.
KU and Coach Self on the other hand? Like I said before, I have severe doubts about any wrong doing on KU’s part. I hope Im right. If probation is necessary, fine. But, man I hope we don’t have to vacate any titles or wins cuz of it.
KansasComet said:
Haven’t heard Coach Self’s name come up, so I’m good!
Exactly or assistants
Now the fallout begins. I hope this doesn’t discourage Romeo Langford against KU and uses good judgement as he finalizes/ed his choice.
The lack of anything of substance connecting KU to anything is a major positive. It also sounds like, with the denial from JJ’s mom, there would be no KU knowledge of the transaction. That is important.
If Miller and ayton coach and play I’ll never speak of Arizona ever
@HighEliteMajor Agree.
Gotta believe this “loan” operation is mostly a cash business…in the absence of a verifiable paper trail it really does come down to one person’s word over another. My money is on JJ’s mom.
Miller will not coach, no word on ayton yet
The thing is Jones doesn’t have to speak to anyone from the ncaa. Her son doesn’t go to college anymore, she doesn’t have to provide a paper trail to them if there is one. The fbi could, and turn that info over to the ncaa which would change things.
She allegedly received the money before her son signed anywhere. He was not under Kansas watch.
He was eligible through ncaa and ku compliance.
Until the program is connected to this there is absolutely no way they can be held accountabe
Well this completely explains his ability to almost overnight land top guys… to Arizona -decidedly not a blue blood program.
I know they are not all expecting some sort of $, but this is why I really have soured on these OAD types…
Self is clean - we will get thru this.
It’s not just oads getting paid. Loads of players anywhere near the top 100 of the rankings really.