Border War to start back up??
@HighEliteMajor Uh huh.
@KUSTEVE “If possible, speak in drive thru order taker lingo, as they are fluent in this language.”
I fear that KU will always have that football-player-stuck-in-the-drive-thru-window thing to live down, so you might choose a different insult!
Remember Missouri has done some good things like invent the tooth brush, because if it was invented anywhere else it’d be a teeth brush. If meth and whiskey were vitamins people from Missouri would be the healthiest alive. Missouri where the men are men and the sheep are scared.
Any idea if this game is on National television?
joeloveshawks said:
Any idea if this game is on National television?
Pay per view for 40 bucks
I was wondering how much. Had to be $40 or else people who bought $40 tickets because it wouldn’t be televised might have gotten upset.
@Kcmatt7 kinda stinks in a way because I’m not buying a practice game for $40. I know I’m a tight ass but I’ve already donated to hurricane relief twice and that’s just too high. I suppose someone will buy it and it will raise more money ig.
I’m not buying it either and I have donated to hurricane relief. I’ll listen on the radio.
I plan on buying it with a group of friends and just split the cost 4 or 5 ways.
Signed up! Incidentally, to continue the tax issue previously mentioned about tickets, no info given on deductibility. I think it probably isn’t deductible because you get to watch the event and $40 might be the value for PPV. The company donating all fees must get the deduction. Might be more on this sometime.
$40 for a hyped up scrimmage (yes, I know is a charity fund raiser…) is a steep amount for a lot of people and it is really more of a quid pro quo. Considering that a single NBA game is $6.99 and you can buy the entire season for around $120 (?) the PPV seems very high…yes again, I know…it is for charity. I wish they would have made it $10 and they would have had 10 time more people getting it and raising a larger sum in the process. I visited with a several KU fans today and none are getting the PPV but a couple would have at $10.
I contribute/buy constantly tax deductible tickets, school fund raisers, charity events and so on and I don’t believe I have ever kept track of those under $100 or claimed them on my taxes and I don’t believe I am atypical; most people I know except for very few are the same way so the tax angle is really partially or mostly irrelevant, at least it is for me. Considering that you are getting something for your “contribution” it might not even be tax deductible.
I donate to charities with the lower overhead such as Catholic Charities which consistently has a very low overhead as well as St.Jude’s; I no longer donate to the Susan G. Komen fund since it has become very political and donates large sums to organizations that I don’t care for and unrelated to their primary objective. Also, any call I get related to the Fraternal Order of Police I hang up since they are for-profit businesses getting the bulk of the money and a tiny fraction going to the Police, basically a legalized scam.
@JayHawkFanToo I think the cost has to do with the price of tickets. You risk pissing off donors if you have the PPV be less than the cost of a ticket when you originally advertised that it wouldn’t be televised.
@Kcmatt7 bingo!!! We have a winner!
There is a huge difference between watching the event live at the arena than on a PPV stream. Typically the actual tickets are considerably more expensive than PPV. Do you really think that it would not have sold out if it was announced it would be on PPV? I personally think it would not have made any difference at all.
@JayHawkFanToo I think it would have sold out. But, they didn’t plan to stream it originally. And advertised it that they wouldn’t stream it. So to make it less than the cost of a ticket could possibly piss people off who only bought a ticket because they were told several times that it wasn’t going to be on TV.
I am not arguing that the price should be lower. I think it should. I am not arguing that they wouldn’t have sold out. I think they would have.
I just think they are trying to be fair. Nobody gets to witness this game for less than $40.
I don’t agree with it. But I do see the logic behind it.
Sure glad it don’t cost the same to watch a game at home as it does to watch it at AFH.
I thought actual tickets for the game were $25, except for the very expensive court side ones.
@JayHawkFanToo That is possible, I don’t know about the prices before they were going to be offered to the general public. I do know that $40 was going to be the cheapest you could get public tickets though.
Watch people pay for the scrimmage on PPV. Why? KU-MU. Rivalry deniers are losing.
What number of PPV buyers do you believe would make your case? 10,000? 50,000? 100,000? How few would it take to disprove your premise? Less than 10,000? 5,000?
@JayHawkFanToo Actually, I never disagreed with his premise that huge numbers of fans would want it renewed. I only disagreed with @HighEliteMajor over the reasons people, including Self, had for not wanting to play them. Value judgment difference, not a misunderstanding of rivalry popularity. He kept attributing it to cowardice and the like. I to simple distaste for MU.
Ok, fair enough. Would you care to answer the question I had for @HighEliteMajor about how many PPV buys it would take to prove or disprove the point?
@JayHawkFanToo Nah, the popularity is good for the fundraising. I wouldn’t care on the rivalry itself if it was 1 person or 10 million–I still don’t like 'em and absent the charity would prefer not to play other games even if everyone disagreed.
Then again, I cannot stand cilantro, BMWs, rap (or pretty much music after 1982), Warhol, weightlifting, and sweaters, all of which are popular with millions of people. To each, his/her/its own!
@JayHawkFanToo Nothing can disprove my premise, because my premise is irrefutable. The rivalry is good for KU and we are better for having it. 100+ years of history, “hate” (in the sports sense), historic games, never ending banter, Norm, Roy, Sutherland, Stipo, crackers shakin’, disgusting Antlers – I mean, come on. This is done. I have never heard anyone refer to KSU fans as the “trash to the west.” The irrational vitriol proves my point even further. While I was critical of the statement “trash to the east” referring to MU, it makes me chuckle. It’s awesome when we talk MU. I may whine that it’s over the top, but life sometimes is over the top. It proves why our competition with MU is different. Our discussions here and the incredible interest in a mere scrimmage proves the point. But there is no proof needed. Everyone knows. And we know why we have not been playing MU. Only one reason. Because Bill Self says we weren’t. Now he says we are. When he hears that packed arena for a scrimmage – he’ll know too. The fact is, he already knows. We’re outside the five year statute of limitations for hurt feelings (statute of repose is irrelevant because we’re aware of our alleged injury, right @mayjay?)
@mayjay2 While my chicken clucking around AFH reference may have been what stuck out here, and that’s good, my rationale goes far beyond cowardice. Of course, I don’t think Bill Self is a coward. The chicken clucking thing was how it makes us appear, and really, I meant that more related to WSU. But the point is a good one.
Regardless, not playing MU or WSU relies on extremely strained logic if one is to compare to the balance of our schedule.
I think we don’t play MU because Bill Self felt betrayed by MU. That’s it. Just like everyone else. Could he be a bit concerned about losing in a one game shot? Sure. At least can appear that way.
I have attacked that rationale for not playing MU, because, again, it is very strained. The hypocrisy of playing others that left (CU, NU, TAM), the value of the rivalry to KU basketball, the enjoyment it brings fans, how it makes us appear as a university to refuse to play, etc. Having a truly despised rival is part of being a great team/program. My position is not reliant on hurt feelings – feelings being SOLELY emotional. The only logic for not playing MU has been voiced many times, was that they were the first to mumble realignment. I grant that. They did mention it first. To buy that, is to believe that if MU had not mumbled it, we’d still be one happy 12 team family. That is inconceivable. No one believes that. And the rest is emotional.
On the scales of logic, MU mumbling realignment is far outweighed by the steel on the other side.
No clucking chickens this weekend. We need to pound them by 20. Short rotation. Game on.
@HighEliteMajor I sit corrected on the MU rationale.
It is kind of funny, now that this is scheduled. The sun has risen every day, no worse pestilence and plagues than usual, and it is being done to help victims of disasters and hasn’t caused new ones. My annoyance at MU has diminished. Life goes on. #Shocked!
I have mentioned that the value to KU fans is irrefutable. From Bill Self, “It was a bigger game because it meant so much to the fan base.” Bigger than what? Nearly everything else, right? Save some late NCAA tourney games. And that’s really been a main point. We loved it. It was great for us.
And Matt Tait’s article is great –
May we all join hands as one in our desire to absolutely and unequivocally destroy MU tomorrow?
Here is the link for streaming the game ($40) -
Again, if your premise is irrefutable then the PPV audience should be huge, wouldn’t you agree?
On the other hand, if the PPV audience ends up being small then your premise is effectively refuted, again, wouldn’t you agree?
Let’s try this one more time, what is the magic number above which your premise is valid or below which is not? Not really a hard question…
@JayHawkFanToo It is an easy question. But I simply don’t know what is high or low.
@JayHawkFanToo There are many easy questions. It is arriving at the answers that is hard.
I just hope we don’t lose. That would suck, even though it’s not an official game.
If you have confidence in your premise it should not be that hard.
Considering how fast tickets sold we can assume each school could have sold out the arena by itself with additional people waiting; that is 20-30 thousand additional fans that would have wanted to watch the game live and would be candidates to buy PPV. If only one third of those do it, that is about 10,000 buys locally. Add another 10,000 per school nationally and you should have 30,000 PPV buys…if the game is as big as you claim. A KU-UK or KU-Duke game would easily sell that many.
As comparison, UFC fights routinely sell well over a million buys at $100. The Maywether-McGregor sold 4.5 million with a revenue of well over $400 million.
@JayHawkFanToo You can argue all you want, but you’re just grasping at straws. Everyone is talking about this game. Even you.
I am not going to the game or buying PPV and likely will not even listen to it unless I am in the car. Not really that big of a deal for me.
@JayHawkFan I guess that doesn’t surprise me, though you have spent a lot of time talking about the game, telling everyone how much of a big deal it isn’t
. I’m sure you will enjoy watching a cooking show, or the NFL, or taking a nice walk in the park. All reasonable alternatives. I’m convinced a very high percentage of KU nation will be tuned in – by PPV, at the game, or on the radio. I was at a HS football game last night and every KU fan I talked with was figuring out some way to tune in, except one who had a couples baby shower (ugh).
I’m also sure a very scant few will actively boycott, still complaining about mean old MU going to a better conference. MU is just horrible.
All in fun.
Let’s destroy them.
*Took me about 3 minutes to find that stupid emoji.
Actually, I spend Sunday afternoons visiting with my 92 year old dad at his retirement home and with his dementia he has no interest in sports. Considering how little time he has left I see it as a no brainer.
@JayHawkFanToo That’s tough man. I empathize with you as my dad is starting to lose his mind a bit as well.
Thanks. He has been in the Memory Unit for 6 years now. At the beginning he just forgot little things like which the day of the week it was but now he will not even recognize me some days even when he sees me several times a week. Pretty sad.
It’s not that far yet in my situation but I also know it’s going to happen it’s just a matter of when.
Sorry to hear about your dad. You prepare yourself for it and know what to expect but you are really never ready for it.
Just an FYI - Here is the announcement on the PPV, noting “tremendous interest.”
“Our first objective was to sell out Sprint Center,” Missouri and Kansas said in a joint statement. “Once we achieved the sellout so quickly, our fans who could not get tickets expressed tremendous interest in having the game televised. We wanted to make sure that the charities we’ve identified would be the only entities to derive revenue from this game. SIDEARM Sports has provided the platform to allow us to create a second stream of revenue via this telecast."
Self said of the game: “The most anticipated exhibition game in the history of exhibition games”
But we can argue just to argue based on preconceived (or wishful) narratives.
For those not wanting to pay for the game, a number of bars/restaurants are apparently showing it. At the P&L downtown, the Peanut, Coaches, Johnny’s, Tanners – those are what I’ve heard so far. You might check the location you plan to go to, to make sure. Added - Jefferson’s and Free State brewery.
Mizzou trash ready for this exhibition game.
@BShark That’s awful. Rivalries are fun. What an idiot.