Jaybate This Is Your Day
What’s weird to me is none of the four coaches charged so far are even at Adidas schools. ??
OSU, USC, Arizona are Nike schools. Auburn is Under Armour.
DanR said:
What’s weird to me is none of the four coaches charged so far are even at Adidas schools. ??
OSU, USC, Arizona are Nike schools. Auburn is Under Armour.
Yep. This is what I was saying earlier. They are nabbing ANYONE they can catch.
Arizona: Nike school Auburn: Under Armour school Oklahoma State: Nike school USC: Nike school Charged with federal crime: adidas exec
Hope you’re right, but it appears we are in for a very, very long and hard fought economic war for the soul/sole of the game. And I believe we are still quite early in the asymmetric strategic-tactical exploitation of the legal-political constraint.
Option 3 sounds likely to happen but the FBI definitely just opened a bunch of eyes (millions) to this so hopefully if they actually plan to do something here they will keep the pedal down and push through.
jaybate 1.0 said:
Hope you’re right, but it appears we are in for a very, very long and hard fought economic war for the soul/sole of the game. And I believe we are still quite early in the asymmetric strategic-tactical exploitation of the legal-political constraint.
If you are saying more will come of this I agree. Still very early in the process.
I’m saying you have to make it look like you are going after “everyone”, when you are going after “someone.”
I’m saying leopards don’t change spots until AFTER they have been hopelessly crushed.
Self talking retirement very recently (ie, appearing to make himself a lameduck) and appearing to tie it to “the way recruiting is”, which was already anomalous, grows increasingly conspicuous.
I could be wrong, but I just don’t see the FBI leaving it all on the floor for Cal in Lexington, while Mitch McConnell has enough clout to appear to stop repeal of Obamacare for the Deep State.
It’s easy to read that as Self jumping out in front of it.
One other interesting thing about this is that only Adidas is mentioned but 3 of the 4 schools are Nike andd the other is under armor.
It is thought-provoking.
To et al,
I have only been posing a hypothesis for the last few years, one of many possible explanations of puzzling phenomena in college basketball recruiting. And at the end of the day today, this is just a piece of evidence at the arrest and allegation stage. Nothing definitive .
Are we pristine?
Is this the death of college basketball?
HighEliteMajor said:
Are we pristine?
Is this the death of college basketball?
I doubt it but maybe.
FBI raided ASM and seized Andy Miller’s computer. Calipari might be developing some back issues soon. Heard K gave him tips on that.
Self has been talking about retiring around 60 for a long time, his recent comments are in line with what he’s said for the past decade or so about he long he wants to coach.
ESPN’s version of the story says Adidas funneled 3 players, but we only know of Brian Bowen to Louisville.
What’s the time period for Adidas to funnel players to schools? Does is impact any 2016 players or is it all 2017 and 2018 players?
@Texas-Hawk-10 CBS version https://www.cbssports.com/college-basketball/news/explaining-the-fbi-probe-and-the-corruption-scandal-rocking-college-basketball/
Well went to the Kentucky boards, of Course Kentucky people saying Coach Self is probably sweating like the Niagra Falls under his toupee - -typical on top of the fact they think Louisville may get the death penalty or at least some but you know how they are.
Louisville Board saying big news announcement tomorrow morning and that Rick P is going to be fired. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
One possibility is this is only expediently about basketball. Two axes of private oligarchy appear to be struggling over who gets to wage the wars and get the contracts and resources necessary to extend the private central bank hegemony into Syria, Iran, NorKor, and Russia. This struggle exposes fissures in the new world order. Players like Germany in the past allowed to have action in many of the producer oligopolies bridle at some of the risks and costs they are being asked to bear. When they don’t play ball, they have to be sanctioned, right? Sanctions are the Tao of Empire that precede subjugation, right? Sanctions take many forms. Lesser players down the food chain recognize they can ply political and economic pressures to serve short sighted seemingly unrelated agendas and get help In doing things, under the rubric of the unofficial sanctioning process. Seemingly unconnected anomalous events, perhaps like this one, appear sometimes as fallout. Time will tell how serious TPTB are about global petroshoe and petroapparel market domination, and whether it is significant to, insignificant to pursuit of grand strategy. Too soon to say much right now IMHO. But I’ll ask you this. Do you think the times favor a German shoe company IN American sports against two American shoecos with Nike’s and Under Armour’s varying origins of political and financial backing, when the USA is apparently frustrated about GERMANY feasting on Russian gas and refusing nukes, er, ABMs, to ring and villify Russia for take down? I half wonder if we won’t soon be seeing a Polish tennis shoe company created!!!
Et al,
In strategy, you encircle before attacking the real target.
The more I read about this, the weirder it is.
Shoe Co.'s shovel hundreds of millions to universities, and that’s cool.
Adidas sliding $20K to some assistant coaches at Nike/UA schools to basically recruit nike players for adidas sponsorship post-college is, like… Whoah. Call the FBI someone!
When a problem is not solvable at one locus, enlarge the locus?
jayballer54 said:
Well went to the Kentucky boards, of Course Kentucky people saying Coach Self is probably sweating like the Niagra Falls under his toupee - -typical on top of the fact they think Louisville may get the death penalty or at least some but you know how they are.
Louisville Board saying big news announcement tomorrow morning and that Rick P is going to be fired. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
They might want to be more concerned with the fact that the FBI just seized the computer of one of Cal’s boys, Andy Miller.
DanR said:
The more I read about this, the weirder it is.
Shoe Co.'s shovel hundreds of millions to universities, and that’s cool.
Adidas sliding $20K to some assistant coaches at Nike/UA schools to basically recruit nike players for adidas sponsorship post-college is, like… Whoah. Call the FBI someone!
“A fin. advisor was cooperating with gov’t. SEC had brought securities fraud against him last year for misusing the athletes money.” - DOJ
This all started because they got something on one guy, and he very quickly started helping them uncover more.
@jaybate-1-0 Interesting question … the answer of course is the one you expect. “America first.”
Read off the LJW a few moments ago. KU was not referenced by the US Attorney Joon H Kim in New York City.
Gatto had touted the deal Adidas reached with KU on his social media pages recently, Marchiony though said Gatto" had nothing to do " with the recent negotiations between Ku and Adidas.
As of 3:00 pm KU had had no contact from the Federal government about the probe and added KU had been pro active to find out more information about the situation.
Kim said the investigation was on going and many basketball analysts across the country described that Tuesday was merely the tip of the ice berg. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Anyone ever catch the 30 for 30 film playing for the mob? I feel like we are right in the middle of that and wonder how far it goes. Here’s your rat:
In U.S. Department of Justice documents obtained by ESPN, Louis Martin “Marty” Blazer III is the witness who cooperated with the FBI in its investigation of the coaches and other defendants.
Blazer, a former Pittsburgh financial adviser who was accused of swindling $2.35 million from five clients by the Securities and Exchange Commission and founded Blazer Capital Management, was accused of investing money into movies and entertainment ventures without his clients’ knowledge between 2010 and 2012. As part of his plea agreement with the U.S. Attorney’s office, Blazer agreed to plead guilty to securities fraud, aggravated identity theft, false statements and documents, and two counts of wire fraud, according to the Sept. 19 cooperation agreement.
I think we are entering a new era of political and social activism, strong watchdogs and legal oversight. Everyone wants to drain swamps these days. I wonder if NCAA basketball was Obama’s targeted swamp, and this investigation a parting gift to the integrity of the game he loves. Unfortunately, Nike’s admirals are yesterday’s pirates.
Good news is we have an open scholarship for lets say a big. Maybe Malik Williams?
Guys I’m telling ya look out. - -this thing is really going to steam roll. Like others are saying these guys are going to flip on one another, you could see multiple , multiple schools in a world of shi - - - before this is said and done.
I don’t think any school is safe hell we can’t say for sure , that we are even safe in this mess from what I’m reading. True we haven’t been mentioned - -YET , it could get like many others have said really ugly and really ugly fast before this is all over.
One of the big things is I guess is that Louisville recruit Brian Bowen and/or family took 100 k says one of the last top players to take a bribe. - -FBI states that a top recruit made a surprise commitment to a school 6 - -a lot of their fans are expecting the death penalty. - Talk is that David Padgett will become the interim coach. Lot more gonna happen from this. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
Crazy stuff, just crazy. Recommend reading this entire article.
@BShark One of Yahoo’s reporters is saying South Carolina is involved as well in this. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/fbi-brings-armageddon-college-basketball-just-tip-iceberg-184524346.html
Based on everything out there so far, this is clearly not limited to Adidas, but includes Nike and Under Armour as well.
This also might finally be what allows schools to break away from the NCAA and create a new governing body for college athletics.
Texas Hawk 10 said:
@BShark One of Yahoo’s reporters is saying South Carolina is involved as well in this. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/fbi-brings-armageddon-college-basketball-just-tip-iceberg-184524346.html
Yeah from the guy that is now at Okie State I believe. So much to go through.
@Texas-Hawk-10 highly doubtful this changes the govern body. From what I read this would be illegal regardless of what the NCAA says. It will be interesting to see if the UNC, Duke, UK and KUs of the world have hidden their stuff enough. From my sources the NCAA pretty gives a pass to the big name schools as long as they stay in check.
@jayballer54 always liked Padgett. Good for him!
This all started because they got something on one guy, and he very quickly started helping them uncover more.
Sometimes I wonder if the FBI might have known of this sort of thing for some time and were PERHAPS encouraged to pursue a potential set of prospective state’s witnesses at this time in order to move them up an investigative food chain yielding some prospective benefit to one political interest, or another.
Ah, Pittsburg! Home base of the Mellons and the Dapper Dan and Sonny Vacarro!
Have any Jayhawk OADers signed pro commercial contracts with Adidas after leaving KU?
You ask: is this the end of college basketball? That prompted the following: What if amateur college basketball died quite some time ago and what we have been watching for some time has been entertainment-value driven
@REHawk after 2015, diallo.
McLemore, Wiggins and Embiid come to mind.
There were three schemes outlined and the third one was described as a goal to have the athlete agree to sign a contract with Adidas after turning pro. That immediately reminded me of Wiggins who was seen uncharacteristically wearing Adidas shoes the morning of his announcement to come to KU.
@bskeet Don’t recruits get things like shoes on visits?
NCAA must be having parties galore. For years they have been hampered by not having subpoena power. Riding on FBI’s back must be quite exciting. Like 2001’s Star Baby, they are watching all the bombs explode and thinking, “Where to begin?”
Some players either confirmed or speculated to be involved in this whole thing.
Brian “Tugs” Bowen- recieved 100k from Adidas to land at Louisville. Louisville coaches involved. Jordan Fair the assistant in question is also responsible for UL’s top recruit in 2018 to date Anfernee Simons. hmmm
Nasir Little - Top 25 2018 recruit. Had KU on his list, long rumored to be going to Arizona… His AAU coach was arrested. Might have been paid 150k to land at Miami which didn’t happen? The last part of that involving Miami’s involvement. Little, after hearing of the report reportedly re-opened his recruitment (having not been officially committed anywhere to begin with) then deleted the post. Little was supposed to visit Miami this weekend. Can’t imagine he’ll be playing College Ball.
DeAndre Ayton. Rumored ASM which was also listed in this whole ordeal funneled 500k to the Ayton family to land at Zona. That would explain the last second ditching of KU…The big CHECK cleared. We’ll see how this progresses.
Two other Arizona players are listed but haven’t seen which one’s yet. Rawle Alkins and Trier would be 2 guesses but we’ll see. Maybe Kobe Simmons as well. I’m pretty sure the assistant fired “book” Richardson was directly involved in their recruitments.
Balsa Koprivica- Top 10 2019 recruit KU has been after.
Jahvon Quinerly- Top 30 2018 recruit signed to Arizona… allegedly paid at least 15k? Was supposed to visit KU before canceling and committing to Miller.
DeAthony Melton & Charles O’Bannon of USC. Melton a Soph and O’Bannon the son of Charles O’Bannon. KU was after O’Bannon for a bit.
Hearing the South Carolina players in question could be PJ Dozier & Thornwell, 2 kids largely responsible for their Final 4 run.
As for Auburn, well we already know Pearl was tainted but his assistant is probably tied to them getting any recruit that was highly rated. Wouldn’t be surprised to see Heron, Purifoy, Wiley, and incoming freshman Mitchell, Okeke involved in some way… No way that many Top 100 kids land at Auburn “freely”.
@BeddieKU23 KU backed off Simmons and O’Bannon… Gives me a slight pulse of hope.
Several that worry me though, and it’s going to be awhile before all the dust settles.