2017 MLB Season - Part 2
That stunk!
Not a good way to start 2nd half, at home, Friday nite and fireworks nite.
With Indians, Twins and Yanks losing it was a good opportunity to gain some ground but hope Royals win the next two and take the series. To compete for a playoff spot we desperately need one more starting pitcher.
At the game last night–I didn’t realize it was buck night until I paid 8.25 for a jumbo dog and a dollar for my wife’s junior dog last night. I 'm pretty sure they didn’t advertise buck night on the scoreboard until the 6th inning. Full house, really nice night and lots of families out there. Good game for a while.
Everyone wore blue!
@Crimsonorblue22 & @brooksmd Hope you just watched the Royals rally for 5 in the 6th. Three dingers & a Whit RBI . Can’t count this team out too early. Twins winning & Jays-Tribe tied in the 10th.
@globaljaybird we r watching
Hip hip hooray
@globaljaybird We can chat here if the old fart is gonna stay up long enough. Let’s see, 2 more ab’s for ChiSox and three 16 oz BudLites left, I’m good.
Been waiting on him
BONI KABOOM!!! About time he busted one.
@globaljaybird Been watching a bunch of fun baseball lately.
Oh hell, it’s SORRY- A … nice
play by Whit. Real nice.
@globaljaybird That wasn’t an easy throw to make and he put it right on target.
And that phys is why u stop running on those plays!
Whit be da man. Love that kid. Even when he boots a ball cause you can count on him to makeup for his mistake.
Holy cow!!!
@brooksmd MOOSE CALL AGAIN !!!
@brooksmd Since the site updates/changes, I am not seeing live posts on the iPhone without refreshing the page.
@globaljaybird I miss the lurkers! Think moss played fb? Looks like a lb.
@globaljaybird Its always been hit or miss with me. I’ve done game threads where I’ve made a dozen threads and no responses. Then I do a refresh and there’d be posts right after my first one. Tonite it’s working fine.
@Crimsonorblue22 He looks like somebody I wouldn’t want go head to head with.
@brooksmd I always admired the little hs kids guarding against a sweep only to get pancaked by my 6-3 280 son leading the sweep.
Wonder how hard it was for alburquerque to learn to spell his name wrong in kindergarten ?
Al I think
@Crimsonorblue22 lol
Kinda like tallerhassie
Al there too
@Crimsonorblue22 Just call him “Q”
@brooksmd good idea. What’s his first name?
So who gets the Salvy bath? I say Alexander for getting out of that jam.
Moose, whit, moss
That’s according to his MLB players card. Damn MLB cut before ice bath. Who got it?
@brooksmd I just looked it up!!
Was gonna make u guess. Figures! Not even Allen
@brooksmd I like this kid 21 pitches w/ 18 strikes. Chalk it up .
@Crimsonorblue22 Actually his real whole name is Alberto Jose
Haven’t showed it. Can we get their pitcher pelfry for rest of season
Think the weather stopped the splash
Moose got chevy player of the game
@globaljaybird Any word on whether they are shopping for a starter?
Should be home from church for start of tmrws game. We’ll do a game thread. @Crimsonorblue22 how was the concert?
Right up there w/border war win. I had so much fun! Son had fun too. So glad I went. I love the Beatles and Paul is my favorite. That pic is from the song live and let die. Amazing show.
Intrust is pretty nice. First time I’ve been there.
@Crimsonorblue22 Oh, you crazy teeny boppers and your love for Paul!
Glad you had fun. Really, you should go to LV and see LOVE, the Cirque de Soleil show. Lots of fun and fascinatingly staged!
@brooksmd I saw an interview of Jeff F, MLB reporter for Royals, and he said that Moore is looking at a starter and also some help for bullpen. It wont be a blockbuster type of deal but something that can give help to starting rotation