Giants vs ROYALS Game 1
@globaljaybird That’s why we ask ? and Ned just does it.
Wood scares me
@Crimsonorblue22 you gonna pipe up or just lurk? By the way have you tried using your iPad in vertical to post? It works for me.
When Pence played for the Cubs he couldn’t catch or hit. I dislike him even more now.
@brooksmd Seems like we can NEVER get him out.
@globaljaybird Hitting almost .350 were not the only team with that problem.
@brooksmd Whit can score all our runs tonight as long as it’s a win - yeah !!
@brooksmd I don’t know what that means
Can u see lurkers? I cant
@Crimsonorblue22 What means?
@brooksmd going vertical
@Crimsonorblue22 I can’t see who’s on line anymore either…oh well.
@Crimsonorblue22 Turn it so its in portrait instead of landscape.
@Crimsonorblue22 Time for your guy to park one.
@brooksmd I’d settle for a passed ball or wild pitch here. Just get the lead any way we can.
@brooksmd he cut that hair off
Hoz is due
Almost the PB
Our hitting SUCKS!!!
@brooksmd I don’t think Hoz is even hitting the Mendoza line.
Are we scheduled to see Cueto this series?
@brooksmd No-it’s Bumgardner tomorrow night, rather see Johnny C.
Guess we have to hope Tabasco gets another win tonite.
@brooksmd hoz sucks
@Crimsonorblue22 He has in 2017.
Go time!
@Crimsonorblue22 A big fly & this one’s history.
Hmm, only a 2 game series with the Bum tmrw nite. Would’ve been fun to go against Cueto.
Be nice if we could tell which post was liked! U guys tell? It used to b hilighted, right?
Why isn’t Paulo running for Moss now?
Guess that’s why.
@Crimsonorblue22 Yep. Can’t tell mucha squat now…
@Crimsonorblue22 so did you turn your iPad?
@brooksmd I thought he might hit Paulo for Mondesi & move Whit to 2nd & Paulo to RF but what do I know?
@brooksmd no! If I click on Naismith it brings up the box
@Crimsonorblue22 huh?
@brooksmd serious
How about some offensive support guys? Pitching staff has kept you in the game now show some appreciation.
Should have gone, think?
Hoz due!
Surprised he didn’t swing!
Ball 3
What was that chant? Is it new?
@Crimsonorblue22 Just walked the boy & we’re on the verge of the W. Hoz is waaaaaaaaay OVERdue.
OUT should be the call
Not that close
@brooksmd don’t know chant
@Crimsonorblue22 Me either
It was during that break in the Royals half of the inning. I’d go back but MLBTV doesn’t like you doing things.