Big 12 Tournament of tears
@JayHawkFanToo why do u need to say it? U blind?
Yep. Didn’t miss Josh to start but where it really hurts is the bench rotation.
Coach Self in an interview, "Says Mason and JJ are just peeing down their leg at the thought of playing WSU.
I’ve never understood this WSU animus - other than I get Marshall can be irritating (but he’s a damn good coach). Would WSU have anything close to the record they do if they played in almost any other conference? Almost certainly not, especially as they didn’t beat any of the better teams they played earlier in the year. Having said that, I’ve watched them a couple of times and think they are a really solid team and will be a tough out. I would really not want to play them as a 8-9 seed as many have projected them - they’re better than that. But, I would love to play them in the Final Four!!!
I think the conference title means a lot to the players. They need to show that they at least care this 2nd half.
@BShark If we recruit a decent replacent HCBS will sky right over him essentially showing him the same door Greene used with his bong…
The same door Tharpe was shown as well.
If KU all of a sudden signs 2 more post players (JUCO or HS) I think someone is getting shown that door.
@Crimsonorblue22 Were those shots they hit in the last 3 minutes wide open or guarded? Bad shots on our part? Turnover? (You can see I’m struggling with not being able to watch)
I said before the season that Bragg had potential but was unproven. No change from that.
KU cold as Ice.
3 on him
@RockChalkinTexas They will, but a week off would be good
a or thing.too.
HCBS on point as usual in that interview.
Sneaky smart fran
@Crimsonorblue22 Frank may have to carry us this half…as he often has!
NO Fran it isn’t sneaky. It a designed play. Ever hear of coaching?
Awesome free points
This team plays defense so bad I can’t see them getting far.
Maybe the tee will work like it did for tcu
@kjayhawks We certainly do allow our opponents to routinely pad their offensive stats against us…
Fran u freaking blind
Good lord he was smaccked in the head fran
Well, I guess I’ll go back to work. If they aren’t going to even try - screw it. Glad I didn’t pay big money to go.
These are freaking wide open shots they are hitting…
You do know KU isn’t going to lose another game this year? right?
Well, we’ve seen this plot before
Thanks Josh jackson
Like today? lol
What an embarrassing performance
Don’t worry KU is going to win.
Come on guys…have a little faith…
@BShark u giving up?
Sickening no heart no energy.
Drive on Fisher, he has 3 fouls…
Opponent gets hot, makes some threes, fans freak out with 15 minutes left and we still win
So if a guy shoots an air ball, when are you allowed to touch it?
Referring to Svi’s “goaltend”, which Self took exception to.
@DanR Happened many times…
JJ looks like a tiger in a cage.
@JayHawkFanToo said:
Come on guys…have a little faith…
I don’t know about faith, but they’ve demonstrated they are perfectly capable of coming back. The issue is the constant digging of deep holes. TCU is a decent team, but that’s it. Average 74 points a game. They’re going to blow by that at this point. Shooting 56%. There really isn’t much excuse for the less than lackluster effort (or at least results) on the defensive end…
@DoubleDD JJ is the one that should be embarrassed - Big time .