Let's Get Ready To Roundballllllllllll.....
Ref was giving JJ a long look there - thinking about T’ing him up…
No replay?
BS call, but I am biased!
2 stupid possessions turns 6 point lead into 3 or less.
And what a crap call, unless he was in the arc.
I hate it when our guard shoots a 3 and no one is inside the arc to even attempt a rb. Where in the hell is a least one big?
Welcome back Carlton Bragg!
@KansasComet say it again man! Awesome!
Some bad decision-making by Frank the first half - including that last shot. We had 11 seconds - could have run a play…
That was a bs foul that is why they did not show a replay that would prove Fran wrong.
Bill! Got to love that hair gel!
You know Bill, you can say Carlton was good, it’s ok man.
Good bounce back
HCBS better rip them a new one and get them focused for the second half.
Welcome back Carlton Bragg! I never doubted you! Okay, now I’m lying!
KCStar will say HCBS was hiding something dark and evil in that interview.
@DCHawker Only 2 ksu team fouls so not like we were shootin FT’s… that’s a travesty-3 fouls ??
We need someone else to own the game now and then (besides Frank).
It’s good for us to have Frank off now and then. Make the other guys earn it for a change.
@JayHawkFanToo I watched the replay. JJ was out of the arc, set, no doubt.
@drgnslayr hope frank settles down
Stoke and Wade 5/7 from 3. Someone want to guard them?
Like Svi and Vick cutting to basket
Why is Alfa Romeo hitting the sponsorship role so hard? Is their $37k sedan new?
@drgnslayr Devonte is broken today. Franks 3s off. Svi not hitting his.
Would be nice to see some high low re emerge this season if Bragg can be consistent when the 3s arent falling.
Frank is the only guy I don’t worry about. He’s a man playing with boys.
We probably won’t come out overconfident 2nd half.
Ouch, Mason is 3/11 in FGs. 2/5 from 3
This IS our Achilles heel. Perimeter defense.
@stoptheflop forcing
@Crimsonorblue22 He needs to quit trying to drive into the trees. He needs to hit the ones from outside. Problem is LL can’t do anything in there either. Got to get DJ in foul trouble. Put Coleby in there and maybe DJ won’t be able to push him around as easily as he does LL.
Sooo, is it me or did the officials miss what looked like 2 pretty obvious charges on K-state? - -seemed pretty clear. - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@stoptheflop he shot lights out last game, then game before was 3/11 whole game i think and 12/12 from the line.
@jayballer54 Iwundu and DJ?
@approxinfinity they are working on it in practice and then Self is gonna lower the boom on the rest of the ncaa b-ball world when they least expect it. Bout end of March thru early April
@approxinfinity josh stopped falling down, they weren’t buying it
@stoptheflop I wish he would not force the issue
@approxinfinity ya I think so. – i’m not sure who it was but sure looked pretty obvious, Josh I thought for sure was outside the circle and dead set. - -Bragg seems to have brought a little spark. - - -ROCK CHALK ALL DAY LONG BABY
@Crimsonorblue22 He laughed on the last one, pointing at his own chest. I never know if he is laughing like “Effin’ Refs!” or like “I tried!”
@mayjay That’s the biggest piece of
newspaper in the entire Midwest-maybe the whole damn country… It was actually owned by Confederates (Edwards family) in the Civil War…lotsa dark history for that paper. Also was called the Kansas City Times a century ago… still a piece of
Did Seth Greenberg just say Monte morris is gonna put you in a full Monte? Does he mean Full Nelson? LOL
@approxinfinity Nah-he meant full monty LOL
@globaljaybird I deleted my ku hoops app
@globaljaybird Didn’t know that history. I enjoyed having the Times in the morning and Star in evening way, way back when. Anyone remeber when they still had Bill Vaughn and carried Mike Royko?
Brown not sure if Embiid will return by Wednesday: Joel Embiid will miss his sixth consecutive game and his ninth out of the last 10 Monday night when the 76ers play the Detroit Pistons. And Sixers coach Brett Brown will say only that the center is expected to return from a left knee bone bruise in the “not-too-distant future.” Brown was asked Sunday if Embiid would be available for Wednesday’s game against the San Antonio Spurs at the Wells Fargo Center.
@Crimsonorblue22 I was thinking of doing the same. Don’t want the spam I have been getting.
The refs missed Johnson’s second foul on Lucas.
Is this the least FT called in one half for an opponent? 3 fouls seems hard to believe when they can call that many every time DJ backs to the basket.
At least we’re holding future hall of famer DWade to 10 points so far.
JJ the only one with 2 fouls. Amazing.
@JayHawkFanToo dj’