Vick and Josh
@Crimsonorblue22 man i hope not. well actually i hope so if it’s for the right reason namely that we are giving ISU the business.
Having been around the block a few times. In situations like this, means we have a witch hunt. When you have a witch hunt, all you need to do is follow the money trail. There you’ll find the answers to the questions we all have.
My guess is ??? KU is really turning around the football program, and with a national brand in basketball. KU becomes a must have for those conferences looking to expand. If this were the case ??? Then Kstate is in big trouble and the powers to be know it. I have no hard evidence so take what I say with a lot of salt. Yet I get this feeling those in power positions want KU and Kstate joined at the hip no matter how far it might drag down KU.
@drgnslayr Whitlock hated KU with a passion.
@Crimsonorblue22 I guess I’m just too lazy, sorry.
Witch hunt, bullshit, and all around crazy. Don’t be fooled. It’s obvious what’s happening. First Bragg, then Vick, and NOW JJ? PLEASE and give me a break.
Let’s not feed the monster anymore than has been fed. Let’s let this die a slow death. We all know one of the top recruits in the nation, would NOT throw his NBA career or draft status away on something so scummy as this. He is too far removed from this and IF, IF, IF, he did have anything remotely to do with this, he was simply standing by and maybe trying to keep his teammate from this very trashy tabloid mess. My guess it’s trumped and the scum that cooked this mess is not only dealing Vick, but they’ve raised the stakes and are now dealing Jackson into the whole mess. Their agenda is obvious. Let’s let Self and Co take care of this trash. It will be taken out and disposed of properly.
@wissox said:
I don’t live anywhere near KC. Fill me on the Star. I really am not aware of the Star and their biases/leanings.
Let’s just say there’s a reason some call it the “Red Star” around these parts.
BIFM is next! Don’t worry the Star’s got stories for days
“Let’s not feed the monster anymore than has been fed.”
Probably a wise idea.
But we are ready for Plan B, if necessary. “Plan B”… the “B” stands for Bad Boys. We already know how to play Bad Ball. We could become the WVU on steroids. We won’t call it a “full court press”… ours will be “full court smash!”
Look at the bright side… We don’t have to worry about giving up points in the post. Any opponent DARE come in the post with the ball gets undercut, punched, or has a bong shoved up their backside!
BTW: We can recruit Eric Laimbeer… Bill Laimbeer’s son. He has the perfect record to help build our new reputation.
(Friday comic relief)
@mayjay … yikes, I don’t like that timeline at all.
The timeline for the McCarthy incident would appear to indicate that there us no way KU players could have been there by 10:00 PM as I posted in detail when the story broke. The Davidson game was scheduled to start at 6:05 PM and I seem to recall it being about average duration, or app. 2 hours. By the time they showered and did the after game interviews and got ready to leave it would have been not any earlier than 9:00 PM and perhaps as late as 9:30 PM.
A quick search for direction indicates a travel time of app. 50 minutes between the Sprint Center and AFH which is next to McCarthy. Anyone living the the KC area knows that at 8:00 PM a the Power and Light District, where the print Center is located, is a nut house, particularly after a KU game and it would have taken at least 15 minutes just to dive out of the area. Also, For a 6:00 PM game, the team probably had a late lunch and ate dinner after the game which would add at least another 2 hours. So, best case, the team does not get back to their dorm until 10:30 PM and close to midnight if the stopped for dinner, The call came in at 10:00 PM which would indicate the incident took place before that and while the players where heading back to but not at the dorm. Most likely scenario is that as they were walking to the building in groups from the bus, they saw somebody leave the building. Any thing beyond that is just [pushing the limits of reality. There is no reason for a responsible journalist to continue to bring this incident in any reporting about the KU program, any more that the false arrest of Bragg, other that to imply guilt by association even they write a disingenuous disclaimer. The fact that they even mention these events is wrong…in my opinion.
If the same chick is involved in all these incidents that would be a major consideration. I have dated my share of crazy women but, if this is the same woman in all the incidents, this one takes the cake since single handedly would have created a virtual crime wave in Lawrence.
There is no question that the KC Start does not like KU, ever since Joe Posnanski left the paper in 2009 the paper has not had a single sports writer of his stature or substance.
KU vs SEC in Basketball this season: 2-0
MU vs SEC in Basketball this season: 0-9
It probably is a sore point for the Star that MU, the flagship state institutio0n, is basically circling the drain, not only the sports program,s are in full disarray but the reputation of the school has taken a brutal hit in the last few years, including 3,000 student deciding to enroll elsewhere creating a $30M deficit and causing dorms to be closed, in a time where comparable schoo,l such as KU, have their dorms above capacity and P\programs such as the KU Medical Center getting national recognition while the MU Medical School falls behind, so they take their frustration on KU.
“There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as ‘moral indignation,’ which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue.” ― Erich Fromm, Man for Himself: An Inquiry into the Psychology of Ethics
@drgnslayr Now that’s funny. Chip off the old block?
@JayHawkFanToo I actually saw the team bus pull off the turnpike after 10:30 that night. Not sure of the exact time, but it was after 10:30.
I played with a guy that looked EXACTLY like Bill. He was huge, strong, and he played equally dirty. I usually felt relieved that we were on the same team… except during scrimmages.
It really empowers a team to have an “enforcer.”
I REALLY enjoyed your last post!
@JayHawkFanToo Several of Erich Fromm’s other books are very instructive in our current times. Especially Escape From Freedom, The Sane Society, and The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness. Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you. Finally we have some real information. with your first hand information, now we know the team did not get to the dorm until close to 11:00 PM or well after the incident was reported. Why reporters did not bother do do this simple check is beyond me…probably creating alternate facts.
Thanks. We all need from time to time to sit back and look at the entire picture rather than look at it through the narrow opening of our own biases.
@JayHawkFanToo said:
“There is perhaps no phenomenon which contains so much destructive feeling as ‘moral indignation,’ which permits envy or hate to be acted out under the guise of virtue.”
How true. great post.
@JayHawkFanToo said:
There is no question that the KC Start does not like KU, ever since Joe Posnanski left the paper in 2009 the paper has not had a single sports writer of his stature or substance.
Since I don’t live in the area I don’t know much about the Star. But doesn’t Jesse Newell working there give some semblance of a pro ku influence there?
@wissox Maybe some but he’s not the editor that would have rank in a yay or nay call on a copy. The Star
️ has been in the trash for decades with high costs, poor quality & dwindling readership. The entire KC metro
is also very small compared to other cities. Maybe 2 million combined for both states & all burbs. Now enter the computer news age & print newspapers are facing extinction. Crap
like they’re printing now is just expediting the phenomenon It’s kinda sad to some "more experienced " of us who cut our teeth on reading
papers growing up, but WTH that’s how it goes, first your money
then your clothes…
@globaljaybird I’ve never understood why newspapers put their content on line for free. Cheapskates like me will take full advantage of that.
@JayHawkFanToo That is a brilliant and telling quote from Erich Fromm. It explains much of what we see.
Why don’t reporters bother to report all the facts? It’s because they have their own little biases and motivations. It’s just like the newspaper as whole. Look at the front page each day. It’s a constant barrage of the newspaper’s agenda – see today’s front page as another example.
In the sports page, the agenda now is to keep the KU story line going forward.
Personally, I’m disappointed in Jesse Newell. His name was attached to some of these stories.
Now, the Star’s editorial board is at it LINK.
As I said a fews days ago, the knives come out in these situations.
We have to remember how some reporters get their job satisfaction. Some seek to destroy lives. One, like Laura Bauer a the Star, falls in to the category of pushing to harm lives of those she “reports” on. I mentioned the Tyreek Hill garbage.
We should be mindful of that here. With the KC Star editorial, they are coming after Bill Self. The knives are out.
And for pathetic reporters and editorial boards, what greater satisfaction could they get than to tear down a great man like Bill Self?
@wissox The McClatchy papers-Star, Wichita Eagle, etc., limit free content to an IP address to a specific count monthly then want you to ante up after that. For many years all I have looked at are the obituaries & sometimes still do. but it costs a small fortune to get one of any size printed anymore there re fewer & fewer included every day. When we put Dad’s in there about 1 1/2 years ago it cost $200 for one very small 4 sentence paragraph to run one day.
@HighEliteMajor I saw that late last night but thought it was too crappy to put the link out here - That’s what they want, people to read it. They very well may be shooting their KUHoops page dead in the water. Far as I’m concerned it is, Newell, Bedore, whoever… They sure as hell don’t have anything like that dedicated to mu hoops LOL !!
@globaljaybird tcj is certainly impressing me!
@Crimsonorblue22 They’re an old school paper & the McClatcheys are bungfodder. You makin the trip today ?
@globaljaybird here!
@Crimsonorblue22 Enjoy but drive safe. Is that abt 200 mi roundtrip or more?
@globaljaybird about a 2 hr 40 min dr. Going home afterwards
@Crimsonorblue22 Livin the dream… good for you! Rio good while you’re gone?
@Crimsonorblue22 long haul like from here at the Rock back to KC… abt 190 mi ea way
@globaljaybird he’s w/me! One puzzle piece missing
@Crimsonorblue22 and that would be?
@Crimsonorblue22 Rascal & I just had a walk about & is chilly at 32 deg. 60 tomorrow then 70 Mon & Tues. Not much winter
️ here at all. Yeaaah! Don’t miss it a bit.
I fully agree with your assessment. True journalists are now the exception when once they were the rule, this why most people now take the news with a grain of salt knowing that sensationalism and sound bites have taken the place of actual reporting. Our last election cycle and ensuing coverage showed and continues to show how low journalism has sunk…at least it did to me.
Corporate agendas rule the content of the news cycle and individual reports either toe the line or find themselves out of a job. Of all people, Jay Bilas had a very good summary of the KU issues during Game Day separating fact from fiction and making sure to point out that the individual issues are not related. The KC Star reporters should watch the video and learn how it should be done.
Now, the Star’s editorial board is at it LINK.
I just read the link you posted and that editorial goes beyond any limit and probably into the realm of libel. The information they present is factually incorrect and they blatantly lied.
For example, this is what the editorial said:
"t’s hard to believe that Self really had not “been made aware of anything.” But if that’s the case, maybe he should check in with Jim Marchiony, the KU spokesman who as The Star reported on Thursday, said school officials did know that Vick and star freshman Josh Jackson were involved in the investigation into the December report of vandalism, which occurred outside a Lawrence bar."
But this is NOT what Marchiony actually said as reported by the KC Star itself:
The Star emailed questions regarding the vandalism investigation to Jim Marchiony, KU’s associate athletic director for public affairs.
"We are aware of the incident," Marchiony replied. "And we are aware of the investigation."
Marchiony referred a question about whether the university has investigated the reported vandalism, or will, to the school’s public affairs office.
Marchiony never said that he knew that Vick and Jackson were involved, this is just a lie, because the Lawrence Police Department itself has indicated they do not have any person of interest in that investigation. so it would be impossible for Marchiony to name players when the Police Department itself does not have any person of interest.
And this is just an example of the many not only misleading but patently false statements in the editorial. Frankly, it is a sad day for journalism and I would love to see Coach Self to “pull a Trump” during the next press conference and call the KC Star “Fake News.”
Unfortunately it does not work this way, you either toe the corporate line or you are gone. This is true for most business where you do what you are assigned to do regardless of what you think or else you find yourself unemployed…however, most corporations are not in the business of keeping people informed and having the readers’ trust.